The radicalization of the left

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Hey, girl, the real reason those words are used is because you can't figure out any other way to control people thanks to the U.S. Constitution (the reason you hate that document). So you're attempting to control speech and limit the dissemination of the truth and ideas.

Guy, nobody is limiting speech. Ann Coulter can say whatever she wants to you fuckheads. She just can't say it on a college campus. Joseph still whining that President Trump defeated Hitlery Clinton in a landslide?

Poodle, losing by 3 million votes isn't a landslide. It's a fucking disaster.

On no planet in any universe is 46th out of 58 a "landslide"
Guy, nobody is limiting speech. Ann Coulter can say whatever she wants to you fuckheads. She just can't say it on a college campus. simply can't make this kind of stupidity up. That's the very definition of limiting, you dimwit. Especially considering the overwhelming majority of universities receive public funding. And almost every university has some students receiving government school loans. Joseph still whining that President Trump defeated Hitlery Clinton in a landslide?
Poodle, losing by 3 million votes isn't a landslide. It's a fucking disaster.
Poodle...Hitlery Clinton purchasing New York and Los Angeles does not an election make. This map is covered in red because the overwhelming majority of states rejected Hitlery Clinton and your bat-shit crazy ideology. It was a bloodbath. With all of the red, the map could be mistaken for a crime scene.

IMG_2927.JPG simply can't make this kind of stupidity up. That's the very definition of limiting, you dimwit. Especially considering the overwhelming majority of universities receive public funding. And almost every university has some students receiving government school loans.

No, guy, limiting would be preventing her from saying stuff. The Students at these university- who are paying the tuition- have said, "We don't want that here". And frankly, I wouldn't want to pay 42K a year to hear some Internet Troll spew racist bromides.

Save that shit for the rednecks who don't know any better.

Poodle...Hitlery Clinton purchasing New York and Los Angeles does not an election make. This map is covered in red because the overwhelming majority of states rejected Hitlery Clinton and your bat-shit crazy ideology. It was a bloodbath. With all of the red, the map could be mistaken for a crime scene.

Buddy, most of that "Red" isn't people, it's empty space... kind of like between your ears.

The places where people live voted against Trump.
No, guy, limiting would be preventing her from saying stuff. The Students at these university- who are paying the tuition- have said, "We don't want that here".
Then they don't have to go listen to her, dumb ass. They can stay in their dorm or go to some other event on campus. But in typical left-wing fascist fashion, they are preventing the educated students from listening to her. Oops. How stupid do you look right now? (Hint: very)
Buddy, most of that "Red" isn't people, it's empty space... kind of like between your ears.
Poodle...that isn't "empty space". That's the American people telling Hitlery Clinton to go the fuck home. They were tired of her corruption and they are tired of your bat-shit crazy fascist ideology.
Poodle...Hitlery Clinton purchasing New York and Los Angeles does not an election make. This map is covered in red because the overwhelming majority of states rejected Hitlery Clinton and your bat-shit crazy ideology. It was a bloodbath. With all of the red, the map could be mistaken for a crime scene.

View attachment 126246
All that red is where the really stupid people live. Joseph still whining that President Trump defeated Hitlery Clinton in a landslide?
Poodle, losing by 3 million votes isn't a landslide. It's a fucking disaster.
Poodle...Hitlery Clinton purchasing New York and Los Angeles does not an election make. This map is covered in red because the overwhelming majority of states rejected Hitlery Clinton and your bat-shit crazy ideology. It was a bloodbath. With all of the red, the map could be mistaken for a crime scene.

View attachment 126246

In electoral victories, Drumph's was 46th out of 58. Poor Drumph...time after time he can't stack up to Barack Obama. What was Obama's approval at this time in his Presidency?

You know this is killing Trumplethinskin

Poor Drumph...time after time he can't stack up to Barack Obama.
Well duh....why do you think Barack Insane Obama is overwhelmingly considered the worst president in U.S. history? Nobody could "stack up" to that kind of failure. That's why Obama holds that title.

