The Prototypical Liberal Response

mark penn isn't running for president. hillary never espoused those views. 2 simple FACTS.

In 2008, Mark Penn served as chief strategist to Hillary Clinton's campaign for president.'re running from this fact....yet you supporters of the career criminal and congenital liar want to claim that every David Duke that endorses Trump is his responsibility.

You're sort of an idiot-savant....without the savant.

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?


aww it all seems so innocent when you put it that way... :rolleyes:

FACT is, the birther movement was driven by bigotry and ignorant fear... Mr TRUMPet's first & favorite dog whistle!


the result was 8 years of rabid undermining the legitimacy of the President of the United States of America.

the USA, your country which you claim to love (sez u) but you obviously loathe, elected the man twice.

it's pretty obvious, the only thing you love is the bleating sound of your own dishonest voice...

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

Could you tell us how the "birther movement" actually undermined the US? Really what exactly were the effects? You are being a bit melodramitic about something that obviously didn't mean a hill of beans to anyone. That is until Hillary starts nose diving, both in the polls and getting into vans. Then the issue raises it head as a distraction.

And when it comes right down to it, it isn't an issue if Obama was born in the US. The issue is how he used the idea that he was born in Kenya to his profit. It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

Sort of like this?

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

Use a little logic. The whole birther issue started during the democrat primary. Who else would start such a rumor, now you have someone saying it was in the Hillary camp. What more could you possibly want? The first law suit was by a PA democrat.

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?


aww it all seems so innocent when you put it that way... :rolleyes:

FACT is, the birther movement was driven by bigotry and ignorant fear... Mr TRUMPet's first & favorite dog whistle!


the result was 8 years of rabid undermining the legitimacy of the President of the United States of America.

the USA, your country which you claim to love (sez u) but you obviously loathe, elected the man twice.

it's pretty obvious, the only thing you love is the bleating sound of your own dishonest voice...

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

Could you tell us how the "birther movement" actually undermined the US? Really what exactly were the effects? You are being a bit melodramitic about something that obviously didn't mean a hill of beans to anyone. That is until Hillary starts nose diving, both in the polls and getting into vans. Then the issue raises it head as a distraction.

And when it comes right down to it, it isn't an issue if Obama was born in the US. The issue is how he used the idea that he was born in Kenya to his profit. It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

Sort of like this?

Exactly, and he used it to gain entry into Columbia and then Harvard. He admitted to being a poor student yet he is accepted into those schools.

But then again, he had little to do with writing the book about himself so he may not have seen the brochure.
It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

speaking of melodrama, where is the quote of Hillary ever espousing that notion?

FACT is, she and others have repeatedly denounced the birther movement for 8 years.

HONEST observers know exactly WHO perpetuated and peddled the notion thus undermining POTUS legitimacy.

that paranoia dog whistle has taken Mr TRUMPet all the way to the general election.
It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

speaking of melodrama, where is the quote of Hillary ever espousing that notion?

FACT is, she and others have repeatedly denounced the birther movement for 8 years.

HONEST observers know exactly WHO perpetuated and peddled the notion thus undermining POTUS legitimacy.

that paranoia dog whistle has taken Mr TRUMPet all the way to the general election.

"...speaking of melodrama, where is the quote of Hillary ever espousing that notion?"

“Hillary Clinton Didn’t Tell The Truth About Her Emails And She Didn’t Tell The Truth About Her Campaign’s Role In Pushing These Rumors In 2008.” – Jason Miller

“With Clinton’s 2008 campaign manager admitting on national television and on Twitter that they promoted the rumors surrounding now-President Obama’s heritage, Mr. Trump has been fully vindicated. Not only was a Clinton campaign worker blamed and fired over the activity, we have now been informed that Secretary Clinton was aware of what was going on, with Clinton’s campaign manager even apologizing to Obama’s campaign manager.

This still does not explain why Hillary Clinton failed to fire her chief strategist Mark Penn on the spot over the memo he sent her advocating she portray Obama as ‘fundamentally’ foreign.

Hillary Clinton didn’t tell the truth about her emails and she didn’t tell the truth about her campaign’s role in pushing these rumors in 2008. This pattern is never going to change, and it’s why nobody trusts Hillary Clinton.”– Jason Miller, (Trump)Senior Communications Advisor "
It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

speaking of melodrama, where is the quote of Hillary ever espousing that notion?

FACT is, she and others have repeatedly denounced the birther movement for 8 years.

HONEST observers know exactly WHO perpetuated and peddled the notion thus undermining POTUS legitimacy.

that paranoia dog whistle has taken Mr TRUMPet all the way to the general election.

"HONEST observers know exactly WHO perpetuated and peddled the notion..."


(Liberal) Politico writes:

4." Where did this idea come from? Who started it? And is there a grain of truth there?
Story Continued Below

The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008. At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama. (See: Bachmann: Birther issue settled)"
Birtherism: Where it all began

a. "Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008."

See how simple it is to reveal you as a liar?

'Oh, yeah??? Sez you!!!!"

Michelle was one of the first "birthers."

Interesting that in this video she blames the AIDS epidemic on homophobia.

It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

speaking of melodrama, where is the quote of Hillary ever espousing that notion?

FACT is, she and others have repeatedly denounced the birther movement for 8 years.

HONEST observers know exactly WHO perpetuated and peddled the notion thus undermining POTUS legitimacy.

that paranoia dog whistle has taken Mr TRUMPet all the way to the general election.

No doubt about it. The Hillary campaign started the BS then kept it in the news for 8 years and are still keeping it in the news. Don't you know a thing about propaganda?
the 'Birther' claim was originated and perpetuated by the official 'Hillary For President' campaign.

None can deny it.

