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The Putinization of Trump

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  • #61
Far from it. I have never excluded due process. Pay attention before jumping into conclusions. Enemies within should be dealt with. Financing terror organizations should be prosecuted....

You don't murder, jail, and take away the wealth of your political opponents just because you don't agree with them... You did in fact just say you were ok with that. I never mentioned anything about funding terror organizations... you just did to build a strawman.

Sorry that shit ain't going to fly with me.
George Soros funds the Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, anti-European, left-wing agit - Pastebin.com

What does Soros have to do with what I said? Again... quit deflecting and creating a strawman. I said Putin murders, jails, and takes away the wealth of his political rivals. You said you were ok with that as it would help to defend the Constitution. You made the dumbass statement, now lie in it. Making shit up and trying to take the argument off course isn't going to work. Try that shit on some of the other morons on here, it isn't going to work with me.

They can't address the issue so they have to deflect - Obama, Hillary, Soros....

I have yet to find a single Trump supporter that will actually talk about what Trump does... they won't hold him responsible for a single thing.

It's amazing - no one seems willing to directly address it.
In defense of our Constitution from the enemies within that wouldn't be a bad idea over here also.

Glad to see you admit you're in favor of fascism. How ironic to say fascism should be used to defend the Constitution... :lmao:

You are one confused trooper.
Far from it. I have never excluded due process. Pay attention before jumping into conclusions. Enemies within should be dealt with. Financing terror organizations should be prosecuted....

You don't murder, jail, and take away the wealth of your political opponents just because you don't agree with them... You did in fact just say you were ok with that. I never mentioned anything about funding terror organizations... you just did to build a strawman.

Sorry that shit ain't going to fly with me.
George Soros funds the Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, anti-European, left-wing agit - Pastebin.com

What does Soros have to do with what I said? Again... quit deflecting and creating a strawman. I said Putin murders, jails, and takes away the wealth of his political rivals. You said you were ok with that as it would help to defend the Constitution. You made the dumbass statement, now lie in it. Making shit up and trying to take the argument off course isn't going to work. Try that shit on some of the other morons on here, it isn't going to work with me.
...and I said the enemies within and posted a link about financing terror organizations. It is not deflection and not creating a strawman. I was OK with defending the Constitution. Your spinning attempts are very entertaining. You need to calm down.
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  • #63
Thanks for attempting to be on topic Kosh, but Trump is president now, and Trump is the focus of the topic. Review post #1 if you are confused.

We have a president who has now - in just ... what...3 days in office - created a whole new term: Alternative Facts.

Name: Alternative facts.

Age: Ten billion years old.

Appearance: The greatest, strongest, shiniest type of fact that has ever existed anywhere in the known and unknown universe, period.

That sounds like cobblers. No, you misunderstand. Itā€™s not cobblers, itā€™s an alternative fact.

Sorry? You know, an alternative fact. See this picture of a horse? I want you to tell me what it is.
Itā€™s a horse. No it isnā€™t. Itā€™s a spaceship.

No, itā€™s a horse. You just told me it was a horse. But itā€™s a spaceship. Any idiot can see itā€™s a spaceship. Itā€™s got four launching pads, and two cockpits at the front, and a lovely shiny mane.

Spaceships donā€™t have manes. The ones Iā€™ve seen do. Listen, Iā€™m not lying. Iā€™m just presenting you with an alternative fact.

Seriously, I still donā€™t understand what this means. On Friday, Donald Trump became president of the US. Photos showed a smaller than average turnout for his inauguration. Then, on Saturday, his press secretary, Sean Spicer, told everyone: ā€œThis was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe,ā€ which was a demonstrable lie.......

Yes, I remember that. But then, in an attempt to brush away Spicerā€™s nonsense, Trumpā€™s White House counsel, Kellyanne Conway, told NBC: ā€œYouā€™re saying itā€™s a falsehood and Sean Spicer ... gave alternative facts to that.ā€

So, an alternative fact is a lie. No! How dare you! Itā€™s an alternative fact. You might perceive the truth one way, but it doesnā€™t mean that everyone will.

