The Prototypical Liberal Response

6. Although, I cannot imagine a worse fate for America than a Hillary Clinton victory in November....
....I must admit that I did post this a few months back, and it seems to support Hillary's campaign's charges:

"According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system", but religion differs from private belief in that it has a public aspect."
List of religions and spiritual traditions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of lists of lists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediareligions_and_spiritual_traditions
Wikipedia all of the religions that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced.

Well...he famously said this about Christians.... "It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. Barack Obama."
Hardly an endorsement.
Not like this fib:
"Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’"
Obama: Islam 'Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding' - Breitbart

Guess what?

None of the Liberals who regularly foam at the mouth whenever 'Obama' and 'Muslim" appear in the same sentence, could name any other religions favored by Obama!!!

Seems to lend credence to Hillary's folks' explanation for Obama's birth....or, as Michelle said, 'home-country.'
Christians aren't prosecuted unless they broke a law. Quit whining.

Ooo....look! An "Oh, yeah! Sez you!!!!" post from one of the dunces!

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

It was aimed at Christians.

I'd love to see you fall all over yourself trying to defend the law.

No need to defend that law. It's a solid reasonable law, and there is no credible effort to change it. It will properly stand without my help.
Christians aren't prosecuted unless they broke a law. Quit whining.

Ooo....look! An "Oh, yeah! Sez you!!!!" post from one of the dunces!

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

It was aimed at Christians.

I'd love to see you fall all over yourself trying to defend the law.


I made doggie run off with his tail between his legs!!!!

Come back, doggie...I won't smack you with the rolled-up newspaper again (just kiddin'....yes I will!!)

Having other things to do besides laughing at your goofy ass isn't the same as being run off.
Christians aren't prosecuted unless they broke a law. Quit whining.

Ooo....look! An "Oh, yeah! Sez you!!!!" post from one of the dunces!

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

It was aimed at Christians.

I'd love to see you fall all over yourself trying to defend the law.

No need to defend that law. It's a solid reasonable law, and there is no credible effort to change it. It will properly stand without my help.

"....the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates..."

" It's a solid reasonable law..."


Have you seen this?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I love when I force you Fascists to out yourselves.'s that brown shirt fitting?

Gads, you Liberals are simpletons.
Christians aren't prosecuted unless they broke a law. Quit whining.

Ooo....look! An "Oh, yeah! Sez you!!!!" post from one of the dunces!

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

It was aimed at Christians.

I'd love to see you fall all over yourself trying to defend the law.


I made doggie run off with his tail between his legs!!!!

Come back, doggie...I won't smack you with the rolled-up newspaper again (just kiddin'....yes I will!!)

Having other things to do besides laughing at your goofy ass isn't the same as being run off.

"Having other things to do...."

You have an obligation to be here to provide comic relief.....certainly they have other greeters at Walmart.

Don't forget it.
Last edited:
So....what is the result of Barack Obama's....proclivities?
Has it anything to do with his promise to defend the Constitution?

You betcha'!!!!

7. When this poll was released...

"Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad
According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%).

More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.

Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the land in this country."
Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad

Did you see Obama's response to this poll???? Did he demand that immigrants respect the Constitution, not sharia law????

Did you see him demand that????

Me neither.

Might also explain why he smoothed the field for ISIS, withdrawing American troops...and why he allowed them to celebrate taking over Mosul with a mile long parade of Toyota gun-trucks...never firing a single missile.


ISIS campaign in Iraq, Syria and Libya, with their truck beds loaded with heavy weapons and cabs jammed with terrorists.”
U.S. asks Toyota: What’s the deal with ISIS’s brand new trucks?

Bush would have left a smoldering highway of death.
8. So....if you asked our "Jacob Wasserstein," our pal from the OP, if he was Jewish, and he denied it...I guess one would have to believe him.

And Obama says he is a Christian....converted to by Reverent Jeremiah Wright....

This Reverent Jeremiah Wright...

a." Obama writes in his book, “Dreams from my Father”, that Wright dabbled in Black Nationalism and Islam in the 1960’s. Black Liberation Theology was inspired by the cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam.

Obama was a Muslim as a child in Indonesia and has embraced his ethnic Muslim family in Kenya. Though he has not been practicing Islam for about 40 years, he can be considered an ethnic or cultural Muslim and is obviously identifies rather intensely with Islamist culture.

