The radical left is flirting with disaster

Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
I have an idea. Stop separating children from their parents d u h. Human beings frown on that...
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
I have an idea. Stop separating children from their parents d u h. Human beings frown on that...

It's ok so long as it's done with forceps eh
Fox News constantly defends Trump...

Making observations about the corruption of fake news CNN and fake news MSNBC, the bizarre behavior of unhinged democrat politicians and democrats in general, etc. is simply fair and balanced reporting. The Donald defends himself daily with brilliance, grace and humor from the unhinged, Trump Derangement Syndrome folks so why would there be a need? And make no mistake (as Slicke Willie would say), that is one reason the dems are unhinged! They know they have nobody to challenge The Donald in any sense of the word!

...I probably consume more news from CNN than Fox.

That means you are a fake news consumer.
99% of the fake news is on Fox rush Savage Heritage Trump Etc... CNN MSNBC are also ridiculous gabfests but they are not lying. See lock her up phony scandals, 47% don't pay taxes... Etc etc etc...
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
I have an idea. Stop separating children from their parents d u h. Human beings frown on that...

It's ok so long as it's done with forceps eh
Brainwashed much?
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
So she was denied, I've been denied service before, I got over it in like 5 minutes how long will it take the right?
Oh, about as long as it took the left to get over that baker.
These people more work in their lives to take up that spare time they be having too much of.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

Actually, Waters and her crazy cohorts have already declared it open season on everyone on the right. They went over the edge months ago and now can't even pretend to hide their true intentions. They want power at any cost. They don't give a damn about children or anyone else. They use them to further their agenda. Notice how the left is never willing to try other options to keep children safe in schools and they aren't willing to increase border security to ensure the safety of citizens. That is because they aren't concerned with saving lives. They care about power and attacking anyone who stands in their way.

I hope there are enough reasonable people left, who haven't been indoctrinated, that will stand up to these lunatics at the ballot box.

Waters is inciting the same kind of violence toward Republicans that Obama and the left started against cops. I lost count of how man cops were murdered in cold blood after the left dehumanized them and the radical groups encouraged attacking or killing them. This is no different. And don't expect any regrets or apologies from the left when people do get hurt or killed. They will blame the victims for supporting Trump.
A friend from Canada posted this today. . . .

This Is Just the Beginning

". . . . . These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently. Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. . . . "
I hate to break it to you, but the only Fascist/Nazi group running around here presently is Antifa, which has the audacity to call itself anti-Fascist. The right isn't running amok breaking store windows, burning businesses and trying to end free speech and stop people from speaking freely, that's the left's present method. The left is the blatant hate group.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
Maybe someone from the far Left will rent a Ryder truck. Then who knows? Or maybe someone from the far left might shoot a Right Wing radio host in his driveway, or a doctor in his breakfast nook, or a church meeting in South Carolina.

Yup! The Right has shown sterling comportment while the Left deserves to be feared alright.

Were these allegedly right wing shooters and bombers egged on by republican congressmen? Did the right wing media go around making excuses and justifications for their actions, publishing articles promising an escalation?
I'm guessing the condemnation Waters got from her fellow Democrats just doesn't count for much, especially if you are going to qualify the Right Wing violence so narrowly.

It shouldn't have taken this long. Most Americans finally see what Mad Max is about and her amplification of how the rest of her party actually feels. They are not sorry she said what she did, they are sorry Americans object to it.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
Maybe someone from the far Left will rent a Ryder truck. Then who knows? Or maybe someone from the far left might shoot a Right Wing radio host in his driveway, or a doctor in his breakfast nook, or a church meeting in South Carolina.

Yup! The Right has shown sterling comportment while the Left deserves to be feared alright.

Oh please. You can find just as many political affiliations of the left as you can on the right when it comes to goof balls. Goof balls are goof balls, they come in all shapes and sizes. It's pure desperation to try and equate a party to the insane actions of a few.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
I have an idea. Stop separating children from their parents d u h. Human beings frown on that...
Deport them all. Give them a 90 second hearing and send them back.
It's funny how you see things so clear on the left, but on the right you're totally blinded.

