The radicalization of the left

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That’s what every fascist says after a man like Shapiro frustrates them with calm, cold, facts.

You mean whiny appeals to emotions, don't you. Because, frankly, your guys on the right have been wrong about everything since the 1980's.

But as long as you play on people's religious, sexual and racial fears, you can keep getting dumb white people to vote for you.
You are openly admitting that you’re incapable of debating him - that you must resort to personal insults. Otherwise, you would happily enter the CDZ.

I've debated this mutant on CDZ often... and he engages in the same tactics.

1) Pretend you didn't totally blow his point out of the water.
2) Use emojis as an argument.
3) Say how everyone is mean to him (right and left) because they are "partisan".
4) Put up a bunch of out of context quotes by people to support his point.
That’s what every fascist says after a man like Shapiro frustrates them with calm, cold, facts.

You mean whiny appeals to emotions, don't you. Because, frankly, your guys on the right have been wrong about everything since the 1980's.

But as long as you play on people's religious, sexual and racial fears, you can keep getting dumb white people to vote for you.

“ dumb white people”. So, who’s a racist?? POS remark. The dems ALWAYS play the race card. ALWAYS. They’ve got nothing else to run on. Very sad.
No he didn't say he would deport the nasty brown people.
The mainstream media said it.
He has said that was for a merit based system.

Was that before or after he referred to the countries they lived in as "Shitholes"?

Not for anything but that remark has been disputed. Just saying. Partisans on both sides of the aisle seem to not only see things differently, they hear them differently too. Lol
“ dumb white people”. So, who’s a racist?? POS remark. The dems ALWAYS play the race card. ALWAYS. They’ve got nothing else to run on. Very sad.

Guy, if you are a white person making less than six figures, and you vote Republican, you are dumb.

But a lot of them do, because the GOP is good about getting you upset about gay marriage or abortion or guns or dudes in dresses....

And you scratch your big monkey craniums when the One Percenters loot your 401K and foreclose on your double wide.

Not for anything but that remark has been disputed. Just saying. Partisans on both sides of the aisle seem to not only see things differently, they hear them differently too. Lol

Except nobody denied he said it until he started claiming he didn't say it.
“ dumb white people”. So, who’s a racist?? POS remark. The dems ALWAYS play the race card. ALWAYS. They’ve got nothing else to run on. Very sad.

Guy, if you are a white person making less than six figures, and you vote Republican, you are dumb.

But a lot of them do, because the GOP is good about getting you upset about gay marriage or abortion or guns or dudes in dresses....

And you scratch your big monkey craniums when the One Percenters loot your 401K and foreclose on your double wide.

Not for anything but that remark has been disputed. Just saying. Partisans on both sides of the aisle seem to not only see things differently, they hear them differently too. Lol

Except nobody denied he said it until he started claiming he didn't say it.

Again. Resort to name calling. Classy. What I earned I worked really hard for. Came from a below middle class family. I worked 2 jobs thru college and love that I live in a country that rewarded me for my hard work and dogged determination to advance my financial status

I once was the director of admissions at a small college in New England. And there was sooo much funding for minorities that they pd nothing to come to school. White kids who had
not much more in financial abilities had to take out loans and get student work to afford college. The same remains true today. If you are a minority today, higher learning institutions bend over backward to help. So please , stop the poor me race crap. I saw first had how it works and who had the advantage. However , in order to make the most of the things afforded to minorities, they need to want to better themselves and work hard to advance but make no mistake, the opportunities are there. Those who take advantage of the opportunities succeed. Those who don’t , cry about being a minority and blame everyone else but themselves.
You mean whiny appeals to emotions, don't you.
No. No I didn’t “mean” that at all. I wasn’t talking about the left. The left is the side that has “cry-ins”, “safespaces”, and coloring books. There is only one side that is “whiny” and it sure as hell isn’t the right.
Because, frankly, your guys on the right have been wrong about everything since the 1980's.
That’s freaking hilarious coming from the guy who has been wrong 100% of the time on USMB. Remember when you said that the Republicans would never win another “national election” again? Remember when you said that Hitlery Clinton would “win in a landslide”?
Again. Resort to name calling. Classy. What I earned I worked really hard for. Came from a below middle class family. I worked 2 jobs thru college and love that I live in a country that rewarded me for my hard work and dogged determination to advance my financial status

I once was the director of admissions at a small college in New England. And there was sooo much funding for minorities that they pd nothing to come to school. White kids who had
not much more in financial abilities had to take out loans and get student work to afford college. The same remains true today.

Hey, guy, don't want to hear the sob story. I was a white guy who had to deal with BOTH parents having terminal illnesses when I was in college, I worked two minimum wage jobs and joined the National Guard to pay for tuition. But despite all that, I knew that I had a huge advantage in this society just by virtue of being white.

If you are a minority today, higher learning institutions bend over backward to help. So please , stop the poor me race crap. I saw first had how it works and who had the advantage. However , in order to make the most of the things afforded to minorities, they need to want to better themselves and work hard to advance but make no mistake, the opportunities are there. Those who take advantage of the opportunities succeed. Those who don’t , cry about being a minority and blame everyone else but themselves.

Okay, guy, here's the thing. If a minority kid manages to traverse the awful education system that Whites never subject their own kids to and graduate from college, they then have to deal with the racism of most HR Departments. They did a study back in the Oughts that showed that resumes with white names were more likely to get callbacks than resumes with black names.

