The radicalization of the left

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Take, for example,the Sanctity of Human Life Act, which would give full legal rights to human zygotes from the moment of fertilization.
Wait...they are proposing legislation to support and uphold legislation that already exists (in the form of the U.S. Constitution)? Gasp! Oh the horrors....!

This illustrates how radicalized the left has become. You wouldn’t have found a single Kennedy-era progressive who would advocate to deny human life rights from a human life.
Here is the left calling for “revolution” just like Fidel Castro did in Cuba. And why? Because they don’t like the fact that he’s blunt. They can’t stand that he won’t be bullied into shutting up. President Trump has rejected power to the Oval Office - instead rightfully returning it to the people and the states. He has completely and totally obeyed the U.S. Constitution in every capacity to this point.

Oh, you posted that shit here, too.

Funny, you guys called for armed revolution when Obama was elected, and he was actually legitimately elected, unlike Trump, who lost the popular vote and colluded with the Russians.

Not to worry, though. With the Stock Market crashing, Trump's Plutocratic masters will have had enough of his clown show.
Wait...they are proposing legislation to support and uphold legislation that already exists (in the form of the U.S. Constitution)? Gasp! Oh the horrors....!

This illustrates how radicalized the left has become. You wouldn’t have found a single Kennedy-era progressive who would advocate to deny human life rights from a human life.

No, back in the Kennedy era, people just got abortions and never talked about it.

Again, realize you are a millenial, but the reality is, women who wanted abortions got them.

The abortion laws that Roe v. Wade threw out were like the prostitution laws. Yeah, they were on the books. Yeah, everyone ignored them. Yeah, everyone wrung their hands about how horrible this was that it was going on.

Until you guys say you are going to throw women in prison for having abortions, it's a meaningless argument.
There is only one way this kind of division ends.

Camps and ovens for all Democrats, liberals, progressives, homosexuals, blacks, browns and Muslims (did I miss anyone)?

It's been done, it's nothing new and its been calleds ethnic cleansing as in The Holocaust.

Thanks for your insight in the Republican Party supporters, in their not so well hidden agenda.
Breaking News:

P@triot, aka The Troll, has been referred to the Court of Final Solutions, the highest authority in Society of Trolls. He is being tried for being an embarrassment for Trollism and is suspected of being a paid agent of the Mob (also known as Trumpanzees & Trumptards).

Some of the evidence learned from interviewing the Chief Justice - and the only one who can legally release confidential and even top secret information - he said P@triot is also suspected of Collusion with the neofascists, and they along with the aforementioned Trumpanzees & Trumptards belong to the Idiot-fringe, and therein is the evidence of such a conspiracy. All are known to be adherents of the genre Idiot-Gram and all troll without nary a bit of substance.
It's been done, it's nothing new and its been calleds ethnic cleansing as in The Holocaust.
And who has it been done by? The left. The Nazis (National Socialists) we’re responsible for the Holocaust. Radical progressive racists like Margaret Sanger pushed eugenics.
The left has been radicalized. They are full-fledged fascists...
“I really did believe all my life that there was one thing that did unite Americans,” Prager said. “And that is … free speech. But I was wrong. The left, in particular, does not believe in free speech because it threatens their power.”
The left is all about power and control. Like all facists, they fear free speech and the exchange of ideas.

PragerU Drops a Powerful New Video That Will Put Google on Edge

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I would have to say just about every one on this board is a radical, few thoughtful reply's, 90% name calling, non answers to what ever the question posted was. off topic. what makes me feel better is out in the real world most keep there crazy to their self,& others like them. I try & do the same. not always easy.
The left has been radicalized. They are full-fledged fascists...
“I really did believe all my life that there was one thing that did unite Americans,” Prager said. “And that is … free speech. But I was wrong. The left, in particular, does not believe in free speech because it threatens their power.”
The left is all about power and control. Like all facists, they fear free speech and the exchange of ideas.

PragerU Drops a Powerful New Video That Will Put Google on Edge

Wait, buddy. Google is a private enterprise. If you insist that companies can fire who they want and make cakes for who they want, then they can also choose what websites won't come up on searches.

Did you suddenly become a socialist, wanting to appropriate private property.

Me, I'm glad that PragerU horseshit doesn't come up when I surf YouTube anymore.
The radicalization of the left is absurd, profound, and worrisome. It’s also undeniable (thought that won’t stop the progressive wing-nuts here on USMB from denying it anyway - all they do is deny reality).
This leftward shift on racial issues appears to be recent. In 2009, according to Pew, only about half of white and Latino Democrats agreed with the statement that “the country needs to continue making changes to give blacks equal rights with whites”
In just 9 years there has been a significant shift left by the Democrats whackadoos. It has been extreme over the past 20 years.

White Democrats Have Gotten Way More Liberal On Identity Issues
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing

Leftists worship communist countries now. And they hate America.

There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing

The Communists will win, or the normals will win. democrats cannot be "negotiated with," they seek to enslave the nation under a brutal Stalinist dictatorship.

We defeat these scum, or we will be destroyed.

That is where we are at.
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing

Leftists worship communist countries now. And they hate America.

Damn that leftist Trump, he loves China so much he allows his products to be manufactured there....
So it's been 55 years since you could work with the left? :laugh:

1968 was when the Communists took over the democratic party.

We must defeat you, or you will defeat us. You Stalinist piles of shit have won most of the battles, but the normals are woke. We know what you are, we know what the stakes are.
I can see the crazy took you over several years ago..So called conservative...
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