The Real Election Meddling Wasn't Done by the Russians

Too funny.
Make that 4 times as many. :biggrin:

But the real sickening thing is that here you are blabbering about inconsequential Russia, when Trump is succeeding in DENUCLEARIZING North Korea. One of the most tremendous accomplishments in American history. Why aren't you talking about that ?


How many fewer nuclear bombs does North Korea have today - than it did 3 months ago?

I will be more than willing to give Trump kudos for a job well done- when NK actually is less of a threat to us now- than before Don the Con became President.
We will never know how many votes were changed because of the Russian meddling- but we do know that there is absolutely no evidence of '3 million illegal votes' LOL
But you loyal Trumpkins- you just parrot what Don the Con tells you to parrot.
But we have plenty of evidence that 9 million illegal aliens are voting (out of the 30 million in the country) :biggrin:
We will never know how many votes were changed because of the Russian meddling- but we do know that there is absolutely no evidence of '3 million illegal votes' LOL
But you loyal Trumpkins- you just parrot what Don the Con tells you to parrot.
But we have plenty of evidence that 9 million illegal aliens are voting (out of the 30 million in the country) :biggrin:

We have plenty of evidence that every single vote for Trump was actually generated by the Russians.

See- I can post as much bullshit as you can.
Really? How many fewer nuclear bombs does North Korea have today - than it did 3 months ago?

I will be more than willing to give Trump kudos for a job well done- when NK actually is less of a threat to us now- than before Don the Con became President.
Yeah really, despite your liberal media's blackout on the subject.
Click links and learn >>>

North Korea Dismantling Rocket Test Site

N. Korea begins dismantling rocket test site: analysts

North Korea begins dismantling key facilities at test site used to develop ICBMs, new report says

We have plenty of evidence that every single vote for Trump was actually generated by the Russians.

See- I can post as much bullshit as you can.
I'm not posting any bullshit. Millions of Americans SEE illegal aliens voting all over the country. Don't need a document to state it. You got a document of "evidence" that fish can swim ? Well, do you ? :biggrin:
Really? Trump vents frustration over lack of North Korea progress. Still has material to make nuclear weapons. Lindsey Graham says Trump is being played by North Korea.
Trump said no time limit: fail.

Yeah, really.

See Post # 105. No need to go around being ignorant.
Dont be fooled:
neither activity reduces the North Korean arsenal, nor diminishes missile or nuclear-weapon production capabilities.
FALSE! According to the respected 38 North group, commercial satellite imagery of the Sohae satellite launching station, indicates Pyongyang has begun taking down a processing building and a rocket-engine test stand, that had been used to test liquid-fuel engines for ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles.

38 North analyst Joseph Bermudez called the move an "important first step" for Kim in fulfilling commitments he made to Trump during their June summit in Singapore.

And who needs foreign on-site inspectors when we have satellite imagery with fine detail ? As for the ability to launch, the dismantling of Sohae, certainly DOES reduce that with nuclear-armed Pyongyang's space program less able to launch.
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We have plenty of evidence that every single vote for Trump was actually generated by the Russians.

See- I can post as much bullshit as you can.
I'm not posting any bullshit. Millions of Americans SEE illegal aliens voting all over the country. Don't need a document to state it. You got a document of "evidence" that fish can swim ? Well, do you ? :biggrin:

All you post is your insane bullshit.

Millions of Americans saw Russians illegally voting all over the country in 2016- they were everywhere- Ivan and Vlad and Trump was paying off everyone of them.

All you post is your insane bullshit.

Millions of Americans saw Russians illegally voting all over the country in 2016- they were everywhere- Ivan and Vlad and Trump was paying off everyone of them.

HA HA. You just hung yourself.
Really? How many fewer nuclear bombs does North Korea have today - than it did 3 months ago?

I will be more than willing to give Trump kudos for a job well done- when NK actually is less of a threat to us now- than before Don the Con became President.
Yeah really, despite your liberal media's blackout on the subject.
Click links and learn >>>

North Korea Dismantling Rocket Test Site

N. Korea begins dismantling rocket test site: analysts

North Korea begins dismantling key facilities at test site used to develop ICBMs, new report says


Dismantling a rocket test site?

How does that make NK any less capable of launching a nuke than before they started dismantling it?

Its a test site.

Not the launch site.

North Korea is every bit as dangerous today- as it was the day before Trump met with them.
Really? How many fewer nuclear bombs does North Korea have today - than it did 3 months ago?

