The radicalization of the left

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Then they don't have to go listen to her, dumb ass. They can stay in their dorm or go to some other event on campus. But in typical left-wing fascist fashion, they are preventing the educated students from listening to her. Oops. How stupid do you look right now? (Hint: very)

Why should any student's money go to pay her.

If she wants to speak so bad, rent a hall off campus and charge admission.
Well duh....why do you think Barack Insane Obama is overwhelmingly considered the worst president in U.S. history?

Except no one really thinks that. Now, that might be true of you and your little White Power group smoldering in your homes that our last legitimate president was a negro, but in the real world, Obama is much better liked than Biff is.
Just remember that the people who have taken over the Left are not liberals, they're Regressive Leftists.

They may represent the Left, currently, because they are so loud and aggressive. But they are NOT liberals.

again, Mac, just because HR didn't think your joke was funny, doesn't mean the sky is falling.
There's one now.
Nice try snowflake. Every candidate who runs, runs on Ronald Reagan. The right still stands for the same principles and platform that Reagan did - 40 years later.

Not really.

Reagan gave amnesty to illegals. That would never be tolerated today.

Ronald Reagan raised taxes in 1986 after he realized supply side didn't work. that would never be tolerated today.

Reagan swapped weapons for hostages. That would never be tolerated today.

Now,I understand that you guys plead fealty to a mythical Ronald Reagan, but those of us old enough to live through his presidency realize that he wasn't what you all claim he was today.

But since he was the only Republican President since Ike to not be voted out of office, leave the country in an economic mess or forced to resign in disgrace, he's probably the only thing you have to brag about.

As long as you don't have to talk about what he actually did.
I think you need to take your meds the facts you posted are in error. Fact is you got Reagan Mixed up with Nixon. Really did nothing to make you point but made you look foolish...Needs some editing. :chillpill:
To vote Democrat would be to vote DIRECTLY against your own interests as a white person.

The only white people who vote for Democrats today are stoners and masochistic cuckold types.

Guy, if you are a white person and work for a living, the Republicans are doing you no favors... or do you think it's a coincidence all those Manufaturing Jobs went overseas on Republican Watches?

The problem with stupid people like you is you think the guy in the corner office is your friend because he has the same skin tone as you do... even though all he sees you as is an expense he can get rid of.
Let me check......................................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nope you are wrong.
I think you need to take your meds the facts you posted are in error. Fact is you got Reagan Mixed up with Nixon. Really did nothing to make you point but made you look foolish...Needs some editing.

Naw, we just need to get someone to help you wiht the big words

Never heard about the back of the bus before. That where I use to ride as a kid.. But mabe I was the wrong color. Green.

Yeah, I hear Trolls are green.
You know your party has become full-on bat-shit crazy when Nancy Pelosi becomes the voice of reason...
Except nobody has said we should impeach Trump because we dislike him. We should impeach him because he is abusing power, obstructing justice and is mentally unfit to serve.
Thnak you for proving the premise of this entire thread.

If that were even remotely true, Nancy Pelosi would be leading the way. Not admonishing you dimwits for declaring he can and should be impeached simply because you don't like him.
Except nobody has said we should impeach Trump because we dislike him. We should impeach him because he is abusing power...
You can't provide even a single instance of that. Quite the contrary, President Trump has rejected power and properly restored it to the states in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.
Another vintage example of just how radicalized the left has become...

As for the term “institutions of higher learning,” we might start asking: Higher than what? Let’s look at a tiny sample of academic lunacy.
  • During a campus debate, Purdue University professor David Sanders argued that a logical extension of pro-lifers’ belief that fetuses are human beings is that pictures of “a butt-naked body of a child” are child pornography.
  • Clemson University’s chief diversity officer, Lee Gill, who’s paid $185,000 a year to promote inclusion, provided a lesson claiming that to expect certain people to be on time is racist.
  • To reduce angst among snowflakes in its student body, the University of California, Hastings College of the Law has added a “Chill Zone.” The Chill Zone, located in its library, has, just as most nursery schools have, mats for naps and beanbag chairs. Before or after a snooze, students can also use the space to do a bit of yoga or meditate.
  • The University of Michigan Law School helped its students weather their Trump derangement syndrome—a condition resulting from Donald Trump’s election—by enlisting the services of an “embedded psychologist” in a room full of bubbles and play dough.
  • To reduce pressure on law students, Joshua M. Silverstein, a law professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, thinks “every American law school ought to substantially eliminate C grades and set its good academic standing grade point average at the B- level.”
Today’s academic climate might be described as a mixture of infantilism, kindergarten, and totalitarianism. The radicals, draft dodgers, and hippies of the 1960s who are now college administrators and professors are responsible for today’s academic climate.

The infantilism should not be tolerated, but more important for the future of our nation are the totalitarianism and the “hate America” lessons being taught at many of the nation’s colleges.

Let’s Hit Left-Wing Colleges Where It Hurts. In the Pocketbook.
If there is one thing you can count on from the left - it's that they will latch on to buzzwords like a dog with a bone. Intelligent people are naturally right-wing (nobody informed and educated would advocate for fascism/socialism/marxism/etc.) and as such, the left is always desperate to sound "smart".

The favorite term of the lefties here on USMB is "infrastructure". They throw that word around like the mafia used to throw money and dead bodies around. Today - the media latched on to the word "contemporaneous" like a dog with a bone! The audio is classic...

MSM Got the Memo: New Word of the Day Is ‘Contemporaneous’
Thnak you for proving the premise of this entire thread.

If that were even remotely true, Nancy Pelosi would be leading the way. Not admonishing you dimwits for declaring he can and should be impeached simply because you don't like him.

Actually, he will be impeached because he doesn't belong in the job.

Special Prosecutor, Baby... days are numbered.
You can't provide even a single instance of that. Quite the contrary, President Trump has rejected power and properly restored it to the states in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.

Um, yeah. Racist executive orders, illegally firing the FBI Director, interfering with investigations. Colluding with a foreign power.

Trump will be gone by the end of the year, and won't you look stupid.
Then they don't have to go listen to her, dumb ass. They can stay in their dorm or go to some other event on campus. But in typical left-wing fascist fashion, they are preventing the educated students from listening to her. Oops. How stupid do you look right now? (Hint: very)

Why should any student's money go to pay her.

If she wants to speak so bad, rent a hall off campus and charge admission.
is that the policy for all or are they discriminating against people not like them?

they hate it when YOU do that but they eat that shit up when they do it.

strange, huh? well maybe not to you.
is that the policy for all or are they discriminating against people not like them?

they hate it when YOU do that but they eat that shit up when they do it.

strange, huh? well maybe not to you.

Okay, you see, this is why you are ignore.

You have people speak on Campus because what they have to say actually has intellectual merit.

There's nothing intellectual about AnnTheMan Coulter and her adam's apple.

Letting her speak on Campus elevates a toad who doesn't need to be elevated.
is that the policy for all or are they discriminating against people not like them?

they hate it when YOU do that but they eat that shit up when they do it.

strange, huh? well maybe not to you.

Okay, you see, this is why you are ignore.

You have people speak on Campus because what they have to say actually has intellectual merit.

There's nothing intellectual about AnnTheMan Coulter and her adam's apple.

Letting her speak on Campus elevates a toad who doesn't need to be elevated.

you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.

now back to crying like a bitch. i'll slide you there and show you how it's done.
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