The radicalization of the left

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oh He didn't rip up Iran deal on his first day in office? lying sos

That is correct, he did not.

What is an "SOS"? The only one I'm aware of is di di dit dah dah dah di di dit.

You need help? Maybe with basic facts?

Why Trump won't tear up Iran nuclear deal -
Shit On a Shingle
Or if you will,,,Sack Of Shit

Ah, so an incorrect assessment. Good to know. Still operating under the delusion that Cheetolini "tore up the Iran deal", rube?
Hey DOPE I know he didn't He promised to and lied Sorry you couldn't understand my post

Then why did you pose it as a question? So Donnie Small Hands is the lying sack of shit to whom you were referring? Well, then we are in full agreement, sir.
That is correct, he did not.

What is an "SOS"? The only one I'm aware of is di di dit dah dah dah di di dit.

You need help? Maybe with basic facts?

Why Trump won't tear up Iran nuclear deal -
Shit On a Shingle
Or if you will,,,Sack Of Shit

Ah, so an incorrect assessment. Good to know. Still operating under the delusion that Cheetolini "tore up the Iran deal", rube?
Hey DOPE I know he didn't He promised to and lied Sorry you couldn't understand my post

Then why did you pose it as a question? So Donnie Small Hands is the lying sack of shit to whom you were referring? Well, then we are in full agreement, sir.
I posed it the way I did to mock the poster I was answering No problems Think you and I are on the same wave lengths
Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.
Bwahahaha! So major legislation should be eliminated in 100 days (even though he's in the executive branch and legislation can only be repealed by the legislative branch), but investigations take more than 6 months and that's completely ok.

As always...I just exposed your extraordinary hypocrisy. Can you say partisan hack?
Ah yes...little puppies favorite diversionary tactic, especially when he's given facts contrary to his world view. Bring up a completely disparate event as though that situation is the same.
Bwahahaha! So major legislation should be eliminated in 100 days (even though he's in the executive branch and legislation can only be repealed by the legislative branch), but investigations take more than 6 months and that's completely ok.

As always...I just exposed your extraordinary hypocrisy. Can you say partisan hack?

That's it puppy, keep having these little conversations in your head with yourself. Keep yourself distracted.

Investigations take time. Legislation takes time. And still Barack Obama managed to pass major legislation in his first 100 days...Obama signed a bill to provide federally funded health care to an estimated 4 million children, authorized a U.S. Navy SEAL operation to rescue an American cargo ship captain held captive by Somali pirates, signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and got the stimulus passed, saving the American auto industry.

Get used to Trump never being able to measure up to Obama. Obama actually did win in a landslide and wasn't the second biggest popular vote loser in history.
Amazing how hard republicans work to try and put down this great man They wish dump had half his brains
Indisputable evidence of how radicalized the left has become. This woman was as far left as far left gets. She had family who were members of Communist Party U.S.A. and even she is voting Republican now.

Probably a 300 lbs dude living in his mom's basement.. kind of like you.
That's it stupid - keep denying the extreme radicalization that everyone sees. You can close your eyes snowflake, but the giant left-wing fascist elephant is still in the corner of the room.
Legislation takes time. And still Barack Obama managed to pass major legislation in his first 100 days...Obama authorized a U.S. Navy SEAL operation to rescue an American cargo ship captain held captive by Somali pirates
That's not legislation, dumb-shit... :lmao:

President Trump authorized the bombing of Syria in his first 100 days as well. He also approved the Keystone Pipeline, reversed Barack Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders, eliminated $68 billion from the national debt, eliminated unconstitutional regulations, renegotiated trade agreements (making them more favorable for the U.S.), and secured the border. If you want to compare legal/constitutional actions from the executive branch - President Trump has obliterated Barack Insane Obama in their first 100 days.
Investigations take time. Legislation takes time. And still Barack Obama managed to pass major legislation in his first 100 days...
No he didn't. It wouldn't even be legal for the executive branch to "pass major legislation". You really should have spent less time in high school exploring your sexuality and a shit-ton more time on U.S. government.
Obama signed a bill to provide federally funded health care to an estimated 4 million children
That's because his super-majority Congress (who was more interested in the left-wing dream of a dictatorship) handed him a bill to sign. You're too stupid to even realize that the Republican-controlled Congress failed to get President Trump a bill to sign. You could be obliterating them and using it for your political advantage for 2018, but you're so furious that President Trump tells it like it is (something fasicts fear) that you can't see the forest for the trees.
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
While paying women in his White House substantially less then he paid men :lmao:
and got the stimulus passed,'re proud of that fact that he egregiously violated federal law??? :uhh:
saving the American auto industry. you love "corporate welfare"? I thought you hated it??? love anything if Barack Insane Obama does it? I get it now. Oops....
Get used to Trump never being able to measure up to Obama. Obama actually did win in a landslide and wasn't the second biggest popular vote loser in history.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama is already universally considered the worst president in U.S. history. Surpassing fellow Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter. He set records for deficits, national debt, people on food stamps, people out of the labor force, and scandals in the White House.

