The Quickening: Mistaking Behaviors for Race Creates an American Legal Tsunami

For legal purposes for determining jury outcomes, do you consider homosexuality:

  • A race of people

  • Behaviors that people do

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Probably best that this legal aspect is discussed here relevant to the "Mistaking Behaviors for Race" focus instead of who is sitting in jail right now...

There is no reason to hold her once she no longer holds the office, so she won't be. When her term is up, she's out, if she doesn't fold before then, which she will...
I don't think she will. The longer she stays in that jail, the more the jury will award her when this is all said and done.
Did you expect there would be no civil disobedience? Are you in support of the people who married gays in California anyway while Prop 8 was law (still is when they impeach Ginsburg & Kagan and retry the case)? If you were in support of that, you are in support also of Kim Davis' refusal on principle. You have your principles, she has hers. Only, she's sitting in jail because of hers. But that's better than eternity in the slammer.

If she loses her job because of her passive but firm religious objections, she is going to FLEECE the state of Kentucky. That's a given. Anyone wishing to retire early might choose to do exactly what she's doing, matter of fact.. In order for the jury to find against Ms. Davis they would have to find that the 1st Amendment no longer is a working amendment and that a person can be discriminated against based on their religion. :popcorn:

See, I told y'all that mistaking behaviors for race was going to cause a legal logjam and unraveling of American Law . But NOOOOOObody wanted to listen. Now we are right in the thick of it, what, not even four months after June's Judicial coup?

Behaviors are what Christains cannot promote. The Anne Heches of this waffling cult whose only binding trait seems to be utter rejection of the missionary position between heterosexuals, cannot demand that Christians abdicate their faith to accomodate the new rainbow religion.

Repeat after me:

"Homosexuality is NOT a race"..."Homosexuality is NOT a race"...."Homosexuality is NOT a race"...ladies and gentlemen of the jury, your turn "Homosexuality is NOT a race"...judges, your turn "Homosexuality is NOT a race" Congress, "Homosexuality is NOT race"... State attorneys general, now you: "Homosexuality is NOT a race"..

HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A RACE. The mistaken premise is already tearing away at the Constitution. Loosely knit, temporally-shifting organized deviant sex behaviors were NEVER given Constitutional protection. Behaviors are regulated locally at the state level.

I love the cheeky judge who refused to divorce those two people because he said that since his state cannot define what marriage is, then they are also too ignorant to define what marriage isn't. He's leaving that divorce up to the US Supreme Go judge! :lmao: Drive that unravelling constitutional issue over the home plate. Tenn. judge refuses Straight Couple's divorce because of Gay Marriage | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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Don't worry Sil, you'll cope eventually. In the meantime have a look around, take in the scenery, marvel at the surroundings... the 21st century is a great place! Take a break from kicking and screaming for a while!
Don't worry Sil, you'll cope eventually. In the meantime have a look around, take in the scenery, marvel at the surroundings... the 21st century is a great place! Take a break from kicking and screaming for a while!
I'm not the one sitting in jail/soon to sue for my passive religious protest.
For legal purposes for determining jury outcomes, do you consider homosexuality

Is the OP suggesting that potential jurors should be asked who they have sex with?

The answer to his poll question is: MYOB and give up your dreams of sharia law in the US.
Sil, really, MYOB. You have no argument, legal or otherwise, to support your silly cause.
Lord knows Sil is known for her accurate prediction making skills. This time I am sure you'll get it right. :lol:
Lord knows Sil is known for her accurate prediction making skills. This time I am sure you'll get it right. :lol:
Well that magic number of 80-something % has popped up on the poll again. I assume you're aware of how juries are assembled?

It's very simple mdk. We all know what this is racing towards legally. It will be the 1st Amendment vs "homosexuals". Ultimately one will have to lose. And the loser will be the one who doesn't expressly have constitutional protections. That's why I tailored the poll as I did. Behaviors don't have those protections. Human behaviors are regulated locally, not federally.

