The Prototypical Liberal Response

1. OK....go ahead and reveal the truth of an argument to a Liberal...document it....give examples....i.e., prove it to 'em.....and you can expect this:
"Oh, yeah???? Sez you!!!!"

That's pretty much the depth of the Liberal response.

Of course, it may be accompanied by all sorts of vituperation directed at the one providing the truth....but that comes with the territory.

What is astounding is that belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.

2. Let's take an example that has been revived by Bill's wife to pump some air into her deflating campaign...."Birtherism."

Let's say you meet a stranger across a crowded room....turns out his name is Jacob Wasserstein..
He was brought up in Israel, and attended a religious school early on....and his father and step dad were both Jewish. many long and detailed discussions....he never defended, supported, praised, made up ingratiating tales about any other religion.....just Judaism.
And....if any Jewish folk committed iniquities, including murders....he made excuses for 'em.

Looking at these facts....would it be a fair guess he was Jewish?
Really....would it be a 'thought crime' to say, 'sure appears that he's Jewish.'
And....if folks became rabid in denials.....wouldn't that appear that they felt that being Jewish was a pejorataive?

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?

So....why did Bill's wife's campaign try to use it as a smear in the 2008 campaign?

She must be really, really embarrassed about it....and now she's trying to attach it to Trump.

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"
here's the problem you have... all of your sources are based on innuendo and false assumptions ... you have never told a fact on these boards only your opinion

Actually, all of my posts are based upon a concept you appear unfamiliar with.....reality.

Correction: "Actually, all of my posts are based upon a concept you appear unfamiliar with..... MY reality."

If they are not based on truth, reality and rectitude.....

....why are you always trying to rebut them.....and failing in the attempt?

Could this be the explanation?
There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.

As usual, a personal attack sans rebuttal, that being, if the mythical character you built, did not have a mother who was Jewish, your entire OP crashes and burns.

Of course, a narcissist has a real problem uttering the words, "I was wrong". I understand and would pity you if you weren't such an asshole.

1. Let's get this straight: I'm never wrong...and what causes you to grind your teeth, is the frequency with which you have helped prove this fact.

2. argument is impervious: we should respect the self-identification of our 'Jacob Wasserstein'.....

....unless there is evidence to the the contrary.

And, vis-a-vis Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful), I provided just that:

So....if you asked our "Jacob Wasserstein," our pal from the OP, if he was Jewish, and he denied it...I guess one would have to believe him.

And Obama says he is a Christian....converted to by Reverent Jeremiah Wright....

This Reverent Jeremiah Wright...

a." Obama writes in his book, “Dreams from my Father”, that Wright dabbled in Black Nationalism and Islam in the 1960’s. Black Liberation Theology was inspired by the cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam.

Obama was a Muslim as a child in Indonesia and has embraced his ethnic Muslim family in Kenya. Though he has not been practicing Islam for about 40 years, he can be considered an ethnic or cultural Muslim and is obviously identifies rather intensely with Islamist culture.

Wright studied a black Muslim Brotherhood for seven years in divinity school and has incorporated some of the mysticism into the black liberation doctrine that he preached at Trinity United Church of Christ."
Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

So.....Obama's Christian minister had been a Muslim?

That explains this:

b. “Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam
Obama was steeped in Islam
but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says.
Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian.
“He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,”Klein says.

The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology." Flashback=> Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

So...maybe Hillary's campaign was right...
So...what's the beef in seeing Obama as a sort-of Muslim???

Did everyone notice that you could not deny any of the above?

3. And, of course, Obama himself provided tons of evidence of his affinity to and for Islam.....which reinforces this fact:
There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.
Let's say you meet a stranger across a crowded room....turns out his name is Jacob Wasserstein..
He was brought up in Israel, and attended a religious school early on....and his father and step dad were both Jewish. many long and detailed discussions....he never defended, supported, praised, made up ingratiating tales about any other religion.....just Judaism.
And....if any Jewish folk committed iniquities, including murders....he made excuses for 'em.

