The radicalization of the left

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These fragile little snowflakes on the left simply can’t cope...
But this same article details how the kids are also mortified by the misogyny and sexism of — get this — the television show “Friends.”

That’s right, Chandler, Ross, and Joey are now predators.

I mean, they would be if they were actual people.
Yeah...nothing says “misogyny” like Ross Gellar :laugh:

Do Millennials Hate Real Men, And Real War, And Real Sex, And Real Life?
The left hasn't changed a whole lot in the past 20 years.

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Another indisputable example of how radicalized the left has become...
President Trump is scheduled to deliver his State of the Union address tomorrow night. So, tonight, several brave American patriots, who are more concerned about everyday Americans than you or I could ever dream of being, are banding together for a preemptive rally to protest what the President says in his State of the Union speech.

But, I thought you just said Trump’s address isn’t until tomorrow night. Yes, but don’t haggle over details like that. There’s no time to listen and critically evaluate what a Republican says when there’s so much hashtagging and outraging to be done.
These people are protesting something that hasn’t even been said or done yet. They won’t even wait to actually listen - much less with an objective mind.

The People’s State of the Union
The only guy who needs a "Safe Space" is you, Pompous Mac.
What do you mean “only”? Every fragile snowflake on the left demands a “safe space” now because even being introduced to an idea or concept that isn’t fascism is more than their simple minds can handle.
Yet another indisputable example of how radicalized the left has become - nothing but deep and utter contempt for the U.S. and our military. There was a time when the left would actually serve. Then they stopped serving. Now they relentlessly bash our amazing men and women in uniform.

California history teacher slams military as ‘lowest of our low,’ ‘dumbs**ts’ in viral rant

1) No proof that this teacher is a liberal.
2) Somehow, I don't think you have a DD214.

What do you mean “only”? Every fragile snowflake on the left demands a “safe space” now because even being introduced to an idea or concept that isn’t fascism is more than their simple minds can handle.

Yet, Mac is the only person who posts on the CDZ so no one contradicts him.

But he's your kind of liberal, buddy. He's totally willing to concede all your fantasies.
Fascism in its purest form...
Campus Reform posted audio footage of an in-class rant by a sociology professor at the University of California, Merced, in which he said he would never debate conservative commentator Ben Shapiro — but did offer to fight him.

“Y’all think I wouldn’t enjoy ripping this fool’s shoulder out of his socket? Oh my God, y’all don’t know. Y’all don’t know,” lecturer Fernando Cortes Chirino can be heard saying.
Like all progressives, this facist refuses to debate because the left has been so thoroughly and so soundly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. So instead he wants to resort to force and violence.

Listen: California professor refuses to debate Ben Shapiro — but would like to fight him
Yet, Mac is the only person who posts on the CDZ so no one contradicts him.
So you’re saying that you are incapable of “contradicting” someone in a clean, respectable discourse? How very left-wing of you.
... in addition to being so obsessed with me that he randomly brings me up in conversation with someone else.

It's a weird mix of flattering and creepy.

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On economic issues they have moved to the right big time. During the 1940's, 50's and 60's they supported 70% taxes on the goddamn rich, strong unions and were much more for the workers.

socially you may be right but that is why Trump is president right now.
On economic issues they have moved to the right big time. During the 1940's, 50's and 60's they supported 70% taxes on the goddamn rich, strong unions and were much more for the workers.

socially you may be right but that is why Trump is president right now.
I think that's largely true. The GOP's current quasi-libertarian approach to government and spending has probably dragged the Dems to the right somewhat, but that's theoretically fixable after a couple of elections.

It's the social issues that turn off so many people and largely put this guy in the White House. PC, Identity Politics, Safe Spaces, trigger warnings, White Guilt, gender madness, toxic masculinity, cultural appropriation, what the hell. This stuff is simply not rational thinking, and enough people have been repulsed by it that they have reacted and pushed back nationally.

The Dems' only saving grace is Trump and the libertarians. If the GOP hadn't lost its shit too, the Dems would be in real trouble right now. And in fact, it was probably the GOP losing its shit that motivated the Dems to move so far Left on the social issues.
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Like all progressives, this facist refuses to debate because the left has been so thoroughly and so soundly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. So instead he wants to resort to force and violence.

Pretty much the only response to a mutant like Shapiro is a good beating.

So you’re saying that you are incapable of “contradicting” someone in a clean, respectable discourse? How very left-wing of you.

Naw, he just needs a "safe space". You know, like he always complains about the college kids wanted when they don't want Nazis on their campus.

... in addition to being so obsessed with me that he randomly brings me up in conversation with someone else.

Dude, nobody's obsessed with you... just pointing out your silliness of wanting to give the Con-nazis the Sudentanland every time we enter negotiations.
Like all progressives, this facist refuses to debate because the left has been so thoroughly and so soundly defeated on the battlefield of ideas. So instead he wants to resort to force and violence.
Pretty much the only response to a mutant like Shapiro is a good beating.
That’s what every fascist says after a man like Shapiro frustrates them with calm, cold, facts.
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