The rapid rise of Hurricane Matthew

By the is the level of nutter we are dealing with here.......

The alarmist contingent really think that climate deals to stop global warming will make hurricanes a thing of the past..........:spinner::spinner:

What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew

Profound levels of mental disorder with these folks......and clearly, the public has taken a gander with this stuff and recognizes that something just isn't right here, thus, the stark disinterest for global warming for the majority of people in this country. Nobody likes to be lumped into a fringe group that appears off the reservation compared to most people.:popcorn:

Did you see his bio on wikipedia????

"Ron Allen is a misinformed American journalist working for NBC News, where he is a correspondent for all of the network's news programs. He lives in New York/New Jersey metropolitan area and was based in Europe for more than a decade."
Ron Allen (journalist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"....a misinformed American journalist...."

I've found wikipedia to be Left leaning....but they got this right.
People sometimes don't understand that these people so devoted to climate change 24/7 are people who just tend to the hysterical in life. We all know them in our lives......the folks who see a 6 inch snowstorm coming and are down at the supermarket on Sunday morning at 7am loading up 2 baskets of supplies:eek-52:. The people we see at wakes who throw themselves on the casket screaming.:eek-52: The people who get a little blip in the neighborhood a couple of doors down and call 911.:eek-52: Rubberneckers on highways who are almost heading into a ditch to see why the guy got pulled over.:eek-52:

Who knows.......perhaps lack of sensory stimulus as an infant? Damage due to an event when they were young making it such that they go around in life waiting for a house to fall out of the sky on their heads?

Have you seen how amped up the AGW alarmists are with this hurricane?

HOLY FUCK!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Its like.........its like..........what is it like?

Vapor lock on some good analogies s0ns........need some assistance from my skeptic pals............
View attachment 92329

LMAO Weather............perfect gif dude:rock::rock::rock:
OK...this made me literally spit on my PC monitor when I saw it on DRUDGE this morning..........

What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew

Leave it to a hurricane to pull the pronounced nutters out of the woodwork......this is the kind of shit Crick, Matthew and Mamooth give validity to AND what keeps me coming back in here. Making fun of the social oddballs is so much fun.......:2up::popcorn::popcorn:

Ron Allen has a lot in common with Hank Johnson....

OK...this made me literally spit on my PC monitor when I saw it on DRUDGE this morning..........

What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew

Leave it to a hurricane to pull the pronounced nutters out of the woodwork......this is the kind of shit Crick, Matthew and Mamooth give validity to AND what keeps me coming back in here. Making fun of the social oddballs is so much fun.......:2up::popcorn::popcorn:

Ron Allen has a lot in common with Hank Johnson....

OK...this made me literally spit on my PC monitor when I saw it on DRUDGE this morning..........

What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew

Leave it to a hurricane to pull the pronounced nutters out of the woodwork......this is the kind of shit Crick, Matthew and Mamooth give validity to AND what keeps me coming back in here. Making fun of the social oddballs is so much fun.......:2up::popcorn::popcorn:

Ron Allen has a lot in common with Hank Johnson....

Hysterical.............its like, "Ummm problem............nobody cares!!":coffee:
OK...this made me literally spit on my PC monitor when I saw it on DRUDGE this morning..........

What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew

Leave it to a hurricane to pull the pronounced nutters out of the woodwork......this is the kind of shit Crick, Matthew and Mamooth give validity to AND what keeps me coming back in here. Making fun of the social oddballs is so much fun.......:2up::popcorn::popcorn:
This thread just get more humorous as it goes on, You silly asses predicted that the hurricane would fizzle by now. Repeatedly predicted that and made fun of the people that were sounding the tocsins over this hurricane. Now you have been shown to be silly and ignorant asses. LOL
Some short while back there were some exchanges about what's important in the development of a hurricane. Deniers FCT and Billy Bob put great emphasis on shear and humidity. I argued heated surface waters were critical. So, we now have a hurricane that's been sitting off the northern coast of South America where it was facing wind shear and dry air coming off the continent. The only factor seemingly present was abnormally hot surface water. What did it do? It went from a CAT1 to a CAT5 in less than 24 hours..

Please explain.

Ummm, normal behavior for a major hurricane. Are you truly that stupid? How does Matthew compare to Camille?
This thread just get more humorous as it goes on, You silly asses predicted that the hurricane would fizzle by now. Repeatedly predicted that and made fun of the people that were sounding the tocsins over this hurricane. Now you have been shown to be silly and ignorant asses. LOL

Please provide a link to someone here claiming the hurricane would fizzle.
This thread just get more humorous as it goes on, You silly asses predicted that the hurricane would fizzle by now. Repeatedly predicted that and made fun of the people that were sounding the tocsins over this hurricane. Now you have been shown to be silly and ignorant asses. LOL

Please provide a link to someone here claiming the hurricane would fizzle.

That would be me..........based upon models from the National Weather Center last Friday!!!:coffee: The k00ks KNEW it was going to be staying a Cat 4 because well...........they just knew!!:bye1:. Now the thing is going to go north and head back south...........they knew that too Im sure!!

The point models with any of this stuff are ghey. As reliable as that stamp of freshness on your milk!!:deal:

Now this is interesting.. the track is now 20 miles off shore missing all land fall..
This thread just get more humorous as it goes on, You silly asses predicted that the hurricane would fizzle by now. Repeatedly predicted that and made fun of the people that were sounding the tocsins over this hurricane. Now you have been shown to be silly and ignorant asses. LOL

We predicted it would make all frogs lefthanded too.
Matthew is in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral right is what the weather looks like. The warmers must be very disappointed that Florida isn't being devastated...and the body count isn't mounting. I have to say though...In my youth a CAT3 or 4 storm had much more powerful winds.

Matthew is in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral right is what the weather looks like. The warmers must be very disappointed that Florida isn't being devastated...and the body count isn't mounting. I have to say though...In my youth a CAT3 or 4 storm had much more powerful winds.


Haiti got hit pretty bad, but the Clinton's are happy because they will probably steal another $100MM in relief money
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Matthew is in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral right is what the weather looks like. The warmers must be very disappointed that Florida isn't being devastated...and the body count isn't mounting. I have to say though...In my youth a CAT3 or 4 storm had much more powerful winds.

SoCal gets hit by higher winds several times a year with the Santa Ana's.

Now this is interesting.. the track is now 20 miles off shore missing all land fall..
Yet more proof of manmade global warming.

Its looking like I won my $100.00 bet that this thing would not make land fall.. The high pressure and cold front pushing it kept this thing off shore.. and now the median jet stream will push it off the coast further and tear it apart. We will see if the loop back occurs. The new charts show this thing dying.

Winds now barley 100mph.. Solid CAT 2 but rapidly loosing steam.

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