Oh....AND became the only idiot in U.S. history not to have a single year of 3% or better GDP growth. 8 years and not one had 3% growth. But...that's what happens with marxism.
Investigations take time. Legislation takes time. And still Barack Obama managed to pass major legislation in his first 100 days...
No he didn't. It wouldn't even be legal for the executive branch to "pass major legislation". You really should have spent less time in high school exploring your sexuality and a shit-ton more time on U.S. government.
Obama signed a bill to provide federally funded health care to an estimated 4 million children
That's because his super-majority Congress (who was more interested in the left-wing dream of a dictatorship) handed him a bill to sign. You're too stupid to even realize that the Republican-controlled Congress failed to get President Trump a bill to sign. You could be obliterating them and using it for your political advantage for 2018, but you're so furious that President Trump tells it like it is (something fasicts fear) that you can't see the forest for the trees.
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
While paying women in his White House substantially less then he paid men :lmao:
and got the stimulus passed,'re proud of that fact that he egregiously violated federal law??? :uhh:
saving the American auto industry. you love "corporate welfare"? I thought you hated it??? love anything if Barack Insane Obama does it? I get it now. Oops....
Get used to Trump never being able to measure up to Obama. Obama actually did win in a landslide and wasn't the second biggest popular vote loser in history.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama is already universally considered the worst president in U.S. history. Surpassing fellow Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter. He set records for deficits, national debt, people on food stamps, people out of the labor force, and scandals in the White House.

Oh....AND became the only idiot in U.S. history not to have a single year of 3% or better GDP growth. 8 years and not one had 3% growth. But...that's what happens with marxism.
You dumb F Guess that's what happens recovering from the worst recession ever ,,,given to us by another republican moron
Investigations take time. Legislation takes time. And still Barack Obama managed to pass major legislation in his first 100 days...
No he didn't. It wouldn't even be legal for the executive branch to "pass major legislation". You really should have spent less time in high school exploring your sexuality and a shit-ton more time on U.S. government.
Obama signed a bill to provide federally funded health care to an estimated 4 million children
That's because his super-majority Congress (who was more interested in the left-wing dream of a dictatorship) handed him a bill to sign. You're too stupid to even realize that the Republican-controlled Congress failed to get President Trump a bill to sign. You could be obliterating them and using it for your political advantage for 2018, but you're so furious that President Trump tells it like it is (something fasicts fear) that you can't see the forest for the trees.
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
While paying women in his White House substantially less then he paid men :lmao:
and got the stimulus passed,'re proud of that fact that he egregiously violated federal law??? :uhh:
saving the American auto industry. you love "corporate welfare"? I thought you hated it??? love anything if Barack Insane Obama does it? I get it now. Oops....
Get used to Trump never being able to measure up to Obama. Obama actually did win in a landslide and wasn't the second biggest popular vote loser in history.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama is already universally considered the worst president in U.S. history. Surpassing fellow Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter. He set records for deficits, national debt, people on food stamps, people out of the labor force, and scandals in the White House.

Oh....AND became the only idiot in U.S. history not to have a single year of 3% or better GDP growth. 8 years and not one had 3% growth. But...that's what happens with marxism.
You dumb F Guess that's what happens recovering from the worst recession ever ,,,given to us by another republican moron

It's been 8 fricken years clown, how many more would you like?
You dumb F Guess that's what happens recovering from the worst recession ever ,,,given to us by another republican moron
Bwahahaha! Hyperbole much, dimwit? Jimmy Carter handed Ronald Reagan an exponentially worse recession than the Barack Insane Obama was handed. And Reagan didn't oversee all of those catastrophic failures. Instead, all he did was create one of the (if not thee) greatest economic turnarounds in U.S. history.

Obama failed miserably (over 1,000 seats lost by Dumbocrats to Republicans during his two terms). You fascists will just need to come to terms with that.
That's it stupid - keep denying the extreme radicalization that everyone sees. You can close your eyes snowflake, but the giant left-wing fascist elephant is still in the corner of the room.

Ooooh, I think I hit a nerve with pointing out you weigh about 400 lbs and live in Mom's basement.

