The radical left is flirting with disaster

Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
She did just what any proper Southern girl would do. That why G.R.I.T.S is the rule. For the Yanks it mean Girls Raised In The South.
The Democrat party has become the party of Maxine Waters.

Actually the Democrat party became the anti-white party.
They do bring the subject up a lot, a long with other subject.

A friend from Canada posted this today. . . .

This Is Just the Beginning

". . . . . These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently. Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. . . . "
I hate to break it to you, but the only Fascist/Nazi group running around here presently is Antifa, which has the audacity to call itself anti-Fascist. The right isn't running amok breaking store windows, burning businesses and trying to end free speech and stop people from speaking freely, that's the left's present method. The left is the blatant hate group.

While I mostly agree with you, we can't just stand around a pretend that James Alex Fields Jr. is just a really bad driver.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
Maybe someone from the far Left will rent a Ryder truck. Then who knows? Or maybe someone from the far left might shoot a Right Wing radio host in his driveway, or a doctor in his breakfast nook, or a church meeting in South Carolina.

Yup! The Right has shown sterling comportment while the Left deserves to be feared alright.

Were these allegedly right wing shooters and bombers egged on by republican congressmen? Did the right wing media go around making excuses and justifications for their actions, publishing articles promising an escalation?
I'm guessing the condemnation Waters got from her fellow Democrats just doesn't count for much, especially if you are going to qualify the Right Wing violence so narrowly.

What condemnation?

Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?
Maybe someone from the far Left will rent a Ryder truck. Then who knows? Or maybe someone from the far left might shoot a Right Wing radio host in his driveway, or a doctor in his breakfast nook, or a church meeting in South Carolina.

Yup! The Right has shown sterling comportment while the Left deserves to be feared alright.

Were these allegedly right wing shooters and bombers egged on by republican congressmen? Did the right wing media go around making excuses and justifications for their actions, publishing articles promising an escalation?
I'm guessing the condemnation Waters got from her fellow Democrats just doesn't count for much, especially if you are going to qualify the Right Wing violence so narrowly.

What condemnation?

From Trump's,favorite hometown rag:
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

The fact is that Maxine Waters is being Maxine Waters. Nothing new. The difference is that Republican morons wanted their own version of Waters. They wanted someone obnoxious, offensive and a ego-maniac. Enter Trump who is all that and tries to intimidate and harass his enemies. I remember during the primaries, anyone who spoke out against Trump had to buy a gun or get security because of death Threats. Among the threats to Michelle Fields was one to strangle her.

What is the favorite refrain among Trump supporters. It is about annoying liberals. Trump and his supporters want to stick their fists in people's faces and are shocked when that person sticks their fists in their faces. They lecture us about civility. That is like a bank robber complaining about the police. ICE is not held accountable for their violations of people's rights. DHS officials who will aid in immoral behavior because they want to keep their job.

The fact is that Trump and his alt-right supporters are equally responsible for this. They have engaged in inflammatory rhetoric and behavior. That makes them happy.
I think this restaurant thing got some fence sitters over to the right
You can say things and have your pu**y hat parade and CNN fakery and nasty thugs Antifa but when people can’t sit down with family for a movie or dinner, then a few Trump haters say “enough”.
Thanks for driving them to us and thanks for coming over
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

Open season......that won't last long.

If this breaks open, the streets will run red with the blood of the left.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

Isn't life a bitch when a big clear mirror is held up so you HAVE to look in it? This is the world you con idiots created and you were so ecstatic to do so the last 8 years carrying yer guns in public and threatening "we came unarmed, this time" to them damn 'libruls'.

What's a matta? Doesn't look as exiting when you're on the other side of it? Suck it up. You've finally getting some of what you've given out. Stop crying about it.

Are you posting drunk again.

I mean this one looks very stupid...even for you.

I am all in for this battle.

Bring it on.
Sure, the media is lots and lots and lots of things. And apparently it's all left wing.

Well I'm sure no far right extremist or left wing extremist gives a damn about the mainstream media. The mainstream media is for people who don't bother using their brain too much.

