The Real Election Meddling Wasn't Done by the Russians

The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.
LOL. FB made you vote for Trump. Funny stuff.

I guess the millions Hillary took from Russia mattered to voters after all. You clowns went all in with Russia. You purchased a dossier authored by Kremlin agents to throw a national election and still failed.
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.
LOL. FB made you vote for Trump. Funny stuff.

I guess the millions Hillary took from Russia mattered to voters after all. You clowns went all in with Russia. You purchased a dossier authored by Kremlin agents to throw a national election and still failed.

Why do you believe Facebook made you vote for Trump?

Since Clinton didn't get millions from the Russians- and we don't know how many millions Trump got from the Russians- doubt either had anything to do with the election.

You clowns are happy that Russia attacked our election- after all- the end result was that Putin's candidate got elected.

I still remember the old days- when Contards at least pretended to care about defending America from Russia.
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.
LOL. FB made you vote for Trump. Funny stuff.

I guess the millions Hillary took from Russia mattered to voters after all. You clowns went all in with Russia. You purchased a dossier authored by Kremlin agents to throw a national election and still failed.

Why do you believe Facebook made you vote for Trump?

Since Clinton didn't get millions from the Russians- and we don't know how many millions Trump got from the Russians- doubt either had anything to do with the election.

You clowns are happy that Russia attacked our election- after all- the end result was that Putin's candidate got elected.

I still remember the old days- when Contards at least pretended to care about defending America from Russia.

What exactly did Russia do to make you and hundreds of thousands of other democrats vote for Trump?

Why did Obama encourage and hide the Russian meddling?
QUOTE="Nosmo King, post: 20440630, member: 20704"]
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.
who was attacked? Why hasn't CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC given us the names of those attacked? where is the information?
Who was attacked? The Democratic National Committee.

Stuff Fox News just will not explain.[/QUOTE]
what happened to them?
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.
LOL. FB made you vote for Trump. Funny stuff.

I guess the millions Hillary took from Russia mattered to voters after all. You clowns went all in with Russia. You purchased a dossier authored by Kremlin agents to throw a national election and still failed.

Why do you believe Facebook made you vote for Trump?

Since Clinton didn't get millions from the Russians- and we don't know how many millions Trump got from the Russians- doubt either had anything to do with the election.

You clowns are happy that Russia attacked our election- after all- the end result was that Putin's candidate got elected.

I still remember the old days- when Contards at least pretended to care about defending America from Russia.
attacked how exactly? what happened to our military and our commander in chief while this attack happened?
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.
LOL. FB made you vote for Trump. Funny stuff.

I guess the millions Hillary took from Russia mattered to voters after all. You clowns went all in with Russia. You purchased a dossier authored by Kremlin agents to throw a national election and still failed.

Why do you believe Facebook made you vote for Trump?

Since Clinton didn't get millions from the Russians- and we don't know how many millions Trump got from the Russians- doubt either had anything to do with the election.

You clowns are happy that Russia attacked our election- after all- the end result was that Putin's candidate got elected.

I still remember the old days- when Contards at least pretended to care about defending America from Russia.
Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal
QUOTE="Nosmo King, post: 20440630, member: 20704"]
Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.
who was attacked? Why hasn't CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC given us the names of those attacked? where is the information?
Who was attacked? The Democratic National Committee.

Stuff Fox News just will not explain.
what happened to them?[/QUOTE]
Did you read the indictments, or are you intentionally playing stupid, or is stupid your default position, or did they not cover this news on Fox?
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.
LOL. FB made you vote for Trump. Funny stuff.

I guess the millions Hillary took from Russia mattered to voters after all. You clowns went all in with Russia. You purchased a dossier authored by Kremlin agents to throw a national election and still failed.

Why do you believe Facebook made you vote for Trump?

Since Clinton didn't get millions from the Russians- and we don't know how many millions Trump got from the Russians- doubt either had anything to do with the election.

You clowns are happy that Russia attacked our election- after all- the end result was that Putin's candidate got elected.

I still remember the old days- when Contards at least pretended to care about defending America from Russia.
Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation amid Russian uranium deal

And? Where are the millions the Clinton's got from the Russians?
QUOTE="Nosmo King, post: 20440630, member: 20704"]

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.
who was attacked? Why hasn't CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC given us the names of those attacked? where is the information?
Who was attacked? The Democratic National Committee.

Stuff Fox News just will not explain.
what happened to them?
Did you read the indictments, or are you intentionally playing stupid, or is stupid your default position, or did they not cover this news on Fox?[/QUOTE]

JC doesn't have to play at being stupid or ignorant.
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.
LOL. FB made you vote for Trump. Funny stuff.