Looking at these facts....would it be a fair guess he was Jewish?
Really....would it be a 'thought crime' to say, 'sure appears that he's Jewish.'
And....if folks became rabid in denials.....wouldn't that appear that they felt that being Jewish was a pejorataive?

"Oh, yeah???/ Sez you!!!"

Point being.....why do Liberals get incensed if some look at the facts and say Barack Hussein Obama appears to hold Islam in a very special place?

Yeah, the name Barack Hussein Obama proves he must be Muslim.

Notable Christians of Middle Eastern ancestry in Middle East and Diaspora:

here's the problem you have... all of your sources are based on innuendo and false assumptions ... you have never told a fact on these boards only your opinion

Actually, all of my posts are based upon a concept you appear unfamiliar with.....reality.

Correction: "Actually, all of my posts are based upon a concept you appear unfamiliar with..... MY reality."

If they are not based on truth, reality and rectitude.....

....why are you always trying to rebut them.....and failing in the attempt?

Could this be the explanation?
There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.

As usual, a personal attack sans rebuttal, that being, if the mythical character you built, did not have a mother who was Jewish, your entire OP crashes and burns.

Of course, a narcissist has a real problem uttering the words, "I was wrong". I understand and would pity you if you weren't such an asshole.

1. Let's get this straight: I'm never wrong...and what causes you to grind your teeth, is the frequency with which you have helped prove this fact.

2. argument is impervious: we should respect the self-identification of our 'Jacob Wasserstein'.....

....unless there is evidence to the the contrary.

And, vis-a-vis Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful), I provided just that:

So....if you asked our "Jacob Wasserstein," our pal from the OP, if he was Jewish, and he denied it...I guess one would have to believe him.

And Obama says he is a Christian....converted to by Reverent Jeremiah Wright....

This Reverent Jeremiah Wright...

a." Obama writes in his book, “Dreams from my Father”, that Wright dabbled in Black Nationalism and Islam in the 1960’s. Black Liberation Theology was inspired by the cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam.

Obama was a Muslim as a child in Indonesia and has embraced his ethnic Muslim family in Kenya. Though he has not been practicing Islam for about 40 years, he can be considered an ethnic or cultural Muslim and is obviously identifies rather intensely with Islamist culture.

Wright studied a black Muslim Brotherhood for seven years in divinity school and has incorporated some of the mysticism into the black liberation doctrine that he preached at Trinity United Church of Christ."
Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

So.....Obama's Christian minister had been a Muslim?

That explains this:

b. “Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam
Obama was steeped in Islam
but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says.
Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian.
“He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,”Klein says.

The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology." Flashback=> Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

So...maybe Hillary's campaign was right...
So...what's the beef in seeing Obama as a sort-of Muslim???

Did everyone notice that you could not deny any of the above?

3. And, of course, Obama himself provided tons of evidence of his affinity to and for Islam.....which reinforces this fact:
There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.

Seeing you PC as sorta sane is problematic - do you have any proof you are?

I'd luv to see your score on the MMPI. The lie scale would look much like Mt. Everest.
Last edited:
I believe I've already proven you to be wrong and uneducated on this point.

You are noted as a "spherical imbecile" because you are an imbecile no matter the direction from which you are looked at.

Don't make me laugh, rightwing nut-bags like you believe whatever you want to believe, it's how you cope with the insidious liberal bias of reality.
belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.


"belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies."

I never lie.

Here...let's prove it together- Do you believe any of these atrocious lies?

1. Liberals founded this country

2. Nazis are right wing

3. Muslim homicidal mania is due to the existence of Israel, not the Q'ran

4. Regulations. Obama: "What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is I've said to each agency ... 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'"
Barack Obama on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 in a press conference

5. Global warming

6. Communism, command and control economies are successful....

7. Obama: Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’

8. David Axelrod denying that Obama was intimately involved with terrorist Bill Ayers: "Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together."

