The real cause of mass school shootings.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Many in the country throw up their hands demanding tougher gun laws in the wake of the Parkland Florida school shootings. An assault rifle was purchased and used in the attacks so it appears to be a reasonable and logical response. But the real cause of this carnage and others that precede it may be hidden and obscured by the power of money and its control over information dispensed by national media.

We’ve always had guns in America because individual gun ownership is part of our national heritage protected by the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Mass school shootings have been on an upsurge since the 1980’s so it’s a recent phenomenon whose cause may be shrouded by the power of the purse.

Turn on your television and see how long it takes before you are exposed to an almost endless parade of medical drug advertising that never existed two decades ago. The revenue source for television, radio and newspapers from drug advertising since the 1990’s is astounding.

The power wielded by prescription drug companies today is becoming close to absolute. You won’t see many news stories questioning the use of powerful, mind-altering chemical control mechanisms like Ritalin and Prozac in our schools because networks and newspapers are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.

There’s little doubt that Nikolas Cruz was under the influence of a cocktail of powerful drugs that kept him in a condition where he swung from a zombie state to wild withdrawal agitation. His brain was wired by school administrators and lazy psychologists to be a machine disassociated from the actual consequences of his actions. Under the guise of designer diseases like ADHD Cruz’s world was converted to a chemical/virtual video game where humans were just targets.

This should be studied because it explains nearly all of the mass school shootings in the last three decades. The CIA and the government experimented on many people years ago under the MKULTRA program to test the controlling effects of super drugs.

That odious practice has been transferred to our schools and the experiments are on hapless subjects like Nikolas Cruz and his innocent victims. You won’t see this anywhere in the national media because it’s never a good idea to piss off Santa Clause. The greed of drug companies is behind this and they control information.

They’d like you to just give up your guns.
Many in the country throw up their hands demanding tougher gun laws in the wake of the Parkland Florida school shootings. An assault rifle was purchased and used in the attacks so it appears to be a reasonable and logical response. But the real cause of this carnage and others that precede it may be hidden and obscured by the power of money and its control over information dispensed by national media.

We’ve always had guns in America because individual gun ownership is part of our national heritage protected by the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Mass school shootings have been on an upsurge since the 1980’s so it’s a recent phenomenon whose cause may be shrouded by the power of the purse.

Turn on your television and see how long it takes before you are exposed to an almost endless parade of medical drug advertising that never existed two decades ago. The revenue source for television, radio and newspapers from drug advertising since the 1990’s is astounding.

The power wielded by prescription drug companies today is becoming close to absolute. You won’t see many news stories questioning the use of powerful, mind-altering chemical control mechanisms like Ritalin and Prozac in our schools because networks and newspapers are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.

There’s little doubt that Nikolas Cruz was under the influence of a cocktail of powerful drugs that kept him in a condition where he swung from a zombie state to wild withdrawal agitation. His brain was wired by school administrators and lazy psychologists to be a machine disassociated from the actual consequences of his actions. Under the guise of designer diseases like ADHD Cruz’s world was converted to a chemical/virtual video game where humans were just targets.

This should be studied because it explains nearly all of the mass school shootings in the last three decades. The CIA and the government experimented on many people years ago under the MKULTRA program to test the controlling effects of super drugs.

That odious practice has been transferred to our schools and the experiments are on hapless subjects like Nikolas Cruz and his innocent victims. You won’t see this anywhere in the national media because it’s never a good idea to piss off Santa Clause. The greed of drug companies is behind this and they control information.

They’d like you to just give up your guns.
I hate to defend drug companies but I don't think they are to blame for school shootings, they are not part of some great conspiracy. Kids like Cruz come to the attention of doctors because they are having problems in school or at home. The medications they're given are meant to help them but it is not an exact science. Everyone reacts differently to drugs so they are continually being adjusted and kids are either going on or coming off various drugs.

What we don't hear about are the majority of kids that are helped, we only hear about the horrible failures.
All of the mass school shooters in recent history were on these drugs. You can't deny the connection. No one is reporting it.
Thirty five years ago, our children and kids weren't being pumped with mind altering drugs from some newly invented clinical disorder. Why is that?
Many in the country throw up their hands demanding tougher gun laws in the wake of the Parkland Florida school shootings. An assault rifle was purchased and used in the attacks so it appears to be a reasonable and logical response. But the real cause of this carnage and others that precede it may be hidden and obscured by the power of money and its control over information dispensed by national media.

We’ve always had guns in America because individual gun ownership is part of our national heritage protected by the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Mass school shootings have been on an upsurge since the 1980’s so it’s a recent phenomenon whose cause may be shrouded by the power of the purse.

