The radicalization of the left

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is that the policy for all or are they discriminating against people not like them? they hate it when YOU do that but they eat that shit up when they do it. strange, huh? well maybe not to you.
Okay, you see, this is why you are ignore.
Because he points out your idiotic comments? There were no insults, no foul language, no lies, etc.

Hilarious. You just admitted you ignore him because he's more intelligent than you.
is that the policy for all or are they discriminating against people not like them? they hate it when YOU do that but they eat that shit up when they do it. strange, huh? well maybe not to you.
Okay, you see, this is why you are ignore.
Because he points out your idiotic comments? There were no insults, no foul language, no lies, etc.

Hilarious. You just admitted you ignore him because he's more intelligent than you.
not sure how you can stalk and ignore people at the same time, but he's pretty good at it. :)
Then they don't have to go listen to her, dumb ass. They can stay in their dorm or go to some other event on campus. But in typical left-wing fascist fashion, they are preventing the educated students from listening to her. Oops. How stupid do you look right now? (Hint: very)
Why should any student's money go to pay her.
Why should any student's money go to pay communists and terrorists (such as Bill Ayers) to spew their ignorant and hateful drivel? The next time the left produces an intellect with something useful to share will be the first time that has ever happened.
Radical left:
Protect the environment
Help women and babies
equal pay for equal work
Education and jobs training

Mainstream right:
Kill the gays
Save the fetus, f*ck the baby
Guns for crazies
Tax cuts for billionaires
Voter suppression

I would rather be a radical left than a mainstream right.
You know your party has become full-on bat-shit crazy when Nancy Pelosi becomes the voice of reason...

Except nobody has said we should impeach Trump because we dislike him.

We should impeach him because he is abusing power, obstructing justice and is mentally unfit to serve.

And by "we" you mean Republicans. It has to be them that tells him to resign or they'll impeach...just like with Nixon.
Patience. Evidence takes time to collect
Friends...think about the absolute insanity of that statement. There should be no talk of "impeachment" or impropriety unless there is already evidence. If they already have the evidence - then it doesn't take any time to "collect" it.

What SW just accidentally admitted here is that they are on a witch hunt. They are actively seeking for "evidence to collect". So far they haven't been able to find any. But that won't stop them from spending billions on trying to find something and/or trying to frame him.

No actually, I stated a fact. Investigations take time.
You didn't say "investigations" my dear. You said (and I quote) "evidence takes time to collect". If you're making accusations - you should already have the evidence. Oops...

I love those rare moments when the left is accidentally honest.

What do you think an investigation consists of? Evidence gathering
I swear Wytch....I think they created this cartoon for you. :lmao:

Radical left:
Protect the environment - fuck the people who need energy and jobs
Healthcare - made it unaffordable
Help women and babies - become dependent on government
equal pay for equal work - except in the Obama White House :lmao:
Education and jobs training - among the worst in the world?

Mainstream right:
Kill the gays desire to redefine marriage
Save the fetus, f*ck the baby killers
Guns for crazies about the U.S. Constitution
Tax cuts for billionaires who pay far too much in taxes
Gerrymandering elimination
Voter suppression elimination

I would rather be a radical left than a mainstream right.
Like all lefties - you left out key details. I added the rest for you above - bolded in red and blue so that your mistakes are easily identifiable.
Patience. Evidence takes time to collect
Friends...think about the absolute insanity of that statement. There should be no talk of "impeachment" or impropriety unless there is already evidence. If they already have the evidence - then it doesn't take any time to "collect" it.

What SW just accidentally admitted here is that they are on a witch hunt. They are actively seeking for "evidence to collect". So far they haven't been able to find any. But that won't stop them from spending billions on trying to find something and/or trying to frame him.

No actually, I stated a fact. Investigations take time.
You didn't say "investigations" my dear. You said (and I quote) "evidence takes time to collect". If you're making accusations - you should already have the evidence. Oops...

I love those rare moments when the left is accidentally honest.

What do you think an investigation consists of? Evidence gathering
I swear Wytch....I think they created this cartoon for you. :lmao:

View attachment 127317

Keep wishing it maybe you can make it come true.
Graham: Russia probe seems to be 'criminal investigation'
Ann Coulter is 10x's the intellectual of anyone the left can produce. Which is why you dislike her.

sure she is. Some day, little Poodle, you'll grow up and realize she's kind of dumb.

This is the problem you conservatives have. You used to have some truly great thinkers. But as most of your ideas proved wrong in practice, all you got left with where bigots like Coulter appealing to your worst nature.
Why should any student's money go to pay communists and terrorists (such as Bill Ayers) to spew their ignorant and hateful drivel? The next time the left produces an intellect with something useful to share will be the first time that has ever happened.

