The pub's War On Women

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Was just looking at the threads posted here and its true: The Rs bring it up every few weeks. Contraception, abortion, basic rights afforded and guaranteed by our constitution ... The R brings up their War On Women, over and over again. Why is that?

Because RobMe and Robin don't want to talk economy, jobs, education, infrastructure and how the GObP/pubs/pots have fought so hard against jobs and economic recovery.

While Obama is talking about his plans for the country's continuing recovery, Mittens has said he does not want to talk about his business experience as a vulture capitalist, won't discuss getting the biggest tax payer bail out in the history of the Olympics, and ain't no way he wants to talk about how happy the people of Mass are with affordable health care. And, of course, Mrs Mittens has looked down her nose at "you people" and then flipped us off.

While Mittens continues to refuse to release even one entire tax return, both he and Ryan say they will raise taxes on us peons and cut taxes even more for their 1% cronies.

If elected, their administration would be known from bringing back soup kitchens.
Democrats bring it up every time they want to avoid an economic discussion.
Democrats bring it up every time they want to avoid an economic discussion.

Prove it. Post even one time that it was the Dems who brought it up. You will find places where they answered re the crap the Rs said but its the Rs who bring it up.

Akin is not Dem. lushbo is not Dem. None of the weasels who keep talking about taking rights away from women are Dem.

The president does not bring it up. He has had no choice but to comment when he has been asked a question but its the radical religious right wingers who keep this in the news.
Democrats bring it up every time they want to avoid an economic discussion.

Pay no attention to that little man behind the curtain!

Was just looking at the threads posted here and its true: The Rs bring it up every few weeks. Contraception, abortion, basic rights afforded and guaranteed by our constitution ... The R brings up their War On Women, over and over again. Why is that?

Because RobMe and Robin don't want to talk economy, jobs, education, infrastructure and how the GObP/pubs/pots have fought so hard against jobs and economic recovery.

While Obama is talking about his plans for the country's continuing recovery, Mittens has said he does not want to talk about his business experience as a vulture capitalist, won't discuss getting the biggest tax payer bail out in the history of the Olympics, and ain't no way he wants to talk about how happy the people of Mass are with affordable health care. And, of course, Mrs Mittens has looked down her nose at "you people" and then flipped us off.

While Mittens continues to refuse to release even one entire tax return, both he and Ryan say they will raise taxes on us peons and cut taxes even more for their 1% cronies.

If elected, their administration would be known from bringing back soup kitchens.

I see several lies in your post.

One of them is that the GOP is bringing up issues. Most of the time issues become hot-button items because the media is being directed to focus on it.

Another is you claim Obama is talking about his plans for America. If he was we wouldn't be talking about rape and putting people in chains. Fact is Obama doesn't want everyone to know his plans. He wants instead to make fun of and make up lies about his opponents plans.

And yet another is your claim Romney hasn't released any complete tax-returns. He has released one complete year and a partial return for last year which is still undergoing filing, which is legal. Funny thing is, we haven't seen much of Obama's returns, but we do know that he paid his daughters thousands of dollars to get his income under $1 million dollars, so the hypocrisy is very apparent.
Gotta love the way you rw's (don't) think.

Now its the fault of the media reporting on "legitimate" news stories. Aren't you going to say its part of the Massive World Wide LIB-Rule Media Conspiracy?

In any event, no, we have not seen one entire years of Mittens' tax returns and no, I did not say its illegal to file an extension. BTW, that's another Mittens' lie - An extension is an extension to file. NOT an extension to pay. He knows exactly what he paid but, as Mrs Mitt said, its none of our business because after all, he's only running for president.

President Obama has consistently made public what he has done and what he plans to do.

Unlike RobMe and Robin.
"The GOP War On Women" sounds better than 8.2% unemployment, record levels of debt and spending, and dead US soldiers in Afghanistan.

When the Democrats have to scare women voters, a natural ally of Dems, into their column then you know they're terrified.
The latest news on the economy:

CBO: Feds flirting with double-dip recession

'Already baked into the numbers is the deficit for fiscal year 2012, which will top $1.1 trillion — the fourth-straight year of trillion-dollar deficits'

CBO: Feds flirting with double-dip recession - Washington Times

Did you notice that the fiscal cliff, double dip recession and the worst of obamacare is scheduled to slam down right after the election?

To democrats it's a win-win. If obama is in power he can use this for even higher taxes and more regulation. If obama is defeated, the grand slam can be blamed on republicans.
Was just looking at the threads posted here and its true: The Rs bring it up every few weeks. Contraception, abortion, basic rights afforded and guaranteed by our constitution ... The R brings up their War On Women, over and over again. Why is that?

Because RobMe and Robin don't want to talk economy, jobs, education, infrastructure and how the GObP/pubs/pots have fought so hard against jobs and economic recovery.

While Obama is talking about his plans for the country's continuing recovery, Mittens has said he does not want to talk about his business experience as a vulture capitalist, won't discuss getting the biggest tax payer bail out in the history of the Olympics, and ain't no way he wants to talk about how happy the people of Mass are with affordable health care. And, of course, Mrs Mittens has looked down her nose at "you people" and then flipped us off.

While Mittens continues to refuse to release even one entire tax return, both he and Ryan say they will raise taxes on us peons and cut taxes even more for their 1% cronies.

If elected, their administration would be known from bringing back soup kitchens.