Turn on your television and see how long it takes before you are exposed to an almost endless parade of medical drug advertising that never existed two decades ago. The revenue source for television, radio and newspapers from drug advertising since the 1990’s is astounding.

The power wielded by prescription drug companies today is becoming close to absolute. You won’t see many news stories questioning the use of powerful, mind-altering chemical control mechanisms like Ritalin and Prozac in our schools because networks and newspapers are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.

There’s little doubt that Nikolas Cruz was under the influence of a cocktail of powerful drugs that kept him in a condition where he swung from a zombie state to wild withdrawal agitation. His brain was wired by school administrators and lazy psychologists to be a machine disassociated from the actual consequences of his actions. Under the guise of designer diseases like ADHD Cruz’s world was converted to a chemical/virtual video game where humans were just targets.

This should be studied because it explains nearly all of the mass school shootings in the last three decades. The CIA and the government experimented on many people years ago under the MKULTRA program to test the controlling effects of super drugs.

That odious practice has been transferred to our schools and the experiments are on hapless subjects like Nikolas Cruz and his innocent victims. You won’t see this anywhere in the national media because it’s never a good idea to piss off Santa Clause. The greed of drug companies is behind this and they control information.

They’d like you to just give up your guns.

You know, it’s one commonality among almost all, if not all these mass shooters is that they were on some type of psychotropic meds.
All of the mass school shooters in recent history were on these drugs. You can't deny the connection. No one is reporting it.
Are these kids psychotic because they are on meds or are they on meds because they are psychotic?
Many in the country throw up their hands demanding tougher gun laws in the wake of the Parkland Florida school shootings. An assault rifle was purchased and used in the attacks so it appears to be a reasonable and logical response. But the real cause of this carnage and others that precede it may be hidden and obscured by the power of money and its control over information dispensed by national media.

We’ve always had guns in America because individual gun ownership is part of our national heritage protected by the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Mass school shootings have been on an upsurge since the 1980’s so it’s a recent phenomenon whose cause may be shrouded by the power of the purse.

Turn on your television and see how long it takes before you are exposed to an almost endless parade of medical drug advertising that never existed two decades ago. The revenue source for television, radio and newspapers from drug advertising since the 1990’s is astounding.

The power wielded by prescription drug companies today is becoming close to absolute. You won’t see many news stories questioning the use of powerful, mind-altering chemical control mechanisms like Ritalin and Prozac in our schools because networks and newspapers are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.

There’s little doubt that Nikolas Cruz was under the influence of a cocktail of powerful drugs that kept him in a condition where he swung from a zombie state to wild withdrawal agitation. His brain was wired by school administrators and lazy psychologists to be a machine disassociated from the actual consequences of his actions. Under the guise of designer diseases like ADHD Cruz’s world was converted to a chemical/virtual video game where humans were just targets.

This should be studied because it explains nearly all of the mass school shootings in the last three decades. The CIA and the government experimented on many people years ago under the MKULTRA program to test the controlling effects of super drugs.

That odious practice has been transferred to our schools and the experiments are on hapless subjects like Nikolas Cruz and his innocent victims. You won’t see this anywhere in the national media because it’s never a good idea to piss off Santa Clause. The greed of drug companies is behind this and they control information.

They’d like you to just give up your guns.
I hate to defend drug companies but I don't think they are to blame for school shootings, they are not part of some great conspiracy. Kids like Cruz come to the attention of doctors because they are having problems in school or at home. The medications they're given are meant to help them but it is not an exact science. Everyone reacts differently to drugs so they are continually being adjusted and kids are either going on or coming off various drugs.

What we don't hear about are the majority of kids that are helped, we only hear about the horrible failures.

The lobbying money they spend, and the ambulance-chasing lawyers that sue them after their FDA-approved drugs kill a bunch of people say otherwise.
Many in the country throw up their hands demanding tougher gun laws in the wake of the Parkland Florida school shootings. An assault rifle was purchased and used in the attacks so it appears to be a reasonable and logical response. But the real cause of this carnage and others that precede it may be hidden and obscured by the power of money and its control over information dispensed by national media.

We’ve always had guns in America because individual gun ownership is part of our national heritage protected by the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Mass school shootings have been on an upsurge since the 1980’s so it’s a recent phenomenon whose cause may be shrouded by the power of the purse.

Turn on your television and see how long it takes before you are exposed to an almost endless parade of medical drug advertising that never existed two decades ago. The revenue source for television, radio and newspapers from drug advertising since the 1990’s is astounding.