The reality is that right wing people can exert as much influence as left wing people. Hollywood is more left wing because the people in charge are generally INTELLIGENT people who don't get taken in by nonsense nationalism.

The media in the US is privately owned, so if you think it's more left wing than right wing, it's because those people who are left wing are better at it than the right wingers, right?

Hollywood is left wing not because they're intelligent but because actors and artists tend to be flaky weirdos. I mean seriously what grown adult plays pretend for a living? I'm positive that most celebrities don't really care about politics, they just jump on bandwagons to inflate their popularity. Which in the era of social media, is the same mindset that motivates all of these annoying social justice warriors. These people don't care about anything except themselves... The entertainment industry has been glorifying 1960s civil rights activism for so long that they want to have another go at it even though there's nothing left to fight for.
Maxine Waters, an elected official who should know better despite the fact that she's a complete fucking airhead loony toon uses her status to promote acts of intimidation and harassment against administration officials.

Sarah Sanders is denied service at a restaurant and the left cheers.

Personal information on ICE agents is leaked on the internet.

A decapitated animal is left on the doorstep of a DHS official.

What next? Terrorist bombings? It's not hard to imagine considering that a Univision-afilliated website published an article calling for exactly that. When terrorizing and murdering govt officials is sanctioned and endorsed by the mainstream media, how long until it's considered OK to burn down your red-cap wearing neighbor's house? Or murder someone's kids because they posted a pepe the frog meme on twitter?

And the perverts and psychos that comprise the modern left have the balls to call US domestic terrorists? They're the ones who've been pushing the limits since the election. Going around rioting and punching people, cracking skulls with bike locks, setting businesses on fire to protest after Ben Never-Trump Shapiro is invited to speak at a campus? They've lost their goddamn minds, deluding themselves into thinking they're the good guys fighting against fascism when the exact opposite is true.

How much longer can this go on until it's declared open season on anyone suspected of leaning even slightly right of center?

The fact is that Maxine Waters is being Maxine Waters. Nothing new. The difference is that Republican morons wanted their own version of Waters. They wanted someone obnoxious, offensive and a ego-maniac. Enter Trump who is all that and tries to intimidate and harass his enemies. I remember during the primaries, anyone who spoke out against Trump had to buy a gun or get security because of death Threats. Among the threats to Michelle Fields was one to strangle her.

What is the favorite refrain among Trump supporters. It is about annoying liberals. Trump and his supporters want to stick their fists in people's faces and are shocked when that person sticks their fists in their faces. They lecture us about civility. That is like a bank robber complaining about the police. ICE is not held accountable for their violations of people's rights. DHS officials who will aid in immoral behavior because they want to keep their job.

The fact is that Trump and his alt-right supporters are equally responsible for this. They have engaged in inflammatory rhetoric and behavior. That makes them happy.

Ooooh someone said some "inflammatory rhetoric" so lets go stage a protest and burn down a neighborhood, that'll teach them to say mean words.
Sure, the media is lots and lots and lots of things. And apparently it's all left wing.

Well I'm sure no far right extremist or left wing extremist gives a damn about the mainstream media. The mainstream media is for people who don't bother using their brain too much.

The reality is that right wing people can exert as much influence as left wing people. Hollywood is more left wing because the people in charge are generally INTELLIGENT people who don't get taken in by nonsense nationalism.

The media in the US is privately owned, so if you think it's more left wing than right wing, it's because those people who are left wing are better at it than the right wingers, right?

Hollywood is left wing not because they're intelligent but because actors and artists tend to be flaky weirdos. I mean seriously what grown adult plays pretend for a living? I'm positive that most celebrities don't really care about politics, they just jump on bandwagons to inflate their popularity. Which in the era of social media, is the same mindset that motivates all of these annoying social justice warriors. These people don't care about anything except themselves... The entertainment industry has been glorifying 1960s civil rights activism for so long that they want to have another go at it even though there's nothing left to fight for.

