The Question Thread


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
This is kinda like the friday five but instead of it being just friday is questions from anyone, at any time. Pick and choose whose questions you want to answer..or answer all of 'em! Gotta post at LEAST 6 questions though. Goofy, serious, informative...whatever you wanna ask!

I'll start:

1. If you could change one thing about you, What would it be ?

2. What is the best gift you have received ? (children and spouse do not count)

3. Do you have any special talents ?

4. How old were you when you had your first kiss ?

5. What did you wanna be when you were younger?

6. What was favourite toy when you were a kid ?
Guess I should answer my own questions, eh?

1. nothing.
2. my car.
3. I can twitch my nose like Samantha
4. 16
5. Veterinarian
6. my bike
1. If you could change your hair colour, to what colour?
2. If you could magically change places with one of your parents which would you choose?
3. What would you do to keep busy if you were suddenly able to retire at your current age?
4. To what state would you move, if you could move, if your state went out of business?
5. If asked to run for president would you?
6. Was the second time as good as the first?
1. If you could change your hair colour, to what colour?
2. If you could magically change places with one of your parents which would you choose?
3. What would you do to keep busy if you were suddenly able to retire at your current age?
4. To what state would you move, if you could move, if your state went out of business?
5. If asked to run for president would you?
6. Was the second time as good as the first?

1. I like my silver gray. :)
2. My dad.
3. Too late. Already retired.
4. Maui (Hawaii)
5. oh hayell no!
6. Better! First time hurt!
This is kinda like the friday five but instead of it being just friday is questions from anyone, at any time. Pick and choose whose questions you want to answer..or answer all of 'em! Gotta post at LEAST 6 questions though. Goofy, serious, informative...whatever you wanna ask!

I'll start:

1. If you could change one thing about you, What would it be ?
My age. I'd like to step back about fifty years.

2. What is the best gift you have received ? (children and spouse do not count)
An IBM Selectric III typewriter.

3. Do you have any special talents ?

4. How old were you when you had your first kiss ?
Presuming you mean romantic kiss -- fourteen. (Doris Petersen. True love.)

5. What did you wanna be when you were younger?
A journalist.

6. What was favourite toy when you were a kid ?
A Daisy Red Ryder BB-gun.
1. If you could change one thing about you, What would it be?

I'd congeal more, and run less.

Gracie said:
2. What is the best gift you have received? (children and spouse do not count)

Back in the 2007 holiday season, someone ate three Cracker Barrel cheese logs in three days while popping Vicodin.

I appreciated that little vacation he gave me.

Gracie said:
3. Do you have any special talents?

I can seriously mess up your first date.

Gracie said:
4. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Not sure I even remember my age anymore.

All I know is that it happened during an outbreak of dysentery on a pirate ship in the 16th Century.

Gracie said:
5. What did you wanna be when you were younger?

A talk show host.

Gracie said:
6. What was favourite toy when you were a kid?

A jacuzzi.

And now, some questions from my fellow sharts and me:

1.) Measure once, or cut twice?
2.) What is your favorite kind of tree?
3.) Worst place to meet a shart: an amusement park, at work, at the library or at church?
4.) Who da man?
5.) Who are three people who have never been in your kitchen?
6.) You are lacing someone's drinks with something that will introduce that someone to me. Whom would you like that someone to be?
This is kinda like the friday five but instead of it being just friday is questions from anyone, at any time. Pick and choose whose questions you want to answer..or answer all of 'em! Gotta post at LEAST 6 questions though. Goofy, serious, informative...whatever you wanna ask!

I'll start:

1. If you could change one thing about you, What would it be ?

2. What is the best gift you have received ? (children and spouse do not count)

3. Do you have any special talents ?

4. How old were you when you had your first kiss ?

5. What did you wanna be when you were younger?

6. What was favourite toy when you were a kid ?

1. To be more calm

2. I can't think of any big gift

3. No

4. 12

5. Archaeologist

6. skateboard
1.) Measure once, or cut twice? Once!
2.) What is your favorite kind of tree? A big one, lol
3.) Worst place to meet a shart: an amusement park, at work, at the library or at church? No comment.
4.) Who da man? No clue
5.) Who are three people who have never been in your kitchen? You, Jesus, Gandhi
6.) You are lacing someone's drinks with something that will introduce that someone to me. Whom would you like that someone to be? Mz Shart
1. If you could change your hair colour, to what colour?
2. If you could magically change places with one of your parents which would you choose?
3. What would you do to keep busy if you were suddenly able to retire at your current age?
4. To what state would you move, if you could move, if your state went out of business?
5. If asked to run for president would you?
6. Was the second time as good as the first?