The power wielded by prescription drug companies today is becoming close to absolute. You won’t see many news stories questioning the use of powerful, mind-altering chemical control mechanisms like Ritalin and Prozac in our schools because networks and newspapers are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.

There’s little doubt that Nikolas Cruz was under the influence of a cocktail of powerful drugs that kept him in a condition where he swung from a zombie state to wild withdrawal agitation. His brain was wired by school administrators and lazy psychologists to be a machine disassociated from the actual consequences of his actions. Under the guise of designer diseases like ADHD Cruz’s world was converted to a chemical/virtual video game where humans were just targets.

This should be studied because it explains nearly all of the mass school shootings in the last three decades. The CIA and the government experimented on many people years ago under the MKULTRA program to test the controlling effects of super drugs.

That odious practice has been transferred to our schools and the experiments are on hapless subjects like Nikolas Cruz and his innocent victims. You won’t see this anywhere in the national media because it’s never a good idea to piss off Santa Clause. The greed of drug companies is behind this and they control information.

They’d like you to just give up your guns.
I hate to defend drug companies but I don't think they are to blame for school shootings, they are not part of some great conspiracy. Kids like Cruz come to the attention of doctors because they are having problems in school or at home. The medications they're given are meant to help them but it is not an exact science. Everyone reacts differently to drugs so they are continually being adjusted and kids are either going on or coming off various drugs.

What we don't hear about are the majority of kids that are helped, we only hear about the horrible failures.

The pharmaceutical companys push these drugs to doctors. We don't hear about a majority of kids that are helped because mind altering drugs such as ampehtamines, stimulants, and sedatives do not help kids. They alter the body chemistry.
The pharmaceutical companys push these drugs to doctors. We don't hear about a majority of kids that are helped because mind altering drugs such as ampehtamines, stimulants, and sedatives do not help kids. They alter the body chemistry.
Drug companies certainly want to maximize their investments in their drugs but don't forget there is an expensive and rigorous FDA approval process and beneficial results have to be shown before a drug is approved.
Thirty five years ago, our children and kids weren't being pumped with mind altering drugs from some newly invented clinical disorder. Why is that?
Because if you misbehaved, you got your butt paddled.
I wonder how many schizophrenic people were subjected to exorcisms back in the day?

There were no kids on medications when I went to elementary school in the late 70s.
There was a time when problem kids were removed from school or sent to special schools. Now the mantra is 'mainstream'.
Many in the country throw up their hands demanding tougher gun laws in the wake of the Parkland Florida school shootings. An assault rifle was purchased and used in the attacks so it appears to be a reasonable and logical response. But the real cause of this carnage and others that precede it may be hidden and obscured by the power of money and its control over information dispensed by national media.

We’ve always had guns in America because individual gun ownership is part of our national heritage protected by the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Mass school shootings have been on an upsurge since the 1980’s so it’s a recent phenomenon whose cause may be shrouded by the power of the purse.

Turn on your television and see how long it takes before you are exposed to an almost endless parade of medical drug advertising that never existed two decades ago. The revenue source for television, radio and newspapers from drug advertising since the 1990’s is astounding.

The power wielded by prescription drug companies today is becoming close to absolute. You won’t see many news stories questioning the use of powerful, mind-altering chemical control mechanisms like Ritalin and Prozac in our schools because networks and newspapers are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.

There’s little doubt that Nikolas Cruz was under the influence of a cocktail of powerful drugs that kept him in a condition where he swung from a zombie state to wild withdrawal agitation. His brain was wired by school administrators and lazy psychologists to be a machine disassociated from the actual consequences of his actions. Under the guise of designer diseases like ADHD Cruz’s world was converted to a chemical/virtual video game where humans were just targets.

This should be studied because it explains nearly all of the mass school shootings in the last three decades. The CIA and the government experimented on many people years ago under the MKULTRA program to test the controlling effects of super drugs.

That odious practice has been transferred to our schools and the experiments are on hapless subjects like Nikolas Cruz and his innocent victims. You won’t see this anywhere in the national media because it’s never a good idea to piss off Santa Clause. The greed of drug companies is behind this and they control information.

They’d like you to just give up your guns.

Nothing like an arm-chair "expert" regurgitating scientology and conspiracy theories...

Those damn sock hops and that Elvis with his hips... And Gidgit in her bikini....

Be honest, were you smoking a cig or drinking a beer while you typed that rant? Druggie.
Many in the country throw up their hands demanding tougher gun laws in the wake of the Parkland Florida school shootings. An assault rifle was purchased and used in the attacks so it appears to be a reasonable and logical response. But the real cause of this carnage and others that precede it may be hidden and obscured by the power of money and its control over information dispensed by national media.

