The radicalization of the left

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30% of Republicans still believe Obama was born in Kenya.
Gee...I wonder why. How “crazy” of us to take him at his own word. You have to love how the left denies indisputable print. :laughs:

View attachment 157773

It’s not “his own word”. It’s the words of a publishing company flack. But don’t let facts get in the way of your birtherism.

Only an idiot believes Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii.
Gee...I wonder why. How “crazy” of us to take him at his own word. You have to love how the left denies indisputable print.

Except he didn't write that, a press agent who didn't do her research did.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

“You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.”

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?
30% of Republicans still believe Obama was born in Kenya.
Gee...I wonder why. How “crazy” of us to take him at his own word. You have to love how the left denies indisputable print. :laughs:

View attachment 157773

It’s not “his own word”. It’s the words of a publishing company flack. But don’t let facts get in the way of your birtherism.

Only an idiot believes Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii.
Yeah...because because he had nothing to do with his own bio. Nitwit. I’ve had my bio in quite a few different materials and each and every time, someone called me for the details. That’s just the way it works. People do not invent your bio. You do.
More indisputable proof of how radicalized the left has become...
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago and a racist today." - Thomas Sowell
Yeah...because because he had nothing to do with his own bio. Nitwit. I’ve had my bio in quite a few different materials and each and every time, someone called me for the details. That’s just the way it works. People do not invent your bio. You do.

Except nobody cares about the Bio of the 25 year old coffee boy.

More indisputable proof of how radicalized the left has become...

Yeah. Uncle Tom Said So.
Your Hollywood heroes rape women to this day with your glowing admiration.
Meh, can't get worked up about that. The difference between an actress and a hooker is you have to pay a hooker.
The left continues their war on women. You know who hates women this much? People who love to suck dick. I’ve got $5k right here and now that says JoeBlow has spent has spent a lifetime with a cock in the back of his throat.
The democrat party has shifted so hard to the left that with no exaggeration JFK would be seen as a conservative republican today. Time was when the democrat party consisted of reasonable liberals who really cared about the poor and the environment (however misplaced) but today the democrat base consists of freaking crazy angry violent people who can be mobilized at the drop of a hat to smash windows and torch cars to try to influence the political process. .
The left continues their war on women. You know who hates women this much? People who love to suck dick. I’ve got $5k right here and now that says JoeBlow has spent has spent a lifetime with a cock in the back of his throat.

sorry, dude, I'm straight. Hate to break up your fantasies.

I just can't get worked up that women (and men) in an industry where people will sleep their way to the top complain when they didn't get where they wanted, or they did get there and regret it later.

And you wouldn't care, either, except that unlike other industries where people sleep their way to the top, Hollywood has liberals running it.

The democrat party has shifted so hard to the left that with no exaggeration JFK would be seen as a conservative republican today.

Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO today.

He raised Taxes 11 times.
He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals.
He doubled government spending and tripled the deficit.

Such heresy would not be tolerated in today's GOP.
The radicalization of the left neatly summarized...

Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO today.

He raised Taxes 11 times.
No he didn’t. He couldn’t do that even if he wanted to. The Executive branch has absolutely no control over the tax rate, you ignorant hillbilly. Any tax hikes during the Reagan era were the result of the Democrat-controlled Tip O’Neill Congress.

Of course, being that you weren’t around back then, you wouldn’t know that.
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing
^^ Too much Infowars & Breitbart
The democrat party has shifted so hard to the left that with no exaggeration JFK would be seen as a conservative republican today.
Ronald Reagan would be considered a RINO today.

He raised Taxes 11 times.
He gave Amnesty to 3 million illegals.
He doubled government spending and tripled the deficit.

Such heresy would not be tolerated in today's GOP.
More indisputable proof that Joey is an uneducated, uninformed, ideological, partisan hack...
More than 30 Senate Democrats voted for President Ronald Reagan’s Tax Reform Act of 1986—including one still in office today—and conservatives say Democrats today have no reason to vote against a similar tax reform package now before Congress.
Democrats in the 1980’s weren’t radicalized yet. They didn’t hate America (like they do now), they didn’t hate liberty (like they do now), and they didn’t want to confiscate all wealth (like they do now).

In 1986, Most Senate Democrats Voted for Tax Reform
That’s why both constituents and representatives alike talk about getting the Republican Party back to “Reagan Principles”, right hack?

Yup. But not because of Reagan's actual policies.

It's just that Reagan is the only Republican since Ike who wasn't forced to resign, voted out of office or left the economy in shambles.

In short, he's the only Republican people are kind of still fond of, but that was mostly because he was enough of a pragmatist to comprimise.

"Let's get back to the principles of the only guy who didn't fuck it all up".

On the other hand, Democrats can be proud of FDR, Truman, JFK, LBJ, Clinton and Obama. Most of whom got elected twice, (Well, not LBJ) Most of whom left the economy in pretty good shape when they left

But again, if you were older than 25, you'd know this.
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