1. I like them all

2. Neither

3. I would visit family and help them

4. Washington

5. No

6. Don't remember
Post some questions, Drifter! Got any goofy ones?

1. Bubblewrap...inside or out when wrapping?

2. Jam or jelly?

3. Tea or coffee?
1. If you could change one thing about you, What would it be?

I'd congeal more, and run less.

Gracie said:
2. What is the best gift you have received? (children and spouse do not count)

Back in the 2007 holiday season, someone ate three Cracker Barrel cheese logs in three days while popping Vicodin.

I appreciated that little vacation he gave me.

I can seriously mess up your first date.

Not sure I even remember my age anymore.

All I know is that it happened during an outbreak of dysentery on a pirate ship in the 16th Century.

Gracie said:
5. What did you wanna be when you were younger?

A talk show host.

Gracie said:
6. What was favourite toy when you were a kid?

A jacuzzi.

And now, some questions from my fellow sharts and me:

1.) Measure once, or cut twice?
2.) What is your favorite kind of tree?
3.) Worst place to meet a shart: an amusement park, at work, at the library or at church?
4.) Who da man?
5.) Who are three people who have never been in your kitchen?
6.) You are lacing someone's drinks with something that will introduce that someone to me. Whom would you like that someone to be?

1. Cut twice

2. Lemon

3. Library


5. Ryan Gosling, Steve Harvey and Katie Couric

6. Betty White
1. Paper or Plastic

2. Who is your celebrity crush

3. Name two things that are annoying to most people that you can overlook pretty easily

4. Favorite childhood birthday how old were you

5. Vacation at : San Francisco or San Antonio
1. Paper or Plastic

2. Who is your celebrity crush

3. Name two things that are annoying to most people that you can overlook pretty easily

4. Favorite childhood birthday how old were you

5. Vacation at : San Francisco or San Antonio


Vig Mortensen or Sean Bean

Dog hair, loud music.

Don't remember.

1. Dead silence or white noise when you sleep?

2. Pie or cake?

3. North or south?

4. Lobster or shrimp?

5. Sci Fi or Comedy?

6. Country or Rock?
2. What is the best gift you have received ? (children and spouse do not count)


3. Do you have any special talents ?

I have several. One talent I developed in the military is that I am very good at finding people who don't want to be found.

4. How old were you when you had your first kiss ?

Nine. Hiding in a closet under the stairs with an Irish girl. Completely spontaneous. I kissed her and I could see her beautiful face break out in a big smile. It was a moment of the purest joy. I still remember it like it was five minutes ago.

Ten years later, I was home on leave from the military. I went to a bar with a buddy from high school and ordered a drink. A different person brought the drink than the person I had ordered if from. All I saw was the perfect, pale hand of the woman who put the drink over my shoulder onto the table.

I knew immediately it was her.

True story.

5. What did you wanna be when you were younger?

A writer. That is also one of my talents.
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3. What would you do to keep busy if you were suddenly able to retire at your current age?

Read. Continue to run the non-profit helping others.

4. To what state would you move, if you could move, if your state went out of business?


5. If asked to run for president would you?


6. Was the second time as good as the first?
Second time was much better than the first.
Tax on consumption or tax on production?

For the guys: Ingrid Bergman at her peak, or Mila Kunis?

For the gals: Clint Eastwood at his peak, or Jon Hamm?

For the guys: Blonde, brunette, or redhead?

For the gals: Tall, dark and handsome or makes you laugh?

For the gals: Makes you laugh or makes the bed in the morning?
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What is the greatest physical pain you have ever felt?

What is the greatest emotional pain you have ever felt?

What's the meanest thing you have ever done?

Do you wish you had not done that mean thing?

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