I will be more than willing to give Trump kudos for a job well done- when NK actually is less of a threat to us now- than before Don the Con became President.
Yeah really, despite your liberal media's blackout on the subject.
Click links and learn >>>

North Korea Dismantling Rocket Test Site

N. Korea begins dismantling rocket test site: analysts

North Korea begins dismantling key facilities at test site used to develop ICBMs, new report says


Dismantling a rocket test site?

How does that make NK any less capable of launching a nuke than before they started dismantling it?

Its a test site.

Not the launch site.

North Korea is every bit as dangerous today- as it was the day before Trump met with them.
If you have a brain, and you read the links (slowly) you'll have no trouble understanding how the dismantling makes NK less capable of launching a nuke than before they started dismantling it.

Of course if you want to come in in and lie, then anything might appear in your posts. The links don't need your approval. They stand on their own merits (unlike like your ridiculous post)

I,m irked at simply having to repeat the link content to answer your ridiculous question but >>

"Sohae, on the northwest coast of North Korea, has been used to test rockets, with the aim of putting a satellite into orbit.

But rocket engines are easily repurposed for use in missiles and outside observers say nuclear-armed Pyongyang's space program is a fig leaf for weapons tests.

38 North analyst Joseph Bermudez called the move an "important first step" for Kim in fulfilling commitments he made to Trump during their June summit in Singapore."

"the regime has begun dismantling infrastructure at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station"
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No problem- we all know you are just a puppet of Putin anyway......

You really think you've got something with all this Russia hocus pocus, don't you ?

Haven't checked the polls, lately ? USA Today/Suffolk Univeristy poll showed Russia DEAD LAST in interest by American voters, with a whopping 0.5% of those polled, calling it important to them. :laugh:

So keep on yammering about Russia. Especially right before the election. :biggrin:
Really? Trump vents frustration over lack of North Korea progress. Still has material to make nuclear weapons. Lindsey Graham says Trump is being played by North Korea.
Trump said no time limit: fail.

Yeah, really.

See Post # 105. No need to go around being ignorant.
Dont be fooled:
neither activity reduces the North Korean arsenal, nor diminishes missile or nuclear-weapon production capabilities.
FALSE! According to the respected 38 North group, commercial satellite imagery of the Sohae satellite launching station, indicates Pyongyang has begun taking down a processing building and a rocket-engine test stand, that had been used to test liquid-fuel engines for ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles.

38 North analyst Joseph Bermudez called the move an "important first step" for Kim in fulfilling commitments he made to Trump during their June summit in Singapore.

And who needs foreign on-site inspectors when we have satellite imagery with fine detail ? As for the ability to launch, the dismantling of Sohae, certainly DOES reduce that with nuclear-armed Pyongyang's space program less able to launch.
"A US defense official, however, told AFP that the Pentagon was not closely tracking activities at Sohae in terms of how it relates to the denuclearization of North Korea."

North Korea did the same thing 10 years ago.
"A US defense official, however, told AFP that the Pentagon was not closely tracking activities at Sohae in terms of how it relates to the denuclearization of North Korea."

North Korea did the same thing 10 years ago.
It's watching Sohae NOW, according to Sect of State Pompeo, at a Senate hearing earlier today.
Sohae is a 25 year old missile engine test site.
Its not a nuclear launch site or storage site; those are elsewhere.
They could easily build a new missile engine test site, or already have another newer one. This is why the pentagon doesnt care much about Sohae. You really need to pay attention to weapon launch sites and enrichment facilities.

North Korea is just vague statements; Iran was: independent verification, agreed timelines and goals. This why they say dont get drunk on optimism.
Sohae is a 25 year old missile engine test site.
Its not a nuclear launch site or storage site; those are elsewhere.
They could easily build a new missile engine test site, or already have another newer one. This is why the pentagon doesnt care much about Sohae. You really need to pay attention to weapon launch sites and enrichment facilities.

North Korea is just vague statements; .
This is completely refuted both in the links and in previous posts. Have you been reading them ?
We will never know how many votes were changed because of the Russian meddling- but we do know that there is absolutely no evidence of '3 million illegal votes' LOL
But you loyal Trumpkins- you just parrot what Don the Con tells you to parrot.
But we have plenty of evidence that 9 million illegal aliens are voting (out of the 30 million in the country) :biggrin:


I want to see evidence of 9 million illegal aliens voting & that there are 30 million illegal aliens living in America.

Rush Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox news, Donald Trump are not credible sources.

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