The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Nazis hated Christianity too.

"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and co-operation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life"
-- Adolf Hitler; from national proclamation (Feb. 1, 1933)

Not surprising, since Nazis were progressives.

"We have founded a system based on the most sincere foundation there is, namely: Form your life yourself! Work for your existence! Help yourself and God will help you!"
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Wilhelmshaven (Apr. 1, 1939)
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, noted: [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"The Fuhrer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race... Both [Judaism and Christianity] have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end, they will be destroyed."

From me, in the return I sent (lol, you mad?)
Hitler was an occultist who viewed Christianity, Catholicism in particular as a useful propaganda tool for controlling the masses, you ignorant cow.

Taking a stroll into KG's black hole of stupid? Abandon hope all ye that enter. :lol:

There are things you know.... There are things KG does not know.

[ame=]Donald Rumsfeld Unknown unknowns - YouTube[/ame]
Threads like this one never cease to amaze. Explain how anyone is taking away your right to worship?
Because the general public does not want your ideology of worship exposed outright in public domains. Is that the reason?
Has there ever been a church/synagogue or any other place of worship closed down because of it being a religious place of worship?
If so, please show the evidence.
If not, why to you persist in saying that there is some war on your religion.
No one, NO ONE, is telling you not to go to your place of worship or to your home and tell you to stop worshiping your deity. NO ONE!

Progressive Christmas: attacking God, Jesus & the cross:


The progressive war on Christmas - and Christianity in general - continues to rage on. The latest example comes from a small town in Kansas that found itself smack dab in the middle of a battle with progressives who were oh-so offended that a cross was on public property! Hear the oblivious local news report and get Glenn’s reaction on radio today.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values

There is a sign in the town of Buhler, Kansas causing controversy in the news this week. The sign in the small town, described as a town rooted in “small town values”, featured a large cross, representative of much of the towns values. The sign is now being changed following a law suit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).



Glenn was referring to the slogan on the sign that on one version reads: “Our second century of progress,” and on another says, “Tradional Values. Progressive Ideas.”

Glenn pointed out that the town is ironically up in arms over a group wanting to remove the cross from the public sign — they don’t understand why.

Well, because it’s a progress organization and they’re pushing their “progressive ideas”.

“You’re eventually going to lose the cross in your seal if your seal has “progressive ideas” in it,” Glenn quipped. “No doubt about it.”

Glenn continued to point out the irony in the situation noting that the communities solution is to move the sign to private property.

“What is the progressive idea? The elimination of private property,” he said. “If you continue with these progressive ideals and ideas, you will lose your private property. Which means you have no place to have your point of view. None.”

The situation with this town’s sign is a great example of what progressivism does to traditional values, Glenn pointed out. The sign mixed the church with progressivism from the get-go.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values – Glenn Beck
It is a fundamental right of citizens of the US that they are allowed to express themselves in public domains, and share ideas and beliefs freely.

If you don't understand that, you don't deserve to be an American citizen.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, noted: [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"The Fuhrer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race... Both [Judaism and Christianity] have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end, they will be destroyed."[/FONT]

From me, in the return I sent (lol, you mad?)
Hitler was an occultist who viewed Christianity, Catholicism in particular as a useful propaganda tool for controlling the masses, you ignorant cow.

Taking a stroll into KG's black hole of stupid? Abandon hope all ye that enter. :lol:

There are things you know.... There are things KG does not know.

[ame=""]Donald Rumsfeld Unknown unknowns - YouTube[/ame]

Ha,'re one to talk!!!!:finger3:
As always you have said much of nothing. Only bitching.
Explain what is being taken from you as you say, your fundamental right.

It is a fundamental right of citizens of the US that they are allowed to express themselves in public domains, and share ideas and beliefs freely.

If you don't understand that, you don't deserve to be an American citizen.
My fundamental right hasn't been removed...but loons like you keep saying that it should be.

Freedom of speech in PUBLIC is the right of every American citizen. You, on the other hand, do not have a *right* not to hear things you don't want to hear.

Get ear plugs. You have a right to wear them if you like.
It is a fundamental right of citizens of the US that they are allowed to express themselves in public domains, and share ideas and beliefs freely.

If you don't understand that, you don't deserve to be an American citizen.

oh for fuck's sake. Does someone pull your string every 15 mins?
It is a fundamental right of citizens of the US that they are allowed to express themselves in public domains, and share ideas and beliefs freely.

If you don't understand that, you don't deserve to be an American citizen.

I think I heard that in a beauty contest once
A so-called war on Christianity does not mean a war on Christmas. I celebrate a traditional Christmas, but I think Christianity sucks.

BTW, you NaziCon retards seem to be giving crazy Beck a lot of press lately. Does he need some Christmas money or is he promoting a new book?

One word:

My fundamental right hasn't been removed...but loons like you keep saying that it should be.

Freedom of speech in PUBLIC is the right of every American citizen. You, on the other hand, do not have a *right* not to hear things you don't want to hear.

Get ear plugs. You have a right to wear them if you like.

And yet...when courthouse displays are opened to everyone...when a Wiccan asks to lead a prayer at a local government meeting (and prayers were common), she was denied, won the initial lawsuit and lost her appeal and the Supreme Court declined to take up the case.

So why is it that many Christians seem to think that freedom of speech and religion only apply to them?
Give us some examples of what you claim. Where you cannot tell anyone your faith.
Explain your statement.

My fundamental right hasn't been removed...but loons like you keep saying that it should be.

Freedom of speech in PUBLIC is the right of every American citizen. You, on the other hand, do not have a *right* not to hear things you don't want to hear.

Get ear plugs. You have a right to wear them if you like.
Give us some examples of what you claim. Where you cannot tell anyone your faith.
Explain your statement.

My fundamental right hasn't been removed...but loons like you keep saying that it should be.

Freedom of speech in PUBLIC is the right of every American citizen. You, on the other hand, do not have a *right* not to hear things you don't want to hear.

Get ear plugs. You have a right to wear them if you like.

Er..I didn't claim I couldn't tell anyone of my faith, nutbar. I said that loons like you are constantly telling me that I don't have the right to talk about my faith in public.

As you did just a few posts ago.

Get your story straight.
It is a fundamental right of citizens of the US that they are allowed to express themselves in public domains, and share ideas and beliefs freely.

If you don't understand that, you don't deserve to be an American citizen.

No one has stated otherwise, which makes the notion of a ‘progressive war on Christmas/Christianity’ that much more idiotic.

If you and other theists feel somehow ‘threatened’ by Establishment Clause jurisprudence, then that’s solely a consequence of your own ignorance.
Do you even read what you post? You have no idea how contradictory you are with you postings. You are to laugh at in all manners.
Your hatred has blinders covering what little vision you have.
My post said....worship what you will and who you will, no one is taking that away from you. Stop trying to prove to others how intelligent you think you are because you are loosing ground in a very quick manner.

Give us some examples of what you claim. Where you cannot tell anyone your faith.
Explain your statement.

My fundamental right hasn't been removed...but loons like you keep saying that it should be.

Freedom of speech in PUBLIC is the right of every American citizen. You, on the other hand, do not have a *right* not to hear things you don't want to hear.

Get ear plugs. You have a right to wear them if you like.

Er..I didn't claim I couldn't tell anyone of my faith, nutbar. I said that loons like you are constantly telling me that I don't have the right to talk about my faith in public.

As you did just a few posts ago.

Get your story straight.

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