The radicalization of the left

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Trump's administration was not "randomly selected". then they should already have the evidence. In which case - the only delay should be stuff like preparing the prosecution, any time of back log in the court system, etc. But that's not what is happening and that is not what you said.

The evidence comes first. Then the investigation follows. Nobody starts a random investigation (at least, they shouldn't). There should be some evidence that warrants an investigation. Speaking of warrants - you do realize that a judge requires evidence before he will grant a search warrant or an arrest warrant - don't you?

Just be patient, "Patriot". Investigations take time. Look at what has happened already before these investigations had even begun. Flynn lasted 24 days. Drip, drip, drip.
Hey Patriot, it's like they wrote this for you..

Russia, U.S. Elections, and the Fake News Cycle

Malcolm Nance, an intelligence expert and counterterrorism officer with the United States government (and author of a book, published in October 2016, titled “The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election”) was even more blunt, saying that laypeople are confusing intelligencewith evidence, and thus potentially cherrypicking disparate and unrelated events and weaving them into a narrative without understanding what they don’t know:

Intelligence isn’t evidence — evidence is a legal term. But we’re actually there already! We’ve got sixteen intelligence agencies that have created the base of evidence for an FBI investigation. This has never happened in the history of America, that a president and his campaign may be working for, or working in collusion, or unwittingly, for foreign intelligence agencies.[...]

Where the investigation stands

Right now, Orenstein described the scandal as an unfinished Pointillism painting: there’s a picture emerging of what happened, but many of the details remain unclear. Because of the scope of it, investigations and public disclosure may take a long time:

To do a real and legitimate investigation is going to take a long time and that’s been frustrating to a lot of people. We’re going to have to be concerned about this for a while, and things are going to drip drop out. A lot of us [who are experts in the field] know or think we know this is going to pan out to be a major, major scandal that rivals Watergate and probably will raise questions about impeachment of the president.

We have a lot of sources and people we talk to who know more than what’s published in the media. For me it feels like a slow motion revelation that we can see three or four steps down the line. But I understand that people experience every little twist and turn along the way — people don’t quite want to believe it or know what to believe. I would just advise people that we are living in a rather fantastical reality and it’s going to come crashing down on somebody at some point. …
I really have to wonder what life experience has skewed your view of reality to such a degree. Part of an investigation is evidence gathering. We already know a crime was committed.

Crime Scene Investigation: How It’s Done

Trump's administration was not "randomly selected".

No you do not. You 'think' one was committed because you refuse to acknowledge that more states voted for President Trump and rejected a continuation of lefty business as usual.

I'll note most right leaners and a good portion of us middle-roaders think goes against not only the best interests of the nation, but American values and ideals. I am bisexual, spent 25 years fighting for SSM in Alaska and I'M saying the bathroom thing is the most rediculious bullshit ever. /I/ reject it entirely from both privacy and common decency standpoints. Was it the straw that broke the camels back? Perhaps.

The left has gone too far in their attempts to get votes. That is the plain, simple, reality. Instead of accepting that and learning, shifting more to the center to correct their "political" imbalance, they have decided to go farther left; start riots and directly and violently oppose the system of election that this country has always followed. They've turned into domestic terrorists. I am embarrassed to show on my signature that I have some 60% of my views in line with theirs at this point in time; I've considered changing my sig simply because I want /zero/ association with the D's- and if you note my sig, I'm a big proponent of working together... or I was, until the left turned into political... foreigners. I mean they're sure as hell not American anymore.

/That/ is the death of a party, and frankly at this point, I welcome it - sane lefties need to get the fuck out of the D party and go I or find a third party - they have let terrorists and communists steal their flag.
I really have to wonder what life experience has skewed your view of reality to such a degree. Part of an investigation is evidence gathering. We already know a crime was committed.

Crime Scene Investigation: How It’s Done

Trump's administration was not "randomly selected".

No you do not. You 'think' one was committed because you refuse to acknowledge that more states voted for President Trump and rejected a continuation of lefty business as usual.

