The rapid rise of Hurricane Matthew

Some short while back there were some exchanges about what's important in the development of a hurricane. Deniers FCT and Billy Bob put great emphasis on shear and humidity. I argued heated surface waters were critical. So, we now have a hurricane that's been sitting off the northern coast of South America where it was facing wind shear and dry air coming off the continent. The only factor seemingly present was abnormally hot surface water. What did it do? It went from a CAT1 to a CAT5 in less than 24 hours..

Please explain.
and now it's a cat 3

run along junior, you don't know shit.

oh, as a reminder, your lot claimed cat 5 was going to be the new norm, 15 years ago

They said we might need to add a Cat 6
Some short while back there were some exchanges about what's important in the development of a hurricane. Deniers FCT and Billy Bob put great emphasis on shear and humidity. I argued heated surface waters were critical. So, we now have a hurricane that's been sitting off the northern coast of South America where it was facing wind shear and dry air coming off the continent. The only factor seemingly present was abnormally hot surface water. What did it do? It went from a CAT1 to a CAT5 in less than 24 hours..

Please explain.
and now it's a cat 3

run along junior, you don't know shit.

oh, as a reminder, your lot claimed cat 5 was going to be the new norm, 15 years ago

They said we might need to add a Cat 6

And in addition, they have taken to naming every spring shower and snow flurry in an attempt to make it seem that more storms are the norm.
LOL You dunderheads have demonstrated in this thread that you hug political correctness as closely as any far left polysci professor. NOAA is stating that Mathew will probably be a 4 again shortly.
Not Good...

We haven't seen a loop back storm in over 40 years..


Was over on Jeff Masters blog and discussion. The high pressure is going to force this thing out to sea and then allow it to loop back... The one variable no one can agree on is upper level wind shear.. There is a cold front approaching so the current wind shear is nominal...

A one in fifty year storm... If this storm shifts west any its going to be a huge mess. Looking like a strong CAT 2 or weak CAT 3 when this thing makes land fall.. Well see what happens with the cold front approaching and how much it stomps on this storm and how fast..
Give your predictive track record, your efforts to play forum weatherman accomplish nothing here but making you look foolish and insecure. The lovely young lady on our local TV, in the short, sleeveless dress with no qualifications whatsoever, told us the same thing some time ago. Or is that where you get this stuff. Turn on the TV and take notes?
By the is the level of nutter we are dealing with here.......

The alarmist contingent really think that climate deals to stop global warming will make hurricanes a thing of the past..........:spinner::spinner:

What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew

Profound levels of mental disorder with these folks......and clearly, the public has taken a gander with this stuff and recognizes that something just isn't right here, thus, the stark disinterest for global warming for the majority of people in this country. Nobody likes to be lumped into a fringe group that appears off the reservation compared to most people.:popcorn:
It is the first cat5 in 9 years since Hurricane Felix of 2007...The longest drought in the satellite age


Is not "Global Warming" supposed to produce more, not less, never mind RECORD LOW....
People sometimes don't understand that these people so devoted to climate change 24/7 are people who just tend to the hysterical in life. We all know them in our lives......the folks who see a 6 inch snowstorm coming and are down at the supermarket on Sunday morning at 7am loading up 2 baskets of supplies:eek-52:. The people we see at wakes who throw themselves on the casket screaming.:eek-52: The people who get a little blip in the neighborhood a couple of doors down and call 911.:eek-52: Rubberneckers on highways who are almost heading into a ditch to see why the guy got pulled over.:eek-52:

Who knows.......perhaps lack of sensory stimulus as an infant? Damage due to an event when they were young making it such that they go around in life waiting for a house to fall out of the sky on their heads?

Have you seen how amped up the AGW alarmists are with this hurricane?

HOLY FUCK!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Its like.........its like..........what is it like?

Vapor lock on some good analogies s0ns........need some assistance from my skeptic pals............
People sometimes don't understand that these people so devoted to climate change 24/7 are people who just tend to the hysterical in life. We all know them in our lives......the folks who see a 6 inch snowstorm coming and are down at the supermarket on Sunday morning at 7am loading up 2 baskets of supplies:eek-52:. The people we see at wakes who throw themselves on the casket screaming.:eek-52: The people who get a little blip in the neighborhood a couple of doors down and call 911.:eek-52: Rubberneckers on highways who are almost heading into a ditch to see why the guy got pulled over.:eek-52:

Who knows.......perhaps lack of sensory stimulus as an infant? Damage due to an event when they were young making it such that they go around in life waiting for a house to fall out of the sky on their heads?

Have you seen how amped up the AGW alarmists are with this hurricane?

HOLY FUCK!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Its like.........its like..........what is it like?

Vapor lock on some good analogies s0ns........need some assistance from my skeptic pals............
It is the first cat5 in 9 years since Hurricane Felix of 2007...The longest drought in the satellite age


Is not "Global Warming" supposed to produce more, not less, never mind RECORD LOW....
The lack of hurricanes proves manmade global warming, doncha know? Look up "The Physical Science Basis" from AR5
A Nobel Peace Prize winner already informed me of everything I need to know about hurricanes. Number and strength increasing every year, and Category 6 needed. :eusa_whistle:
"The Physical Science Basis" covers just a little more than hurricanes, thought I can certainly see why someone like you wouldn't really want to see it.
"The Physical Science Basis" covers just a little more than hurricanes, thought I can certainly see why someone like you wouldn't really want to see it.
So in your own words explain why if we have been warming steadily since 1998 we haven't had a cat 5 hurricane in so many years, if as you claim global warming causes them.

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