I guess the millions Hillary took from Russia mattered to voters after all. You clowns went all in with Russia. You purchased a dossier authored by Kremlin agents to throw a national election and still failed.

Why do you believe Facebook made you vote for Trump?

Since Clinton didn't get millions from the Russians- and we don't know how many millions Trump got from the Russians- doubt either had anything to do with the election.

You clowns are happy that Russia attacked our election- after all- the end result was that Putin's candidate got elected.

I still remember the old days- when Contards at least pretended to care about defending America from Russia.
attacked how exactly? what happened to our military and our commander in chief while this attack happened?

Poor little Trumpkin.

If Don the Con doesn't tweet it- you just don't know what is happening in the world.
LOL- got to love how the loons jump in.
We have actual evidence that Russia- going all the way to the top at Putin's direction- attacked the American electoral process.
But the loons- "no it was the Democrats"- "No it was the Mexicans"
You loons sure do like carrying water for Putin and Russia.
Why are you so determined to absolve Putin and Russia from their crimes against America?

Totally agree. Russia DID "meddle" in our elections......which resulted in 4 votes changed in 2016.

Now, can we discuss the 3 MILLION illegal votes, courtesy of the DNC ?
We will never know how much the Russian crimes affected the 2016 election- but they certainly tried and will continue to try.

Mexico of course hasn't done anything to the United States.

But then again you are a loon.

I've posted twice in this thread, a LIST of what Mexico has been doing to the US and I know you've seen it (with reputable source links) You 're just a baldfaced liar, that's all.

And I notice you're not saying a word about Trump's success in the North Korea summit, with NK now denuclearizing their sites.
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?
Another attempt by the Trumpettes to hide TRump's collusion.

The Republicans started meddling when they ran a gazillion investigations against Hillary Clinton whith showed nothing.

Then they tried to cheat by the photo ID scam.

Then they passed laws to lower the voting protection laws.

Thet are now purging voter roles targeting groups that lean Democrat.

So tell me, if the Rupublicans were worth more than a pile of dog shit, why do they need to cheat to win? Why do they need Russian help?
Why do they need so much dark money? Why do they need to support the slaughter of school children to get NRA money?

Why do they have to support child predators to try to fill Senate seats?

Why did they need to support a proven fraud & business cheat, a known con man, liar, bankrupting, women abusing POS like Trump?

Why can't Republicans support America over Russia?
QUOTE="Nosmo King, post: 20440630, member: 20704"]
Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.
who was attacked? Why hasn't CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC given us the names of those attacked? where is the information?
Who was attacked? The Democratic National Committee.

Stuff Fox News just will not explain.
what happened to them?[/QUOTE]

Echoing Trump, indicted Russians contest Mueller's legitimacy
Why can't Republicans support America over Russia?
Why can't Democrats support America over the whole rest of the world (starting with Mexico) ? Because just like "citizen of the world" Obama, they are all incurable GLOBALISTS
Too funny.
Make that 4 times as many. :biggrin:

But the real sickening thing is that here you are blabbering about inconsequential Russia, when Trump is succeeding in DENUCLEARIZING North Korea. One of the most tremendous accomplishments in American history. Why aren't you talking about that ?
Too funny.
Make that 4 times as many. :biggrin:

But the real sickening thing is that here you are blabbering about inconsequential Russia, when Trump is succeeding in DENUCLEARIZING North Korea. One of the most tremendous accomplishments in American history. Why aren't you talking about that ?
Trump vents frustration over lack of North Korea progress. Still has material to make nuclear weapons. Lindsey Graham says Trump is being played by North Korea.
Trump said no time limit: fail.
LOL- got to love how the loons jump in.
We have actual evidence that Russia- going all the way to the top at Putin's direction- attacked the American electoral process.
But the loons- "no it was the Democrats"- "No it was the Mexicans"
You loons sure do like carrying water for Putin and Russia.
Why are you so determined to absolve Putin and Russia from their crimes against America?

Totally agree. Russia DID "meddle" in our elections......which resulted in 4 votes changed in 2016.

Now, can we discuss the 3 MILLION illegal votes, courtesy of the DNC ?

LOL what '3 million illegal votes'?

Oh you mean the ones Don the Con lied about to you?

We will never know how many votes were changed because of the Russian meddling- but we do know that there is absolutely no evidence of '3 million illegal votes'

But you loyal Trumpkins- you just parrot what Don the Con tells you to parrot.

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