The radical left is flirting with disaster

Democrats have been inciting violence since Election Day. It's a very dangerous radicalization process. She knows some deranged folks will act on her incitement. It's time to begin holding folks accountable. Start with Maxine Waters.
Democrats have been inciting violence since Election Day. It's a very dangerous radicalization process. She knows some deranged folks will act on her incitement. It's time to begin holding folks accountable. Start with Maxine Waters.
She didn't ask for physical violence just for harassment. Which I don't agree with either.
A friend from Canada posted this today. . . .

This Is Just the Beginning

". . . . . These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently. Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. . . . "
The current administration's racism?
Well, let's see....Black unemployment is at its lowest it has ever been. That sure doesn't sound racist to me.
Immigration ban upheld by the Supreme Court, was NOT a ban on Muslims. It was a ban on Islamic nations that because of the situations in those countries, the persons that would come from there could NOT be adequately vetted to weed out terrorist elements. The nations that are facing the ban total a whopping "seven;" the total number of Muslim nations allowed to travel here...."48." Also, Muslims consist of Asians, Africans, Hispanic and assorted Whites, so that doesn't sound very racist to me, however, if I was leading the nation, I would personally ban all Muslims from entering, simply because it is a combination of political, religious and militaristic philosophies via their Koran which clearly advocates the killing of non-believers and reliable studies have reflected that approximately 320,000,000 of the 1.8 billion Muslims, want you converted, subjugated or, killed.
To this administration, the race of the people coming in droves via our southern border is irrelevant. It believes in maintaining a sovereign nation, border control and the vetting of those that want to come in to ensure that you are not getting drug-cartel members, gang members, fleeing fugitives, murderers, rapists and of course, terrorists. The color of the skin is irrelevant.
A friend from Canada posted this today. . . .

This Is Just the Beginning

". . . . . These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently. Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. . . . "
The current administration's racism?
Well, let's see....Black unemployment is at its lowest it has ever been. That sure doesn't sound racist to me.
Immigration ban upheld by the Supreme Court, was NOT a ban on Muslims. It was a ban on Islamic nations that because of the situations in those countries, the persons that would come from there could NOT be adequately vetted to weed out terrorist elements. The nations that are facing the ban total a whopping "seven;" the total number of Muslim nations allowed to travel here...."48." Also, Muslims consist of Asians, Africans, Hispanic and assorted Whites, so that doesn't sound very racist to me, however, if I was leading the nation, I would personally ban all Muslims from entering, simply because it is a combination of political, religious and militaristic philosophies via their Koran which clearly advocates the killing of non-believers and reliable studies have reflected that approximately 320,000,000 of the 1.8 billion Muslims, want you converted, subjugated or, killed.
To this administration, the race of the people coming in droves via our southern border is irrelevant. It believes in maintaining a sovereign nation, border control and the vetting of those that want to come in to ensure that you are not getting drug-cartel members, gang members, fleeing fugitives, murderers, rapists and of course, terrorists. The color of the skin is irrelevant.

Dude, relax, I'm not saying I supported or necessarily agreed with this post.

What I am saying is that the corporate masters are complicit in fomenting a mindset that is setting brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. The elites have practiced divide et imperium since the days of the Roman emperors, it is that oldest game in the book.

Perhaps you would be interested in checking out the conversations, just for entertainment purposes mind you, in this thread. It is illustrative of the POV of folks that are fed up with elites setting folks at each other throats. It might be wishful thinking, or it might be something more.
A friend from Canada posted this today. . . .

This Is Just the Beginning

". . . . . These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently. Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. . . . "
The current administration's racism?
Well, let's see....Black unemployment is at its lowest it has ever been. That sure doesn't sound racist to me.
Immigration ban upheld by the Supreme Court, was NOT a ban on Muslims. It was a ban on Islamic nations that because of the situations in those countries, the persons that would come from there could NOT be adequately vetted to weed out terrorist elements. The nations that are facing the ban total a whopping "seven;" the total number of Muslim nations allowed to travel here...."48." Also, Muslims consist of Asians, Africans, Hispanic and assorted Whites, so that doesn't sound very racist to me, however, if I was leading the nation, I would personally ban all Muslims from entering, simply because it is a combination of political, religious and militaristic philosophies via their Koran which clearly advocates the killing of non-believers and reliable studies have reflected that approximately 320,000,000 of the 1.8 billion Muslims, want you converted, subjugated or, killed.
To this administration, the race of the people coming in droves via our southern border is irrelevant. It believes in maintaining a sovereign nation, border control and the vetting of those that want to come in to ensure that you are not getting drug-cartel members, gang members, fleeing fugitives, murderers, rapists and of course, terrorists. The color of the skin is irrelevant.

