The radical left is flirting with disaster

Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
So she was denied, I've been denied service before, I got over it in like 5 minutes how long will it take the right?

The restraint shit is stupid. It’s the other shit, like with Pam Bondi, and the other dumb blond. No good reason three grown ass men now up to a woman. Can’t say about those east of the Mississippi, but west of it only fags do that.
Even in Okiehoma?

Oklahomo is gay central. That’s not dudes punching women, that’s dudes punching dudes dressed as women.
A democrat operative shot up a republican baseball team barely a year ago. A high profile H'wood actor said he wishes the President's children were kidnapped and three or four has-been actors threatened the President with everything from arson to assault to freaking murder. The Press Secretary and her family were disrespected in public by an irate crazy restaurant proprietor. An intern hired by a democrat senator intentionally disrespected the President of the United States in public and wasn't even fired and a congresswoman tells her constituency to harass the President's employees and embarrass them in public. The left isn't flirting with disaster, they are advocating disaster. Insanity on the left is a festering cancer and as long as the criminal conspiracy in the MSM fails to address it we are drifting towards chaos. Maybe that's what they want.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

It's funny how you see things so clear on the left, but on the right you're totally blinded.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
So she was denied, I've been denied service before, I got over it in like 5 minutes how long will it take the right?
depends on the cake being served.
I only order icecream other will dood.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
So she was denied, I've been denied service before, I got over it in like 5 minutes how long will it take the right?

This angry, vengeful rhetoric from the Left drove a madman to shoot up a baseball field full of Republicans.
You knew this guy personally and was his therapist?
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

So I am visiting back at home, visiting with family that are mostly President Trump haters and devout Democrats, although I wouldn’t describe them as batshit crazy Antifa types. Even they are saying the restaurant denying Sanders was way out of line, and what Maxine said was crossing the line. They are disgusted with what the left is doing now.

Keep it up Dems, you’re making your own base feeling alienated. Your cowardly acts of social justice terrorism are starting to have an effect, just not the one you were hoping for.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

Isn't life a bitch when a big clear mirror is held up so you HAVE to look in it? This is the world you con idiots created and you were so ecstatic to do so the last 8 years carrying yer guns in public and threatening "we came unarmed, this time" to them damn 'libruls'.

What's a matta? Doesn't look as exiting when you're on the other side of it? Suck it up. You've finally getting some of what you've given out. Stop crying about it.

So maybe you can tell us of the last Republican politician that advocated what Water's did. Surround them, push them out, stop them where they may exist?

My goodness, for eight years you guys on the left cried about McConnell saying that his goal is to make DumBama a one-term President; as if that was not the Democrat goal of any Republican President.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

So I am visiting back at home, visiting with family that are mostly President Trump haters and devout Democrats, although I wouldn’t describe them as batshit crazy Antifa types. Even they are saying the restaurant denying Sanders was way out of line, and what Maxine said was crossing the line. They are disgusted with what the left is doing now.

Keep it up Dems, you’re making your own base feeling alienated. Your cowardly acts of social justice terrorism are starting to have an effect, just not the one you were hoping for.

Exactly. The funny thing is the left never learns anything. Now they went from Deplorable's to Nazi's.

Don''t they realize a lot of Americans don't feel the way they do on certain issues? Don't they understand how insulting over half of the public is not the best way to win them over? Sure, it will give credence to their supporters, but even if you agree with 90% of the Democrat or liberal platform, and then get insulted because of the 10% you disagree with them on, that you will continue to support people who insulted you?
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
So she was denied, I've been denied service before, I got over it in like 5 minutes how long will it take the right?

The restraint shit is stupid. It’s the other shit, like with Pam Bondi, and the other dumb blond. No good reason three grown ass men now up to a woman. Can’t say about those east of the Mississippi, but west of it only fags do that.
Even in Okiehoma?

Oklahomo is gay central. That’s not dudes punching women, that’s dudes punching dudes dressed as women.
Well, they do have their own drag queen paradise.
The would not have been a Martin Luther King Jr. were it not for Blacks being denied service at a some obscure diner. Extraordinarily low IQ Maxine Waters should be under arrest for inciting domestic terrorism.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

Isn't life a bitch when a big clear mirror is held up so you HAVE to look in it? This is the world you con idiots created and you were so ecstatic to do so the last 8 years carrying yer guns in public and threatening "we came unarmed, this time" to them damn 'libruls'.

What's a matta? Doesn't look as exiting when you're on the other side of it? Suck it up. You've finally getting some of what you've given out. Stop crying about it.

So maybe you can tell us of the last Republican politician that advocated what Water's did. Surround them, push them out, stop them where they may exist?

My goodness, for eight years you guys on the left cried about McConnell saying that his goal is to make DumBama a one-term President; as if that was not the Democrat goal of any Republican President.

Trump says it at everyone one of his circle-jerk rallies still. Catch up.
The would not have been a Martin Luther King Jr. were it not for Blacks being denied service at a some obscure diner. Extraordinarily low IQ Maxine Waters should be under arrest for inciting domestic terrorism.

The fake Black American history and the myth of White privilege is based on not getting service at an obscure diner.

You just compared Lying Sara to civil rights pioneers in one breath, and then called them fake in another breath.


You’re so confused by all of this, your brain is short circuiting :rofl:
Arm yourselves and be aware of what's going on around you as much as you can.

You aren’t going to do shit, tough guy. Your threats are baseless because you’re a coward
The far and alt right are not tuffies at all, just puffies, who will run away like little huffies.

You guys are not scaring anyone. :)
I watched a documentary on the alt. right by a Muslim woman from Britain on Netflix.

I think you would find that you are mistaken there. . . . .

There are extremists on both sides that have been radicalized by the MSM and the foundations for political purposes.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

Well, the terrorist bombings have already been attempted. Google up Andrew Schneke. This is getting scarey. The only thing we have going for us is that no adult takes that ragged out old mule seriously.
That ugly old mule is in the position she is, because she has a core following and Antifa is another nut job faction.
I'm just waiting for the spark that starts a new Civil War.
A friend from Canada posted this today. . . .

This Is Just the Beginning

". . . . . These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently. Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. . . . "
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

Maxine Waters has her own agenda but deserves respect for being the daughter of Muddy Waters.
Sorry if I can't take the butt hurt on this thread seriously...

“If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them,” Trump said. “Just knock the hell — I promise you, I’ll pay the legal fees.”

Well, as seriously as Trump's promise to pay. Imagine the sort of sucker who'd take him at his word!
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Sorry if I can't take the butt hurt on this thread seriously...

“If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them,” Trump said. “Just knock the hell — I promise you, I’ll pay the legal fees.”

Well, as seriously as Trump's promise to pay. Imagine the sort of sucker who'd take him at his word!

Politeness is alive and well in a small part of the population of belligerent humans, and civility conquers belligerence.
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the source of much radicalization>>>>

time honored method of control


to keep the populace angry is to control the populace


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