9. Unequal Pay for Women

10 .The Obama administration has a robust vetting process to cover the Muslims he is bringing in.

See what I mean?

You believe those lies both because you're a Liberal, and afraid to confront your elitist masters....

...and because you're a fool.


You always lie.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sounds liberal to me.

Nazis were Fascist. Hitlers support of Right winger Franco in Spain proves what side of the political spectrum he was on.

I support Israels right to exist and I support an independent state for the other occupants of the former British Mandate in Palestine.

I believe in a warning earth. It's been a good thing for humans so far.

Authoritarian dictatorships are not liberal.

try some context when quoting just a few words:

Remarks by the President in Closing of the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism

What does bad Billy have to say about our President these days?

Equal job, equal pay.

Self radicalized American citizens will be our biggest threat in the next decade.

See. Now admit it. You always lie. Don't-Cha?

It wasn't necessary, but I do so appreciate you verifying my statement "belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies."

Every one is a lie...and you bought 'em like they were on sale!!!

I couldn't be more pleased.

Write soon,....y'hear.

Of course it wasn't necessary it's just fun sometimes to pop in here and debunk your Coulter Culture.

Bye for now.
Actually, all of my posts are based upon a concept you appear unfamiliar with.....reality.

Correction: "Actually, all of my posts are based upon a concept you appear unfamiliar with..... MY reality."

If they are not based on truth, reality and rectitude.....

....why are you always trying to rebut them.....and failing in the attempt?

Could this be the explanation?
There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.

As usual, a personal attack sans rebuttal, that being, if the mythical character you built, did not have a mother who was Jewish, your entire OP crashes and burns.

Of course, a narcissist has a real problem uttering the words, "I was wrong". I understand and would pity you if you weren't such an asshole.

1. Let's get this straight: I'm never wrong...and what causes you to grind your teeth, is the frequency with which you have helped prove this fact.

2. argument is impervious: we should respect the self-identification of our 'Jacob Wasserstein'.....

....unless there is evidence to the the contrary.

And, vis-a-vis Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful), I provided just that:

So....if you asked our "Jacob Wasserstein," our pal from the OP, if he was Jewish, and he denied it...I guess one would have to believe him.

And Obama says he is a Christian....converted to by Reverent Jeremiah Wright....

This Reverent Jeremiah Wright...

a." Obama writes in his book, “Dreams from my Father”, that Wright dabbled in Black Nationalism and Islam in the 1960’s. Black Liberation Theology was inspired by the cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam.

Obama was a Muslim as a child in Indonesia and has embraced his ethnic Muslim family in Kenya. Though he has not been practicing Islam for about 40 years, he can be considered an ethnic or cultural Muslim and is obviously identifies rather intensely with Islamist culture.

Wright studied a black Muslim Brotherhood for seven years in divinity school and has incorporated some of the mysticism into the black liberation doctrine that he preached at Trinity United Church of Christ."
Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

So.....Obama's Christian minister had been a Muslim?

That explains this:

b. “Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam
Obama was steeped in Islam
but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says.
Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian.
“He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,”Klein says.

The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology." Flashback=> Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

So...maybe Hillary's campaign was right...
So...what's the beef in seeing Obama as a sort-of Muslim???

Did everyone notice that you could not deny any of the above?

3. And, of course, Obama himself provided tons of evidence of his affinity to and for Islam.....which reinforces this fact:
There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.

Seeing you PC as sorta sane is problematic - do you have any proof you are?

I'd luv to see your score on the MMPI. The lie scale would look much like Mt. Everest.

2. argument is impervious: we should respect the self-identification of our 'Jacob Wasserstein'.....

....unless there is evidence to the the contrary.

And, vis-a-vis Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful), I provided just that:

So....if you asked our "Jacob Wasserstein," our pal from the OP, if he was Jewish, and he denied it...I guess one would have to believe him.

And Obama says he is a Christian....converted to by Reverent Jeremiah Wright....

