The quality of threads and debates has dropped on this board

If you don't like something, it is up to you to do your best to change it.

I have to admit to being one of the offenders here. There are days I like to show off my intellectual chops, but most of the time I just like to wallow.

Every time one tries to start a reasonably intelligent discussion on this board, it gets idiots chiming in with bullshit and off topic crap. Which is why I normally don't bother trying to discuss anything here. Fortunately, I have a more rational place to indulge my passion for intelligent discussion.

okay got it say. Your moral superiority act is laughable. Been here reading for a bit, posting very little, but people like YOU acting like others are running around ruining threads with name calling and such is laughable. I can't even count how many times I've seen you call another poster stupid/childish/idiot etc etc. I mean we all do it some, but you've turned it into an art form it seems. So please don't act like you're above it all.
I have started multiple threads lately about serious topics with valid points contained within. They just drop like rocks on the list. I presume because they're not controversial enough. The extreme idiots on this site seem to be able to direct the debates with their nonsensical threads.

Ps. You're being dishonest.

That's the reason that people don't want to explain their ideas and positions to you. That you don't recognize it is just amazing.

I don't get answers or honest debate because everyone is either too stupid to deepen a discussion or they simply don't want to out of fear of appearing to agree with the opposite side. And then there are the extremes on both sides which is what you highlighted and apparently don't think exists.

I wonder why? Lol

I have been in contact with several intelligent and serious posters who have come here and left. Here are two reasons why they have chosen to leave.

----"and I'm tired of the constant display of idiocy on message boards."

...."the neg feature, being used because someone doesn't approve of your post."
I agree. The intellectual level of some of the threads here at the moment is, well.... just laughable.

Oh, please. You are constantly disrespecting people and calling them names when they don't agree with you. You're not the only one but you are the absolute worst.

The hate and sarcasm from the right has reached new levels here. I thnk the OP knows that and so do you. What's with all of the game playing?? You want to debate??? Sure, you do. :rolleyes:

Okay, HERE is an example of what I see as a new comer here, and to be fair, it happens on all boards.

Some people are just irrational and incapable of a real discussion, that has NOTHING to do with political ideology, so why do you , and others, pretend it does? Stop blaming it on conservatives and pretending like liberals don't do it to, or visa versa. I assure you both sides do it.
I agree. The intellectual level of some of the threads here at the moment is, well.... just laughable.

Oh, please. You are constantly disrespecting people and calling them names when they don't agree with you. You're not the only one but you are the absolute worst.

The hate and sarcasm from the right has reached new levels here. I thnk the OP knows that and so do you. What's with all of the game playing?? You want to debate??? Sure, you do. :rolleyes:

Okay, HERE is an example of what I see as a new comer here, and to be fair, it happens on all boards.

Some people are just irrational and incapable of a real discussion, that has NOTHING to do with political ideology, so why do you , and others, pretend it does? Stop blaming it on conservatives and pretending like liberals don't do it to, or visa versa. I assure you both sides do it.
Absolutely. No 'side' has a monopoly on stupidity.
That's the reason that people don't want to explain their ideas and positions to you. That you don't recognize it is just amazing.

I don't get answers or honest debate because everyone is either too stupid to deepen a discussion or they simply don't want to out of fear of appearing to agree with the opposite side. And then there are the extremes on both sides which is what you highlighted and apparently don't think exists.

I wonder why? Lol

I have been in contact with several intelligent and serious posters who have come here and left. Here are two reasons why they have chosen to leave.

----"and I'm tired of the constant display of idiocy on message boards."

...."the neg feature, being used because someone doesn't approve of your post."

I can see the first reason. Sadly I've displayed it myself at times.

The second? Not really noticing an issue there. I get neged or give one MAYBE once a month. And usually I only give them for serious issues like racism or pure hate. I have felt like negin Chris or Dean every time I see their posts but I don't. Figure it to be pointless.
You want some high quality discussion, you should check out the sandy vagina dialogues currently dominating the flame zone. :D
It is hard enough being me.
If someone wants me to change they can just consume excrement and expire.
You want some high quality discussion, you should check out the sandy vagina dialogues currently dominating the flame zone. :D

I don't venture down there. LOL

I do have to take a demo load to the dump today. While there I'll reflect on what I post on here.

Well, actually I'll probably just plug my nose and dump the debris as fast as possible all the while pretending the items I casually toss to their demise are deans threads.

Later guys....
Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.

you control freaks always get upset over this. you don't mind the pathetic bullshit you post because that kind of lonely hearts club drivel suits you.

why don't you join one of those cooking sites, or the dating sites for old shriveled up losers?

aarp is on line 1...
Omg, I just got neged for my op. Too damn funny when you consider aquathenas post and my response. The reason? Said I was a control freak. Lol

So hoping for better quality threads is now a bad thing. I guess idiocy does run rampant.
Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.
It's probably just a coincidence that this coincides with the Republican Primaries, right??

That's the reason that people don't want to explain their ideas and positions to you. That you don't recognize it is just amazing.

Thing is Rinata, you don't really have any ideas.

If I want to know your position on a subject, I merely need to log on to ThinkProgress or one of the other hate sites.

Regurgitating slogans is not the same as having ideas.

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