Dude, relax, I'm not saying I supported or necessarily agreed with this post.

What I am saying is that the corporate masters are complicit in fomenting a mindset that is setting brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. The elites have practiced divide et imperium since the days of the Roman emperors, it is that oldest game in the book.

Perhaps you would be interested in checking out the conversations, just for entertainment purposes mind you, in this thread. It is illustrative of the POV of folks that are fed up with elites setting folks at each other throats. It might be wishful thinking, or it might be something more.
When someone starts saying,,, "corporate masters," that's a clear indicator of a Communist.
If people hate corporate heads getting rich, just don't buy their products. I don't care how rich they get and frankly, any money they make is theirs, not to be given out to those less fortunate, like myself, if they don't wish to. You, me and millions of others go to a company and fill out an employment application form, no one forced us to, we do this to bring in a paycheck. The company clearly states its wages and we are free to accept or refuse and move on. If we accept their wages offer and are accepted to work there, they don't own us, we are free to move on anytime we choose. So, they are NOT our Corporate Masters, only our employers, which we chose to work for, and when we are off the clock, we do as we like.
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A friend from Canada posted this today. . . .

This Is Just the Beginning

". . . . . These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently. Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. . . . "
The current administration's racism?
Well, let's see....Black unemployment is at its lowest it has ever been. That sure doesn't sound racist to me.
Immigration ban upheld by the Supreme Court, was NOT a ban on Muslims. It was a ban on Islamic nations that because of the situations in those countries, the persons that would come from there could NOT be adequately vetted to weed out terrorist elements. The nations that are facing the ban total a whopping "seven;" the total number of Muslim nations allowed to travel here...."48." Also, Muslims consist of Asians, Africans, Hispanic and assorted Whites, so that doesn't sound very racist to me, however, if I was leading the nation, I would personally ban all Muslims from entering, simply because it is a combination of political, religious and militaristic philosophies via their Koran which clearly advocates the killing of non-believers and reliable studies have reflected that approximately 320,000,000 of the 1.8 billion Muslims, want you converted, subjugated or, killed.
To this administration, the race of the people coming in droves via our southern border is irrelevant. It believes in maintaining a sovereign nation, border control and the vetting of those that want to come in to ensure that you are not getting drug-cartel members, gang members, fleeing fugitives, murderers, rapists and of course, terrorists. The color of the skin is irrelevant.

Dude, relax, I'm not saying I supported or necessarily agreed with this post.

What I am saying is that the corporate masters are complicit in fomenting a mindset that is setting brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. The elites have practiced divide et imperium since the days of the Roman emperors, it is that oldest game in the book.

Perhaps you would be interested in checking out the conversations, just for entertainment purposes mind you, in this thread. It is illustrative of the POV of folks that are fed up with elites setting folks at each other throats. It might be wishful thinking, or it might be something more.
When someone starts saying,,, "corporate masters," that's a clear indicator of a Communist.
If people hate corporate heads getting rich, just don't buy their products. I don't care how rich they get and frankly, any money they make is theirs, not to be given out to those less fortunate, like myself, if they don't wish to. You, me and millions of others go to a company and fill out an employment application form, no one forced us to, we do this to bring in a paycheck. The company clearly states its wages and we are free to accept or refuse and move on. If we accept their wages offer and are accepted to work there, they don't own us, we are free to move on anytime we choose. So, they are NOT our Corporate Masters, only our employers, which we chose to work for, and when we are off the clock, we do as we like.

Hey, I love the free market. I'm certainly a lot farther from a communist than a fascist like you. If you actually believe that workers have that much of a choice.

It's clear to me you don't understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism. Your probably a Keynesian and love the FED. Or you do and you are just spreading disinformation and propaganda.

It's clear you don't even know what the Council on Foreign Relations is and how it controls your thinking.


Sure, the media is lots and lots and lots of things. And apparently it's all left wing.

Well I'm sure no far right extremist or left wing extremist gives a damn about the mainstream media. The mainstream media is for people who don't bother using their brain too much.