"flaky weirdos" huh?

What adults pretend for a living? Let's see, salespeople, teachers, politicians, anyone who wants to be successful really.

Some of the most successful people are charismatic, which is basically pretending to be something they're not.

Most celebrities probably don't care about politics and most of them don't seem to play any part in it. A few of them do. Like any other profession.

How many politicians care about politics? Doesn't seem that many, they're just there for their over inflated egos.

But hey, you make up a narrative that fits perfectly with your twisted view of things.
Fox News constantly defends Trump...

Making observations about the corruption of fake news CNN and fake news MSNBC, the bizarre behavior of unhinged democrat politicians and democrats in general, etc. is simply fair and balanced reporting. The Donald defends himself daily with brilliance, grace and humor from the unhinged, Trump Derangement Syndrome folks so why would there be a need? And make no mistake (as Slicke Willie would say), that is one reason the dems are unhinged! They know they have nobody to challenge The Donald in any sense of the word!

...I probably consume more news from CNN than Fox.

That means you are a fake news consumer.

I pretty much treat all news the same, which means I’m skeptical as hell unless there’s a video or something to prove what’s being reported. I believe Fox is just as ridden with propaganda as the others. The difference is the bias and I’m not under the false impression (unlike the majority of the ppl here) that just bc I may agree more with an organization’s sentiment that they must always tell the truth and those I don’t agree with never tell the truth. That’s an ignorant mindset to have imo.
Fox News constantly defends Trump...

Making observations about the corruption of fake news CNN and fake news MSNBC, the bizarre behavior of unhinged democrat politicians and democrats in general, etc. is simply fair and balanced reporting. The Donald defends himself daily with brilliance, grace and humor from the unhinged, Trump Derangement Syndrome folks so why would there be a need? And make no mistake (as Slicke Willie would say), that is one reason the dems are unhinged! They know they have nobody to challenge The Donald in any sense of the word!

...I probably consume more news from CNN than Fox.

That means you are a fake news consumer.
99% of the fake news is on Fox rush Savage Heritage Trump Etc... CNN MSNBC are also ridiculous gabfests but they are not lying. See lock her up phony scandals, 47% don't pay taxes... Etc etc etc...

They’re all mixing truth and propaganda and no one will convince me otherwise. Trump does not deserve to be defended all the time nor does he deserve to be bashed constantly. Unfortunately it’s difficult to find a happy medium these days.
Sure, the media is lots and lots and lots of things. And apparently it's all left wing.

Well I'm sure no far right extremist or left wing extremist gives a damn about the mainstream media. The mainstream media is for people who don't bother using their brain too much.

The reality is that right wing people can exert as much influence as left wing people. Hollywood is more left wing because the people in charge are generally INTELLIGENT people who don't get taken in by nonsense nationalism.

The media in the US is privately owned, so if you think it's more left wing than right wing, it's because those people who are left wing are better at it than the right wingers, right?

Hollywood is left wing not because they're intelligent but because actors and artists tend to be flaky weirdos. I mean seriously what grown adult plays pretend for a living? I'm positive that most celebrities don't really care about politics, they just jump on bandwagons to inflate their popularity. Which in the era of social media, is the same mindset that motivates all of these annoying social justice warriors. These people don't care about anything except themselves... The entertainment industry has been glorifying 1960s civil rights activism for so long that they want to have another go at it even though there's nothing left to fight for.

"flaky weirdos" huh?

What adults pretend for a living? Let's see, salespeople, teachers, politicians, anyone who wants to be successful really.

Some of the most successful people are charismatic, which is basically pretending to be something they're not.

Most celebrities probably don't care about politics and most of them don't seem to play any part in it. A few of them do. Like any other profession.

How many politicians care about politics? Doesn't seem that many, they're just there for their over inflated egos.

But hey, you make up a narrative that fits perfectly with your twisted view of things.

Bit of a stretch to compare salespeople to actors. But I agree with you about politicians, most of them are big phonies and probably have psychological issues.

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