This Reverent Jeremiah Wright...

a." Obama writes in his book, “Dreams from my Father”, that Wright dabbled in Black Nationalism and Islam in the 1960’s. Black Liberation Theology was inspired by the cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam.

Obama was a Muslim as a child in Indonesia and has embraced his ethnic Muslim family in Kenya. Though he has not been practicing Islam for about 40 years, he can be considered an ethnic or cultural Muslim and is obviously identifies rather intensely with Islamist culture.

Wright studied a black Muslim Brotherhood for seven years in divinity school and has incorporated some of the mysticism into the black liberation doctrine that he preached at Trinity United Church of Christ."
Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

So.....Obama's Christian minister had been a Muslim?

That explains this:

b. “Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam
Obama was steeped in Islam
but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says.
Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian.
“He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,”Klein says.

The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology." Flashback=> Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

So...maybe Hillary's campaign was right...
So...what's the beef in seeing Obama as a sort-of Muslim???

Did everyone notice that you could not deny any of the above?

BTW....My email has been flooded with furious notes from all sorts of algae and microfiliments, decrying my lumping them with you...."There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are."

Now I have to send apologies to 'em.
I believe I've already proven you to be wrong and uneducated on this point.

You are noted as a "spherical imbecile" because you are an imbecile no matter the direction from which you are looked at.

Don't make me laugh, rightwing nut-bags like you believe whatever you want to believe, it's how you cope with the insidious liberal bias of reality.

I only post, for example the explanation of Jefferson's 'separation of church and state.'

Really skewered you, didn't it.

Imagine....had not government schooling stunted any would have known that.

I can't wait to seen your next post filled with wis-dumb.
belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.


"belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies."

I never lie.

Here...let's prove it together- Do you believe any of these atrocious lies?

1. Liberals founded this country

2. Nazis are right wing

3. Muslim homicidal mania is due to the existence of Israel, not the Q'ran

4. Regulations. Obama: "What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is I've said to each agency ... 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'"
Barack Obama on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 in a press conference

5. Global warming

6. Communism, command and control economies are successful....

7. Obama: Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’

8. David Axelrod denying that Obama was intimately involved with terrorist Bill Ayers: "Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together."

9. Unequal Pay for Women

10 .The Obama administration has a robust vetting process to cover the Muslims he is bringing in.

See what I mean?

You believe those lies both because you're a Liberal, and afraid to confront your elitist masters....

...and because you're a fool.


You always lie.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sounds liberal to me.

Nazis were Fascist. Hitlers support of Right winger Franco in Spain proves what side of the political spectrum he was on.

I support Israels right to exist and I support an independent state for the other occupants of the former British Mandate in Palestine.

I believe in a warning earth. It's been a good thing for humans so far.

Authoritarian dictatorships are not liberal.

try some context when quoting just a few words:

Remarks by the President in Closing of the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism

What does bad Billy have to say about our President these days?

Equal job, equal pay.

Self radicalized American citizens will be our biggest threat in the next decade.

See. Now admit it. You always lie. Don't-Cha?

It wasn't necessary, but I do so appreciate you verifying my statement "belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies."

Every one is a lie...and you bought 'em like they were on sale!!!

I couldn't be more pleased.

Write soon,....y'hear.

Of course it wasn't necessary it's just fun sometimes to pop in here and debunk your Coulter Culture.

Bye for now.


Don't reduces the choice of dunces I have to kick around!
Actually, all of my posts are based upon a concept you appear unfamiliar with.....reality.

Correction: "Actually, all of my posts are based upon a concept you appear unfamiliar with..... MY reality."

If they are not based on truth, reality and rectitude.....

....why are you always trying to rebut them.....and failing in the attempt?

Could this be the explanation?
There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.

As usual, a personal attack sans rebuttal, that being, if the mythical character you built, did not have a mother who was Jewish, your entire OP crashes and burns.

Of course, a narcissist has a real problem uttering the words, "I was wrong". I understand and would pity you if you weren't such an asshole.