I think you get the idea here....if you're still lost, follow the bouncing ball....

So are you going to answer the questions? (here they are again since you missed them:

Do you finally admit that Obama was the worst president ever? Especially since he allowed the invasion of Ukraine?

Do you admit that Obama lied? Since you far left drones supported everything he did or said without question?

Since you falsely show that Putin and Trump are the same, Putin gained more ground under Obama!

So yes it is about Obama! Since you want Trump to clean up the mess that you far left drones cheered for!

The OP is about Trump and Putin. Review post #1 if you are confused about it.

It's not about but but but OBAMA or but but but BUSH!

It's Trump all the way. And his alternative facts. And his pathological lying.

Here is your title: The Putinization of Trump

And you used a Russian hack site for your "facts"

It is about the far left not being able to admit they are wrong and Obama was the worst president ever!

So you just lied about what your thread is about!

You far left drones do not know what a discussion is let alone a debate.

Just admit you can not answer basic questions, because then you would have to admit Obama was a failure!

The OP keeps proving that the far left should never be in charge of anything!

A Russian hack site? What "Russian hack site"?

The thread is about Trump's constant need to lie...you seem to want to make it about Obama (not that I'm surprised, that's your typical tactic).

You have elected a president that lies constantly and - about really insignificant things, like the crowd at the inauguration. It ought to disturb you, but it doesn't. Instead, you have flail around deflecting.

Trump is our president. How do you deal with these sorts of lies on a daily basis? All politicians lie or at best mislead - but not to this ridiculous degree even when confronted with their own statements to the opposite. It's truly weird this alternate reality of alternate facts you guys have created.

And the mess with Russia happened under your Messiah, Obama!

Just do the honorable thing and delete this thread!

If you want to bash Trump there are plenty of threads on the first page for you to do that!

I had no idea this thread was making you that uncomfortable. When can you bring yourself to actually address the topic?
  • Thread starter
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  • #66
So are you going to answer the questions? (here they are again since you missed them:

Do you finally admit that Obama was the worst president ever? Especially since he allowed the invasion of Ukraine?

Do you admit that Obama lied? Since you far left drones supported everything he did or said without question?

Since you falsely show that Putin and Trump are the same, Putin gained more ground under Obama!

So yes it is about Obama! Since you want Trump to clean up the mess that you far left drones cheered for!

The OP is about Trump and Putin. Review post #1 if you are confused about it.

It's not about but but but OBAMA or but but but BUSH!

It's Trump all the way. And his alternative facts. And his pathological lying.

Here is your title: The Putinization of Trump

And you used a Russian hack site for your "facts"

It is about the far left not being able to admit they are wrong and Obama was the worst president ever!

So you just lied about what your thread is about!

You far left drones do not know what a discussion is let alone a debate.

Just admit you can not answer basic questions, because then you would have to admit Obama was a failure!

The OP keeps proving that the far left should never be in charge of anything!

A Russian hack site? What "Russian hack site"?

The thread is about Trump's constant need to lie...you seem to want to make it about Obama (not that I'm surprised, that's your typical tactic).

You have elected a president that lies constantly and - about really insignificant things, like the crowd at the inauguration. It ought to disturb you, but it doesn't. Instead, you have flail around deflecting.

Trump is our president. How do you deal with these sorts of lies on a daily basis? All politicians lie or at best mislead - but not to this ridiculous degree even when confronted with their own statements to the opposite. It's truly weird this alternate reality of alternate facts you guys have created.

And the mess with Russia happened under your Messiah, Obama!

Just do the honorable thing and delete this thread!

If you want to bash Trump there are plenty of threads on the first page for you to do that!

I had no idea this thread was making you that uncomfortable. When can you bring yourself to actually address the topic?

Yes I see this thread is not about Trump at all it is about you and your ego!

And it is on topic, just that you do not want to admit that Obama was a failure for allowing Putin to get so much power!

