The RAcial Makeup of an Average White American


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
In my copious free time since my back went bad, I have looked into my geneology.

Well it seems that my DNA has me half from England and half from Africa, Saxon and Berber respectively. While Berbers are one of those Caucasian ethnicities from Africa, most today would call it 'black' for stupid reasons like they say Mexicans are not white.

Found two different Amerindian wives of two ancestors, some Cajun, some Scot and an octoroon.

And how much difference does it make in my life? None.

Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1958 Robert Stuckert produced a statistical analysis using historical census data and immigration statistics. ...He concluded that 21 percent of white Americans had some recent African-American ancestors. He also concluded that the majority of Americans of known African descent were partly European and not entirely sub-Saharan African.[34]

More recently, many different DNA studies have shown that many African Americans have European admixture, reflecting the long history in this country of the various populations. Proportions of European admixture in African-American DNA have been found in studies to be 17%[35] and between 10.6% and 22.5%.[36] Another recent study found the average to be 21.2%, with a standard error of 1.2%.

So the one fifth of whites with black ancestry outnumber the total number of blacks in the US, lol. We should all join the NAACP and vote itself out of existence.

Racial identities today are more a result of politics and culture than anything remotely resembling the strict, harsh and irrational distinctions drawn in 1900.

The only reason this shit is still around is because of the Identity Politics the leftards keep pursuing as part of the Democratic Party's racialism they have practiced since this nations founding.
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white people have been mixing with so many ethnicities,that there are no pure white people left.So to say your race is superior is a lie,so live with it.
Race is a social construct that doesn't exist, therefore we can get of affirmative action and civil rights laws.
Kilmeade on Fox's Morning show says Scandinavians and Fins are racially pure and thus suffer less from thigs like Alzheimer's. :)

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