Wright studied a black Muslim Brotherhood for seven years in divinity school and has incorporated some of the mysticism into the black liberation doctrine that he preached at Trinity United Church of Christ."
Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

So.....Obama's Christian minister had been a Muslim?

That explains this:

b. “Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam
Obama was steeped in Islam
but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says.
Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian.
“He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,” Klein says.

The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology." Flashback=> Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

So...maybe Hillary's campaign was right...
So...what's the beef in seeing Obama as a sort-of Muslim???

"Oh, yeah???? Sez you!!!"

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?


aww it all seems so innocent when you put it that way... :rolleyes:

FACT is, the birther movement was driven by bigotry and ignorant fear... Mr TRUMPet's first & favorite dog whistle!


the result was 8 years of rabid undermining the legitimacy of the President of the United States of America.

the USA, your country which you claim to love (sez u) but you obviously loathe, elected the man twice.

it's pretty obvious, the only thing you love is the bleating sound of your own dishonest voice...

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

Could you tell us how the "birther movement" actually undermined the US? Really what exactly were the effects? You are being a bit melodramitic about something that obviously didn't mean a hill of beans to anyone. That is until Hillary starts nose diving, both in the polls and getting into vans. Then the issue raises it head as a distraction.

And when it comes right down to it, it isn't an issue if Obama was born in the US. The issue is how he used the idea that he was born in Kenya to his profit. It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

Sort of like this?

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

You can't be serious.
1. OK....go ahead and reveal the truth of an argument to a Liberal...document it....give examples....i.e., prove it to 'em.....and you can expect this:
"Oh, yeah???? Sez you!!!!"

That's pretty much the depth of the Liberal response.

Of course, it may be accompanied by all sorts of vituperation directed at the one providing the truth....but that comes with the territory.

What is astounding is that belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.

2. Let's take an example that has been revived by Bill's wife to pump some air into her deflating campaign...."Birtherism."

Let's say you meet a stranger across a crowded room....turns out his name is Jacob Wasserstein..
He was brought up in Israel, and attended a religious school early on....and his father and step dad were both Jewish. many long and detailed discussions....he never defended, supported, praised, made up ingratiating tales about any other religion.....just Judaism.
And....if any Jewish folk committed iniquities, including murders....he made excuses for 'em.

Looking at these facts....would it be a fair guess he was Jewish?
Really....would it be a 'thought crime' to say, 'sure appears that he's Jewish.'
And....if folks became rabid in denials.....wouldn't that appear that they felt that being Jewish was a pejorataive?

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?

So....why did Bill's wife's campaign try to use it as a smear in the 2008 campaign?

She must be really, really embarrassed about it....and now she's trying to attach it to Trump.

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"
The prototypical conservative response: lying.

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?


aww it all seems so innocent when you put it that way... :rolleyes:

FACT is, the birther movement was driven by bigotry and ignorant fear... Mr TRUMPet's first & favorite dog whistle!


the result was 8 years of rabid undermining the legitimacy of the President of the United States of America.

the USA, your country which you claim to love (sez u) but you obviously loathe, elected the man twice.

it's pretty obvious, the only thing you love is the bleating sound of your own dishonest voice...

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

Could you tell us how the "birther movement" actually undermined the US? Really what exactly were the effects? You are being a bit melodramitic about something that obviously didn't mean a hill of beans to anyone. That is until Hillary starts nose diving, both in the polls and getting into vans. Then the issue raises it head as a distraction.

And when it comes right down to it, it isn't an issue if Obama was born in the US. The issue is how he used the idea that he was born in Kenya to his profit. It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

Sort of like this?

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

You can't be serious.
Tolerating other religions just looks like extremism to RWnuts.

if you don't tolerate each religion equally then you are discriminating against someone else's religion. When do I hear such tolerance and defense for christians who are prosecuted in this country day and night.
1. OK....go ahead and reveal the truth of an argument to a Liberal...document it....give examples....i.e., prove it to 'em.....and you can expect this:
"Oh, yeah???? Sez you!!!!"

That's pretty much the depth of the Liberal response.

Of course, it may be accompanied by all sorts of vituperation directed at the one providing the truth....but that comes with the territory.

What is astounding is that belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.

