The radicalization of the left

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Poodle, I really have to ask, how does this have any effect on your life in any way? So some dude thinks he's a chick. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
I couldn't care any less about the mental disorders of progressives. But you made it affect my life when you granted these mentally disturbed, sexually deviant predators access to my wife and daughters in public facilities.

You guys messed up huge when you decided to send that last ounce of civil society and decency through the shredder. It was the last straw with the American people. You literally created President Trump yourself.
You see, when I used to be right wing, i used to get all upset about abortion and other social issues, and then I realized that these things really have no effect on my life.
Vintage left-wing "logic". When a woman gets raped it also doesn't affect your life. But a decent human being recognizes that there is no place for that in a civilized society. The same goes with the murder of babies.
Poodle, Sweetie, what took their jobs away is that no one really wants to use coal.
If no one wanted to use coal - Hitlery wouldn't need to promise to shut down the entire industry. It would go out of business on its own. Naturally. It wouldn't require the barrel of a government gun.

I can see why you need the "protections" of a union. You simply lack the intellect, critical thinking skills, and logic to survive and thrive on your own.
Pretty much hating on the Trannies, a group that makes up less than .3% of the population, kind of shows that when your party is based on getting people to hate on each other in order to distract what you are doing to them, you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Forcing 99.7% of society to bend to the demands of the 0.3% of society that is mentally disturbed and sexually deviant is the perfect illustration of how bat-shit crazy radicalized your side of the aisle has become. Thank you for that illustration.
Pretty much hating on the Trannies, a group that makes up less than .3% of the population, kind of shows that when your party is based on getting people to hate on each other in order to distract what you are doing to them, you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Forcing 99.7% of society to bend to the demands of the 0.3% of society that is mentally disturbed and sexually deviant is the perfect illustration of how bat-shit crazy radicalized your side of the aisle has become. Thank you for that illustration.

I hate it when the scumbags take a holier than thou attitude.

Don't forget that a GOP president is in Syria and Yemen destroying those countries in order to benefit Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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Keep wishing it maybe you can make it come true.
Graham: Russia probe seems to be 'criminal investigation'
This is going to sting a bit, Wytch. But it's for your own good...

First Nancy Pelosi stated there was nothing to impeach President Trump over.
“What are the rules that he may have violated?” she asked, rhetorically. “If you don’t have that case, you’re just participating in more hearsay. And that’s not the basis of a — and we owe the American people just some stability in all of this.”
Nancy Pelosi: We can’t impeach Trump just because we dislike his hair

Then Maxine Waters admitted that there was absolutely no evidence.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) admitted on "Morning Joe" on Thursday that despite repeated talk of impeachment there is no real evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump and the Russians.
Maxine Waters admits there is no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia

And now, Allen Dershowitz himself has come and declared that even if all of the accusations were true, there is no crime as it is not against the law.
“Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated [by the Trump-Russia collusion],” Dershowitz said. “And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime.”
Some of the most prominent progressives are now waving the white-flag and acknowledging that there is absolutely nothing here but left-wing hyperbole and propaganda. No evidence exists whatsoever and even if it had - there is no law against President Trump's team speaking with Russia.

Alan Dershowitz pulverizes liberal anti-Trump Russia theories — and nearly leaves Carlson speechless
I couldn't care any less about the mental disorders of progressives. But you made it affect my life when you granted these mentally disturbed, sexually deviant predators access to my wife and daughters in public facilities.

Not that anyone thinks you have a wife or daughter, but where do you think these trannies are peeing now?

Vintage left-wing "logic". When a woman gets raped it also doesn't affect your life. But a decent human being recognizes that there is no place for that in a civilized society. The same goes with the murder of babies.

Fetuses aren't babies, buddy. And women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. Including Conservative, Republican and Christian women.

I knew a gal in my post college years. Asian-American, Christian, educated, very strict parents. And then she "forgot" to take her birth control pills when her boyfriend wasn't marrying her like he promised. Her boyfriend, being a jerk, didn't marry her. So she got an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she still wasn't a virgin at 22.

And that was before we figured out how to do abortions with pills instead of surgery

You see, this is the reason why Abortion is still legal. They promise the stupids that they are going to ban it, but they never do. They always manage to pass the tax cuts for the wealthy and the deregulation of big industries, but they never deliver on the social stuff.

You guys messed up huge when you decided to send that last ounce of civil society and decency through the shredder. It was the last straw with the American people. You literally created President Trump yourself.

No, that was Russian Hackers and an awful system created by slave rapists 200 years ago. The people said no. In fact, he got less votes than the Weird Mormon Robot you nominated 4 years earlier.

If no one wanted to use coal - Hitlery wouldn't need to promise to shut down the entire industry. It would go out of business on its own. Naturally. It wouldn't require the barrel of a government gun.

Again, your obsession with guns... when you know something is unhealthy, you don't wait for the market fairies to get rid of it. Coal is dying on its own because of the market, but we don't want it killing the planet before it dies.
The left can’t even differentiate between their own policies and socialism. That’s how radical the left has become...

Well, perhaps because the oppossite of capitalism isn't socialism, it's Democracy.
/—-/ But the opposite of capitalism is not democracy, it is socialism. Democracy is the opposite of fascism. One might say that fascism is really corporate control of politics, which is the sense in which Moore is using the term capitalism, so in fact democracy would then be the opposite of capitalism.Dec 3, 2009
Is the Opposite of Capitalism Democracy? A Review of Michael ...
The left can’t even differentiate between their own policies and socialism. That’s how radical the left has become...

