The Real Election Meddling Wasn't Done by the Russians

The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Obama is ALLOWED to "meddle" in US elections, he's AMERICAN.

Fucking hell.
No, he was born in Kenya. And even if he wasn't, he's black. The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

If he was born in Kenya then he never was actually the president, idiot.

You can’t be the president without being born in America.
Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.

You say damage. I say, full disclosure.
Full disclosure of the analytics of the DNC. That's damage to an American institution. This ain't sports. This ain't deflategate. This is what amounts to an act of war against the United States. Had it been the RNC, would your irresponsible attitude be the same?
.I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.
Drop in the bucket compared to the damage done to our electoral process (and other things) from Mexico. Interesting how this doesn't get an investigation, or hours of time on TV news shows.
A misdirection, more gaslighting. You have a xenophobic theory about Mexico. The DoJ has hard evidence against Russia.

Where's your priority? With the United States of America or Donald Trump and his litany of denial?
A misdirection, more gaslighting. You have a xenophobic theory about Mexico. The DoJ has hard evidence against Russia.

Where's your priority? With the United States of America or Donald Trump and his litany of denial?
That's MY question. Where's YOUR priority ? The Russian whatever has NO EFFECT on our 2016 election, but the Mexican INVASION and OCCUPATION and PILLAGING of our territory has >>

1. REMOVED $28 Billion in remittances in 2016 (reinserted into Mexico's economy) depriving US businesses of that money,

2. REMOVED 10s of Billions more in welfare to Mexicans living here (depriving US citizens of services)

3. Taken 8 million jobs away from US workers, and

4. Put millions of illegal FOREIGN votes into our electoral system, throwing the whole system out of its normal balance.

And all this has been going on for years, and decades. And you're worrying about a no effect meddle from Russia ? Think!
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the Russians stole the analytics of the DNC. With that information in hand, they offered it to the Trump campaign. Several instances of Trump campaign officials contacting the Russians made it easy for the transfer to happen.

Now, analytics. This information details the campaign strategy. So the Trump campaign knew when, where and how campaign money was to be spent. How the campaign was to work on influencing voters and where. It's like taking a test with the answer key on your desk.

Analytics are valuable pieces of information. Stealing them accomplished exactly what the Watergate burglars were trying to do in 1972.

Did the Committee to Re-elect the President do us any favors? How on earth could the Russians be praised for breaking into the DNC database? Is it praiseworthy for a foreign government to interfere with our democratic electoral process? Only if you're pro-Russian and anti-American! Siding with Russia is treason. And when the president,stands on foreign soil and sides with Russia, should we forget exactly what treason means?
No we shouldn't forget all those treasonous sanctuary city votes by Democrats, helping Mexico to invade our territory, steal our jobs, pillage our economy & treasuries, and disrupt and distort our elections.

I haven't caved in to the Russian distraction.
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.

If the crime is stealing information, shouldn't the DNC be prosecuted for obstruction of justice for not turning over the servers that were hacked to allow the FBI to fully investigate?
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.

If the crime is stealing information, shouldn't the DNC be prosecuted for obstruction of justice for not turning over the servers that were hacked to allow the FBI to fully investigate?

So now you want to prosecute the victims of crimes for not giving the FBI what the FBI didn't ask for?

(and the FBI has all of the information from the servers......but good job at parroting Don the Con!)
A misdirection, more gaslighting. You have a xenophobic theory about Mexico. The DoJ has hard evidence against Russia.

Where's your priority? With the United States of America or Donald Trump and his litany of denial?
That's MY question. Where's YOUR priority ? The Russian whatever has NO EFFECT on our 2016 election, but the Mexican INVASION and OCCUPATION and PILLAGING of our territory has >>!

We will never know how much the Russian crimes affected the 2016 election- but they certainly tried and will continue to try.

Mexico of course hasn't done anything to the United States.

But then again you are a loon.
Still one of the most stupid threads started by one of the most idiotic USMB posters.

I am baffled by why the Trumpkins try so hard to defend the Russian crimes against the United States.
Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.

If the crime is stealing information, shouldn't the DNC be prosecuted for obstruction of justice for not turning over the servers that were hacked to allow the FBI to fully investigate?

So now you want to prosecute the victims of crimes for not giving the FBI what the FBI didn't ask for?

(and the FBI has all of the information from the servers......but good job at parroting Don the Con!)