The reality is that right wing people can exert as much influence as left wing people. Hollywood is more left wing because the people in charge are generally INTELLIGENT people who don't get taken in by nonsense nationalism.

The media in the US is privately owned, so if you think it's more left wing than right wing, it's because those people who are left wing are better at it than the right wingers, right?

Hollywood is left wing not because they're intelligent but because actors and artists tend to be flaky weirdos. I mean seriously what grown adult plays pretend for a living? I'm positive that most celebrities don't really care about politics, they just jump on bandwagons to inflate their popularity. Which in the era of social media, is the same mindset that motivates all of these annoying social justice warriors. These people don't care about anything except themselves... The entertainment industry has been glorifying 1960s civil rights activism for so long that they want to have another go at it even though there's nothing left to fight for.

"flaky weirdos" huh?

What adults pretend for a living? Let's see, salespeople, teachers, politicians, anyone who wants to be successful really.

Some of the most successful people are charismatic, which is basically pretending to be something they're not.

Most celebrities probably don't care about politics and most of them don't seem to play any part in it. A few of them do. Like any other profession.

How many politicians care about politics? Doesn't seem that many, they're just there for their over inflated egos.

But hey, you make up a narrative that fits perfectly with your twisted view of things.

Bit of a stretch to compare salespeople to actors. But I agree with you about politicians, most of them are big phonies and probably have psychological issues.

I didn't compare salespeople to actors. What the fuck?

Every time I write something on here, people go off on a massive tangent and fail to understand what the fuck I'm talking about.

We're talking about pretending to be something. Many people do this because they find that people like them better if they pretend. If they lie. If they tell people what they want to hear. It gets people promoted, it's called licking ass.
A friend from Canada posted this today. . . .

This Is Just the Beginning

". . . . . These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently. Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. . . . "
The current administration's racism?
Well, let's see....Black unemployment is at its lowest it has ever been. That sure doesn't sound racist to me.
Immigration ban upheld by the Supreme Court, was NOT a ban on Muslims. It was a ban on Islamic nations that because of the situations in those countries, the persons that would come from there could NOT be adequately vetted to weed out terrorist elements. The nations that are facing the ban total a whopping "seven;" the total number of Muslim nations allowed to travel here...."48." Also, Muslims consist of Asians, Africans, Hispanic and assorted Whites, so that doesn't sound very racist to me, however, if I was leading the nation, I would personally ban all Muslims from entering, simply because it is a combination of political, religious and militaristic philosophies via their Koran which clearly advocates the killing of non-believers and reliable studies have reflected that approximately 320,000,000 of the 1.8 billion Muslims, want you converted, subjugated or, killed.
To this administration, the race of the people coming in droves via our southern border is irrelevant. It believes in maintaining a sovereign nation, border control and the vetting of those that want to come in to ensure that you are not getting drug-cartel members, gang members, fleeing fugitives, murderers, rapists and of course, terrorists. The color of the skin is irrelevant.

Dude, relax, I'm not saying I supported or necessarily agreed with this post.

What I am saying is that the corporate masters are complicit in fomenting a mindset that is setting brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. The elites have practiced divide et imperium since the days of the Roman emperors, it is that oldest game in the book.

Perhaps you would be interested in checking out the conversations, just for entertainment purposes mind you, in this thread. It is illustrative of the POV of folks that are fed up with elites setting folks at each other throats. It might be wishful thinking, or it might be something more.
When someone starts saying,,, "corporate masters," that's a clear indicator of a Communist.
If people hate corporate heads getting rich, just don't buy their products. I don't care how rich they get and frankly, any money they make is theirs, not to be given out to those less fortunate, like myself, if they don't wish to. You, me and millions of others go to a company and fill out an employment application form, no one forced us to, we do this to bring in a paycheck. The company clearly states its wages and we are free to accept or refuse and move on. If we accept their wages offer and are accepted to work there, they don't own us, we are free to move on anytime we choose. So, they are NOT our Corporate Masters, only our employers, which we chose to work for, and when we are off the clock, we do as we like.

Hey, I love the free market. I'm certainly a lot farther from a communist than a fascist like you. If you actually believe that workers have that much of a choice.

It's clear to me you don't understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism. Your probably a Keynesian and love the FED. Or you do and you are just spreading disinformation and propaganda.

It's clear you don't even know what the Council on Foreign Relations is and how it controls your thinking.


You have "that much" of a free choice. If you don't like working for some large corporation, you can work for some mom & pop company, or create your own business.

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