Come to think of it, we haven't seen Templar Kormac in a while..(Or whatever he was calling himself.)
Investigations take time. Legislation takes time. And still Barack Obama managed to pass major legislation in his first 100 days...
No he didn't. It wouldn't even be legal for the executive branch to "pass major legislation". You really should have spent less time in high school exploring your sexuality and a shit-ton more time on U.S. government.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia


President Barack Obama signs the ARRA into law on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. Vice President Joe Biden stands behind him.

That's just under 30 days, "Patriot" and that was major legislation.

Obama signed a bill to provide federally funded health care to an estimated 4 million children
That's because his super-majority Congress (who was more interested in the left-wing dream of a dictatorship) handed him a bill to sign. You're too stupid to even realize that the Republican-controlled Congress failed to get President Trump a bill to sign. You could be obliterating them and using it for your political advantage for 2018, but you're so furious that President Trump tells it like it is (something fasicts fear) that you can't see the forest for the trees.

Yeah, he had a "supermajority" for about a NY second (but not really)

Debunking the Myth: Obama's Two-Year Supermajority | HuffPost

Yes, we know Trump can't seem to work within his own party let alone reach across the aisle to Democrats...but he'll still blame them if he doesn't get something through. He's the perfect candidate for the party of "personal responsibility" :lol:

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
While paying women in his White House substantially less then he paid men :lmao:

You, obviously, never grow tired of passing on misinformation.

The AEI study didn’t compare wages for similar positions, but the AEI’s Perry told us in an email that Carney is “probably basically correct” when he says the pay for men and women in the same positions with the same experience level is likely the same. As a New York Times graphic on such salaries said, most White House salaries are set by a pay schedule. “So it’s probably a matter of just following a formula based on job title, previous job experience, and maybe level of education,” Perry said.

The New York Times breakdown of the jobs by pay scale shows that women slightly outnumber men in the bottom two income categories, while men slightly outnumber women in the top two. Perry agreed that the pay gap in the White House is “partly/mostly explained” by that graphic. There are simply more women in lower-paying junior positions, and so the median salary lags that of men.

And that is why Blackburn’s comment that “the White House [is] paying women 88 cents for every dollar that a guy earns in comparable positions,” (our emphasis) is incorrect. The comparison is for all jobs, not comparable ones, and men hold more of the upper-level positions.

Playing Politics with the Pay Gap -

and got the stimulus passed,'re proud of that fact that he egregiously violated federal law??? :uhh:

Link to court case.

saving the American auto industry. you love "corporate welfare"? I thought you hated it??? love anything if Barack Insane Obama does it? I get it now. Oops....

It's not "welfare" when they pay back on the loan.

General Motors' Debt -

Get used to Trump never being able to measure up to Obama. Obama actually did win in a landslide and wasn't the second biggest popular vote loser in history.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama is already universally considered the worst president in U.S. history. Surpassing fellow Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter. He set records for deficits, national debt, people on food stamps, people out of the labor force, and scandals in the White House.

Oh....AND became the only idiot in U.S. history not to have a single year of 3% or better GDP growth. 8 years and not one had 3% growth. But...that's what happens with marxism.

Not on any planet, puppy.
Harvard Economist: History Will Judge Obama As A 'Great President'
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia


President Barack Obama signs the ARRA into law on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. Vice President Joe Biden stands behind him.

That's just under 30 days, "Patriot" and that was major legislation.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama did not pass that. Congress did. All he did was sign it (he couldn't have even vetoed it because of the Dumbocrat super-majority at the time). He didn't write the legislation and he didn't vote on it. What part of this do you not understand?

Like I said...less time on queer feminist theory....more time on U.S. government. Trust me - you won't regret it.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia


President Barack Obama signs the ARRA into law on February 17, 2009 in Denver, Colorado. Vice President Joe Biden stands behind him.

That's just under 30 days, "Patriot" and that was major legislation.
Sweetie....Barack Insane Obama did not pass that. Congress did. All he did was sign it (he couldn't have even vetoed it because of the Dumbocrat super-majority at the time). He didn't write the legislation and he didn't vote on it. What part of this do you not understand?

Like I said...less time on queer feminist theory....more time on U.S. government. Trust me - you won't regret it.

Darling, yes he did pass it. He worked on the legislation as a candidate.

From Wiki...

Both the House and the Senate versions of the bills were primarily written by Democratic Congressional committee leaders and their staffs. Because work on the bills started before President Obama officially took office on January 20, 2009, top aides to President-Elect Obama held multiple meetings with committee leaders and staffers. On January 10, 2009, President-Elect Obama's administration released a report[4] that provided a preliminary analysis of the impact to jobs of some of the prototypical recovery packages that were being considered.
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