I'll note most right leaners and a good portion of us middle-roaders think goes against not only the best interests of the nation, but American values and ideals. I am bisexual, spent 25 years fighting for SSM in Alaska and I'M saying the bathroom thing is the most rediculious bullshit ever. /I/ reject it entirely from both privacy and common decency standpoints. Was it the straw that broke the camels back? Perhaps.

The left has gone too far in their attempts to get votes. That is the plain, simple, reality. Instead of accepting that and learning, shifting more to the center to correct their "political" imbalance, they have decided to go farther left; start riots and directly and violently oppose the system of election that this country has always followed. They've turned into domestic terrorists. I am embarrassed to show on my signature that I have some 60% of my views in line with theirs at this point in time; I've considered changing my sig simply because I want /zero/ association with the D's- and if you note my sig, I'm a big proponent of working together... or I was, until the left turned into political... foreigners. I mean they're sure as hell not American anymore.

/That/ is the death of a party, and frankly at this point, I welcome it - sane lefties need to get the fuck out of the D party and go I or find a third party - they have let terrorists and communists steal their flag.

Here's a nice cup of STFU...

House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of investigations of Clinton

Jason Chaffetz, the Utah congressman wrapping up his first term atop the powerful House Oversight Committee, unendorsed Donald Trump weeks ago. That freed him up to prepare for something else: spending years, come January, probing the record of a President Hillary Clinton.

“It’s a target-rich environment,” the Republican said in an interview in Salt Lake City’s suburbs. “Even before we get to Day One, we’ve got two years’ worth of material already lined up. She has four years of history at the State Department, and it ain’t good.”

Funny candidate for President was under FBI investigation on election day. Guess who? (Hint: Not Clinton)
Just be patient, "Patriot". Investigations take time. Look at what has happened already before these investigations had even begun. Flynn lasted 24 days. Drip, drip, drip.
That is an interesting approach my friend. When it comes to an investigation of President Trump - your side of the aisle desires "patience". And yet when it comes to the repeal of Obamacare (something beyond the control of President Trump), your side is all over the internet screaming he's a "failure" because a massive piece of legislation wasn't repealed during his first 50 days in office and then again during his first 100 days in office.

Where is the "patience"??? :dunno:
Hey Patriot, it's like they wrote this for you..
As much as I adore you, I'm going to have to interject a bit of reality here. There is no left and right today. There are Globalists versus us. The two party system is a joke and is for the sheep who choose to swallow the blue pill.

Side note, how are you? :)
The right must be insane because they're the ones that have gone totally fucking insane over the past decade. There was time I considered the right sane but after 2013 and there goddamn anti-government crap I said fuck this....My mind did a 180 within about a year when you stupid fuckers started fighting to turn this country into Africa.
My mind did a 180 within about a year when you stupid fuckers started fighting to turn this country into Africa.
Well since the right has never done that - it's safe to say your mind started spinning prior to reaching that bat-shit crazy conclusion. :laugh:
I really have to wonder what life experience has skewed your view of reality to such a degree. Part of an investigation is evidence gathering. We already know a crime was committed.

Crime Scene Investigation: How It’s Done

Trump's administration was not "randomly selected".

No you do not. You 'think' one was committed because you refuse to acknowledge that more states voted for President Trump and rejected a continuation of lefty business as usual.

I'll note most right leaners and a good portion of us middle-roaders think goes against not only the best interests of the nation, but American values and ideals. I am bisexual, spent 25 years fighting for SSM in Alaska and I'M saying the bathroom thing is the most rediculious bullshit ever. /I/ reject it entirely from both privacy and common decency standpoints. Was it the straw that broke the camels back? Perhaps.

The left has gone too far in their attempts to get votes. That is the plain, simple, reality. Instead of accepting that and learning, shifting more to the center to correct their "political" imbalance, they have decided to go farther left; start riots and directly and violently oppose the system of election that this country has always followed. They've turned into domestic terrorists. I am embarrassed to show on my signature that I have some 60% of my views in line with theirs at this point in time; I've considered changing my sig simply because I want /zero/ association with the D's- and if you note my sig, I'm a big proponent of working together... or I was, until the left turned into political... foreigners. I mean they're sure as hell not American anymore.

