The real battle is between extinctionists and humanists


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Wealthy business magnante Elon Musk has suggested that there is an ideological battle of "humanists" versus "extinctionists."

"The real fight is not between right and left, but rather between humanists and extinctionists," Musk wrote in a post on X.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas agreed with Musk's assertion. "Clearly true. Today's radical Left is like Thanos, snapping his finger to eliminate half of humanity. Today's Left embraces anti-human policies like the Green New Deal, uncontrolled crime, sterilizing children, unlimited abortion & destroying the nuclear family," Cruz wrote.

Someone else replied to Musk's post by writing, "Oddly, the ones wanting to eliminate others don't want to be eliminated themselves."

Musk is 100%. Conservatives are not even remotely in the conversation. It is between the godless who want to destroy humanity completely, except for maybe themselves and their children and friends, and those that just wish to declare Marshall law on the globe to force people to stop carbon producing as they provide people with alternate forms of self-genocide.

What are the 3 Malthusian disasters?

The primary examples of this are war, plague and famine. However, poor health and economic conditions are also considered instances of positive checks. When these lead to high rates of premature death, the result is termed a Malthusian catastrophe.


Why have Malthus predictions not come true?

The Malthusian predictions have not come true so far because production capabilities have increased faster than population.

methinks Malthus may have been the 5th horseman Mr B>>>



Wealthy business magnante Elon Musk has suggested that there is an ideological battle of "humanists" versus "extinctionists."

"The real fight is not between right and left, but rather between humanists and extinctionists," Musk wrote in a post on X.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas agreed with Musk's assertion. "Clearly true. Today's radical Left is like Thanos, snapping his finger to eliminate half of humanity. Today's Left embraces anti-human policies like the Green New Deal, uncontrolled crime, sterilizing children, unlimited abortion & destroying the nuclear family," Cruz wrote.

Someone else replied to Musk's post by writing, "Oddly, the ones wanting to eliminate others don't want to be eliminated themselves."

Musk is 100%. Conservatives are not even remotely in the conversation. It is between the godless who want to destroy humanity completely, except for maybe themselves and their children and friends, and those that just wish to declare Marshall law on the globe to force people to stop carbon producing as they provide people with alternate forms of self-genocide.
Talk about fearmongering, demonization and hyperbole.

The “godless” these days, seem to be those who self identify as “godful”.

The “god-ful” are wedded to the industries and big money interests that fuel their lifestyles, leave the ”godless” to pick at their crumbs and beg for help.

The “godful” now equate carbon credits to genocide, a view that is pretty astounding given recent events in Israel and Ukraine.

Coming from Elon Musk, a man who has never wanted for anything and known more for his thin skin and petulance than reason and humility is unsurprising. To hear it from Ted Cruz, the fat toad who awkwardly fled his state to avoid the discomforts of Texas’ own climate and energy disaster is pretty ironic.

The problem with the “godful” is a view based on the short term. When the purpose of life we have now is nothing more than to prepare for an afterlife…does it matter the them what happens to the rest of humanity, their children, and the world they inherit?

Today’s right seems to have honed one skill into an art that is impossible not to at least tip a hat to: projection on an unprecedented scale…
Talk about fearmongering, demonization and hyperbole.

The “godless” these days, seem to be those who self identify as “godful”.

The “god-ful” are wedded to the industries and big money interests that fuel their lifestyles, leave the ”godless” to pick at their crumbs and beg for help.

The “godful” now equate carbon credits to genocide, a view that is pretty astounding given recent events in Israel and Ukraine.

Coming from Elon Musk, a man who has never wanted for anything and known more for his thin skin and petulance than reason and humility is unsurprising. To hear it from Ted Cruz, the fat toad who awkwardly fled his state to avoid the discomforts of Texas’ own climate and energy disaster is pretty ironic.

The problem with the “godful” is a view based on the short term. When the purpose of life we have now is nothing more than to prepare for an afterlife…does it matter the them what happens to the rest of humanity, their children, and the world they inherit?

Today’s right seems to have honed one skill into an art that is impossible not to at least tip a hat to: projection on an unprecedented scale…
So the world is going to end because of carbon emissions and I'm the fearmonger?


The simple fact is, if you get your battery powered cars forced down our collective throats, it won't be enough

If you mandate no gas stoves, it still won't be enough.

If you mandate that we don't eat meat and eat bugs instead, it won't be enough.

The Left will continue to bash society over the head as needing to give up more and more of their freedoms, but as they do, in the same breath saying that the freedoms they gave up yesterday was not enough.

These are the Godless humanists that Elon speaks of, as where the other group just wants to start killing off humanity instead of just making everyone want to commit suicide.

It is akin to a battle of Hitler vs Stalin. One wants to embrace total genocide as the other wants to make people wish they were dead.

And you can't handle it. The truth evades the climate cult on the issue.
Talk about fearmongering, demonization and hyperbole.

The “godless” these days, seem to be those who self identify as “godful”.

The “god-ful” are wedded to the industries and big money interests that fuel their lifestyles, leave the ”godless” to pick at their crumbs and beg for help.

The “godful” now equate carbon credits to genocide, a view that is pretty astounding given recent events in Israel and Ukraine.

Coming from Elon Musk, a man who has never wanted for anything and known more for his thin skin and petulance than reason and humility is unsurprising. To hear it from Ted Cruz, the fat toad who awkwardly fled his state to avoid the discomforts of Texas’ own climate and energy disaster is pretty ironic.

The problem with the “godful” is a view based on the short term. When the purpose of life we have now is nothing more than to prepare for an afterlife…does it matter the them what happens to the rest of humanity, their children, and the world they inherit?

Today’s right seems to have honed one skill into an art that is impossible not to at least tip a hat to: projection on an unprecedented scale…
As long as you have your comforts. Lose them and see how the godful/godless narrative goes.
Humans are pretty good at causing extinctions, this much I know.

The rest is hysterical babble.
Humans are pretty good at causing extinctions, this much I know.

The rest is hysterical babble.
Really? What extinctions did humans cause?

About 98% of all extinctions occurred before humans even walked the earth idiot.

What humans are good at is genocide.

While the UN declares a billion people will starve to death the climate cult is restricting farmers all over the globe from growing food because fertilizers emit carbon.
Really? What extinctions did humans cause?

About 98% of all extinctions occurred before humans even walked the earth idiot.

What humans are good at is genocide.

While the UN declares a billion people will starve to death the climate cult is restricting farmers all over the globe from growing food because fertilizers emit carbon.

It’s pretty dumb to think we can utilize the planet solely for our purposes without disrupting the balance. The evidence is all around us, we just don’t like to admit it.

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