1. Let's get this straight: I'm never wrong...and what causes you to grind your teeth, is the frequency with which you have helped prove this fact.

2. argument is impervious: we should respect the self-identification of our 'Jacob Wasserstein'.....

....unless there is evidence to the the contrary.

And, vis-a-vis Barack Hussein Obama (the most merciful), I provided just that:

So....if you asked our "Jacob Wasserstein," our pal from the OP, if he was Jewish, and he denied it...I guess one would have to believe him.

And Obama says he is a Christian....converted to by Reverent Jeremiah Wright....

This Reverent Jeremiah Wright...

a." Obama writes in his book, “Dreams from my Father”, that Wright dabbled in Black Nationalism and Islam in the 1960’s. Black Liberation Theology was inspired by the cult doctrine of the Nation of Islam.

Obama was a Muslim as a child in Indonesia and has embraced his ethnic Muslim family in Kenya. Though he has not been practicing Islam for about 40 years, he can be considered an ethnic or cultural Muslim and is obviously identifies rather intensely with Islamist culture.

Wright studied a black Muslim Brotherhood for seven years in divinity school and has incorporated some of the mysticism into the black liberation doctrine that he preached at Trinity United Church of Christ."
Muslim Brotherhood – Jeremiah Wright Declares that Yahweh is Allah

So.....Obama's Christian minister had been a Muslim?

That explains this:

b. “Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam
Obama was steeped in Islam
but knew nothing about Christianity,” Klein says.
Klein asked Wright if he converted Obama from being a Muslim into a Christian.
“He said, I don’t know about that. but I can tell you that I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam,”Klein says.

The second area was Obama’s political philosophy. Wright introduced Obama to Black Liberation theology." Flashback=> Jeremiah Wright: I “Made It Comfortable” For Obama to Accept Christianity Without Having to Renounce Islam (Video Report)

So...maybe Hillary's campaign was right...
So...what's the beef in seeing Obama as a sort-of Muslim???

Did everyone notice that you could not deny any of the above?

3. And, of course, Obama himself provided tons of evidence of his affinity to and for Islam.....which reinforces this fact:
There are things living on the bottom of ponds that are smarter than you are.

Seeing you PC as sorta sane is problematic - do you have any proof you are?

I'd luv to see your score on the MMPI. The lie scale would look much like Mt. Everest.

"belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies."

I never lie.

Here...let's prove it together- Do you believe any of these atrocious lies?

1. Liberals founded this country

2. Nazis are right wing

3. Muslim homicidal mania is due to the existence of Israel, not the Q'ran

4. Regulations. Obama: "What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is I've said to each agency ... 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'"
Barack Obama on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 in a press conference

5. Global warming

6. Communism, command and control economies are successful....

7. Obama: Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’

8. David Axelrod denying that Obama was intimately involved with terrorist Bill Ayers: "Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together."

9. Unequal Pay for Women

10 .The Obama administration has a robust vetting process to cover the Muslims he is bringing in.

See what I mean?

You believe those lies both because you're a Liberal, and afraid to confront your elitist masters....

...and because you're a fool.


You always lie.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sounds liberal to me.

Nazis were Fascist. Hitlers support of Right winger Franco in Spain proves what side of the political spectrum he was on.

I support Israels right to exist and I support an independent state for the other occupants of the former British Mandate in Palestine.

I believe in a warning earth. It's been a good thing for humans so far.

Authoritarian dictatorships are not liberal.

try some context when quoting just a few words:

Remarks by the President in Closing of the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism

What does bad Billy have to say about our President these days?

Equal job, equal pay.

Self radicalized American citizens will be our biggest threat in the next decade.

See. Now admit it. You always lie. Don't-Cha?

It wasn't necessary, but I do so appreciate you verifying my statement "belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies."

Every one is a lie...and you bought 'em like they were on sale!!!

I couldn't be more pleased.

Write soon,....y'hear.

