The radicalization of the left

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia


President Barack Obama signs the ARRA into law on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. Vice President Joe Biden stands behind him.

That's just under 30 days, "Patriot" and that was major legislation.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama did not pass that. Congress did. All he did was sign it (he couldn't have even vetoed it because of the Dumbocrat super-majority at the time). He didn't write the legislation and he didn't vote on it. What part of this do you not understand?

Like I said...less time on queer feminist theory....more time on U.S. government. Trust me - you won't regret it.

Darling, yes he did pass it. He worked on the legislation as a candidate.
The executive branch cannot pass legislation. It's illegal.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia


President Barack Obama signs the ARRA into law on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. Vice President Joe Biden stands behind him.

That's just under 30 days, "Patriot" and that was major legislation.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama did not pass that. Congress did. All he did was sign it (he couldn't have even vetoed it because of the Dumbocrat super-majority at the time). He didn't write the legislation and he didn't vote on it. What part of this do you not understand?

Like I said...less time on queer feminist theory....more time on U.S. government. Trust me - you won't regret it.

Darling, yes he did pass it. He worked on the legislation as a candidate.
The executive branch cannot pass legislation. It's illegal.

Oh for gods sake. Potato potato.

Fact of the matter, Obama's admin in his first 100 days lapped Gropenfuherer's by miles. He got more done, nominated more cabinet members and was MUCH more liked than Trump could ever hope to matter how many countries he picks fights with.
Fact of the matter, Obama's admin in his first 100 days lapped Gropenfuherer's by miles. He got more done, nominated more cabinet members and was MUCH more liked than Trump could ever hope to matter how many countries he picks fights with.
Uh....what? :uhh:

It's true that Barack Insane Obama got more cabinet members approved - but that's only because he had a super-majority in Congress. Meanwhile, the Dumbocrats in the Senate are playing the party of obstruction to an art and blocking every nominee that President Trump makes. But as far as "getting more done" - step away from the crack pipe. Not only has President Trump's first 100 days been among the most successful and productive of the modern era, but unlike Barack Insane Obama, Trump's Executive Orders have all been 100% constitutional and legal. Yes, the obstructionist left-wing judges have issued a temporary injunction on a couple of them - but they will be upheld by the Supreme Court. Here is what President Trump has achieved in his first 100 days:

– Trump is already beginning to fulfil his promise of being the best jobs president ever.

U.S. employers added jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and wages growing 2.8%. According to Bloomberg, America’s labor market is getting better “by any measure”.

– Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.

Since the day of his inauguration, Trump has wiped $68 billion off the national debt, which had ballooned to $19,947,000,000,000 under Obama.

– Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.

The Philly Fed Index, a survey of how well manufacturers are doing, hit its highest level since 1984.

– Small and medium businesses are confident about the future.

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is at its highest level since 2004. Economic confidence is surging.

– The stock market keeps topping record highs.

The Dow closed above 20,000 for the first time ever days after Trump’s inauguration and hasn’t stopped rising since. The Dow has surged more than 2500 points since Trump was elected – a 12% spike.

– Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

The technology giant will invest $300 million in expanding U.S. production facilities, creating around 500 jobs.

– Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

Exxon will spend $20 billion over 10 years on 11 plants along the Gulf Coast, creating a whopping 45,000 jobs for American workers.

– Trump saved the Carrier plant in Indiana.

Trump stopped the Indianapolis air conditioning plant from relocating to Mexico, saving hundreds of jobs.

– Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories

Fiat Chrysler is set to invest $1 billion in two factories in Toledo and Detroit, an expansion that will create 2,000 jobs.

– Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.

U.S. Hasbro, Inc. is returning to the U.S. and will make the beloved children’s modeling clay in a Massachusetts factory rather than in China or Turkey.

– Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.

Obama tried to bankrupt the coal industry, Trump is revitalizing it.

– Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.

This would have handed yet more power over to unelected globalists, creating a global regulatory structure detrimental to all Americans.

– Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40% in Trump’s first month.

Border crossings have already dropped by 40%, according to the DHS as Trump moves forward with his campaign promise to build a wall.

– Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”.

Trump has ordered the DOJ and Homeland Security to withhold federal funds from cities that harbor criminal illegal aliens.

– Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

Although Speaker Ryan’s Obamacare replacement is being rightly condemned, Trump has at least set in motion the repeal of this disastrous policy which has seen premiums skyrocket and choice diminished.

– Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

Gorsuch is a strict constitutionalist and will defend fundamental freedoms, protecting Americans from the scourge of judicial activism.

– Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.

The long awaited approval of these projects will create jobs and reduce gas prices for all Americans.

– Trump cut funding for international abortions.

American taxpayers are no longer paying for babies to be aborted by international non-governmental agencies.

– Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states

The president ordered the DOJ to “withdraw a motion filed by former President Barack Obama seeking to allow transgender students in public schools to use the restroom with which they identify.”

– Trump renegotiated trade agreements in favor of the U.S.

The president worked with China to renegotiate trade agreements.

Trump and his team have accomplished all of this in just under 50 days, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the deep state to sabotage his embryonic administration at every stage.
Fact of the matter, Obama's admin in his first 100 days lapped Gropenfuherer's by miles. He got more done, nominated more cabinet members and was MUCH more liked than Trump could ever hope to matter how many countries he picks fights with.
Uh....what? :uhh:

It's true that Barack Insane Obama got more cabinet members approved - but that's only because he had a super-majority in Congress. Meanwhile, the Dumbocrats in the Senate are playing the party of obstruction to an art and blocking every nominee that President Trump makes. But as far as "getting more done" - step away from the crack pipe. Not only has President Trump's first 100 days been among the most successful and productive of the modern era, but unlike Barack Insane Obama, Trump's Executive Orders have all been 100% constitutional and legal. Yes, the obstructionist left-wing judges have issued a temporary injunction on a couple of them - but they will be upheld by the Supreme Court. Here is what President Trump has achieved in his first 100 days:

– Trump is already beginning to fulfil his promise of being the best jobs president ever.

U.S. employers added jobs beyond expectations in both January (238,000) and February (235,000), with the unemployment rate falling to 4.7% and wages growing 2.8%. According to Bloomberg, America’s labor market is getting better “by any measure”.

– Trump has cut the U.S. debt burden by $68 billion dollars.

Since the day of his inauguration, Trump has wiped $68 billion off the national debt, which had ballooned to $19,947,000,000,000 under Obama.

– Manufacturing is at its most robust since 1984.

The Philly Fed Index, a survey of how well manufacturers are doing, hit its highest level since 1984.

– Small and medium businesses are confident about the future.

The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is at its highest level since 2004. Economic confidence is surging.

– The stock market keeps topping record highs.

The Dow closed above 20,000 for the first time ever days after Trump’s inauguration and hasn’t stopped rising since. The Dow has surged more than 2500 points since Trump was elected – a 12% spike.

– Samsung is moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

The technology giant will invest $300 million in expanding U.S. production facilities, creating around 500 jobs.

– Exxon moving jobs back to the U.S. as a result of Trump’s election.

Exxon will spend $20 billion over 10 years on 11 plants along the Gulf Coast, creating a whopping 45,000 jobs for American workers.

– Trump saved the Carrier plant in Indiana.

Trump stopped the Indianapolis air conditioning plant from relocating to Mexico, saving hundreds of jobs.

– Fiat will invest $1 billion in two U.S. factories

Fiat Chrysler is set to invest $1 billion in two factories in Toledo and Detroit, an expansion that will create 2,000 jobs.

– Hasbro is to start making play-doh in the U.S. again.

U.S. Hasbro, Inc. is returning to the U.S. and will make the beloved children’s modeling clay in a Massachusetts factory rather than in China or Turkey.

– Trump signed an executive order ending Obama’s onerous regulations on the coal industry.

Obama tried to bankrupt the coal industry, Trump is revitalizing it.

– Trump killed the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal.

This would have handed yet more power over to unelected globalists, creating a global regulatory structure detrimental to all Americans.

– Illegal immigration from Mexico is down 40% in Trump’s first month.

Border crossings have already dropped by 40%, according to the DHS as Trump moves forward with his campaign promise to build a wall.

– Trump issued an executive order to end “sanctuary cities”.

Trump has ordered the DOJ and Homeland Security to withhold federal funds from cities that harbor criminal illegal aliens.

– Trump began the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

Although Speaker Ryan’s Obamacare replacement is being rightly condemned, Trump has at least set in motion the repeal of this disastrous policy which has seen premiums skyrocket and choice diminished.

– Trump selected Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

Gorsuch is a strict constitutionalist and will defend fundamental freedoms, protecting Americans from the scourge of judicial activism.

– Trump approved the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline.

The long awaited approval of these projects will create jobs and reduce gas prices for all Americans.

– Trump cut funding for international abortions.

American taxpayers are no longer paying for babies to be aborted by international non-governmental agencies.

– Trump returned the power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to the states

The president ordered the DOJ to “withdraw a motion filed by former President Barack Obama seeking to allow transgender students in public schools to use the restroom with which they identify.”

– Trump renegotiated trade agreements in favor of the U.S.

The president worked with China to renegotiate trade agreements.

Trump and his team have accomplished all of this in just under 50 days, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the deep state to sabotage his embryonic administration at every stage.

No, football star, not confirmations, nominees...