‘I Don’t Know’: Cruz Asks Bernie What The Difference Is Between Democrat And Socialists On Taxes [VIDEO]

It's not the left that has become radicalized. White supremacists are marching in the street chanting "The Jews will not replace us".

30% of Republicans still believe Obama was born in Kenya. White Christians want the right to flout public accommodations laws which they claim violate their religious freedom to discriminate against "sinners". Republicans are doing everything possible to restrict women's access to birth control.

Trump is busy signing EO's to roll back regulations preventing the pollution of rivers and streams, and is planning massive tax cuts for the wealthy in the hopes it trickles down to the middle class. It didn't work when Reagan or Bush did it. Third time's the charm I guess.

This is radical right wing paranoia at its finest.
The left can’t even differentiate between their own policies and socialism. That’s how radical the left has become...

‘I Don’t Know’: Cruz Asks Bernie What The Difference Is Between Democrat And Socialists On Taxes [VIDEO]

It's not the left that has become radicalized. White supremacists are marching in the street chanting "The Jews will not replace us".

30% of Republicans still believe Obama was born in Kenya. White Christians want the right to flout public accommodations laws which they claim violate their religious freedom to discriminate against "sinners". Republicans are doing everything possible to restrict women's access to birth control.

Trump is busy signing EO's to roll back regulations preventing the pollution of rivers and streams, and is planning massive tax cuts for the wealthy in the hopes it trickles down to the middle class. It didn't work when Reagan or Bush did it. Third time's the charm I guess.

This is radical right wing paranoia at its finest.

More far left religious dogma not based in reality..
But the opposite of capitalism is not democracy, it is socialism. Democracy is the opposite of fascism. One might say that fascism is really corporate control of politics, which is the sense in which Moore is using the term capitalism, so in fact democracy would then be the opposite of capitalism.

THen by your own admission, when a rich guy becomes president after the people voted against him, and implements the wishes of the rich, we live in Fascism, then?
But the opposite of capitalism is not democracy, it is socialism. Democracy is the opposite of fascism. One might say that fascism is really corporate control of politics, which is the sense in which Moore is using the term capitalism, so in fact democracy would then be the opposite of capitalism.

THen by your own admission, when a rich guy becomes president after the people voted against him, and implements the wishes of the rich, we live in Fascism, then?
/—-/ Joe, your issue is your lack of understanding of how we elect a president. We don’t vote for the president in a direct election, we vote for the electors who vote for the president. I know it’s confusing but you need to understand so you don’t continually make an ass out of yourself.
/—-/ Joe, your issue is your lack of understanding of how we elect a president. We don’t vote for the president in a direct election, we vote for the electors who vote for the president. I know it’s confusing but you need to understand so you don’t continually make an ass out of yourself.

Blah, blah, blah.... you won under rules set up by people who raped their slaves 200 years ago, that mostly got ignored because usually, it reaffirmed what the popular vote wanted.

But it's not democracy. The people said "NO". They said it very loudly and very clearly and they are still saying it.

So the wealthy are sticking it to the working folks who said, "NO!" and you think this is a good thing? Really? Let's yank their home deduction and their health care to give tax cuts to the rich?

This is democracy by you?
/—-/ Joe, your issue is your lack of understanding of how we elect a president. We don’t vote for the president in a direct election, we vote for the electors who vote for the president. I know it’s confusing but you need to understand so you don’t continually make an ass out of yourself.

Blah, blah, blah.... you won under rules set up by people who raped their slaves 200 years ago, that mostly got ignored because usually, it reaffirmed what the popular vote wanted.

But it's not democracy. The people said "NO". They said it very loudly and very clearly and they are still saying it.

So the wealthy are sticking it to the working folks who said, "NO!" and you think this is a good thing? Really? Let's yank their home deduction and their health care to give tax cuts to the rich?

This is democracy by you?
/—-/ Those same people wrote your freedom of speech so you can shoot your mouth off. Your Hollywood heroes rape women to this day with your glowing admiration. And we live in a Republic not a Democracy
/—-/ Those same people wrote your freedom of speech so you can shoot your mouth off.

They also badly worded a Militia Amendment to let crazy people have guns, put slavery in the constitution, and created an awful way to choose presidents... So, no, I'm not going to get worked up that they included something I would still have if the Brits put them at the end of a rope.

The Founding Fathers saved us from the horrors of being CANADIANS. That's a little underwealming.

Your Hollywood heroes rape women to this day with your glowing admiration.

Meh, can't get worked up about that. The difference between an actress and a hooker is you have to pay a hooker.

And we live in a Republic not a Democracy

So goes back to my original point, the opposite of Capitalism isn't socialism, it's Democracy.
The left can’t even differentiate between their own policies and socialism. That’s how radical the left has become...

‘I Don’t Know’: Cruz Asks Bernie What The Difference Is Between Democrat And Socialists On Taxes [VIDEO]

It's not the left that has become radicalized.
Want to bet? When given quotes from JFK on taxes, the left refers to them as “bat-shit crazy teabaggers”. The left has become extremely radicalized over the past decade or two.
30% of Republicans still believe Obama was born in Kenya.
Gee...I wonder why. How “crazy” of us to take him at his own word. You have to love how the left denies indisputable print. :laughs:

Trump is busy signing EO's to roll back regulations
Yes my dear...that’s called constitutional government. Barack Insane Obama attempted to legislate from the resolute desk. That is illegal. His ass should be properly prosecuted. All President Trump is doing is reversing that illegal action.

How sad that you support illegal activity and denounce legal activity. Typical of the left though.
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