But President Trump isn't looking for that title. He's looking to "Make America Great Again". And if he had a little "D" behind his name, you'd be performing the same type of hero worship on him that you do on Barack Insane Obama.
Poor Drumph...time after time he can't stack up to Barack Obama.
Well duh....why do you think Barack Insane Obama is overwhelmingly considered the worst president in U.S. history? Nobody could "stack up" to that kind of failure. That's why Obama holds that title.

But President Trump isn't looking for that title. He's looking to "Make America Great Again". And if he had a little "D" behind his name, you'd be performing the same type of hero worship on him that you do on Barack Insane Obama.

That's it puppy, up is down.
Thank you for proving my point! Barack Insane Obama was such a disaster - and Hitlery Clinton such a nightmare - that together they managed to turn Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, and even a spec in Maine from blue to red!

Barack Insane Obama did as much for the conservative movement as Ronald Reagan! That's what failure on the left does. It allows everyone to see the nightmare up close and personal and pushes them right.
Thank you for proving my point! Barack Insane Obama was such a disaster - and Hitlery Clinton such a nightmare - that together they managed to turn Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, and even a spec in Maine from blue to red!

Barack Insane Obama did as much for the conservative movement as Ronald Reagan! That's what failure on the left does. It allows everyone to see the nightmare up close and personal and pushes them right.

See! You're almost as good as Kellyanne!
Hey Puppy...Trumplethinskin seems like he needs a new mini Goebbles. You should totally apply for the press secretary job. You'd never hide in the bushes, right?
Well fascism is exclusively left-wing (just ask the Antifa brown shirts that you keep donating money to so that they can repress free speech, engage in acts of violence, intimidate, and destroy property) so you might want to try a more appropriate analogy.

For instance - President Trump needs a new economic advisor P@triot. And since you are by far one of the most informed and well educated posters on this board, you should apply for the job.
Hey Puppy...Trumplethinskin seems like he needs a new mini Goebbles. You should totally apply for the press secretary job. You'd never hide in the bushes, right?
Well fascism is exclusively left-wing (just ask the Antifa brown shirts that you keep donating money to so that they can repress free speech, engage in acts of violence, intimidate, and destroy property) so you might want to try a more appropriate analogy.

For instance - President Trump needs a new economic advisor P@triot. And since you are by far one of the most informed and well educated posters on this board, you should apply for the job.

What on gods green earth are you babbling about now, baby Kellyanne?

Oh, I do believe it was pointed out to you that fascism is a right, not left, ideology.

noun: fascism; noun: Fascism; plural noun: Fascisms
an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; More
Nazism, rightism;
nationalism, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism;
jingoism, isolationism;
neofascism, neo-Nazism
"a film depicting the rise of fascism in the 1930s"
(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Oh, I do believe it was pointed out to you that fascism is a right, not left, ideology.
Oh...I do believe that I pointed out (and proved) that only left-wing dimwits actually buy into that propaganda. Fascism is a totalitarian form of government and as such, is the polar opposite of right-wing.

It takes a very special kind of stupid to believe that fascism is to the right of libertarians and Sovereign Citizens. :laugh:

Sweetie - it's simply an indisputable fact that government gets smaller and less powerful the further right you go. Ergo, it is literally impossible for fascism to be right-wing. It is exclusively left-wing my dear. You people continue to prove it every day.
Oh, I do believe it was pointed out to you that fascism is a right, not left, ideology.
Oh...I do believe that I pointed out (and proved) that only left-wing dimwits actually buy into that propaganda. Fascism is a totalitarian form of government and as such, is the polar opposite of right-wing.

It takes a very special kind of stupid to believe that fascism is to the right of libertarians and Sovereign Citizens. :laugh:

Sweetie - it's simply an indisputable fact that government gets smaller and less powerful the further right you go. Ergo, it is literally impossible for fascism to be right-wing. It is exclusively left-wing my dear. You people continue to prove it every day.

noun: fascism; noun: Fascism; plural noun: Fascisms
an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
synonyms: authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; More
Nazism, rightism;

Poor puppy...facts never match his twisted world view.
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