Reality check: Is Donald Trump's cabinet facing historic obstruction? - BBC News

Mr Trump was also remarkably slow to come up with several cabinet picks. He didn't announce Veterans Affairs nominee David Shulkin until 11 January. Agriculture pick Sonny Perdue was unveiled just two days before inauguration on 20 January - an astounding fact, considering of Mr Trump's four predecessors, only four original nominations came after New Year's Day (George HW Bush's energy pick James Watkins was the latest, on 12 January).

Yeah, Trump signed some EOs. Big whoop.

Trump’s Executive Orders Are Mostly Theater

Analysis | Six times Trump said executive orders were bad before he decided they were actually good
Yeah, Trump signed some EOs. Big whoop.
They have been "big"! They eliminated unconstitutional regulations which has created opportunity for business. He approved the Keystone Pipeline. He secured the border. He improved trade agreements. He cut $68 billion from the national debt. He restored power back to the states. All of which has lead to jobs, cheaper energy, and more liberty.
Yeah, Trump signed some EOs. Big whoop.
They have been "big"! They eliminated unconstitutional regulations which has created opportunity for business. He approved the Keystone Pipeline. He secured the border. He improved trade agreements. He cut $68 billion from the national debt. He restored power back to the states. All of which has lead to jobs, cheaper energy, and more liberty.

He's giving you a show. You like the show. You don't care it's mostly fake, we get that.

Face it puppy, by every measure, except the nations disgust, Gropenfuherer will always be 2nd fiddle to Obama. Trump lost the popular vote by more votes than anyone except John McCain. His electoral college "win" was in the bottom 10. He's the least popular President in history...but you love him. He's perfect for you.
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing

Oh good grief.

What a pile of [emoji90]

I was once headed toward Libertarianism and was actually part of the original group. What is now called Libertarian is nothing at all like it began and I'm sure Dave is rolling in his grave.

No way I could ever be a fascist RWNJ like we're seeing now. Guess I'm just too pro-America and anti-communism.

(The crap you nutters spew about Communism proves you don't value the US.)

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Oh ,he's accomplishing ,,,, making enemies of S Korea Canada Mexico Germany etc etc

Well yabut, while he's insulting all our allies he's making some reeelly good BFFs of the jack booted thug dictators the RWNJs admire.

(Soooo embarrassing to watch Mexico own him AND his bobby pin!)

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia


President Barack Obama signs the ARRA into law on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. Vice President Joe Biden stands behind him.

That's just under 30 days, "Patriot" and that was major legislation.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama did not pass that. Congress did. All he did was sign it (he couldn't have even vetoed it because of the Dumbocrat super-majority at the time). He didn't write the legislation and he didn't vote on it. What part of this do you not understand?

Like I said...less time on queer feminist theory....more time on U.S. government. Trust me - you won't regret it.

Darling, yes he did pass it. He worked on the legislation as a candidate.
The executive branch cannot pass legislation. It's illegal.

Oh for gods sake. Potato potato.

Fact of the matter, Obama's admin in his first 100 days lapped Gropenfuherer's by miles. He got more done, nominated more cabinet members and was MUCH more liked than Trump could ever hope to matter how many countries he picks fights with.

What's with trump that while he's vacationing and playing golf every single weekend, he still hasn't filled something like 500+ positions?

When is he going to actually get around to being preCEdent?

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I was once headed toward Libertarianism and was actually part of the original group. What is now called Libertarian is nothing at all like it began and I'm sure Dave is rolling in his grave.

Yep. Libertarians now tend to be the most fanatical jackbooted thugs and democracy-haters.

What's the biggest problem with government? That politicians can be bought. Nearly every other problem stems from that.

Libertarians fanatically defend the right to buy politicians. It's their core principle, that rich people have the right to buy and control government. Hence, libertarians are the problem. Every "solution" they propose is crap, because they undermine their own solutions by actively working to make the fundamental problem worse.
I was once headed toward Libertarianism and was actually part of the original group. What is now called Libertarian is nothing at all like it began and I'm sure Dave is rolling in his grave.

Yep. Libertarians now tend to be the most fanatical jackbooted thugs and democracy-haters.

What's the biggest problem with government? That politicians can be bought. Nearly every other problem stems from that.

Libertarians fanatically defend the right to buy politicians. It's their core principle, that rich people have the right to buy and control government. Hence, libertarians are the problem. Every "solution" they propose is crap, because they undermine their own solutions by actively working to make the fundamental problem worse.

There is about a five minute rule with Libertarians. They make sense for about five minutes then it's like "holy fuck you're batshit crazy".
How about the icing of calling your fellow Americans 'deplorable'.
You don't think racism, sexism, xenophobia and homophobia are deplorable?
If this were an honest and constructive forum, the first thing we would do is agree to definitions of those words.