/That/ is the death of a party, and frankly at this point, I welcome it - sane lefties need to get the fuck out of the D party and go I or find a third party - they have let terrorists and communists steal their flag.

Here's a nice cup of STFU...

House Republicans are already preparing for ‘years’ of investigations of Clinton

Jason Chaffetz, the Utah congressman wrapping up his first term atop the powerful House Oversight Committee, unendorsed Donald Trump weeks ago. That freed him up to prepare for something else: spending years, come January, probing the record of a President Hillary Clinton.

“It’s a target-rich environment,” the Republican said in an interview in Salt Lake City’s suburbs. “Even before we get to Day One, we’ve got two years’ worth of material already lined up. She has four years of history at the State Department, and it ain’t good.”

Funny candidate for President was under FBI investigation on election day. Guess who? (Hint: Not Clinton)

Well first off that has absolutely nothing to do with my statement about the left going radical. Your statement of knowing a crime was committed when there is /zero/ evidence to date merely proves your partisan bullshit.

Second off, I'm not a republican so throwing partisan coin flips doesn't mean shit to me. Both parties are shit heads, and?

My point was that I used to be able to support at least some of the views of the D's - as I noted in both my post and have noted in my sig. No longer. The left has gone completely insane.
Just be patient, "Patriot". Investigations take time. Look at what has happened already before these investigations had even begun. Flynn lasted 24 days. Drip, drip, drip.
That is an interesting approach my friend. When it comes to an investigation of President Trump - your side of the aisle desires "patience". And yet when it comes to the repeal of Obamacare (something beyond the control of President Trump), your side is all over the internet screaming he's a "failure" because a massive piece of legislation wasn't repealed during his first 50 days in office and then again during his first 100 days in office.

Where is the "patience"??? :dunno:

Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.

Here's a little hint for you...Trump failed in his first 100 days. Didn't get a single thing done, not one, of ANY of the things he said he'd do on "day one". (And all while holding the House and Senate) Oh, and that's not screaming, that people laughing and mocking the homunculus meat goblin.
Just be patient, "Patriot". Investigations take time. Look at what has happened already before these investigations had even begun. Flynn lasted 24 days. Drip, drip, drip.
That is an interesting approach my friend. When it comes to an investigation of President Trump - your side of the aisle desires "patience". And yet when it comes to the repeal of Obamacare (something beyond the control of President Trump), your side is all over the internet screaming he's a "failure" because a massive piece of legislation wasn't repealed during his first 50 days in office and then again during his first 100 days in office.

Where is the "patience"??? :dunno:

Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.

Here's a little hint for you...Trump failed in his first 100 days. Didn't get a single thing done, not one, of ANY of the things he said he'd do on "day one". (And all while holding the House and Senate) Oh, and that's not screaming, that people laughing and mocking the homunculus meat goblin.
oh He didn't rip up Iran deal on his first day in office? lying sos
Just be patient, "Patriot". Investigations take time. Look at what has happened already before these investigations had even begun. Flynn lasted 24 days. Drip, drip, drip.
That is an interesting approach my friend. When it comes to an investigation of President Trump - your side of the aisle desires "patience". And yet when it comes to the repeal of Obamacare (something beyond the control of President Trump), your side is all over the internet screaming he's a "failure" because a massive piece of legislation wasn't repealed during his first 50 days in office and then again during his first 100 days in office.

Where is the "patience"??? :dunno:

Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.

Here's a little hint for you...Trump failed in his first 100 days. Didn't get a single thing done, not one, of ANY of the things he said he'd do on "day one". (And all while holding the House and Senate) Oh, and that's not screaming, that people laughing and mocking the homunculus meat goblin.
oh He didn't rip up Iran deal on his first day in office? lying sos

That is correct, he did not.

What is an "SOS"? The only one I'm aware of is di di dit dah dah dah di di dit.

You need help? Maybe with basic facts?

