The radicalization of the left

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Guy, if you are a white person making less than six figures, and you vote Republican, you are dumb.
View attachment 174691

Actually, that guy looks pretty successful on his own.

But let's talk about "Fruits of labor".

What do the rich produce? Do they make anything?

Um. No, that's usually people on assembly lines or working on farms.

The laughable notion that the 1% truly deserve the 43% of the wealth they've obtained is just the kind of battered housewife syndrome that infects the GOP. If you weren't a stupid millennial, you'd know it wasn't always that way.

Back in the 1960's, workers were unionized, and brought home good paychecks. The rich paid their fair share and there were lots of good jobs building infrastructure, which made our country stronger than if the rich were building mansions and buying dressage horses. Mom could stay home with the kids like mine did because Dad was bringing home a good paycheck as a union sheet metal worker. Things were good. If you were white, anyway. Not quite as good if you were black, but they were moving up as well.

And then the GOP started fucking it all up.

Now today, everyone has both parents working and a lot of people have to work two jobs, just to keep up. Not because evvvvvvillll gummmit is making their lives miserable. true, their tax burden went up, because when Ronnie Ray-gun cut rich people's taxes, the taxes had to go up other places.

But mostly, it's because the one percenters you love so much have found new and creative ways to screw over working people- outsourcing, union busting, contract work, gig economy.

Which is why you've got this fucked up shit.

I'm an independent, no party. I voted for Gary Johnson and a Republican congressman last election. trump being elected has made voting easy for me for the rest of my life! I'm never voting Republican again! Because fuck the party that made trump a reality. This reckless bullshit can't happen again, and I'm not forgetting the piece of shit party that made it possible.
But mostly, it's because the one percenters you love so much have found new and creative ways to screw over working people- outsourcing, union busting, contract work, gig economy.
Well, that’s what happens when you put the Dumbocrats in charge. They force jobs overseas with their idiotic “punish success and reward failure” mentality.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.
Well he is a teenager. A typical idealistic millennial who doesn’t even know how his own government operates.
Well, whatever he is, he's hateful and dishonest. I'm under no obligation to either read his posts or enable his behaviors.
So it's been 55 years since you could work with the left? :laugh:
It’s funny how the sad little troll bemoans the moving of the left further left while the GOP base is infected with white supremacists and Christian fundje loons

The reality is that when the GOP decided to gerrymander the country to death Norma republicans were made extreme nutters because they were only worried about challenges from their rabid right flank. With the loss of sane moderate Jacob Javitts, Michael Bloomberg, Al D’Amato republicans the dems also only had to worry about primary challenges from their left flank.

Add to that the psychosis of faux news and rushbots and red state etc and we were left with rightwingnuts who think anyone who disagrees with them is the enemy.

And normal people can’t work with that type of insanity.

And so we are where we are — where their only criteria for president was who was the biggest internet troll.

Now watch the trumploons price my point. :thup:
What do the rich produce?
Wealth. Jobs. Goods and services that run the world.
Do they make anything?
They make everything. Bill Gates made Windows (which literally runs the world). Not someone on an assembly line.
The laughable notion that the 1% truly deserve the 43% of the wealth they've obtained is just the kind of battered housewife syndrome that infects the GOP.
The laughable notion that anyone could take you seriously is just the kind of absurdity you bring to this board day after day.

For starters, the 1% doesn’t earn 43% of the wealth. Yet another lie you continue to propagate. The top 1% earns 19% of the wealth (and they pay a sickening 38% of all federal taxes).

Second - they earned every penny of it. They didn’t steal it. They didn’t extort it. They didn’t even win it gambling. They earned it. And that means they absolutely deserve it. Case closed.

Back in the 1960's, workers were unionized, and brought home good paychecks.
Yeah - and it’s no coincidence that was before Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc. It’s impossible to bring home a “good paycheck” when greedy left-wing parasites such as yourself take 60% of everything in the form of taxes.
Back in the 1960's, workers were unionized, and brought home good paychecks.
The American people are still free to unionize any time they want, snowflake. But they saw how the unions (run by the mafia) ripped them off royally. They saw how people like Jimmy Hoffa embezzled their hard-earned money. Most of all - they saw how it collapsed every industry it was ever involved in and forced jobs overseas.

Unlike an immature, idealistic millennial such as yourself, they learned from history instead of ignoring it.
It’s funny how the sad little troll bemoans the moving of the left further left while the GOP base is infected with white supremacists and Christian fundje loons
Thank you so much jillian for proving my point. Here is the radicalization of the left in all of its splendid glory. For starters, “white supremacists” have existed long before the U.S. was even founded (and have been almost exclusively left-wing during their entire existence).

So even if we were to believe her lies that they have moved right, their view point has existed for thousands of years. Nothing new or “radical” about it. Sick? Yes. Evil? Sure. But not “radical”. It’s as old as the Bible itself.

Meanwhile, the left has gone from proud American in the early 1900’s to ashamed anti-American today. They have gone from support of traditional marriage to supporting and promoting promiscuity, “open” marriages, and homosexual marriage.

