The Real Election Meddling Wasn't Done by the Russians

If you knew the history of NK nuclear threats & US agreements, you would know Trump is just being trolled. Clinton, Bush, & Obama all had deals that halted NK Nuke ambitions. Anyone with a brain, ( this excludes Donnie) knows this is just a temporary deal until they want more.

NK has a nuke because George W tried to play hardball before he cut a deal.
Like I said, you're not saying a word about Trump's success in the North Korea summit, with NK now denuclearizing their sites

North Korea Dismantling Rocket Test Site

Success is is actually happening & being maintained.

Clinton, Bush & Obama all made agreements with NK.
Really? I want to see evidence of 9 million illegal aliens voting & that there are 30 million illegal aliens living in America.

Rush Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox news, Donald Trump are not credible sources.
Based on national polling by a consortium of universities, a report by Political scientist Jesse Richman of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, Mr. Richman said 6.4 percent of the estimated 20 million adult noncitizens in the U.S. voted in November 2016.

This however is vastly underestimated since generally illegal aliens don't answer surveys, any more that they fill out US census forms (which still laughably call the US population of illegals to be 11 million (based on the census).

The Bear Stearns analysis estimated the IA pop at about 20 million (in 2005). In 2006, Pulitzer Prize winning journalists Don Bartlett and James Steele did a study for TIME magazine concluding 3 million IAs coming in per year over the next decade. Combing their numbers with those of Justich and Ng (the Bear Stearns analysts), a number of 30 million by 2015, would seem low. The true number could even be closer to 40 million.

The Bear Stearns analysis makes the US Census one look like kindergarten. Rather than try to imagine how may illegals are here, from forms illegals certainly wouldn't fill out and send in, Justich and Ng went to banks' remittance documentation. These are electronic money transfers recorded by a nation's central bank - not surveys of people who don't want to answer surveys.

The report found that while the population of Mexicans living in the US was supposed to have grown only 56% from 1995 - 2003, remittances from the US to Mexico grew by almost 200%, even as the median weekly wage increased only 10%.

The Bear stearns report also compared the growth in housing permits, and also school enrollments with official govt figures, in immigrant enclaves. The differences were eye-popping.

Example >> the combined population growth of Brunswick, Elizabeth, and Newark New Jersey was only 5.6% (1990-2003). But housing permits in these towns grew by more than 600%, and 80% of those were multiple dwellings.

The estimates of illegal alien population are purposely kept low by some people. If Americans came to know that there are 3 times as many illegals as we're constantly being told, it might make them angry. Gosh,they might think that amnesty functions as a magnet. That the country's workforce and social safety net are collapsing under the weight of 30 million poor people. Can't have Americans knowing the truth, now can we ?

Here's more >>

First, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, from December 2006 - December 2007 unemployment among Hispanics (legal workers assumed since why would illegals participate in a census?) rose from 5.0 to 6.3%. The number for unemployed African-Americans increased from 7.9 to 9.0%.

Second, the U.S. government may be vastly underestimating the number of illegal laborers in the work force. In January 2005, Bear Sterns Asset Management, Inc. released a report entitled "The Underground Labor Force Is Rising To The Surface," that states,

"The number of illegal immigrants in the United States may be as high as 20 million people, more than double the official 9 million people estimated by the Census Bureau.

Undocumented immigrants are gaining a larger share of the job market, and hold approximately 12 to 15 million jobs in the United States - 8% of the employed.

Third, native born Hispanics are not faring as well in the job market as foreign-born Latinos. A report from the Pew Hispanic Center entitled "Latino Labor Report 2006: Strong Gains in Employment," dated September 27, 2006, statistically separates foreign-born Latinos and native-born Hispanics.

"Foreign-born Latinos continued to dominate the Hispanic labor force. About eight out of every 10 new jobs landed by Latinos in 2005-2006 went to foreign-born Latinos.

The unemployment rate for foreign-born Latinos was 3.9% in the second quarter of 2006, a decrease from 4.6% a year earlier. Among native-born Hispanics, the unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2006 was 6.2%, down from 7.2% in the second quarter of 2005.

Steven Camarota, author of "Dropping Out: Immigrant Entry and Native Exit From the Labor Market, 2000-2005," released by the Center for Immigration Studies, writes:

...between March 2000 and March 2005 only 9 percent of the net increase in jobs for adults (18 to 64) went to natives. This is striking because natives accounted for 61 percent of the net increase in the overall size of the 18 to 64 year old population.

As for the less-educated, between March of 2000 and 2005 the number of adult immigrants (legal and illegal) with only a high school degree or less in the labor force increased by 1.6 million.

At the same time, unemployment among less-educated adult natives increased by nearly one million, and the number of natives who left the labor force altogether increased by 1.5 million. Persons not in the labor force are neither working nor looking for work. As poor, unskilled, uneducated illegal immigrants, largely from Mexico, enter the U.S. labor force, their native-born counterparts exit.

Ann Coulter, Adios America!, 2015, pg. 72-75 (With 10 footnoted reports)

The Elephant In the Immigration Room

Expert defends estimates of noncitizen voters in Kansas

Dropping Out

Noncitizens voting research irks liberal professors

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

Blah Blah fucking blah.

You said millions of illegals voted.

Want to know fucking stupid you really are?

You don't know the difference between a non citizen & an illegal alien.
Blah Blah fucking blah.

You said millions of illegals voted.

Want to know fucking stupid you really are?

You don't know the difference between a non citizen & an illegal alien.
Green card. Now go wash out your mouth, bad boy.

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