Putin gained his power under Obama, not Trump!
First Step: Alternative Facts

This is something already quite familiar to Putin watchers, and Russian and Soviet-style leadership. Make up your own "facts". The facts took quite a beating during Trump's inauguration and they show no signs of slowing down.

The only way to create faux credibility is to create faux facts. More in this interview with a Russian journalist.

A Russian journalist has a little advice for his American counterparts

There were the claims and counterclaims about the size of the Inauguration Day crowd in Washington, and whether it rained or not when Trump spoke.

On Saturday, the president praised the intelligence agencies at the CIA's headquarters ā€” just days after comparing their work to Nazi Germany.

There were attacks on the media.

And somewhere along the line, falsehoods got relabeled as "alternative facts."

Trump spokesman Sean Spicer seemed to double down on that during his press briefing on Monday. When asked about the dustup over inauguration numbers, he said, ā€œI believe we have to be honest with the American people. Sometimes we can disagree with the facts.ā€

Disagree with the facts.

It all sounds familiar to Russian journalists like Alexey Kovalev who blogs about propaganda, fake news and Russian state media at noodleremover.news (Russian site).

In his most recent blog, ā€œA message to my doomed colleagues in the American media,ā€ which appears on Medium, Kovalev writes:

ā€œCongratulations, US media! Youā€™ve just covered your first press conference of an authoritarian leader with a massive ego and a deep disdain for your trade and everything you hold dear. We in Russia have been doing it for 12 years nowā€Š ā€”ā€Š with a short hiatus when our leader wasnā€™t technically our leader ā€Šā€” ā€Šso quite a few things during Donald Trumpā€™s press conference rang a bell.ā€

In short, Kovalev says there are some lessons heā€™s learned from having covered Russian President Vladimir Putinā€™s typical four-hour press conferences that may be useful in looking at President Trumpā€™s comments to the Washington press corps.

For example, Kovalev says Putin and his advisers are quite successful at completely dominating the agenda. ā€œWelcome to the circus,ā€ Kovalev says. ā€œDonā€™t be fooled into thinking that the press conferences are designed to inform the public or the media.ā€ Instead, he says, the events are a one-man show to create a barrage of factoids and misinformation as a kind of distraction from more important issues and policies.

ā€œThe thing is that when you think itā€™s your mission to make him [Putin] admit a lie, or an inconsistency in his previous statements [because he tends to make U-turns in his statements on policies], when you try to point out those inconsistencies or catch him red-handed lying, thereā€™s no point because heā€™ll evade your question, he knows that he can just drown you in meaningless factoids or false moral equivalencies or by using what is called ā€˜whataboutism.ā€™ā€

Whataboutism, Kovalev explains, is an old Soviet trick. If Putin is pressed by a Russian journalist about an allegation of serious human rights abuse in Russia, heā€™s very unlikely to directly address the question. Instead Putin might deflect or undermine the seriousness of the question by asking, Donā€™t human rights abuses happen in other countries as well? What about Guantanamo Bay?.....

If it's not Putinism, it's Hitlarian, your regressives are so funny! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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  • #70
The OP is about Trump and Putin. Review post #1 if you are confused about it.

It's not about but but but OBAMA or but but but BUSH!

It's Trump all the way. And his alternative facts. And his pathological lying.

Here is your title: The Putinization of Trump

And you used a Russian hack site for your "facts"

It is about the far left not being able to admit they are wrong and Obama was the worst president ever!

So you just lied about what your thread is about!

You far left drones do not know what a discussion is let alone a debate.

Just admit you can not answer basic questions, because then you would have to admit Obama was a failure!

The OP keeps proving that the far left should never be in charge of anything!

A Russian hack site? What "Russian hack site"?

The thread is about Trump's constant need to lie...you seem to want to make it about Obama (not that I'm surprised, that's your typical tactic).

You have elected a president that lies constantly and - about really insignificant things, like the crowd at the inauguration. It ought to disturb you, but it doesn't. Instead, you have flail around deflecting.