Another summary, the only ones who lapped up the bither nonsense were braindead conservatives like yourself and your idiotic idol who even sent his investigators to Hawaii (or so he says). Blaming Hillary for your own conspiracy theories only makes you look more stupid

If churches can endorse a candidate then as a lifelong christian I am fine with it. I know my pastor is not a trump fan whatsoever. So there will be tensions growing among churches. Awesome. Christian Church vs christian church.
Michelle was one of the first "birthers."

Interesting that in this video she blames the AIDS epidemic on homophobia.


"...his home-country...Kenya..."

Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

What will Liberals say?

They will say exactly what they always do when exposed: nothing.
They'll simply amble off into the sunset.
the 'Birther' claim was originated and perpetuated by the official 'Hillary For President' campaign.

None can deny it.

Another summary, the only ones who lapped up the bither nonsense were braindead conservatives like yourself and your idiotic idol who even sent his investigators to Hawaii (or so he says). Blaming Hillary for your own conspiracy theories only makes you look more stupid


"....the bither nonsense were braindead conservatives like yourself and your idiotic idol...."

You post this right after Freewill finds a Michelle Obama vid admitting it.

Gads, you're a moron.

If churches can endorse a candidate then as a lifelong christian I am fine with it. I know my pastor is not a trump fan whatsoever. So there will be tensions growing among churches. Awesome. Christian Church vs christian church.

"If churches can endorse a candidate then as a lifelong christian I am fine with it."

Of course, you miss the crux of the issue.....but, as a lifelong dunce, that's your usual response.

The REAL question is, have you ever voted for the party that banned free speech....the Democrats.

And....if you that you've seen the light, how do you explain your prior stupidity???
the 'Birther' claim was originated and perpetuated by the official 'Hillary For President' campaign.

None can deny it.

Another summary, the only ones who lapped up the bither nonsense were braindead conservatives like yourself and your idiotic idol who even sent his investigators to Hawaii (or so he says). Blaming Hillary for your own conspiracy theories only makes you look more stupid


"Blaming Hillary for your own conspiracy theories..."

As the thread has proven, documented, that the so-called 'conspiracy theory' was designed, produced, and carried forward by the Democrats of the Hillary For President campaign.....

...perhaps you can begin to see why most folks recognize you as both a liar and a fool.

Go ahead....respond with 'Oh, yeah???? Sez you!!!!"
Last edited:
Michelle was one of the first "birthers."

Interesting that in this video she blames the AIDS epidemic on homophobia.


"...his home-country...Kenya..."

Noun. (plural home countries) the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship.
Home-country dictionary definition | home-country defined

What will Liberals say?

They will say exactly what they always do when exposed: nothing.
They'll simply amble off into the sunset.

I must defend Michelle Obama's huge, unforced gaffe, in claiming that Kenya is Obama's birthplace.

Look....the woman is barely literate. How can we hold her responsible for the statement...after all, it was in English.

Poor Michelle…bashed for everything from her Princeton thesis to her subsequent employment record. And, speaking of her Princeton thesis…Christopher Hitchens wrote, ‘ "To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be 'read' at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language."
… Almost assuredly, the gap between her writing and that of her highly talented colleagues marked her as an affirmative action admission, and the profs finessed her through.
daveinboca: Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

a. Michelle’s thesis was about being black at Princeton. Here is the type of passage that accounts for Hitchen’s disdain: “By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desparation [sic] of their situation and feel more hopeless about their plight.”

b. “Alas, the grammar is wrong; the tenses are garbled. People are ignorant “of” the plight of the lower class, no ignorant “to” their plight. And “desparation” should be spelled “desperation.” As Hitchen’s would surely have pointed out, these are not mere typos; they reflect an estranged relationship with the English language. Moreover, they appear not in an off-the-cuff transcript, but in a thesis that is supposed to reflect the culmination of one’s college career. Remarkably, Michelle graduated with honors at Princeton, and was admitted to Harvard Law School.” D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 204-205

Is this the explanation for the infamous “…for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country…”? Could it be that it is not her country that Michelle is ashamed of…..but herself? How could that be, the best schools opened to her, her immediate employment at the University of Chicago paid, $316,000….yet…something was missing.

a. “What we obtain too cheaply we esteem too lightly.” Thomas Paine
In the next governor election in WISC I will vote for anyone but our current governor. It was stupid of me to support him twice. No more though. So you are correct. Sometimes we wake up. I will vote trump in this election because I am tired of the Clinton's. A d or r next to a candidates name means nothing in this most corrupt political system. Bought and paid for by the one percent and corporations....on both sides of the aisle. I also love trumps new childcare proposal. He sees the light on the issue.
Who 'birthed' the 'Birthers'???



5. "Journalist Says That Clinton Ally Blumenthal Once ‘Spread the Birther Rumor to Me’

James Asher, the Washignton editor for Injustice Watch and former [the Liberal] McClatchy Washington Bureau Chief, has a rebuttal to the claims that no one in Hillary Clinton‘s sphere pushed birtherism.

While it’s true that no one on Clinton’s 2008 campaign pushed birtherism (there were nasty rumors going around about Obama), Asher claims that longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal told him about it and asked him to look into it..."
Journalist Says That Clinton Ally Blumenthal Once ‘Spread the Birther Rumor to Me’

a. "2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story
Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president.

One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal,

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story

c. "Blumenthal is an archetypal Clinton friend and confidant, someone Bill and Hillary first met 30 years ago and an informal aide who has been by the family's side during difficult moments,...Blumenthal, a former journalist, worked in the Clinton White House as senior adviser from 1997 to 2001. He also works for Media Matters, a liberal news watchdog organization that looks to counter conservative claims in the media."
Sidney Blumenthal: Who is he and why was he mentioned? - I win again????

Hillary and her band of brigands are responsible for the 'Birther' thing......, they're bringing it up again.

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