The rapid rise of Hurricane Matthew

Drudge reporting that this hurricane is being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overhyped. What the fuck is this? We expect this with the publicized numbers on the economy but f'ing hurricanes are now being presented in bogus fashion? some evil shit at work these days. Even the fucking weather is rigged............


Thought the wind #'s posted by SSDD above seemed very odd.........eye just off shore and 75mph readings while reporters are saying 60 miles inland could see 100mph winds or above............ghey

Fuckers made this look like Katrina hour ago, saw a Weather Channel guy at Daytona Beach hanging by a palm tree that was blowing like the bushes outside my house RIGHT NOW..........and the storm is supposedly just down the coast a bit!!:uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::wtf:
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So Drudge is claiming all the data on the hurricane is faked. Skook is working hard to up the stoopid level. And all the other deniers still kiss his weepy loser butt.

Another thread has devolved into denier whining and political conspiracy babbling. That always happens when the rational people are proven to be right about everything again. The losers rage, and the thread is diverted into a display of the abnormal psychology of deniers. Billy and Skook get extra points for being especially incompetent. Both of them repeatedly called for a fizzle over and over, even though no science of any sort backed up such a kook claim. Sadly for them, the real world never pays any attention to their moron claims.

The rest of the deniers? After seeing the rational people being proven completely right again, they're kind of flustered, so they're deflecting by making up loopy cult stories of what was supposedly predicted. After all, they have to divert somehow, being they're not honest enough to say "yep, those scientists predicted everything perfectly."

No, we rational people never get tired of being proven right on every topic. We do get tired of the kook losers not listening to us, and of all the pissy whining from the kook losers.
Drudge reporting that this hurricane is being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overhyped. What the fuck is this? We expect this with the publicized numbers on the economy but f'ing hurricanes are now being presented in bogus fashion? some evil shit at work these days. Even the fucking weather is rigged............


Thought the wind #'s posted by SSDD above seemed very odd.........eye just off shore and 75mph readings while reporters are saying 60 miles inland could see 100mph winds or above............ghey

Fuckers made this look like Katrina hour ago, saw a Weather Channel guy at Daytona Beach hanging by a palm tree that was blowing like the bushes outside my house RIGHT NOW..........and the storm is supposedly just down the coast a bit!!:uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::uhh::wtf:
trying like hell to make Obama and by extension Hillary look good.

So Drudge is claiming all the data on the hurricane is faked. Skook is working hard to up the stoopid level. And all the other deniers still kiss his weepy loser butt.

Another thread has devolved into denier whining and political conspiracy babbling. That always happens when the rational people are proven to be right about everything again. The losers rage, and the thread is diverted into a display of the abnormal psychology of deniers. Billy and Skook get extra points for being especially incompetent. Both of them repeatedly called for a fizzle over and over, even though no science of any sort backed up such a kook claim. Sadly for them, the real world never pays any attention to their moron claims.

The rest of the deniers? After seeing the rational people being proven completely right again, they're kind of flustered, so they're deflecting by making up loopy cult stories of what was supposedly predicted. After all, they have to divert somehow, being they're not honest enough to say "yep, those scientists predicted everything perfectly."

No, we rational people never get tired of being proven right on every topic. We do get tired of the kook losers not listening to us, and of all the pissy whining from the kook losers.


Now this is interesting.. the track is now 20 miles off shore missing all land fall..
Yet more proof of manmade global warming.

Its looking like I won my $100.00 bet that this thing would not make land fall.. The high pressure and cold front pushing it kept this thing off shore.. and now the median jet stream will push it off the coast further and tear it apart. We will see if the loop back occurs. The new charts show this thing dying.

Winds now barley 100mph.. Solid CAT 2 but rapidly loosing steam.
4001 days. The Doomsdayers are praying to Satan for a late season hurricane so they don't have to go yet another year with their Goreical prophecy not being fulfilled.
So Drudge is claiming all the data on the hurricane is faked. Skook is working hard to up the stoopid level. And all the other deniers still kiss his weepy loser butt.

Another thread has devolved into denier whining and political conspiracy babbling. That always happens when the rational people are proven to be right about everything again. The losers rage, and the thread is diverted into a display of the abnormal psychology of deniers. Billy and Skook get extra points for being especially incompetent. Both of them repeatedly called for a fizzle over and over, even though no science of any sort backed up such a kook claim. Sadly for them, the real world never pays any attention to their moron claims.