2. Let's take an example that has been revived by Bill's wife to pump some air into her deflating campaign...."Birtherism."

Let's say you meet a stranger across a crowded room....turns out his name is Jacob Wasserstein..
He was brought up in Israel, and attended a religious school early on....and his father and step dad were both Jewish. many long and detailed discussions....he never defended, supported, praised, made up ingratiating tales about any other religion.....just Judaism.
And....if any Jewish folk committed iniquities, including murders....he made excuses for 'em.

Looking at these facts....would it be a fair guess he was Jewish?
Really....would it be a 'thought crime' to say, 'sure appears that he's Jewish.'
And....if folks became rabid in denials.....wouldn't that appear that they felt that being Jewish was a pejorataive?

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?

So....why did Bill's wife's campaign try to use it as a smear in the 2008 campaign?

She must be really, really embarrassed about it....and now she's trying to attach it to Trump.

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"

I usually love your outrages but I think this time you might have a slight problem blaming the evil librul conspiracy



That is what pathological lying looks like.
8. So....if you asked our "Jacob Wasserstein," our pal from the OP, if he was Jewish, and he denied it...I guess one would have to believe him.

And Obama says he is a Christian....converted to by Reverent Jeremiah Wright....

This Reverent Jeremiah Wright...

a." Obama writes in his book, “Dreams from my Father”, that Wright dabbled in Black Nationalism and Islam in the 1960’s. Black Liberation Theology was inspired by the cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam.

Obama was a Muslim as a child in Indonesia and has embraced his ethnic Muslim family in Kenya. Though he has not been practicing Islam for about 40 years, he can be considered an ethnic or cultural Muslim and is obviously identifies rather intensely with Islamist culture.

Wright studied a black Muslim Brotherhood for seven years in divinity school and has incorporated some of the mysticism into the black liberation doctrine that he preached at Trinity United Church of Christ."
Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

So.....Obama's Christian minister had been a Muslim?

That explains this:

b. “Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam
Obama was steeped in Islam
but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says.
Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian.
“He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,” Klein says.

The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology." Flashback=> Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

So...maybe Hillary's campaign was right...
So...what's the beef in seeing Obama as a sort-of Muslim???

"Oh, yeah???? Sez you!!!"

Why would you have to 'renounce Islam' to be a Christian... America, especially, of all places?
So....what is the result of Barack Obama's....proclivities?
Has it anything to do with his promise to defend the Constitution?

You betcha'!!!!

7. When this poll was released...

"Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad
According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%).

More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.

Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the land in this country."
Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad

Did you see Obama's response to this poll???? Did he demand that immigrants respect the Constitution, not sharia law????

Did you see him demand that????

Me neither.

Might also explain why he smoothed the field for ISIS, withdrawing American troops...and why he allowed them to celebrate taking over Mosul with a mile long parade of Toyota gun-trucks...never firing a single missile.


ISIS campaign in Iraq, Syria and Libya, with their truck beds loaded with heavy weapons and cabs jammed with terrorists.”
U.S. asks Toyota: What’s the deal with ISIS’s brand new trucks?

Bush would have left a smoldering highway of death.

Bush left 4000 Americans dead in Iraq and got absolutely nothing for it.

Obama is cleaning up the mess, and in the fight against ISIS, that is being WON,

the US has 3 combat deaths.

3 and success vs. 4000 and failure.

Only an anti-American freak like PC could prefer the latter.
Christians aren't prosecuted unless they broke a law. Quit whining.

Ooo....look! An "Oh, yeah! Sez you!!!!" post from one of the dunces!

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

It was aimed at Christians.

I'd love to see you fall all over yourself trying to defend the law.

No need to defend that law. It's a solid reasonable law, and there is no credible effort to change it. It will properly stand without my help.

"....the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates..."

" It's a solid reasonable law..."


Have you seen this?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I love when I force you Fascists to out yourselves.'s that brown shirt fitting?

Gads, you Liberals are simpletons.

Funny you mentioning simpletons. Did you ever figure out how Hillary got into both sides of that van?

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?


aww it all seems so innocent when you put it that way... :rolleyes:

FACT is, the birther movement was driven by bigotry and ignorant fear... Mr TRUMPet's first & favorite dog whistle!


the result was 8 years of rabid undermining the legitimacy of the President of the United States of America.

the USA, your country which you claim to love (sez u) but you obviously loathe, elected the man twice.

it's pretty obvious, the only thing you love is the bleating sound of your own dishonest voice...