Of course it wasn't necessary it's just fun sometimes to pop in here and debunk your Coulter Culture.

Bye for now.


Don't reduces the choice of dunces I have to kick around!

You post horseshit in every OP and then wallow around in it for 100 more posts.

That's gross. Civilized Americans normally don't do that.
belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.


"belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies."

I never lie.

Here...let's prove it together- Do you believe any of these atrocious lies?

1. Liberals founded this country

2. Nazis are right wing

3. Muslim homicidal mania is due to the existence of Israel, not the Q'ran

4. Regulations. Obama: "What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is I've said to each agency ... 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'"
Barack Obama on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 in a press conference

5. Global warming

6. Communism, command and control economies are successful....

7. Obama: Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’

8. David Axelrod denying that Obama was intimately involved with terrorist Bill Ayers: "Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together."

9. Unequal Pay for Women

10 .The Obama administration has a robust vetting process to cover the Muslims he is bringing in.

See what I mean?

You believe those lies both because you're a Liberal, and afraid to confront your elitist masters....

...and because you're a fool.


You always lie.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sounds liberal to me.

Nazis were Fascist. Hitlers support of Right winger Franco in Spain proves what side of the political spectrum he was on.

I support Israels right to exist and I support an independent state for the other occupants of the former British Mandate in Palestine.

I believe in a warning earth. It's been a good thing for humans so far.

Authoritarian dictatorships are not liberal.

try some context when quoting just a few words:

Remarks by the President in Closing of the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism

What does bad Billy have to say about our President these days?

Equal job, equal pay.

Self radicalized American citizens will be our biggest threat in the next decade.

See. Now admit it. You always lie. Don't-Cha?

Everyone one of these....a total, abject lie.....and you swear to 'em.

1. Liberals founded this country

2. Nazis are right wing

3. Muslim homicidal mania is due to the existence of Israel, not the Q'ran

4. Regulations. Obama: "What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is I've said to each agency ... 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'"
Barack Obama on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 in a press conference

5. Global warming

6. Communism, command and control economies are successful....

7. Obama: Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’

8. David Axelrod denying that Obama was intimately involved with terrorist Bill Ayers: "Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together."

9. Unequal Pay for Women

10 .The Obama administration has a robust vetting process to cover the Muslims he is bringing in.

How about this one, too?
11. Outcomes in the lives of children raised by a parent who has same-sex relationships and those raised by their married, biological parents are the same, and equally beneficial to the children.

Swear to that one, too?


Not a child psychologist. My own experience is subjective. A single parent household, regardless of the sexual orientation of that parent, is much different than a married couple's household. Especially a traditional father work and mom stays home to raise the kids family. It not a fair comparison. Specious really.
belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies.


"belonging to the Liberal cult, one must be willing to accept and support lies."

I never lie.

Here...let's prove it together- Do you believe any of these atrocious lies?

1. Liberals founded this country

2. Nazis are right wing

3. Muslim homicidal mania is due to the existence of Israel, not the Q'ran

4. Regulations. Obama: "What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is I've said to each agency ... 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'"
Barack Obama on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 in a press conference

5. Global warming

6. Communism, command and control economies are successful....

7. Obama: Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’

8. David Axelrod denying that Obama was intimately involved with terrorist Bill Ayers: "Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together."

9. Unequal Pay for Women

10 .The Obama administration has a robust vetting process to cover the Muslims he is bringing in.

See what I mean?

You believe those lies both because you're a Liberal, and afraid to confront your elitist masters....

...and because you're a fool.


You always lie.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sounds liberal to me.

Nazis were Fascist. Hitlers support of Right winger Franco in Spain proves what side of the political spectrum he was on.

I support Israels right to exist and I support an independent state for the other occupants of the former British Mandate in Palestine.

I believe in a warning earth. It's been a good thing for humans so far.

Authoritarian dictatorships are not liberal.

try some context when quoting just a few words:

Remarks by the President in Closing of the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism

What does bad Billy have to say about our President these days?

