The Queers are at it again!!!!!!!!

I agree better and better and the whites are losing out more because things are equalizing, not a bad thing. But to give the notion that equality has been achived along the races, sexes and orientations is delusional.

What are you reading? I find nothing that supports your take.
What are you reading? I find nothing that supports your take.

Are we misunderstanding each other?


minority salary gap
women salary gap
women inequality
black inequality

you can go on forever. you think a black man or a women makes as much as a white man in the same job or has the same chance of getting a job or gets treated the same way?
Are we misunderstanding each other?


minority salary gap
women salary gap
women inequality
black inequality

you can go on forever. you think a black man or a women makes as much as a man in the same job or has the same chance of getting a job or gets treated the same way?
From all I've seen over the course of at least the past 10 years, gaps in salaries are closing, especially when 'personal leaves' are taken into account.

Guess what. I took off 14 years to raise my kids. Thus, should my salary be equal to those that didn't, with the same education and age? Garbage in, garbage out.
Are we misunderstanding each other?


minority salary gap
women salary gap
women inequality
black inequality

you can go on forever. you think a black man or a women makes as much as a white man in the same job or has the same chance of getting a job or gets treated the same way?

in my studio they do .... i reward talent .... period
From all I've seen over the course of at least the past 10 years, gaps in salaries are closing, especially when 'personal leaves' are taken into account.

Guess what. I took off 14 years to raise my kids. Thus, should my salary be equal to those that didn't, with the same education and age? Garbage in, garbage out.

I never refuted they aren't closing, but it's still around 10%-15% less. How many working moms take off 14 years? I bet there isn't much data so it's not useful.
Are we misunderstanding each other?


minority salary gap
women salary gap
women inequality
black inequality

you can go on forever. you think a black man or a women makes as much as a white man in the same job or has the same chance of getting a job or gets treated the same way?

Try citing specific sources rather than simply saying "Google it." As you should know (if you have any internet savy at all, which at this point is questionable), you can find anything you want on the internet, some of it valid, verifiable material, but much of it is garbage and/or propaganda.

For someone who supposedly has been around a while, your debate technique is sorely lacking.
That's great to hear! But on average around the country it's 10-15 percent less, that is fact.

Greg, I'm trying to bring some age here, my guess if lucky you are in your very early 20's? Educated women tend to marry educated men. Both make substantial salaries and have many more choices. A significant proportion of those women are going to choose to stay home with their young children. How long is influenced by how many young children. The number of young children of wealthier parents has been increasing over the past 15 years or more. Thus 3 children with a spacing of 2.5-3.0 years means the mom may choose to be home for 15 years or more.

Were there 'sacrifices' to being a stay at home? Yeah, we took only 2 vacations per year, within country. Only 2 times did we need passports, and that was without kids.

We lived in house of less than 800k worth (today's market), and drove Chrysler and Toyota cars.
Greg, I'm trying to bring some age here, my guess if lucky you are in your very early 20's? Educated women tend to marry educated men. Both make substantial salaries and have many more choices. A significant proportion of those women are going to choose to stay home with their young children. How long is influenced by how many young children. The number of young children of wealthier parents has been increasing over the past 15 years or more. Thus 3 children with a spacing of 2.5-3.0 years means the mom may choose to be home for 15 years or more.

Were there 'sacrifices' to being a stay at home? Yeah, we took only 2 vacations per year, within country. Only 2 times did we need passports, and that was without kids.

We lived in house of less than 800k worth (today's market), and drove Chrysler and Toyota cars.

WOW---serious sacrifices if I ever heard em .
A little viewpoint clashing makes great active discussion! Just look how the thread exploded today with posts :)

Jim what is the treatment for "curing" gays? Last time I checked the latest DSM-II homosexuality wasn't in there. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality from it's official diagnostic categories of mental illness.

In reaction to Jim's violent statement. I agree if someone is physically putting themselves on you a good shoove is in order, but if a gay guy is merely complementing you and smiling... and you punch them, that is a hate crime.

In 1973 the APA voted under extreme pressure from queer rights organizations to remove queerness from its list of mental illnesses not because of any research which proved it to not be a mental illness.

Lets be honest in this discussion, o.k.?
I'm not going to claim to be any type of medical professional, but homosexuals have a serious abnormality, whether it be through genes or choice. Either way, treatment is the way to go, not acknowledging their behavior as 'equal'.

Compliment and smile = fuck off
Physically putting themselves on me = can of whoop ass

You are correct Jimmy. Many people are born with an incredible urge to be a pedophile but they know it to be wrong so most abstain, even if queers were to be found to be born queer the whole world still knows its wrong so why encourage these sickos to engage in their bad behavior by granting them marriage rights.

Here is the reality of queer marriage issue: queers don't really want to get married, they are just looking for legitimization of their perversion of choice and marriage is the vehicle they are driving there.

Its as simple as that.
Attacking the person instead of the comment. My how nothing has changed.

What'd you expect from the entire 3-4 days you were gone .... this time? A completely new cast of characters?

I really don't care what you posted on this topic. Just about everyone who is anyone has punked you out on it; yet, you still stick to playing the same, broken record.

You promised to go away .... so go away.
What'd you expect from the entire 3-4 days you were gone .... this time? A completely new cast of characters?

I really don't care what you posted on this topic. Just about everyone who is anyone has punked you out on it; yet, you still stick to playing the same, broken record.

You promised to go away .... so go away.

It would be nice if some characters showed a bit more character. Yeah. Keep dreaming. As I see it, I poke holes in just about every argument. I sometimes like poking around and being a gadfly. I changed my mind. I think that I will stay a while.

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