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

Could you tell us how the "birther movement" actually undermined the US? Really what exactly were the effects? You are being a bit melodramitic about something that obviously didn't mean a hill of beans to anyone. That is until Hillary starts nose diving, both in the polls and getting into vans. Then the issue raises it head as a distraction.

And when it comes right down to it, it isn't an issue if Obama was born in the US. The issue is how he used the idea that he was born in Kenya to his profit. It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

Sort of like this?

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

You can't be serious.

Au contraire.

You can't be honest.

Did the image I posted appear on Obama's book?
Yes, it did.

Was it authorized by Obama through his literary agent?
Yes it was.

Yet it causes a palpable fear in you.
Why is that?
1. OK....go ahead and reveal the truth of an argument to a Liberal...document it....give examples....i.e., prove it to 'em.....and you can expect this:
"Oh, yeah???? Sez you!!!!"

That's pretty much the depth of the Liberal response.

Of course, it may be accompanied by all sorts of vituperation directed at the one providing the truth....but that comes with the territory.

What is astounding is that belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.

2. Let's take an example that has been revived by Bill's wife to pump some air into her deflating campaign...."Birtherism."

Let's say you meet a stranger across a crowded room....turns out his name is Jacob Wasserstein..
He was brought up in Israel, and attended a religious school early on....and his father and step dad were both Jewish. many long and detailed discussions....he never defended, supported, praised, made up ingratiating tales about any other religion.....just Judaism.
And....if any Jewish folk committed iniquities, including murders....he made excuses for 'em.

Looking at these facts....would it be a fair guess he was Jewish?
Really....would it be a 'thought crime' to say, 'sure appears that he's Jewish.'
And....if folks became rabid in denials.....wouldn't that appear that they felt that being Jewish was a pejorataive?

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?

So....why did Bill's wife's campaign try to use it as a smear in the 2008 campaign?

She must be really, really embarrassed about it....and now she's trying to attach it to Trump.

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"
The prototypical conservative response: lying.

Yet you couldn't either find any lie to post, nor could you provide any rebuttal.

Hence, the prototypical Liberal response...."Oh, yeah??? Sez you!!!!"

Christians aren't prosecuted unless they broke a law. Quit whining.

Ooo....look! An "Oh, yeah! Sez you!!!!" post from one of the dunces!

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

It was aimed at Christians.

I'd love to see you fall all over yourself trying to defend the law.

No need to defend that law. It's a solid reasonable law, and there is no credible effort to change it. It will properly stand without my help.

"....the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates..."

" It's a solid reasonable law..."


Have you seen this?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I love when I force you Fascists to out yourselves.'s that brown shirt fitting?

Gads, you Liberals are simpletons.

Funny you mentioning simpletons. Did you ever figure out how Hillary got into both sides of that van?

Why are you running away from this?

"....the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates..."

" It's a solid reasonable law..."


Have you seen this?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I love when I force you Fascists to out yourselves.'s that brown shirt fitting?

Gads, you Liberals are simpletons.
1. OK....go ahead and reveal the truth of an argument to a Liberal...document it....give examples....i.e., prove it to 'em.....and you can expect this:
"Oh, yeah???? Sez you!!!!"

That's pretty much the depth of the Liberal response.

Of course, it may be accompanied by all sorts of vituperation directed at the one providing the truth....but that comes with the territory.

What is astounding is that belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.

2. Let's take an example that has been revived by Bill's wife to pump some air into her deflating campaign...."Birtherism."

Let's say you meet a stranger across a crowded room....turns out his name is Jacob Wasserstein..
He was brought up in Israel, and attended a religious school early on....and his father and step dad were both Jewish. many long and detailed discussions....he never defended, supported, praised, made up ingratiating tales about any other religion.....just Judaism.
And....if any Jewish folk committed iniquities, including murders....he made excuses for 'em.

Looking at these facts....would it be a fair guess he was Jewish?
Really....would it be a 'thought crime' to say, 'sure appears that he's Jewish.'
And....if folks became rabid in denials.....wouldn't that appear that they felt that being Jewish was a pejorataive?