Equal job, equal pay.

Self radicalized American citizens will be our biggest threat in the next decade.

See. Now admit it. You always lie. Don't-Cha?

Everyone one of these....a total, abject lie.....and you swear to 'em.

1. Liberals founded this country

2. Nazis are right wing

3. Muslim homicidal mania is due to the existence of Israel, not the Q'ran

4. Regulations. Obama: "What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is I've said to each agency ... 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'"
Barack Obama on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 in a press conference

5. Global warming

6. Communism, command and control economies are successful....

7. Obama: Islam ‘Woven into the Fabric of Our Country Since Founding’

8. David Axelrod denying that Obama was intimately involved with terrorist Bill Ayers: "Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school," he said. "They're certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together."

9. Unequal Pay for Women

10 .The Obama administration has a robust vetting process to cover the Muslims he is bringing in.

How about this one, too?
11. Outcomes in the lives of children raised by a parent who has same-sex relationships and those raised by their married, biological parents are the same, and equally beneficial to the children.

Swear to that one, too?


Not a child psychologist. My own experience is subjective. A single parent household, regardless of the sexual orientation of that parent, is much different than a married couple's household. Especially a traditional father work and mom stays home to raise the kids family. It not a fair comparison. Specious really.

Hmmm.....look at you, beating a retreat from the Liberal dogma....


"Gay Parents As Good As Straight Ones
MED prof’s finding comes as Supreme Court weighs same-sex marriage"
Gay Parents As Good As Straight Ones | BU Today | Boston University

So, you're admitting that the Liberal agenda is totally bogus?

I only post facts


as, for example the explanation of Jefferson's 'separation of church and state.'

And I, for example, explained to you the reality that "separation of church and state" is a longstanding American approach to law and governing.

You are just going to have to find some way to cope with that reality, so far you've chosen denial.

"separation of church and state" is a longstanding American approach to law and governing."

Of course, as is the case with just about all of your post....totally false.

It was racist Hugo Black who injected into jurisprudence in Everson v. Board of Education (1947)
"The "high and impregnable" wall central to the past 50 years of church-state jurisprudence is not Jefferson's wall; rather, it is the wall that Black--Justice Hugo Black--built in 1947 in Everson v. Board of Education."
The Mythical "Wall of Separation": How a Misused Metaphor Changed Church–State Law, Policy, and Discourse

Let me do the math for you....that would be some 160 years into America's history

Although I'm happy to see you do it, it appears an entirely useless waste of energy to continue to reinforce the understanding that you are a total imbecile.

It has been clear from the start, and now is merely gilding the lily.
I only post facts


as, for example the explanation of Jefferson's 'separation of church and state.'

And I, for example, explained to you the reality that "separation of church and state" is a longstanding American approach to law and governing.

You are just going to have to find some way to cope with that reality, so far you've chosen denial.

"separation of church and state" is a longstanding American approach to law and governing."

Of course, as is the case with just about all of your post....totally false.

It was racist Hugo Black who injected into jurisprudence in Everson v. Board of Education (1947)
"The "high and impregnable" wall central to the past 50 years of church-state jurisprudence is not Jefferson's wall; rather, it is the wall that Black--Justice Hugo Black--built in 1947 in Everson v. Board of Education."
The Mythical "Wall of Separation": How a Misused Metaphor Changed Church–State Law, Policy, and Discourse

Let me do the math for you....that would be some 160 years into America's history

Although I'm happy to see you do it, it appears an entirely useless waste of energy to continue to reinforce the understanding that you are a total imbecile.

It has been clear from the start, and now is merely gilding the lily.

I suppose you imagine yourself JUST STATING FACTS there. YOU ARE CERTAINLY NOT JUST DOING THAT. The self-delusion is quite deep to think yourself but an unbiased fact delivery vehicle, especially considering how much rightwing coolaid you've been chugging.

Separating church and state has long rich history, long before 1947.