Unless you believe that the 1st Amendment will be repealed in favor of the deviant sex cult posing as a "race of people"? Is that what you think will happen?
Lord knows Sil is known for her accurate prediction making skills. This time I am sure you'll get it right. :lol:
Well that magic number of 80-something % has popped up on the poll again. I assume you're aware of how juries are assembled?

It's very simple mdk. We all know what this is racing towards legally. It will be the 1st Amendment vs "homosexuals". Ultimately one will have to lose. And the loser will be the one who doesn't expressly have constitutional protections. That's why I tailored the poll as I did. Behaviors don't have those protections. Human behaviors are regulated locally, not federally.

Unless you believe that the 1st Amendment will be repealed in favor of the deviant sex cult posing as a "race of people"? Is that what you think will happen?

80% you say? How many hands will I need to count the people that responded to your poll? One or two? The only person claiming gay is a race is you and you're a proven idiot.

Pardon me if I don't take your predictions very seriously seeing as how you've been laughably wrong every time.
80% you say? How many hands will I need to count the people that responded to your poll? One or two? The only person claiming gay is a race is you and you're a proven idiot.

Pardon me if I don't take your predictions very seriously seeing as how you've been laughably wrong every time.

You'd need a few hands to count the number of people who responded to this poll running also in the 80+% range against supporting gays being able to force Christians to their knees before the rainbow altar: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 947 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
80% you say? How many hands will I need to count the people that responded to your poll? One or two? The only person claiming gay is a race is you and you're a proven idiot.

Pardon me if I don't take your predictions very seriously seeing as how you've been laughably wrong every time.

You'd need a few hands to count the number of people who responded to this poll running also in the 80+% range against supporting gays being able to force Christians to their knees before the rainbow altar: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings? | Page 947 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I take it not many people voted? Shocking. lol

80% stated, I was one of them, that churches shouldn't be forced to marry gays against their wishes. You lie and pretend that 80% means they don't support gay marriage at all. Which obvious bullshit. You also lie about not being a Christian or some odd reason. Lies is all you have and you lie as effortlessly as I breathe.
...You lie and pretend that 80% means they don't support gay marriage at all. Which obvious bullshit. You also lie about not being a Christian or some odd reason. Lies is all you have and you lie as effortlessly as I breathe.

Here's your reply "you liar! You lie! You mean old liar! 80% doesn't mean anything mean mean mean old liar!!"

Seriously? 80% you think agree that Christians should be forced to bow at the rainbow altar or be jailed? In what parallel universe.

You're right, I'll bet the real numbers in America that dont' sit on the internet 24/7 are more like 90% against Christians being forced to accomodate "gay weddings".. You don't have to be a Christian to be against forcing them to bow at another altar under threat of jail..
...You lie and pretend that 80% means they don't support gay marriage at all. Which obvious bullshit. You also lie about not being a Christian or some odd reason. Lies is all you have and you lie as effortlessly as I breathe.

Here's your reply "you liar! You lie! You mean old liar! 80% doesn't mean anything mean mean mean old liar!!"

Seriously? 80% you think agree that Christians should be forced to bow at the rainbow altar or be jailed? In what parallel universe.

You're right, I'll bet the real numbers in America that dont' sit on the internet 24/7 are more like 90% against Christians being forced to accomodate "gay weddings".. You don't have to be a Christian to be against forcing them to bow at another altar under threat of jail..

You are free to misrepresent those numbers all you wish, your narrative requires you to do so; however, the rest of us are under no obligation to follow suit.
We're up to 85% now.

I bet not even ten people voted in your poll. lol. The only person claiming gay is a race is you. Too funny.
Then if gay isn't a race of people and are behaviors instead, how would we prevent other behaviors in the minority that people find objectionable in the majority from gaining special protections from majority regulation? No, really, how? In the name of equal application of the new standard, how?

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