The rest of the deniers? After seeing the rational people being proven completely right again, they're kind of flustered, so they're deflecting by making up loopy cult stories of what was supposedly predicted. After all, they have to divert somehow, being they're not honest enough to say "yep, those scientists predicted everything perfectly."

No, we rational people never get tired of being proven right on every topic. We do get tired of the kook losers not listening to us, and of all the pissy whining from the kook losers.

Yep, thousands of personal weather stations on the web, including mine. And right now SoCal winds are as strong as what they're getting in Florida.

Weather Forecast & Reports - Long Range & Local | Wunderground | Weather Underground
So Drudge is claiming all the data on the hurricane is faked. Skook is working hard to up the stoopid level. And all the other deniers still kiss his weepy loser butt.

Another thread has devolved into denier whining and political conspiracy babbling. That always happens when the rational people are proven to be right about everything again. The losers rage, and the thread is diverted into a display of the abnormal psychology of deniers. Billy and Skook get extra points for being especially incompetent. Both of them repeatedly called for a fizzle over and over, even though no science of any sort backed up such a kook claim. Sadly for them, the real world never pays any attention to their moron claims.

The rest of the deniers? After seeing the rational people being proven completely right again, they're kind of flustered, so they're deflecting by making up loopy cult stories of what was supposedly predicted. After all, they have to divert somehow, being they're not honest enough to say "yep, those scientists predicted everything perfectly."

No, we rational people never get tired of being proven right on every topic. We do get tired of the kook losers not listening to us, and of all the pissy whining from the kook losers.

fAiL s0n.....again. Wind speeds up and down the coast = ghey.

The AGW k00ks are fucking pIsSed.......storm turned out to be a dud. Pissed.........they wanted a land shot direct hit in CAT 4-5 form. fAiL.:2up: Mental case losing...........:banana:

PS.....take a gander over on the "Australia......" thread bozo........made you look like a jackass again!!:boobies::boobies::bye1:
Yeppers. Just look how devastating that storm surge is. Whooooeee....

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You go back in this thread a few'd have thunk Florida was about to be removed from the face of the earth.............. these alarmists...........they tend to the hysterical ALWAYS!!! What the fuck is up with that?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
This thread just get more humorous as it goes on, You silly asses predicted that the hurricane would fizzle by now. Repeatedly predicted that and made fun of the people that were sounding the tocsins over this hurricane. Now you have been shown to be silly and ignorant asses. LOL

Please provide a link to someone here claiming the hurricane would fizzle.
Post # 19, Billy Bob, this thread.


Dry air on one side, Wet warm air on the other and the convergence of two jet streams creating an eddy in the atmosphere without upper level wind shear to tear it apart. This storm will soon meet upper level wind shears.. watch what happens..

5 hours ago it was down graded to Cat 4, just one hour ago it was down graded to Cat 3, It has meet with the wind shear. I expect this storm to go down one more level in the next few hours before being torn apart in 24-48 hours."

There you go, Mr. Westwall, and I can post a quote for Skooks, also. Perhaps you should read the thread before claiming that no one said what Silly Billy claimed.
This thread just get more humorous as it goes on, You silly asses predicted that the hurricane would fizzle by now. Repeatedly predicted that and made fun of the people that were sounding the tocsins over this hurricane. Now you have been shown to be silly and ignorant asses. LOL

Please provide a link to someone here claiming the hurricane would fizzle.
Post # 19, Billy Bob, this thread.


Dry air on one side, Wet warm air on the other and the convergence of two jet streams creating an eddy in the atmosphere without upper level wind shear to tear it apart. This storm will soon meet upper level wind shears.. watch what happens..

5 hours ago it was down graded to Cat 4, just one hour ago it was down graded to Cat 3, It has meet with the wind shear. I expect this storm to go down one more level in the next few hours before being torn apart in 24-48 hours."

There you go, Mr. Westwall, and I can post a quote for Skooks, also. Perhaps you should read the thread before claiming that no one said what Silly Billy claimed.

Ah so. Reporting factual data is against the rules to you then. I see.
All these alarmist people are frauds............

They base their lives upon gambling upon present weather events being mega-disruptive and catastrophic. When they fail, they just start seeking the next flood............drought..........hurricane they can pin global warming on. They never want you looking at their record though because its beyond laughable!! Frauds all.........they must perpetuate it or their lives completely decompose. And they know it too.:popcorn:

So's the knobby feeling tonight??:coffee:

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