Trump is our president. How do you deal with these sorts of lies on a daily basis? All politicians lie or at best mislead - but not to this ridiculous degree even when confronted with their own statements to the opposite. It's truly weird this alternate reality of alternate facts you guys have created.

And the mess with Russia happened under your Messiah, Obama!

Just do the honorable thing and delete this thread!

If you want to bash Trump there are plenty of threads on the first page for you to do that!

I had no idea this thread was making you that uncomfortable. When can you bring yourself to actually address the topic?

Yes I see this thread is not about Trump at all it is about you and your ego!

And it is on topic, just that you do not want to admit that Obama was a failure for allowing Putin to get so much power!

Putin gained his power under Obama, not Trump!

What ever you say Kosh. Ok. For the sake of moving on, let's just say Obama gave Putin power.

Now, how about addressing Trump and his lying? Can you do that buddy?
Here is your title: The Putinization of Trump

And you used a Russian hack site for your "facts"

It is about the far left not being able to admit they are wrong and Obama was the worst president ever!

So you just lied about what your thread is about!

You far left drones do not know what a discussion is let alone a debate.

Just admit you can not answer basic questions, because then you would have to admit Obama was a failure!

The OP keeps proving that the far left should never be in charge of anything!

A Russian hack site? What "Russian hack site"?

The thread is about Trump's constant need to lie...you seem to want to make it about Obama (not that I'm surprised, that's your typical tactic).

You have elected a president that lies constantly and - about really insignificant things, like the crowd at the inauguration. It ought to disturb you, but it doesn't. Instead, you have flail around deflecting.

Trump is our president. How do you deal with these sorts of lies on a daily basis? All politicians lie or at best mislead - but not to this ridiculous degree even when confronted with their own statements to the opposite. It's truly weird this alternate reality of alternate facts you guys have created.

And the mess with Russia happened under your Messiah, Obama!

Just do the honorable thing and delete this thread!

If you want to bash Trump there are plenty of threads on the first page for you to do that!

I had no idea this thread was making you that uncomfortable. When can you bring yourself to actually address the topic?

Yes I see this thread is not about Trump at all it is about you and your ego!

And it is on topic, just that you do not want to admit that Obama was a failure for allowing Putin to get so much power!

Putin gained his power under Obama, not Trump!

What ever you say Kosh. Ok. For the sake of moving on, let's just say Obama gave Putin power.

Now, how about addressing Trump and his lying? Can you do that buddy?

Can you post that in any other Trump bashing thread, did you really need to start you own?

Yes this is about your ego and nothing else!

When you going to admit that you do not care about the subject? You just want to bash Trump..

You could have done that on any thread!

Do you need a list of the Trump bashing threads that you could post that question on?

And no I want you to admit that Obama was a failure and the reason we are dealing with Putin is because the failure of the far left do anything about him.

So you going to admit that Obama was a failure and he lied?
Glad to see you admit you're in favor of fascism. How ironic to say fascism should be used to defend the Constitution... :lmao:

You are one confused trooper.
Far from it. I have never excluded due process. Pay attention before jumping into conclusions. Enemies within should be dealt with. Financing terror organizations should be prosecuted....

You don't murder, jail, and take away the wealth of your political opponents just because you don't agree with them... You did in fact just say you were ok with that. I never mentioned anything about funding terror organizations... you just did to build a strawman.

Sorry that shit ain't going to fly with me.
George Soros funds the Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, anti-European, left-wing agit - Pastebin.com

What does Soros have to do with what I said? Again... quit deflecting and creating a strawman. I said Putin murders, jails, and takes away the wealth of his political rivals. You said you were ok with that as it would help to defend the Constitution. You made the dumbass statement, now lie in it. Making shit up and trying to take the argument off course isn't going to work. Try that shit on some of the other morons on here, it isn't going to work with me.
...and I said the enemies within and posted a link about financing terror organizations. It is not deflection and not creating a strawman. I was OK with defending the Constitution. Your spinning attempts are very entertaining. You need to calm down.

