The rap sheet of Alton Sterling? He was a sex offender (even snopes the left wing fact check) agrees

Funny thing's Bi's that like to do that.....preying on little girls primarily......and it's mostly Fathers and other family members. So much so that when a child is molested or murdered, they look at the PARENTS first.

Few homosexuals are exclusively homosexual; when they can't find a victim of their preference, they will rape a kid of the opposite sex. Over 30% of the pedoes in prison identify as homosexual, and many also admit to raping little girls once in a while so your attempt at claiming there is some sort of 'statistical parity' between 'heterosexual kiddie rape' and the rate homosexuals rape kiddies fails. the odds are about 490 to 1 for heterosexual males versus 20 to 1 for homosexual males; that's because homosexual males commit over 30% of child rape.
Ooo he was not only a pedophile but a deadbeat dad as well? He's racking up Scum Of The Year points
Ooo he was not only a pedophile but a deadbeat dad as well? He's racking up Scum Of The Year points

Yes, it just gets more and more retarded; they just can't find an 'innocent victim', despite years of trying. It would be hilarious if not for the murders and attempted murders and hate crimes these complete pieces of shit incite and cheer, including their media enablers.
Society lost an icon of good citizenry
Funny thing is...he could have been a great Catholic Priest candidate......but not now.

Or a homo, they tend to prey on young children at an alarming rate also
Funny thing's Bi's that like to do that.....preying on little girls primarily......and it's mostly Fathers and other family members. So much so that when a child is molested or murdered, they look at the PARENTS first.

Yeah you LBGTers are a shouldn't be allowed around children at all. This isn't working out like you envisioned, eh? ;)

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