The radicalization of the left

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Again, Some Asshole said that 50 years ago about the Poles and the Italians. And 100 years ago about the Germans And 150 years ago about the Irish
Actually, you were the asshole that said it. Because nobody else did. See, Italians, Germans, Irish, and Poles weren’t breaking into our country. And they weren’t having anchor babies.

Literally nobody said that about them. Why do you feel the need to lie in every post?
We are just saying you don't punish children for what their parents did. This is common decency, but I don't think you understand that concept, Poodle.
Really? Then why did you lose your shit and demand that Bernie Madoffs children have everything they owned confiscated from them?

I mean...“why punish the children for what their parents did”, Joey? That’s just common decency. And clearly you lack it. You should have been advocating for Madoff’s children to keep everything they had plus inherit everything that the parents had. Oops.

Once again I illustrate how Joey is irrational, emotional positions that contradict themselves.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
It's not racist to have borders and immigration laws.
Obama “we need additional Customs and Border Protection agents with better technology and real-time intelligence." Is Obama also a racist?

You didn't even address a single point I made, so what's the point of answering again?

I didn't even call you a racist in my response, even though you clearly are.
Again, Some Asshole said that 50 years ago about the Poles and the Italians. And 100 years ago about the Germans And 150 years ago about the Irish
Actually, you were the asshole that said it. Because nobody else did. See, Italians, Germans, Irish, and Poles weren’t breaking into our country. And they weren’t having anchor babies.

Literally nobody said that about them. Why do you feel the need to lie in every post?

Uh, guy, as someone whose grandparents immigrated here during the 1920's, I can tell you, um, yeah, assholes were saying all sorts of awful things about the Germans when we came over.

ANd I'm old enough to remember how people still told "Pollock jokes" back in the 1970's. Incidentally an undocumented worker in Chicago is more likely to be a Pole than a Mexican.

Really? Then why did you lose your shit and demand that Bernie Madoffs children have everything they owned confiscated from them?

I don't think I did that, but okay, not really the same thing.
ANd I'm old enough to remember how people still told "Pollock jokes" back in the 1970's.
Yeah? And? We grew up telling “dumb polack” jokes. And black jokes. And Italian jokes. What’s your point? Rational people can see the irony in every nationality and culture. That doesn’t change the fact that nobody was advocating to keep Germans out of the U.S. Just like literally nobody advocates to keep Mexicans out of the U.S. All we advocate for is to keep illegal aliens out of the U.S.
Really? Then why did you lose your shit and demand that Bernie Madoff's children have everything they owned confiscated from them?
I don't think I did that, but okay, not really the same thing.
Oh I assure you, you did. And it’s exactly the same thing. In this nation, we don’t allow criminal activity because the criminal has children.

If Bernie Madoff’s children have to have everything they owned confiscated because their dad broke the law, then children of illegal aliens have to be deported. That’s the way it works.
Yeah? And? We grew up telling “dumb polack” jokes. And black jokes. And Italian jokes. What’s your point? Rational people can see the irony in every nationality and culture. That doesn’t change the fact that nobody was advocating to keep Germans out of the U.S. Just like literally nobody advocates to keep Mexicans out of the U.S. All we advocate for is to keep illegal aliens out of the U.S.

are you some kind of retard?

US Has Long History of Restricting Immigrants

In the 1920s, restrictions on immigration increased. The Immigration Act of 1924 was the most severe: it limited the overall number of immigrants and established quotas based on nationality. Among other things, the act sharply reduced immigrants from Eastern Europe and Africa. And it completely restricted immigrants from Asia, except for Japan and the Philippines.

Oh I assure you, you did. And it’s exactly the same thing. In this nation, we don’t allow criminal activity because the criminal has children.

Nope, I didn't. But you can claim I did, since you are losing the argument we are having so badly.

If Bernie Madoff’s children have to have everything they owned confiscated because their dad broke the law, then children of illegal aliens have to be deported. That’s the way it works.

Except nobody is taking anything owned by Bernie's kids. So that's now how it works.

Oh, yeah, and your hero Trump just proposed letting 1.8 Million Dreamers stay.