I had to take you off ignore to see what you wrote. It was a mistake as you were just making up stuff. I didn't quote Trump. I quoted James Comey. Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers Now, go back to ignore.
QUOTE="Syriusly, post: 20431441, member: 51902"]
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.[/QUOTE]
tell us what they did? why won't you circle jerks answer?
QUOTE="Nosmo King, post: 20440630, member: 20704"]
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.[/QUOTE]
who was attacked? Why hasn't CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC given us the names of those attacked? where is the information?
QUOTE="imawhosure, post: 20438913, member: 54419"]
Sorry bout that,

  1. Sure thats right, Obama tapped the phones of Trumps team, where is freaking JUSTICE???? Its a known fact he did it!
  2. He was working full time to assure Hillary's win.
  3. Seeing he is a failure at whatever he tries he screwed the pooch again and failed Hillary lost!
Exactly, Obama was personally tapping phones. That was a terrible thing for him to do.
What do you mean only tards believe such nonsense? The majority of the GOP believes it.

Hey, who's administration was it, when-----------> 1. Phones tapped, 2. DNC was hacked, 3. Russian interference?

Trump? LOL, nope, Obysmal the INCOMPETENT one!

Hey folks, listen to what Leftists are trying to float past you---------->

While under surveillance 24/7 thanks to the Paige FISA warrant, businessperson Donaldus Trumpus, manage to...……

1. Collude while all phones, texts, and e-mails were monitiored,

2. Managed to win election with no votes changed for him, lol,

3. Managed to deceive the smartest woman in the world where she had absolutely no clue, even with ALL THOSE TAPS that he was colluding...………..and in fact TOLD HIM HE MUST ACCEPT THE ELECTORAL OUTCOME,

4. managed to evade the FBI, NSA, CIA, and EVERY mainstream media outlets probing eyes and ears,

5. PLUS, managed to evade the one, the only, the Leftist messiah, Barack, Hussein, Obysmal………..and in fact through a Vulcan mind meld, convinced him and his administration, to call off looking into what the Russians were doing BEFORE the election.

Now, I don't know about you people but--------------> their scenario is soooooooooooo far fetched, Lassie could not retrieve it, and if it is true, then he must be smarter than the whole former administration, all the media, Hillary, and every Republican he ran against.

In either of those cases, I do not see any reason to sack him, do you, lolololololol![/QUOTE]
6. laughed at Russia?
Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, perp-walked, and in prison today.

Had the Obama administration not rigged her 'investigation' the same way she rigged the DNC primaries none of what has been going on for the last almost 3 years would have gone on.

There would have been no rigging or primaries, no cheating in debates, no election fraud, no election law violations, no campaign finance law violations, no colluding with / paying foreign spies and Russians, no FISA court abuses, no Obama administration conspiracy scandal, no Rosenstein / Mueller criminal Obstruction......
QUOTE="Nosmo King, post: 20440630, member: 20704"]
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.
who was attacked? Why hasn't CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC given us the names of those attacked? where is the information?[/QUOTE]
Who was attacked? The Democratic National Committee.

Stuff Fox News just will not explain.
QUOTE="Nosmo King, post: 20440630, member: 20704"]
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

Very informative. But, those are only allegations. Where's the proof? Whose votes were changed by those people?
The crime does not turn on voter fraud or direct interference with votes, voting mechanisms or vote totals. The crime is stealing information, disseminating that information to political opponents and posting falsehoods and a smear campaign to influence the election.

I think too many Trumpians are distracted by a grand conspiracy to actually manipulate the vote while failing to appreciate the damage actually done to our electoral process by a foreign adversary.

Remember, the attacks were against Americans. And that damage came from Russia.
who was attacked? Why hasn't CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC given us the names of those attacked? where is the information?
Who was attacked? The Democratic National Committee.

Stuff Fox News just will not explain.[/QUOTE]

Trumpkins don't need the 'news'- they get all they need from Don the Con.
Hillary Clinton should have been indicted, perp-walked, and in prison today....

Yep- you Trumpkins have been calling for that lynching for years now- well ever since Bill was elected.

The only thing that has changed is your new worship of Don the Con.
QUOTE="Syriusly, post: 20431441, member: 51902"]
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Does anyone seriously dispute this?
Nobody who was serious would make such an asinine claim.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet- then you are willfully ignorant- and a die hard Trumpster.

You would see a photo of Don the Con handing the nuclear codes to Putin and applaud him for his 'bravery'.
tell us what they did? why won't you circle jerks answer?[/QUOTE]

Look- I know that you Trumpkins sit around in a circle and jerk each other off while each of you repeats to the other 'there was no collusion' and 'the Russians are our pals' and "Putin is wonderful'.

Just because you live in a world that is just a circle jerk of Trump's tweets, doesn't mean that the rest of us do.

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