Whats been clear from the start is that we have a government that pays no attention to religious governing prescriptions in it's design. You cannot find in a bible a blueprint for modern constitutional, representative Democracy, on the contrary what you find are authoritarian regimes modern world REJECTED. Just as it rejected religious tests for governing officials.

Article Six of the United States Constitution provides that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States". That doesn't sound like a scripture inspired thinking, now does it?

In 1779 Jefferson proposed "The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom", which was adopted in 1786. Its goal was complete separation of church and state; it declared the opinions of men to be beyond the jurisdiction of the civil magistrate. He asserted that the mind is not subject to coercion, that civil rights have no dependence on religious opinions, and that the opinions of men are not the concern of civil government. This became one of the American charters of freedom. This elevated declaration of the freedom of the mind was hailed in Europe as "an example of legislative wisdom and liberality never before known"

From 1784 to 1786, Jefferson and James Madison worked together to oppose Patrick Henry's attempts to assess general taxes in Virginia to support churches. In 1786, the Virginia General Assembly passed Jefferson's Bill for Religious Freedom, which he had first submitted in 1779. It was one of only three accomplishments he put in his epitaph. The law read:

“ No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.[30]

And that's just a TINY sample of hands-on separating by the founders.

Read up:

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
I only post facts


as, for example the explanation of Jefferson's 'separation of church and state.'

And I, for example, explained to you the reality that "separation of church and state" is a longstanding American approach to law and governing.

You are just going to have to find some way to cope with that reality, so far you've chosen denial.

"separation of church and state" is a longstanding American approach to law and governing."

Of course, as is the case with just about all of your post....totally false.

It was racist Hugo Black who injected into jurisprudence in Everson v. Board of Education (1947)
"The "high and impregnable" wall central to the past 50 years of church-state jurisprudence is not Jefferson's wall; rather, it is the wall that Black--Justice Hugo Black--built in 1947 in Everson v. Board of Education."
The Mythical "Wall of Separation": How a Misused Metaphor Changed Church–State Law, Policy, and Discourse

Let me do the math for you....that would be some 160 years into America's history

Although I'm happy to see you do it, it appears an entirely useless waste of energy to continue to reinforce the understanding that you are a total imbecile.

It has been clear from the start, and now is merely gilding the lily.

I suppose you imagine yourself JUST STATING FACTS there. YOU ARE CERTAINLY NOT JUST DOING THAT. The self-delusion is quite deep to think yourself but an unbiased fact delivery vehicle, especially considering how much rightwing coolaid you've been chugging.

Separating church and state has long rich history, long before 1947.

Whats been clear from the start is that we have a government that pays no attention to religious governing prescriptions in it's design. You cannot find in a bible a blueprint for modern constitutional, representative Democracy, on the contrary what you find are authoritarian regimes modern world REJECTED. Just as it rejected religious tests for governing officials.

Article Six of the United States Constitution provides that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States". That doesn't sound like a scripture inspired thinking, now does it?

In 1779 Jefferson proposed "The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom", which was adopted in 1786. Its goal was complete separation of church and state; it declared the opinions of men to be beyond the jurisdiction of the civil magistrate. He asserted that the mind is not subject to coercion, that civil rights have no dependence on religious opinions, and that the opinions of men are not the concern of civil government. This became one of the American charters of freedom. This elevated declaration of the freedom of the mind was hailed in Europe as "an example of legislative wisdom and liberality never before known"

From 1784 to 1786, Jefferson and James Madison worked together to oppose Patrick Henry's attempts to assess general taxes in Virginia to support churches. In 1786, the Virginia General Assembly passed Jefferson's Bill for Religious Freedom, which he had first submitted in 1779. It was one of only three accomplishments he put in his epitaph. The law read:

“ No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.[30]

And that's just a TINY sample of hands-on separating by the founders.

Read up:

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There were state sponsored religions in the states after ratification of the constitution...and they were never challenged.

The people finally got smart and wrote them out.

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