The thing is, after 40 years of Republicans helping destroy the middle class, most white folks are finding they aren't living as good as their parents, even if they have a college degree. But they aren't smart enough to realize guys like Trump are the ones causing their pain.


That’s freaking hilarious coming from the guy who has been wrong 100% of the time on USMB. Remember when you said that the Republicans would never win another “national election” again? Remember when you said that Hitlery Clinton would “win in a landslide”?

Again, buddy, 3 million votes IS A LANDSLIDE> you don''t "win" elections, you steal them. And I guess that might work for a while, but people are going to figure it out, eventually.
But despite all that, I knew that I had a huge advantage in this society just by virtue of being white.
The favorite slogan of the idiot progressive millennial. The best part? They are too stupid to realize how bad that makes them look. If they have all of that “privilege”, why aren’t they surrendering their home to black people? Paying for black people to go to college?

JoeB thinks he can get the black people that he hates to like him if he tells them what he thinks they want to hear. Unfortunately for him, even that exposes his extreme racism as that is not what rational, educated black people want to hear.
The thing is, after 40 years of Republicans helping destroy the middle class, most white folks are finding they aren't living as good as their parents, even if they have a college degree.
That’s funny - because the only time that incomes and savings went down was under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats.

That’s freaking hilarious coming from the guy who has been wrong 100% of the time on USMB. Remember when you said that the Republicans would never win another “national election” again? Remember when you said that Hitlery Clinton would “win in a landslide”?

Again, buddy, 3 million votes IS A LANDSLIDE> you don''t "win" elections, you steal them. And I guess that might work for a while, but people are going to figure it out, eventually.
Again, buddy, Hitlery Clinton lost. Not only did she not win in a “landslide”, she didn’t even win. It doesn’t change no matter how many times you whine about it.
Guy, if you are a white person making less than six figures, and you vote Republican, you are dumb.
Spoken like a true left-wing parasite. He’s so envious of people who have done better than him (which is pretty much every human alive).

The favorite slogan of the idiot progressive millennial. The best part? They are too stupid to realize how bad that makes them look. If they have all of that “privilege”, why aren’t they surrendering their home to black people? Paying for black people to go to college?

Because that doesn't fix the overall problem.

I pay my taxes, and that should be it. The Rich should pay their fair share. That fixes part of the problem.

JoeB thinks he can get the black people that he hates to like him if he tells them what he thinks they want to hear. Unfortunately for him, even that exposes his extreme racism as that is not what rational, educated black people want to hear.

Uh, sorry, guy... other than pathetic Uncle Toms like Ben Carson, most black people agree with the point I make, which is why they vote for the same candidates I do.

Speaking of Ben Carson.

That’s funny - because the only time that incomes and savings went down was under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats.

That isn't true.

When did the last four recessions start?

December 2007 - George W. Bush
March 2001 - George W. Bush
July 1990 - George H. Bush
July 1981 - Ronnie Reagan

You have one short, intentional recession caused by tightening the money supply to fight inflation in 1980 under Jimmy Carter.

Then you have...

November 1973- Richard Nixon
December 1969- Richard Nixon
April 1960 - Dwight D. Eisenhower
August 1957 - Ike again
July 1953 - Ike again.

So really the LAST TEN recessions, NINE started on Republican watches.

You really are a stupid millennial, aren't you?
It’s so true. Joe knows it too - which is why he’s been so panic-stricken over the past few years...

The problem is, Poor people have been voting Republican, and Republicans have been screwing them.

This is what you don't get. The GOP WANTS recessions. Recessions allow the rich people to pull back any gains working people make during the good times when Democrats are in charge.
You are openly admitting that you’re incapable of debating him - that you must resort to personal insults. Otherwise, you would happily enter the CDZ.
He doesn't "debate". He immediately begins the personal insults, name-calling and outright lies. He'll misrepresent anything you say to make a "point", which only means he doesn't have confidence in his "points".

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. So I no longer try. There are plenty of normal adults here.

He doesn't "debate". He immediately begins the personal insults, name-calling and outright lies. He'll misrepresent anything you say to make a "point", which only means he doesn't have confidence in his "points".

Actually, I usually smear the pavement with you, buddy. Usually by pointing out that most of your points are frauds.

to wit-

"Islam is an evil religion."

Um, no. Our problem with that part of the world is our policies, not that their belief in a sky fairy is any worse than yours.

"Trump won because people got sick of PC!"

Um. No. Trump got "elected" by the same 46% of White Trash that always votes Republican no matter how many wars or recessions they cause. The reason he "won" was because so many otherwise sensible people voted third party because Hillary was awful.

"PC is making our kids terrible people who don't want to listen to opposing views."

Actually, kids today are no worse than they were in the 1980's when I went to college. In the 1980's, they chased Bill Bennett off the stage, today we chase Ann Coulter off the stage.

I don't have to "misrepresent" your points. Your points are usually flawed to start with.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus. So I no longer try. There are plenty of normal adults here.

Of course you don't. You get your ass kicked like Pee Wee Herman trying to take on Mike Tyson.

This is where I'll give Patriot his props. He actually TRIES to make a counter argument when he's challenged. It's usually regurgitating whatever shit he heard on Hate Radio, but it's an argument.
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