We’ve always had guns in America because individual gun ownership is part of our national heritage protected by the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Mass school shootings have been on an upsurge since the 1980’s so it’s a recent phenomenon whose cause may be shrouded by the power of the purse.

Turn on your television and see how long it takes before you are exposed to an almost endless parade of medical drug advertising that never existed two decades ago. The revenue source for television, radio and newspapers from drug advertising since the 1990’s is astounding.

The power wielded by prescription drug companies today is becoming close to absolute. You won’t see many news stories questioning the use of powerful, mind-altering chemical control mechanisms like Ritalin and Prozac in our schools because networks and newspapers are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.

There’s little doubt that Nikolas Cruz was under the influence of a cocktail of powerful drugs that kept him in a condition where he swung from a zombie state to wild withdrawal agitation. His brain was wired by school administrators and lazy psychologists to be a machine disassociated from the actual consequences of his actions. Under the guise of designer diseases like ADHD Cruz’s world was converted to a chemical/virtual video game where humans were just targets.

This should be studied because it explains nearly all of the mass school shootings in the last three decades. The CIA and the government experimented on many people years ago under the MKULTRA program to test the controlling effects of super drugs.

That odious practice has been transferred to our schools and the experiments are on hapless subjects like Nikolas Cruz and his innocent victims. You won’t see this anywhere in the national media because it’s never a good idea to piss off Santa Clause. The greed of drug companies is behind this and they control information.

They’d like you to just give up your guns.

Nothing like an arm-chair "expert" regurgitating scientology and conspiracy theories...

Those damn sock hops and that Elvis with his hips... And Gidgit in her bikini....

Be honest, were you smoking a cig or drinking a beer while you typed that rant? Druggie.

You're just way beyond delusional. Its not surprising that you cant comprehend this.
big pharma is financially raping americans who need prescription drugs and destroying the minds of many of our kids that do not need them.

Big pharma needs to be brought under control. NOW
Many in the country throw up their hands demanding tougher gun laws in the wake of the Parkland Florida school shootings. An assault rifle was purchased and used in the attacks so it appears to be a reasonable and logical response. But the real cause of this carnage and others that precede it may be hidden and obscured by the power of money and its control over information dispensed by national media.

We’ve always had guns in America because individual gun ownership is part of our national heritage protected by the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Mass school shootings have been on an upsurge since the 1980’s so it’s a recent phenomenon whose cause may be shrouded by the power of the purse.

Turn on your television and see how long it takes before you are exposed to an almost endless parade of medical drug advertising that never existed two decades ago. The revenue source for television, radio and newspapers from drug advertising since the 1990’s is astounding.

The power wielded by prescription drug companies today is becoming close to absolute. You won’t see many news stories questioning the use of powerful, mind-altering chemical control mechanisms like Ritalin and Prozac in our schools because networks and newspapers are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.

There’s little doubt that Nikolas Cruz was under the influence of a cocktail of powerful drugs that kept him in a condition where he swung from a zombie state to wild withdrawal agitation. His brain was wired by school administrators and lazy psychologists to be a machine disassociated from the actual consequences of his actions. Under the guise of designer diseases like ADHD Cruz’s world was converted to a chemical/virtual video game where humans were just targets.

This should be studied because it explains nearly all of the mass school shootings in the last three decades. The CIA and the government experimented on many people years ago under the MKULTRA program to test the controlling effects of super drugs.

That odious practice has been transferred to our schools and the experiments are on hapless subjects like Nikolas Cruz and his innocent victims. You won’t see this anywhere in the national media because it’s never a good idea to piss off Santa Clause. The greed of drug companies is behind this and they control information.

They’d like you to just give up your guns.
Anti-depressants: Major study finds they work
Thirty five years ago, our children and kids weren't being pumped with mind altering drugs from some newly invented clinical disorder. Why is that?
Because if you misbehaved, you got your butt paddled.
I wonder how many schizophrenic people were subjected to exorcisms back in the day?
Nothing wrong with getting paddled.
Nothing at all if they work. Exorcisms were unlikely to have been successful.
Thirty five years ago, our children and kids weren't being pumped with mind altering drugs from some newly invented clinical disorder. Why is that?
Because if you misbehaved, you got your butt paddled.
I wonder how many schizophrenic people were subjected to exorcisms back in the day?
Nothing wrong with getting paddled.
Nothing at all if they work. Exorcisms were unlikely to have been successful.
Never been to an exorcism, but I was paddled in school, and it worked.

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