This thread is about Trump, his lies, and now how Putin is supporting his lies. Why can you not just address that without trying to build a strawman that has no bearing on this thread?
Everything is sour grapes to you.

So tell me Skye - what do you think of Trumps obvious lies?

He claimed he had "never feuded with the intelligence agencies". True or False?

I am loyal to him

I'm on his side.

Not on the anti-Trump's loony left brigade side.

Come rain or shine after the horror story of Hussein Obama I am totally for President Trump.Period.

That's how it is Coyote. :)

Ok, but can you answer the question Skye?

I answered.

I am on President Trump's side.

No use of asking any more Coyote.

My question was this: He claimed he had "never feuded with the intelligence agencies". True or False?

So, are you saying Skye - that you are fine with a president that lies, you support lies?

look Coyote

I am on his side ok?

I am.

Jesus Christ. You sound like you were put on this planet for the sole purpose of being a subservient bootlicker.
Why would anyone believe Putin :dunno:
Why wouldn't?

Defcon, libs don't believe even God. They only believe their crooked, bloody, lying, corrupt "leaders" whose gods are money and power and who should be judged as war criminals. All of them.

What does believing in God have to do with this thread? Hell the "Republicans" that say they believe in God want to take health care away from the poor that need it. But hey... let's stick to Trump and Putin being liars and why you supporters won't own it.
What does dead Teddie have to do with Trump and Putin?

Your hypocrisy.

Teddy and Obozo sucked up to the Russians, Putin, and all of a sudden they're your enemies?

Your feigned outrage is ridiculous. Consult your talking points next week after Media Matters analyses how ineffective your parroting was.

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  • #77
What does dead Teddie have to do with Trump and Putin?

Your hypocrisy.

Teddy and Obozo sucked up to the Russians, Putin, and all of a sudden they're your enemies?

Your feigned outrage is ridiculous. Consult your talking points next week after Media Matters analyses how ineffective your parroting was.

Refer to Post #1 - the definition of "whataboutism". Thanks for providing a stellar example :beer:
  • Thread starter
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  • #78
A Russian hack site? What "Russian hack site"?

The thread is about Trump's constant need to lie...you seem to want to make it about Obama (not that I'm surprised, that's your typical tactic).

You have elected a president that lies constantly and - about really insignificant things, like the crowd at the inauguration. It ought to disturb you, but it doesn't. Instead, you have flail around deflecting.

Trump is our president. How do you deal with these sorts of lies on a daily basis? All politicians lie or at best mislead - but not to this ridiculous degree even when confronted with their own statements to the opposite. It's truly weird this alternate reality of alternate facts you guys have created.

And the mess with Russia happened under your Messiah, Obama!

Just do the honorable thing and delete this thread!

If you want to bash Trump there are plenty of threads on the first page for you to do that!

I had no idea this thread was making you that uncomfortable. When can you bring yourself to actually address the topic?

Yes I see this thread is not about Trump at all it is about you and your ego!

And it is on topic, just that you do not want to admit that Obama was a failure for allowing Putin to get so much power!

Putin gained his power under Obama, not Trump!

What ever you say Kosh. Ok. For the sake of moving on, let's just say Obama gave Putin power.

Now, how about addressing Trump and his lying? Can you do that buddy?

Can you post that in any other Trump bashing thread, did you really need to start you own?

Yes this is about your ego and nothing else!

When you going to admit that you do not care about the subject? You just want to bash Trump..

You could have done that on any thread!

Do you need a list of the Trump bashing threads that you could post that question on?

And no I want you to admit that Obama was a failure and the reason we are dealing with Putin is because the failure of the far left do anything about him.

So you going to admit that Obama was a failure and he lied?

Thank you for providing yet another great example of "whataboutism". Now, what do you think of Trump's lies - seriously, is it ok by you guys? Skye indicated she didn't care if he lied, she was in his corner no matter what he does.
Refer to Post #1 - the definition of "whataboutism". Thanks for providing a stellar example :beer:

Thanks for parroting another asinine talking point while ignoring the issue of your hypocrisy. You've been trained well.

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