Why Trump won't tear up Iran nuclear deal -
Just be patient, "Patriot". Investigations take time. Look at what has happened already before these investigations had even begun. Flynn lasted 24 days. Drip, drip, drip.
That is an interesting approach my friend. When it comes to an investigation of President Trump - your side of the aisle desires "patience". And yet when it comes to the repeal of Obamacare (something beyond the control of President Trump), your side is all over the internet screaming he's a "failure" because a massive piece of legislation wasn't repealed during his first 50 days in office and then again during his first 100 days in office.

Where is the "patience"??? :dunno:

Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.

Here's a little hint for you...Trump failed in his first 100 days. Didn't get a single thing done, not one, of ANY of the things he said he'd do on "day one". (And all while holding the House and Senate) Oh, and that's not screaming, that people laughing and mocking the homunculus meat goblin.
oh He didn't rip up Iran deal on his first day in office? lying sos

That is correct, he did not.

What is an "SOS"? The only one I'm aware of is di di dit dah dah dah di di dit.

You need help? Maybe with basic facts?

Why Trump won't tear up Iran nuclear deal -
Shit On a Shingle
Just be patient, "Patriot". Investigations take time. Look at what has happened already before these investigations had even begun. Flynn lasted 24 days. Drip, drip, drip.
That is an interesting approach my friend. When it comes to an investigation of President Trump - your side of the aisle desires "patience". And yet when it comes to the repeal of Obamacare (something beyond the control of President Trump), your side is all over the internet screaming he's a "failure" because a massive piece of legislation wasn't repealed during his first 50 days in office and then again during his first 100 days in office.

Where is the "patience"??? :dunno:

Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.

Here's a little hint for you...Trump failed in his first 100 days. Didn't get a single thing done, not one, of ANY of the things he said he'd do on "day one". (And all while holding the House and Senate) Oh, and that's not screaming, that people laughing and mocking the homunculus meat goblin.
oh He didn't rip up Iran deal on his first day in office? lying sos

That is correct, he did not.

What is an "SOS"? The only one I'm aware of is di di dit dah dah dah di di dit.

You need help? Maybe with basic facts?

Why Trump won't tear up Iran nuclear deal -
Shit On a Shingle
Or if you will,,,Sack Of Shit
That is an interesting approach my friend. When it comes to an investigation of President Trump - your side of the aisle desires "patience". And yet when it comes to the repeal of Obamacare (something beyond the control of President Trump), your side is all over the internet screaming he's a "failure" because a massive piece of legislation wasn't repealed during his first 50 days in office and then again during his first 100 days in office.

Where is the "patience"??? :dunno:

Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.

Here's a little hint for you...Trump failed in his first 100 days. Didn't get a single thing done, not one, of ANY of the things he said he'd do on "day one". (And all while holding the House and Senate) Oh, and that's not screaming, that people laughing and mocking the homunculus meat goblin.
oh He didn't rip up Iran deal on his first day in office? lying sos

That is correct, he did not.

What is an "SOS"? The only one I'm aware of is di di dit dah dah dah di di dit.

You need help? Maybe with basic facts?

Why Trump won't tear up Iran nuclear deal -
Shit On a Shingle
Or if you will,,,Sack Of Shit

Ah, so an incorrect assessment. Good to know. Still operating under the delusion that Cheetolini "tore up the Iran deal", rube?
Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.

Here's a little hint for you...Trump failed in his first 100 days. Didn't get a single thing done, not one, of ANY of the things he said he'd do on "day one". (And all while holding the House and Senate) Oh, and that's not screaming, that people laughing and mocking the homunculus meat goblin.
oh He didn't rip up Iran deal on his first day in office? lying sos

That is correct, he did not.

What is an "SOS"? The only one I'm aware of is di di dit dah dah dah di di dit.

You need help? Maybe with basic facts?

Why Trump won't tear up Iran nuclear deal -
Shit On a Shingle
Or if you will,,,Sack Of Shit

Ah, so an incorrect assessment. Good to know. Still operating under the delusion that Cheetolini "tore up the Iran deal", rube?
Hey DOPE I know he didn't He promised to and lied Sorry you couldn't understand my post
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