WHOOOOOPS! You racists just got suckered again, Baby!!!!
If Bernie Madoff’s children have to have everything they owned confiscated because their dad broke the law, then children of illegal aliens have to be deported. That’s the way it works.
Except nobody is taking anything owned by Bernie's kids. So that's now how it works.
How embarrassing for you. This illustrates why you are who you are. You’re not only ignorant/uninformed - you’re too lazy to do a five second Google search before commenting.

Ruth Madoff Seen After Madoff Sons' Estates Forfeit $23 Million - Bernie Madoff Wife in 2017
If Bernie Madoff’s children have to have everything they owned confiscated because their dad broke the law, then children of illegal aliens have to be deported. That’s the way it works.
Except nobody is taking anything owned by Bernie's kids. So that's now how it works.
How embarrassing for you. This illustrates why you are who you are. You’re not only ignorant/uninformed - you’re too lazy to do a five second Google search before commenting.
While Mark and Andrew maintained that they knew nothing about their father's fraud, they did work at their father's company at the time, and Irving Picard, the trustee responsible for recouping money for investors, believes they benefitted from the crime.
They couldn’t even prove in a court of law that the children knew anything (because they didn’t), but that didn’t prevent them from completely confiscating all assets of the children.

Ruth Madoff Seen After Madoff Sons' Estates Forfeit $23 Million - Bernie Madoff Wife in 2017
Check out the documentary 'Agenda' It clearly lays out the Communist Agenda. It's an agenda that's been in the making in America for almost 100yrs. Most of today's 'Socialists/Progressives' are what Lenin called, 'Useful Idiots.' Check out the film. You can watch it on Amazon Prime.
How embarrassing for you. This illustrates why you are who you are. You’re not only ignorant/uninformed - you’re too lazy to do a five second Google search before commenting.

Well, um, they didn't collect from these guys until AFTER they were dead... not really punishing the children for the crime of the father. They were part of his fraud... that's why their estates were subject to penalty.

They couldn’t even prove in a court of law that the children knew anything (because they didn’t), but that didn’t prevent them from completely confiscating all assets of the children.

Or they were dead before they could make the case.

O check this out.

owever, Wednesday, just one day after the federal government recouped $23 million from the estates of Madoff's two late sons, Mark (who hanged himself in 2010), and Andrew (who died of lymphoma in 2014), she was photographed out shopping in town.

Why'd he hang himself if he wasn't guilty as shit?

So it is interesting to see how Poodle's mind works.

You help your dad defraud investors, you TOTALLY deserve protection EVEN AFTER YOU ARE DEAD, even though you were a grown adult in the office at the time the fraud was happening.

But if you were a kid who was brought here by your parents just trying to get a better life for you, fuck you, you little brown bastard!!! We're deporting your ass.

Seriously, guy, do you work hard being such an awful person?
I gave up on the dems a long time ago. I did not vote for trump nor Clinton as I don't like the idea of mega rich controlling things. Until I hear a gop candidate speak in favor of unions, social security, Medicare, the things that help working people I find myself disagreeing with both major parties. It's called having a brain...try it sometime
How embarrassing for you. This illustrates why you are who you are. You’re not only ignorant/uninformed - you’re too lazy to do a five second Google search before commenting.
Well, um, they didn't collect from these guys until AFTER they were dead... not really punishing the children for the crime of the father.
Look at you moving the goalposts after you were proven wrong (as always). They had wives and children of their own. So not only were the children punished - the grandchildren were punished.
They were part of his fraud... that's why their estates were subject to penalty.
I already proved that you are lying (as always) about this. They were not part of his “fraud”. They knew nothing about it - which is why nothing was proven in a court of law.
Look at you moving the goalposts after you were proven wrong (as always). They had wives and children of their own. So not only were the children punished - the grandchildren were punished.

No, the estates were fined for ill-gotten gains. You are trying to claim his kids (one of whom hanged himself) weren't in on it, which they clearly were.

I already proved that you are lying (as always) about this. They were not part of his “fraud”. They knew nothing about it - which is why nothing was proven in a court of law.

Or they simply died before the government could make its case.

Bernie's family made money defrauding people in pyramid schemes. You don't reward them for that.
It’s always bizarre when racists desperately attempt to project their racism on others...

You are the ones who elected (not really) Trump because he promised you he'd deport all the nasty brown people....

But he's letting them stay.

WHOOOOOOPS, suckered again.

No he didn't say he would deport the nasty brown people.
The mainstream media said it.
He has said that was for a merit based system.
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