But here are the real gems: you wouldn’t have found a single Kennedy-era Democrat who would have supported men putting on a dress and walking into women’s locker rooms to watch women and little girls shower. Today, those on the left like jillian are willing to engage in violence and collapse their own nation to ensure that sexual deviants can invade the privacy and assault member of the opposite sex.

You also wouldn’t have found many Kennedy-era Democrats supporting socialism/communism (some...but very few). Today, the party worships communism. Many sport tattoos or t-shirts evil murederous dictators like Ché Guevara and Fidel Castro.

The left continues to become more radicalized, hateful, and violent.
The left just can’t help themselves when it comes to their deep and inherent racism.

Hey, an Uncle Tom is an Uncle Tom.

Carson is another one of these guys who makes a lot of money saying, "Those other negros sure be shiftless, boss." to mostly white audiences.

Well, that’s what happens when you put the Dumbocrats in charge. They force jobs overseas with their idiotic “punish success and reward failure” mentality.

Guy, if you want to have a corporate tax rate like other countries, I'd be fine with that if you got rid of the loopholes and made the income on the wealthy higher. Just like those other countries do.

Well, whatever he is, he's hateful and dishonest. I'm under no obligation to either read his posts or enable his behaviors.

"Waaaaaaahhhhhh.... JOe is being mean to me again!"

And I keep humiliating him.

But I think you found a love connection with Poodle, he's one of these Right Wingers living in a trailer park you think the dems need to reach out to.
Yeah - and it’s no coincidence that was before Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc. It’s impossible to bring home a “good paycheck” when greedy left-wing parasites such as yourself take 60% of everything in the form of taxes.

Except nobody pays near 60%, not even the richest.

I made $82,000 in 2016 between my main job and my side business. After my tax lady worked some magic, it came down to about $67,000. (Please note, i could have probably hidden most of the money from my side business because it's almost all cash, but that's an aside)

Of that, I paid

7400 in income tax.
1600 in self-employment tax
2000 in state tax
2000 on my two properties.
3600 in SS a
845 in medicare

In short, nowhere NEAR 60% of even the lower number Probably about 25%. Okay, let's be generous and throw in Sales taxes, that's another 10% of what was left over. So let's say 30% all told.

No, you see, the real problem is that I actually HAD to work two jobs to get to that level.
Wealth. Jobs. Goods and services that run the world.

Bullshit. Those things are created by the labor of other working people.

Or as a very wise man said once.


They make everything. Bill Gates made Windows (which literally runs the world). Not someone on an assembly line.

Actually, beyond the first version of it, most versions of windows are written by coders making a working wage.

Give Gates props for thinking of the idea, but most of the scrub work is being done by working folks.

For starters, the 1% doesn’t earn 43% of the wealth. Yet another lie you continue to propagate. The top 1% earns 19% of the wealth (and they pay a sickening 38% of all federal taxes).

Sorry, man, wrong again. -


Second - they earned every penny of it. They didn’t steal it. They didn’t extort it. They didn’t even win it gambling. They earned it. And that means they absolutely deserve it. Case closed.

No, not at all. Manipulating the system by not paying the people who do the work a fair wage is not "earning", it's "Stealing".

You see, the thing is, i realize that wealth has a role to play... just not the one it's playing here.

We had a much healthier economy back in the 1960's when my Dad was bringing home that nice union wage. All the social ills you Conservatives like to whine about are because of the breakdown of families and communities, because we are all working ourselves to death to make the rich richer.

Until we all get fed up with it.

See also

France 1787
Russia 1917
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979

You do realize that Trump got "elected" bashing his fellow one percenters, right?
Guy, if you want to have a corporate tax rate like other countries, I'd be fine with that if you got rid of the loopholes and made the income on the wealthy higher. Just like those other countries do.
I’ve said for decades that the corporate tax rate should be a 20% flat tax without any deductions. You’ve argued every time.

And I’ve already proved you wrong on your idiotic “soak the wealthy because I’m a greedy parasite” selfishness. We had lower tax revenues to the government when we were taking the wealthy at 91%.
Yeah - and it’s no coincidence that was before Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, etc. It’s impossible to bring home a “good paycheck” when greedy left-wing parasites such as yourself take 60% of everything in the form of taxes.

Except nobody pays near 60%, not even the richest.

I made $82,000 in 2016 between my main job and my side business. After my tax lady worked some magic, it came down to about $67,000. (Please note, i could have probably hidden most of the money from my side business because it's almost all cash, but that's an aside)

Of that, I paid

7400 in income tax.
1600 in self-employment tax
2000 in state tax
2000 on my two properties.
3600 in SS a
845 in medicare

In short, nowhere NEAR 60% of even the lower number
And like all Dumbocrats, you think that income tax is the only tax you pay. :lmao:

You left out your gas tax. You left out your sales tax on every item you purchase. You left out your property tax. You left out your soda tax. You left out you alcohol tax. You left out your carbon tax. You left out your 911 tax.

Your ignorance is astounding and it isn’t what allows the Dumbocrats to keep feeding off of you. Well, that and your envy of successful people.
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