The radicalization of the left

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Reagan gave amnesty to illegals.
Which was idiotic. You don't reward criminals.
Ronald Reagan raised taxes in 1986 after he realized supply side didn't work. that would never be tolerated today.
This is one of your favorite lies. And it's one of your most outrageous lies. Ronald Reagan drastically reduced taxes in his first year. After the deficits (thanks to unconstitutional, failed left-wing socialist programs) were too high - he slightly raised them. The taxes were still drastically lower after that increase than before he was in office.

By the way snowflake - Reagan's economic polices worked flawlessly. He oversaw the biggest recovery in U.S. history and oversaw one of the most robust and successful economies in U.S. history. It lasted for almost 30 years before Bill Clinton's idiotic failed left-wing policies finally crashed the housing market
Reagan swapped weapons for hostages.
Again...another lie. The Iran-Contra affair wasn't about getting hostages back. It was about funding the contras efforts against the sandanistas, to stop communism. The hostages were a mere byproduct of the deal. Being that you spent your life drunk and stoned during that era - you have no idea what happened. So as usual, you just make up your own alternate reality.

At the end of the day - you claimed the party has moved away from Reagan while denying how bat-shit crazy your own radicalized party has become. I proved you wrong on both accounts.

Your ignorance of history is almost as bad as Trump's.
Everything I said is 100% accurate. Which is why you couldn't even dispute it. :laugh:
To vote Democrat would be to vote DIRECTLY against your own interests as a white person.

The only white people who vote for Democrats today are stoners and masochistic cuckold types.

Guy, if you are a white person and work for a living, the Republicans are doing you no favors... or do you think it's a coincidence all those Manufaturing Jobs went overseas on Republican Watches?

The problem with stupid people like you is you think the guy in the corner office is your friend because he has the same skin tone as you do... even though all he sees you as is an expense he can get rid of.
That's comical. Let's take a look at your boys - shall we?

Jimmy Carter: voted out of office after a single term because he created an economic mess in the country (J.C. here meets two of your criteria!).

It was a mess for years before he got there... And became a bigger mess after he left, but you are probably too young to remember how bad the 1981-83 Reagan Recession was.

Bill Clinton: impeached after scandal after scandal - including perjury. Would ultimately collapse the housing market and end the economic tidal wave created by Ronald Reagan (B.C. here also meets two of your criteria!).

Except the Housing Market Collapsed under Bush, not Clinton. Frankly, I'd love to have Clinton's economy back. But back in the 1990's, I was one of you Right Wing Assholes who was more worried about how he was keeping his cigars moist.

But most Americans saw it was pretty good, which is why you had to steal an election, because you couldn't win one. Then Bush came along, and showed us how fucked up thing can truly get.

Barack Obama: set unimaginable record levels of deficits and national debt. Set records for most food stamps, most people out of the labor force, most scandals by an administration, and lowest approval rating at one point. On top of all of that - he became the only president to not have at least one year of 3% GDP growth. And oh yeah - he also managed to trampled on the U.S. Constitution.

Whine, whine, whine, Poodle. Fact is, most of us were better off in 2016 than we were in 2009. Which is why you guys had to steal another election.
That's comical. Let's take a look at your boys - shall we?

Jimmy Carter: voted out of office after a single term because he created an economic mess in the country (J.C. here meets two of your criteria!).

It was a mess for years before he got there...
Bwahahaha! Is that the best you've got snowflake? It wasn't a "mess" before he got there. At least not a mess like the Jimmy Carter era. I love watching you make a fool out of yourself as you attempt to defend the indefensible by attempting to rewrite history.
Barack Obama: set unimaginable record levels of deficits and national debt. Set records for most food stamps, most people out of the labor force, most scandals by an administration, and lowest approval rating at one point. On top of all of that - he became the only president to not have at least one year of 3% GDP growth. And oh yeah - he also managed to trampled on the U.S. Constitution.

Whine, whine, whine, Poodle.
What you call "whine" rational people call "facts". I don't blame you - if I supported failure, I would try to run from it too.
Patience. Evidence takes time to collect
Friends...think about the absolute insanity of that statement. There should be no talk of "impeachment" or impropriety unless there is already evidence. If they already have the evidence - then it doesn't take any time to "collect" it.

What SW just accidentally admitted here is that they are on a witch hunt. They are actively seeking for "evidence to collect". So far they haven't been able to find any. But that won't stop them from spending billions on trying to find something and/or trying to frame him.
Compare the Eisenhower Republicans to the so-called Freedom Caucus if you want to see what radicalization of a movement looks like.