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?

So....why did Bill's wife's campaign try to use it as a smear in the 2008 campaign?

She must be really, really embarrassed about it....and now she's trying to attach it to Trump.

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"

I usually love your outrages but I think this time you might have a slight problem blaming the evil librul conspiracy


I'm curious. What did he find?

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?


aww it all seems so innocent when you put it that way... :rolleyes:

FACT is, the birther movement was driven by bigotry and ignorant fear... Mr TRUMPet's first & favorite dog whistle!


the result was 8 years of rabid undermining the legitimacy of the President of the United States of America.

the USA, your country which you claim to love (sez u) but you obviously loathe, elected the man twice.

it's pretty obvious, the only thing you love is the bleating sound of your own dishonest voice...

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

Could you tell us how the "birther movement" actually undermined the US? Really what exactly were the effects? You are being a bit melodramitic about something that obviously didn't mean a hill of beans to anyone. That is until Hillary starts nose diving, both in the polls and getting into vans. Then the issue raises it head as a distraction.

And when it comes right down to it, it isn't an issue if Obama was born in the US. The issue is how he used the idea that he was born in Kenya to his profit. It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

Sort of like this?

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

You can't be serious.

Au contraire.

You can't be honest.

Did the image I posted appear on Obama's book?
Yes, it did.

Was it authorized by Obama through his literary agent?
Yes it was.

Yet it causes a palpable fear in you.
Why is that?

Quite the risk using French when speaking to Hillary supporters. Apparently English is their second language and they don't have a first. :D
aww it all seems so innocent when you put it that way... :rolleyes:

FACT is, the birther movement was driven by bigotry and ignorant fear... Mr TRUMPet's first & favorite dog whistle!


the result was 8 years of rabid undermining the legitimacy of the President of the United States of America.

the USA, your country which you claim to love (sez u) but you obviously loathe, elected the man twice.

it's pretty obvious, the only thing you love is the bleating sound of your own dishonest voice...

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

Could you tell us how the "birther movement" actually undermined the US? Really what exactly were the effects? You are being a bit melodramitic about something that obviously didn't mean a hill of beans to anyone. That is until Hillary starts nose diving, both in the polls and getting into vans. Then the issue raises it head as a distraction.

And when it comes right down to it, it isn't an issue if Obama was born in the US. The issue is how he used the idea that he was born in Kenya to his profit. It is just a matter of trust and honesty.

Sort of like this?

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

You can't be serious.

Au contraire.

You can't be honest.

Did the image I posted appear on Obama's book?
Yes, it did.

Was it authorized by Obama through his literary agent?
Yes it was.

Yet it causes a palpable fear in you.
Why is that?

Quite the risk using French when speaking to Hillary supporters. Apparently English is their second language and they don't have a first. :D

"Hillary supporters. Apparently English is their second language and they don't have a first."

Well, it does 'speak' (pun intended) of a certain degree of efficacy.
After all....why would one need any language when neither freedom of speech, or of thought, are requirements for the cult.

Our Leftist pals function as do iron filings in a magnetic field rather than sentient human beings.

Orlando Figes writes this:

In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food.

Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour. “I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” Lenin explained.

Pavlov was astounded
. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.
“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin. Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”…
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

BTW....Hillary wrote much the same thing in her college thesis.
Christians aren't prosecuted unless they broke a law. Quit whining.

Ooo....look! An "Oh, yeah! Sez you!!!!" post from one of the dunces!

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

It was aimed at Christians.

I'd love to see you fall all over yourself trying to defend the law.

No need to defend that law. It's a solid reasonable law, and there is no credible effort to change it. It will properly stand without my help.

"....the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates..."

" It's a solid reasonable law..."


Have you seen this?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I love when I force you Fascists to out yourselves.'s that brown shirt fitting?

Gads, you Liberals are simpletons.

Funny you mentioning simpletons. Did you ever figure out how Hillary got into both sides of that van?

Why are you running away from this?

"....the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates..."

" It's a solid reasonable law..."


Have you seen this?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I love when I force you Fascists to out yourselves.'s that brown shirt fitting?

Gads, you Liberals are simpletons.

Glad to see that you agree with taking away all churches tax exemptions. That exemption is clearly there to help establish religion.

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