The left pretty much owns the media so it's their voices that get magnified the loudest. And when they go too far, they're not held accountable. The left are such goddamn hypocrites, if a righty did even half the shit they've done since the election we'd never hear the end of it. What happens to right wing sites that publish "edgy" content? (edgy as defined by the left since they're the self appointed guardians of civil discourse) They get shut down.

1) The left doesn't "pretty much own the media".

Fox gets about 50% of the viewing figures. Yes, the left owns MORE TV news stations than the right, because the right all watch one show, and the left watch lots of different shows.

2) The top selling newspaper in the US is owned by Newscorp, that's right wing Rupert Murdoch. At nearly 2.4 million copies a day of the Wall Street Journal.

That doesn't qualify as "pretty much owns the media".

Not held accountable? Really? Are there not laws in place that prevent things like libel?

Hypocrites? Well, most powerful people are hypocrites. On the left and the right. It's not a political side thing, it's a political thing, or are you going to bullshit me and claim the right isn't full of hypocrites?

Well, sites get shut down all the time. I don't know which sites you're referring to or why they might have shut down. Breaking the law might be that reason, I don't know.

Ok, first of all "the media" encompasses a lot more than just American cable news. The entertainment industry exerts enormous influence over society and nobody in their right mind would say that Hollywood leans to the right. Plus there's social media like Twitter and Facebook, both who are run by left wing social justice warriors and have a history of shutting down conservative speech but letting lefties like Peter Fonda get away with saying whatever he wants.

Everyone's always bitching about Fox news as if they're far right extremists and not slightly right of center. 90% of the time they cover the same stories that the hysterical left decides are important and desperately avoids talking about touchy subjects like the demographic replacement of whites in the west or the push to indoctrinate little kids into transgenderism. Seriously, no "far right extremist" gives a damn about Fox news. A pundit on that network can't even say "cotton picking" without having to apologize for being so insensitive. Tucker Carlson is the only one there who even comes close to talking about the issues that really matter and even he walks on eggshells not to offend anyone.

Sure, the media is lots and lots and lots of things. And apparently it's all left wing.

Well I'm sure no far right extremist or left wing extremist gives a damn about the mainstream media. The mainstream media is for people who don't bother using their brain too much.

The reality is that right wing people can exert as much influence as left wing people. Hollywood is more left wing because the people in charge are generally INTELLIGENT people who don't get taken in by nonsense nationalism.

The media in the US is privately owned, so if you think it's more left wing than right wing, it's because those people who are left wing are better at it than the right wingers, right?
Hypocrites? Well, most powerful people are hypocrites. On the left and the right. It's not a political side thing, it's a political thing, or are you going to bullshit me and claim the right isn't full of hypocrites?

I actually believe most of us are hypocrites. Hypocrisy is a human flaw.

True, but then another flaw is pretending we're something we're not. Like people who pretend that only the other side are hypocrites. It's pretty weird that people will blatantly ignore reality. But happens all the time on this forum alone.
So she was denied, I've been denied service before, I got over it in like 5 minutes how long will it take the right?

I can understand you being denied service. You're an obnoxious individual and I can easily believe you mistreating the wait staff.

She and her guests were denied service because of who is her employer.

WORSE still, if possible, the owner gathered a group of like-minded, low IQ individuals who followed them to another restaurant and continued to harass them. Even you should be ashamed of such vile behavior.
So she was denied, I've been denied service before, I got over it in like 5 minutes how long will it take the right?

I can understand you being denied service. You're an obnoxious individual and I can easily believe you mistreating the wait staff.

She and her guests were denied service because of who is her employer.

WORSE still, if possible, the owner gathered a group of like-minded, low IQ individuals who followed them to another restaurant and continued to harass them. Even you should be ashamed of such vile behavior.
The Democrat party has become the party of Maxine Waters.

It is an interesting conundrum for the Dims. Here we have a Congressman that can never lose an election within the DNC, and as such, has become one of the most powerful and influential in the DNC. However, she is only electable in California, anywhere else in the US and she would lose badly. If it were not for the California looney land, she would have never been elected to the first place

So what do you do with her? They can never get rid of her and she is destroying their party nationally.

Kind of funny really.

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