The purpose of the media hysteria is simple. The Dow Jones has lost about 1/3 since its high point.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The media wants to plunge us into another Great Depression, discrediting Trump and free market enterprise overall. The economic shutdown has already eliminated almost of the stock market gains made during Trump's presidency and the left is elated. They hate seeing the economy thriving under Trump. They hate seeing record low unemployment for all demographics, including minorities, who supposedly need the government to save them from Trump and the Republicans. If the left can cause another Great Depression and discredit Trump as well as capitalism itself, they can try to push their socialist policies and expand government like they did during the last Great Depression.

Here's something to think about. What has listening to the progressive leftist counter-culture baby boomers done for millennials? What has it given them? A useless degree in Intersectional Feminist Studies, a low paying job, crushing student loans? I would like to remind you that this all occurred during one of the strongest economies in this nation's history. Do you think it will get better after our economy has been flushed down the toilet?

You may say we can quickly recover. However, it took 22 years and a World War to recover from the Great Depression. This is because it is not simple to recover from something that damages our economy at the institutional level. When the financial institutions people love to hate are undermined, there are no creditors to give loans or financial aid after the economic shutdown is lifted. The point being, this economic meltdown could result in another Great Depression that could last for decades. You think its tough now trying to pay off your massive student loans when you're struggling to get by paycheck to paycheck? Imagine trying to do that when unemployment has skyrocketed and you don't even have a job. Now, imagine that economic turmoil lasting until the millennials are in middle age.

So, a virus that disproportionately affects baby boomers comes along and so far has killed a tiny percentage of what other pandemics have killed and the establishment's response is full on mass hysteria and a shutdown that is resulting in economic collapse. If the left succeeds in destroying the economy, it's not the baby boomers that will be affected. They are well established and nearing retirement. It's the young who will suffer the economic hardships as a result of this lunacy.

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