- Occupy's murder, rapes, throwing shit at cops
- Trump 2006 rally attendees being physically assaulted by anti-Trump
- Climate change activists leaving trash behind at marches

These are movements that motivate Americans to keep radicals like you and your people out of office.
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It's hard to picture a time where the country has gone as wrong as electing Trump, though.
It's not that hard. The election of Woodrow Wilson. The election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The election of John F. Kennedy. The election of Lyndon B. Johnson. The election of Richard Nixon. The election of Jimmy Carter. The election of Bill Clinton. The election of Barack Obama. Just to name a few.
Because I'm not seeing anything particularly radical...
Just a heads up old friend - this is going to sting a little. I mean, you will deny it and try to pretend like it doesn't of course. But this will sting a little.

Indisputable, undeniable proof of the radicalization of the left. Recently Bill Nye had the distinct of honor of being responsible for the worst moment in tv history when he had Rachel Bloom (who has the worst voice I've ever heard) sing a song with the most despicable lyrics about how being a promiscuous transgender bi-sexual is "normal" and "natural". is Bill Nye's show back in 1996 (before your side became so extremely radicalized) telling viewers that chromosomes dictate your gender and that you can only be a boy or a girl. This - of course - was before you left-wing hatriots started rejecting science.

An old ‘Bill Nye’ episode on Netflix was conveniently edited — you won’t believe why
Bwahahaha! Is that the best you've got snowflake? It wasn't a "mess" before he got there. At least not a mess like the Jimmy Carter era. I love watching you make a fool out of yourself as you attempt to defend the indefensible by attempting to rewrite history.

Guy, this tells me once again, you are about 25 years old. ANYONE who lived through the 1970's can tell you what a fucking mess it was. there was a reason why we voted Jerry Ford the fuck out of office. there's a reason why Nixon resigned. You don't do that if times are good and the president is popular.

It's not that hard. The election of Woodrow Wilson. The election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The election of John F. Kennedy. The election of Lyndon B. Johnson. The election of Richard Nixon. The election of Jimmy Carter. The election of Bill Clinton. The election of Barack Obama. Just to name a few.

Most of those guys are considered great presidents today. Trump is a clown.

Indisputable, undeniable proof of the radicalization of the left. Recently Bill Nye had the distinct of honor of being responsible for the worst moment in tv history when he had Rachel Bloom (who has the worst voice I've ever heard) sing a song with the most despicable lyrics about how being a promiscuous transgender bi-sexual is "normal" and "natural". is Bill Nye's show back in 1996 (before your side became so extremely radicalized) telling viewers that chromosomes dictate your gender and that you can only be a boy or a girl. This - of course - was before you left-wing hatriots started rejecting science.

Or we realize today that Gender is more complicated than that.

Why do you think there are guys who dress up like women and think they are women? Do you think anyone just does that for shits and grins?

Now, I get it, you guys have pretty much lost the argument on gay rights and minority rights and women's rights, so God Damn It, we need someone to look down on and discriminate against!!!

Frankly, I am amazed when I see you guys getting so desperate to look for someone to hate, while ignoring the people who are truly making your lives miserable, the 1% that control most of the wealth.

Patience. Evidence takes time to collect
Friends...think about the absolute insanity of that statement. There should be no talk of "impeachment" or impropriety unless there is already evidence. If they already have the evidence - then it doesn't take any time to "collect" it.

What SW just accidentally admitted here is that they are on a witch hunt. They are actively seeking for "evidence to collect". So far they haven't been able to find any. But that won't stop them from spending billions on trying to find something and/or trying to frame him.

No actually, I stated a fact. Investigations take time.
Patience. Evidence takes time to collect
Friends...think about the absolute insanity of that statement. There should be no talk of "impeachment" or impropriety unless there is already evidence. If they already have the evidence - then it doesn't take any time to "collect" it.

What SW just accidentally admitted here is that they are on a witch hunt. They are actively seeking for "evidence to collect". So far they haven't been able to find any. But that won't stop them from spending billions on trying to find something and/or trying to frame him.

No actually, I stated a fact. Investigations take time.
You didn't say "investigations" my dear. You said (and I quote) "evidence takes time to collect". If you're making accusations - you should already have the evidence. Oops...

I love those rare moments when the left is accidentally honest.
There was a time in this country when I could have easily worked with the left. The Kennedy-era progressives were pro-American, anti-communist, civilized people with a slightly different view on the role of government.