You can't have an honest conversation unless the terminology is the same for both parties.

Right now, those are just words, among others, tossed around as weapons.

No they're not just words. There is real meaning behind them.

You look at the list of "pre-existing conditions" which will cause you health insurance premiums to rise: rape, domestic abuse, pregnancy, post parting depression, but not erectile dysfunction, which half of all men over 50 have. And the law defunds Planned Parenthood. (Good luck with those law suits. States have lost every one so far. )

Now look at the make up of the Senate Committee rewriting the health care laws. All men.

Tell me how are women supposed to believe that the Republican Party respects women.
How about the icing of calling your fellow Americans 'deplorable'.
You don't think racism, sexism, xenophobia and homophobia are deplorable?
If this were an honest and constructive forum, the first thing we would do is agree to definitions of those words.

You can't have an honest conversation unless the terminology is the same for both parties.

Right now, those are just words, among others, tossed around as weapons.

No they're not just words. There is real meaning behind them.

You look at the list of "pre-existing conditions" which will cause you health insurance premiums to rise: rape, domestic abuse, pregnancy, post parting depression, but not erectile dysfunction, which half of all men over 50 have. And the law defunds Planned Parenthood. (Good luck with those law suits. States have lost every one so far. )

Now look at the make up of the Senate Committee rewriting the health care laws. All men.

Tell me how are women supposed to believe that the Republican Party respects women.
You provide an example of my point. Progressives would say that the Conservatives' behaviors are "sexist", and will keep tossing the word around like a Frisbee™. The Conservatives disagree, and the two sides will burn time and energy going back and forth on THAT instead of just dealing with the damn issue.

Words like racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, socialist, Marxist, communist, on and on, are merely used as weapons and have been so diluted by both ends as to be useless. Indeed, they are important words, and it's a damn shame they've over-used, as a crutch to avoid the heavy lifting of productive communication.

Crazy me, I think the point of communication in this context is progress. But as it turns out, there is a scoreboard somewhere keeping track of how many times the above words are tossed around. THAT appears to be more important. If you've used more words like that when the buzzer goes off, you "win" the "debate".
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You provide an example of my point. Progressives would say that the Conservatives' behaviors are "sexist", and will keep tossing the word around like a Frisbee™. The Conservatives disagree, and the two sides will burn time and energy going back and forth on THAT instead of just dealing with the damn issue.

Words like racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, socialist, Marxist, communist, on and on, are merely used as weapons and have been so diluted by both ends as to be useless. Indeed, they are important words, and it's a damn shame they've over-used, as a crutch to avoid the heavy lifting of productive communication.

Crazy me, I think the point of communication in this context is progress. But as it turns out, there is a scoreboard somewhere keeping track of how many times the above words are tossed around. THAT appears to be more important. If you've used more words like that when the buzzer goes off, you "win" the "debate".

Is Mac still whining about PC?

Hey, guy, the reason why those words are used is because they accurately describe the problem.

We just "elected" (not really) a guy who converted a racist conspiracy theory into a political career. I've had people tell me that when cops shoot black children in the back, it's the people who complain about it that are the problem.

so, no, the problem is not that we are having a discussion by calling things for what they are.

The GOP has gotten away with getting the White Working Class to screw itself for 40 years by playing on racism, sexism and homophobia.
You provide an example of my point. Progressives would say that the Conservatives' behaviors are "sexist", and will keep tossing the word around like a Frisbee™. The Conservatives disagree, and the two sides will burn time and energy going back and forth on THAT instead of just dealing with the damn issue.

Words like racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, socialist, Marxist, communist, on and on, are merely used as weapons and have been so diluted by both ends as to be useless. Indeed, they are important words, and it's a damn shame they've over-used, as a crutch to avoid the heavy lifting of productive communication.

Crazy me, I think the point of communication in this context is progress. But as it turns out, there is a scoreboard somewhere keeping track of how many times the above words are tossed around. THAT appears to be more important. If you've used more words like that when the buzzer goes off, you "win" the "debate".

Is Mac still whining about PC?

Hey, guy, the reason why those words are used is because they accurately describe the problem.

We just "elected" (not really) a guy who converted a racist conspiracy theory into a political career. I've had people tell me that when cops shoot black children in the back, it's the people who complain about it that are the problem.

so, no, the problem is not that we are having a discussion by calling things for what they are.

The GOP has gotten away with getting the White Working Class to screw itself for 40 years by playing on racism, sexism and homophobia.
^^^ See?

You whine like a little bitch when you are challenged?

Yes. Yes, we see that.

What we don't see is you ever provide any real concrete evidence of your assertations, other than whiny comedians saying they can't tell bad jokes on campuses because kids don't get their outdated humor that wasn't funny in the 1990's.
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