"Contraception, abortion, basic rights"'re verified that you have no clue as to what a 'right' is.

Carry on.
Was just looking at the threads posted here and its true: The Rs bring it up every few weeks. Contraception, abortion, basic rights afforded and guaranteed by our constitution ... The R brings up their War On Women, over and over again. Why is that?

Because RobMe and Robin don't want to talk economy, jobs, education, infrastructure and how the GObP/pubs/pots have fought so hard against jobs and economic recovery.

While Obama is talking about his plans for the country's continuing recovery, Mittens has said he does not want to talk about his business experience as a vulture capitalist, won't discuss getting the biggest tax payer bail out in the history of the Olympics, and ain't no way he wants to talk about how happy the people of Mass are with affordable health care. And, of course, Mrs Mittens has looked down her nose at "you people" and then flipped us off.

While Mittens continues to refuse to release even one entire tax return, both he and Ryan say they will raise taxes on us peons and cut taxes even more for their 1% cronies.

If elected, their administration would be known from bringing back soup kitchens.

The only thing repubs have fought is the constant class warfare from the low life party....

Americans dont like class warfare. Difficult to think of democrats as Americans...Because then we are talking domestic enemy....
Was just looking at the threads posted here and its true: The Rs bring it up every few weeks. Contraception, abortion, basic rights afforded and guaranteed by our constitution ... The R brings up their War On Women, over and over again. Why is that?

Because RobMe and Robin don't want to talk economy, jobs, education, infrastructure and how the GObP/pubs/pots have fought so hard against jobs and economic recovery.

While Obama is talking about his plans for the country's continuing recovery, Mittens has said he does not want to talk about his business experience as a vulture capitalist, won't discuss getting the biggest tax payer bail out in the history of the Olympics, and ain't no way he wants to talk about how happy the people of Mass are with affordable health care. And, of course, Mrs Mittens has looked down her nose at "you people" and then flipped us off.

While Mittens continues to refuse to release even one entire tax return, both he and Ryan say they will raise taxes on us peons and cut taxes even more for their 1% cronies.

If elected, their administration would be known from bringing back soup kitchens.

First of all, I disagree that abortion and contraception are guaranteed by the consitution. They are basically allowed by judical decsions that are BASED on an INTERPRETATION of the consitution.

For them to be guaranteed you would have to amend the constitution to state it plainly and clearly. Without that all you have is Stare Decsis keeping the states or the feds from banning or restricting them via legislation.
Was just looking at the threads posted here and its true: The Rs bring it up every few weeks. Contraception, abortion, basic rights afforded and guaranteed by our constitution ... The R brings up their War On Women, over and over again. Why is that?

Because RobMe and Robin don't want to talk economy, jobs, education, infrastructure and how the GObP/pubs/pots have fought so hard against jobs and economic recovery.

While Obama is talking about his plans for the country's continuing recovery, Mittens has said he does not want to talk about his business experience as a vulture capitalist, won't discuss getting the biggest tax payer bail out in the history of the Olympics, and ain't no way he wants to talk about how happy the people of Mass are with affordable health care. And, of course, Mrs Mittens has looked down her nose at "you people" and then flipped us off.

While Mittens continues to refuse to release even one entire tax return, both he and Ryan say they will raise taxes on us peons and cut taxes even more for their 1% cronies.

If elected, their administration would be known from bringing back soup kitchens.

First of all, I disagree that abortion and contraception are guaranteed by the consitution. They are basically allowed by judical decsions that are BASED on an INTERPRETATION of the consitution.

For them to be guaranteed you would have to amend the constitution to state it plainly and clearly. Without that all you have is Stare Decsis keeping the states or the feds from banning or restricting them via legislation.

Dead on, Marty...

...your understanding that the 'rights' to which bozo refers only exist if one eviscerates the Constitution, and imposes judges on the bench who imagine 'penumbras.'

Your understanding deserves a rep!
Was just looking at the threads posted here and its true: The Rs bring it up every few weeks. Contraception, abortion, basic rights afforded and guaranteed by our constitution ... The R brings up their War On Women, over and over again. Why is that?

Because RobMe and Robin don't want to talk economy, jobs, education, infrastructure and how the GObP/pubs/pots have fought so hard against jobs and economic recovery.

While Obama is talking about his plans for the country's continuing recovery, Mittens has said he does not want to talk about his business experience as a vulture capitalist, won't discuss getting the biggest tax payer bail out in the history of the Olympics, and ain't no way he wants to talk about how happy the people of Mass are with affordable health care. And, of course, Mrs Mittens has looked down her nose at "you people" and then flipped us off.

While Mittens continues to refuse to release even one entire tax return, both he and Ryan say they will raise taxes on us peons and cut taxes even more for their 1% cronies.

If elected, their administration would be known from bringing back soup kitchens.

First of all, I disagree that abortion and contraception are guaranteed by the consitution. They are basically allowed by judical decsions that are BASED on an INTERPRETATION of the consitution.

For them to be guaranteed you would have to amend the constitution to state it plainly and clearly. Without that all you have is Stare Decsis keeping the states or the feds from banning or restricting them via legislation.

Dead on, Marty...

...your understanding that the 'rights' to which bozo refers only exist if one eviscerates the Constitution, and imposes judges on the bench who imagine 'penumbras.'

Your understanding deserves a rep!

Yup......judges that like other country's constitutions better than their own.

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