Today, the left is full-on socialist/communist/marxist fascists with an agenda for all things obscene and indecent (you wouldn't have found a single Kennedy-era progressive advocating for men to use women's facilities). And back in that era - killing a baby was ghastly. Now, the left celebrates it - going so far as to start a "#ShoutYourAbortion" hashtag on twitter for women to proudly share their stories of having an abortion.

Just look at what Planned Parenthood used to be before the left because so unhinged and radical...

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood Called Abortion Killing

This is worth posting again and again. You have to be a vegetable or child to not recognize how much of this was fulfilled during Obama's tenure. To this day liberals are perfectly in accord with this playbook..............The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
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Patience. Evidence takes time to collect
Friends...think about the absolute insanity of that statement. There should be no talk of "impeachment" or impropriety unless there is already evidence. If they already have the evidence - then it doesn't take any time to "collect" it.

What SW just accidentally admitted here is that they are on a witch hunt. They are actively seeking for "evidence to collect". So far they haven't been able to find any. But that won't stop them from spending billions on trying to find something and/or trying to frame him.

No actually, I stated a fact. Investigations take time.
You didn't say "investigations" my dear. You said (and I quote) "evidence takes time to collect". If you're making accusations - you should already have the evidence. Oops...

I love those rare moments when the left is accidentally honest.

What do you think an investigation consists of? Evidence gathering
Patience. Evidence takes time to collect
Friends...think about the absolute insanity of that statement. There should be no talk of "impeachment" or impropriety unless there is already evidence. If they already have the evidence - then it doesn't take any time to "collect" it.

What SW just accidentally admitted here is that they are on a witch hunt. They are actively seeking for "evidence to collect". So far they haven't been able to find any. But that won't stop them from spending billions on trying to find something and/or trying to frame him.

No actually, I stated a fact. Investigations take time.
You didn't say "investigations" my dear. You said (and I quote) "evidence takes time to collect". If you're making accusations - you should already have the evidence. Oops...

I love those rare moments when the left is accidentally honest.

What do you think an investigation consists of? Evidence gathering
No sweetie...that's not the way that it works. What is there to investigate if there is no evidence?!? This is how it works, my fascist friend...

Police are notified of a corpse (that's the evidence). They open an investigation to determine who is responsible.

You idiotic alternate reality:
Police randomly choose an individual (say Donald Trump). They search all over for a dead body. If they are lucky enough to locate one 4 years later - they attempt to connect it to Trump (which is why it takes so long).

Sorry my fascist friend - but you just admitted that your fascist pals are on a witch hunt just because all of you can't accept the will of the American people and want President Trump out of office.
Patience. Evidence takes time to collect
Friends...think about the absolute insanity of that statement. There should be no talk of "impeachment" or impropriety unless there is already evidence. If they already have the evidence - then it doesn't take any time to "collect" it.

What SW just accidentally admitted here is that they are on a witch hunt. They are actively seeking for "evidence to collect". So far they haven't been able to find any. But that won't stop them from spending billions on trying to find something and/or trying to frame him.

No actually, I stated a fact. Investigations take time.
You didn't say "investigations" my dear. You said (and I quote) "evidence takes time to collect". If you're making accusations - you should already have the evidence. Oops...

I love those rare moments when the left is accidentally honest.

What do you think an investigation consists of? Evidence gathering
No sweetie...that's not the way that it works. What is there to investigate if there is no evidence?!? This is how it works, my fascist friend...

Police are notified of a corpse (that's the evidence). They open an investigation to determine who is responsible.

You idiotic alternate reality:
Police randomly choose an individual (say Donald Trump). They search all over for a dead body. If they are lucky enough to locate one 4 years later - they attempt to connect it to Trump (which is why it takes so long).

Sorry my fascist friend - but you just admitted that your fascist pals are on a witch hunt just because all of you can't accept the will of the American people and want President Trump out of office.

I really have to wonder what life experience has skewed your view of reality to such a degree. Part of an investigation is evidence gathering. We already know a crime was committed.

Crime Scene Investigation: How It’s Done

Trump's administration was not "randomly selected".
Trump's administration was not "randomly selected". then they should already have the evidence. In which case - the only delay should be stuff like preparing the prosecution, any time of back log in the court system, etc. But that's not what is happening and that is not what you said.

The evidence comes first. Then the investigation follows. Nobody starts a random investigation (at least, they shouldn't). There should be some evidence that warrants an investigation. Speaking of warrants - you do realize that a judge requires evidence before he will grant a search warrant or an arrest warrant - don't you?
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