The punk in Ferguson got 3 Obama officials at his funeral. How many did Kate get?

The bottom line is Hussein sent over representatives to Michael Brown's funeral, but neglected to do so to Kate's funeral...and according to you leftists we're not allowed to criticize that decision.

Well fuck you leftist piece of shits, we are allowed to criticize him for his horrible judgment and his sick world view!
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As a white woman, her family should be glad they were permitted to even have a funeral or a marked grave.
I wouldn't want any of the pukes from Obama's administration to come and SHOWBOAT my families funerals

He can use the BLACK people if they don't care. HE WILL just like Sharpton

they are like Vultures swooping down to pick the bones of the dead for their own NASTY AGENDA. they make me sick
Of course. Misdemeanor resisting arrest is now a capital crime without need of trial in the RWnut world.

Somehow I'm guessing you wouldn't have supported law enforcement if they'd shot dead Clive Bundy and his armed gang.

Moron, which them and let's look at what happened...the guy selling cigarettes, resisted arrest and had a heart attack due to diabetes and being fat........Ferguson, the teenage thug robbed a store and attacked the cop......shall we go on....?

They all resist arrest you can tell by the way the guy was thrashing around when his windpipe was being choked.

Yeah...considering he was given a lawful order and refused to be handcuffed....the asshole killed himself by resisting arrest and they didn't do anything wrong in the arrest....he had a fucking heart attack due to his being fat and a diabetic.....

Ahahahaha...I guessing that the lawful request is anything a cop says. Also when you're killing someone they tend to move around. Screaming "stop resisting" doesnt change that

Had the stupid criminal simply turned around and allowed himself to be cuffed he would still be alive...unless he died of a heart attack later at home......

He couldnt turn around because there was a guy on his back choking him silly

And another is lefty/statist thugs like you who have made all those stupid laws that made him selling loose cigaretts illegal...forcing the police to arrest you assholes are actually more complicit in his accidental death than the cops are....

Everyone is to blame but the cops right? Bootlicker says: Yes

Did you watch the video you moron.....he was standing up when they told him to turn around and they tried to cuff him...he resisted, and they had to bring the huge criminal to the ground to cuff him....yes, you statist thugs create laws that cause death and destruction and then move along, to keep doing the same somewhere else.....what vile thugs you are...

You cant turn around when someone is on your back choking the life out of you dummy
Moron, which them and let's look at what happened...the guy selling cigarettes, resisted arrest and had a heart attack due to diabetes and being fat........Ferguson, the teenage thug robbed a store and attacked the cop......shall we go on....?

They all resist arrest you can tell by the way the guy was thrashing around when his windpipe was being choked.

Yeah...considering he was given a lawful order and refused to be handcuffed....the asshole killed himself by resisting arrest and they didn't do anything wrong in the arrest....he had a fucking heart attack due to his being fat and a diabetic.....

Ahahahaha...I guessing that the lawful request is anything a cop says. Also when you're killing someone they tend to move around. Screaming "stop resisting" doesnt change that

Had the stupid criminal simply turned around and allowed himself to be cuffed he would still be alive...unless he died of a heart attack later at home......

He couldnt turn around because there was a guy on his back choking him silly

And another is lefty/statist thugs like you who have made all those stupid laws that made him selling loose cigaretts illegal...forcing the police to arrest you assholes are actually more complicit in his accidental death than the cops are....

Everyone is to blame but the cops right? Bootlicker says: Yes

Did you watch the video you moron.....he was standing up when they told him to turn around and they tried to cuff him...he resisted, and they had to bring the huge criminal to the ground to cuff him....yes, you statist thugs create laws that cause death and destruction and then move along, to keep doing the same somewhere else.....what vile thugs you are...

You cant turn around when someone is on your back choking the life out of you dummy

Watch the video moron....he resisted while he was standing and that led to the struggle.....
They all resist arrest you can tell by the way the guy was thrashing around when his windpipe was being choked.

Yeah...considering he was given a lawful order and refused to be handcuffed....the asshole killed himself by resisting arrest and they didn't do anything wrong in the arrest....he had a fucking heart attack due to his being fat and a diabetic.....

Ahahahaha...I guessing that the lawful request is anything a cop says. Also when you're killing someone they tend to move around. Screaming "stop resisting" doesnt change that

Had the stupid criminal simply turned around and allowed himself to be cuffed he would still be alive...unless he died of a heart attack later at home......

He couldnt turn around because there was a guy on his back choking him silly

And another is lefty/statist thugs like you who have made all those stupid laws that made him selling loose cigaretts illegal...forcing the police to arrest you assholes are actually more complicit in his accidental death than the cops are....

Everyone is to blame but the cops right? Bootlicker says: Yes

Did you watch the video you moron.....he was standing up when they told him to turn around and they tried to cuff him...he resisted, and they had to bring the huge criminal to the ground to cuff him....yes, you statist thugs create laws that cause death and destruction and then move along, to keep doing the same somewhere else.....what vile thugs you are...

You cant turn around when someone is on your back choking the life out of you dummy

Watch the video moron....he resisted while he was standing and that led to the struggle.....

Yeah I thought when I said someone was on his back choking him you understood that he was not laying down at the time
No way should Barry or any of his administration been at that funeral.

In fact they shouldn't have been at the other one either.

All that did was show everyone that the one they attended was thought to be important by the administration and the one they didn't attend wasn't.

Sucks to be them.
This thread is race baiting

No it's not. It's about the priorities of the Obama Administration.
It was such a simple point but EVERY SINGLE LIBERAL missed it.

Quite a bright bunch we have here

Yeah this is about the administration AND it's a race baiting thread
Yes yes you've made plenty clear that you have no clue what you're talking about so give it a rest
I know race baiting when I see it. You seem to think that bringing up the admin absolves you from being able to race bait.


Apparently you need to learn the definition of race baiter.....

Having Sharpton stir stuff up in Ferguson and Obama treat Michael Brown as a victim AFTER the truth about Brown attacking the cop was out and the cop was acquitted was race baiting and inciting a riot....

You and the OP are race baiters....Own it

Urban Dictionary race baiter

One who insinuates that racism or bigotry is a dominant factor with regards to an event that either does not involve race or in which diverse cultures are involved are simply a minor element.
Minor element? Minor? The 5 time FELON was an illegal Mexican. He was released by the San Francisco Sheriff even though the Sheriff KNEW the Feds wanted him, he did not even inform the feds he released him. The 5 time FELON illegal Mexican then MURDERED a woman. Remind us again how if our laws had been followed this murder would still have occurred? Remind us how if this felon were not an ILLEGAL Mexican he would still have been released. Remind us what Obama's position on illegal Mexicans is?

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