Okay, except Bill Ayers spent the last 40 years climbing the ladder of academia and becoming an expert in his field. Now, frankly, I don't agree with is ideals and I thought that he probably should have gone to prison for his activities in the 1960s. (He didn't because the government you normally hate so much engaged in just as much criminal activity gathering evidence against him.)

But the point was, Ayers wrote the papers and did the hard work to become a professor of Urban Planning at UIC. Coulter just plagiarizes the same tired racism every week, to the point no newspapers even carry her column anymore.
Ann Coulter is 10x's the intellectual of anyone the left can produce. Which is why you dislike her.

sure she is. Some day, little Poodle, you'll grow up and realize she's kind of dumb.

This is the problem you conservatives have. You used to have some truly great thinkers. But as most of your ideas proved wrong in practice, all you got left with where bigots like Coulter appealing to your worst nature.

I'm old enough to remember when Republicans were the smartest people in the room. That hasn't been true in a while. They embraced the religious right and social conservatism, dumbing down their party in the process.

I deal everyday with Republicans and Republican campaigns. There are still some of those "old guard" republicans left, but they are getting fewer and fewer. I'd say over 3/4 of my county's GOP central committee is made up of normal, reasonable people. The rest are nutbag birthers.
I'm old enough to remember when Republicans were the smartest people in the room. That hasn't been true in a while.
In other words - she misses the days where Republicans were RINO's and everything just kept sliding further and further left. Which simply goes to support the premise of this thread.

Remember - you guys did this to yourselves. The right was content in their happy little existence, completely ignoring politics as they focused on their family and their careers. And then the left started fucking with both. They decided to ignore biology/science and dictate that a person's thoughts or feelings determines their gender. As if that wasn't offensive enough, the left then said "guess what - we're letting people with penises pee and shower with your 6 year old daughter". That's how radical you people have become. There isn't a single progressive from the Kennedy-era that would have tolerated that shit. Decency still mattered to Democrats back then. Science still mattered to Democrats back then. The church still mattered to Democrats back then. You made a monumental mistake when you messed with people's families and their churches. And of course - your policies took their jobs away (Hitlery Clinton lost the election when she promised to shut down the coal industry).

You've not only restored true conservatism to America by doing so - you've pushed former liberals over to our side of the aisle.
Okay, except Bill Ayers spent the last 40 years climbing the ladder of academia and becoming an expert in his field.
How far could he have "climbed" considering he is still adamant that socialism is one of the great wonders of the world despite its astounding failure rate of 100% world wide? It's painfully obvious that he was handed the job for his radical views and not because he earned anything.
Remember - you guys did this to yourselves. The right was content in their happy little existence, completely ignoring politics as they focused on their family and their careers. And then the left started fucking with both. They decided to ignore biology/science and dictate that a person's thoughts or feelings determines their gender.

Poodle, I really have to ask, how does this have any effect on your life in any way? So some dude thinks he's a chick. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

You see, when I used to be right wing, i used to get all upset about abortion and other social issues, and then I realized that these things really have no effect on my life.

What has an effect on my life is that the kinds of workers rights and protections my dad enjoyed because he belonged to a union and they didn't fire him when he got sick the last few years of his life because of the totally safe asbestos some asshole in a suit told him was perfectly safe, were not there for me when I busted up my knee. That every recession became an excuse for the One Percenters to twist the knife.

So the cycle really becomes. Republicans fuck up the economy. (five of the last six recessions on GOP watches). Democrats come in and fix economy. Republicans come in and play on your racial, sexual and religious fears and fuck up the economy. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. I've seen this happen four times in my 55 years.

There isn't a single progressive from the Kennedy-era that would have tolerated that shit.

To Kennedy era people (left and right), letting black folks ride at the front of the bus and gays being out of the closet were things they wouldn't tolerate all that much. Pretty much hating on the Trannies, a group that makes up less than .3% of the population, kind of shows that when your party is based on getting people to hate on each other in order to distract what you are doing to them, you really are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

And of course - your policies took their jobs away (Hitlery Clinton lost the election when she promised to shut down the coal industry).

Poodle, Sweetie, what took their jobs away is that no one really wants to use coal... Okay, going to show you some scary charts now...


Coal usage has been steadily dropping since 2006, as it is being phased out in favor of natural gas.

But even before that happened, long before that happened, coal mining jobs have been vanishing because of automation.


So Hillary very honestly told the Coal miners their jobs were going away, and they needed to learn to deal, and Biffenfuhrer told them he was totally bringing the mining job back, even though no one wants their product and it's easier to get a machine to do it.
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