The Real Election Meddling Wasn't Done by the Russians

Sorry bout that,

  1. Obama took a yuge gamble, he pushed *ALL IN*.
  2. He broke so many laws to assure Hillary's victory to save his own legacy.
  3. *EVERYTHING* he mandated must be scratched out, not just wiped away, no *SCRATCHED OUT*!
  4. Where his printed words on documents are not just erased , but dug out harshly with a rusty ass nail.
  5. Obama is out to destroy this Nation, and trust me he isn't done yet, he did traitorous things as he was vacating office, there is a paper trail for that, that gets preserved, but everything he made law with executive orders get gouged out with ole RUSTY.
  6. If we don't do this America will get infected and end up dying in agony, we must lance this wound allow it to drain, drain his swamp, and let the wound heal up.
  7. Get on some serious antibiotics, which is never a Democrat in high office again.
  8. This is a time and chance for the Independents to shine, bring forth some electable people, normal people and replace the Democrats.
  9. Do whats best for America, eat the poison pill if your a Democrat, for the good of the Nation, God Bless America!
  10. Or just never vote again or vote against the Democrats.
  11. Use your head, don't throw away America, turn your back on the Democrats for the betterment of you, and this Nation, USA.
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Let's get right down to the heart of the topic >> "The Real Election Meddling Wasn't Done by the Russians "

That's correct. it was done by a combination of MEXICO and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

LOL- got to love how the loons jump in.

We have actual evidence that Russia- going all the way to the top at Putin's direction- attacked the American electoral process.

But the loons- "no it was the Democrats"- "No it was the Mexicans"

You loons sure do like carrying water for Putin and Russia.

Why are you so determined to absolve Putin and Russia from their crimes against America?
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Agreed. At this point in time and with all of the evidence that has been presented, anyone who disagrees with this has a mental problem..

At this point in time and with all of the evidence that has been presented- anyone who doesn't believe that Russia meddled in our election definitely has mental problems.
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Agreed. At this point in time and with all of the evidence that has been presented, anyone who disagrees with this has a mental problem..

At this point in time and with all of the evidence that has been presented- anyone who doesn't believe that Russia meddled in our election definitely has mental problems.

So what if they did? We meddle in theirs and everyone else's and even if they did, there is absolutely not a single shred of evidence that the Russians changed one single person's vote one way or the other.

To believe that would be living proof of just how deranged, unhinged, and paranoid liberals are at this point.
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Agreed. At this point in time and with all of the evidence that has been presented, anyone who disagrees with this has a mental problem..

At this point in time and with all of the evidence that has been presented- anyone who doesn't believe that Russia meddled in our election definitely has mental problems.

So what if they did? We meddle in theirs t.

And I think that is ultimately how Trumpkins think:

So what if Russia did indeed attack the American electoral system?
The real election meddling was done by the Obama Administration. Does anyone seriously dispute this?

Why are we wasting time talking about the Russians? What, EXACTLY, did they do and how did they affect the election?

Agreed. At this point in time and with all of the evidence that has been presented, anyone who disagrees with this has a mental problem..

At this point in time and with all of the evidence that has been presented- anyone who doesn't believe that Russia meddled in our election definitely has mental problems.

So what if they did? We meddle in theirs t.

And I think that is ultimately how Trumpkins think:

So what if Russia did indeed attack the American electoral system?

Get real. The only reason you schmucks are so concerned about "muh Russia" is because you detest Donald Trump, conservatism, and the Republican Party.

Where the hell were you knuckle-draggers back in the 50's when Senator McCarthy was trying to warn you about the Russians? You were yukking it up, weren't you? Big joke, huh?

You Democrats, progressives, and liberals were doing everything they could to help the Russians infiltrate every aspect of our society back then: The schools, the universities, even the government.

So now you reap the bitter harvest of what you have sown. Swallow it on down, but don't choke on it.
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

So, just to be clear ... Mueller alleges that Russian agents released secret emails that showed then candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC engaged in corrupt and illegal practices?

Were the emails fake?

Is anyone denying what was in the emails was untrue?

If people had voted for Hillary without knowing the facts in these emails, would that have been honest?

Sounds like Russia did Americans a huge favour.

Where the hell were you knuckle-draggers back in the 50's when Senator McCarthy was trying to warn you about the Russians? You were yukking it up, weren't you? Big joke, huh?

They were cheering Edward R. Murrow and making fun of the John Birch Society.

Now, it seems, they've all joined the JBS.
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

So, just to be clear ... Mueller alleges that Russian agents released secret emails that showed then candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC engaged in corrupt and illegal practices?

Were the emails fake?

Is anyone denying what was in the emails was untrue?

If people had voted for Hillary without knowing the facts in these emails, would that have been honest?

Sounds like Russia did Americans a huge favour.


Exactly. I though the left loved whistle-blowers?

Why the sudden change of heart?
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

So, just to be clear ... Mueller alleges that Russian agents released secret emails that showed then candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC engaged in corrupt and illegal practices?

Were the emails fake?

Is anyone denying what was in the emails was untrue?

If people had voted for Hillary without knowing the facts in these emails, would that have been honest?

Sounds like Russia did Americans a huge favour.


Exactly. I though the left loved whistle-blowers?

Why the sudden change of heart?

Only when the whistle is blown in a different direction.... apparently.
Where the hell were you knuckle-draggers back in the 50's when Senator McCarthy was trying to warn you about the Russians? You were yukking it up, weren't you? Big joke, huh?

They were cheering Edward R. Murrow and making fun of the John Birch Society.

Now, it seems, they've all joined the JBS.

I attended a few JBS meetings in Texas, back in the late 90's. I wasn't very politically-aware at the time and didn't understand the concepts of liberty, the constitution, and anti-communism they were speaking about.

But they seemed like a a very intelligent and decent bunch of guys and girls.
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.
Read about it here:
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

So, just to be clear ... Mueller alleges that Russian agents released secret emails that showed then candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC engaged in corrupt and illegal practices?

Were the emails fake?

Is anyone denying what was in the emails was untrue?

If people had voted for Hillary without knowing the facts in these emails, would that have been honest?

Sounds like Russia did Americans a huge favour.

the Russians stole the analytics of the DNC. With that information in hand, they offered it to the Trump campaign. Several instances of Trump campaign officials contacting the Russians made it easy for the transfer to happen.

Now, analytics. This information details the campaign strategy. So the Trump campaign knew when, where and how campaign money was to be spent. How the campaign was to work on influencing voters and where. It's like taking a test with the answer key on your desk.

Analytics are valuable pieces of information. Stealing them accomplished exactly what the Watergate burglars were trying to do in 1972.

Did the Committee to Re-elect the President do us any favors? How on earth could the Russians be praised for breaking into the DNC database? Is it praiseworthy for a foreign government to interfere with our democratic electoral process? Only if you're pro-Russian and anti-American! Siding with Russia is treason. And when the president,stands on foreign soil and sides with Russia, should we forget exactly what treason means?
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

So, just to be clear ... Mueller alleges that Russian agents released secret emails that showed then candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC engaged in corrupt and illegal practices?

Were the emails fake?

Is anyone denying what was in the emails was untrue?

If people had voted for Hillary without knowing the facts in these emails, would that have been honest?

Sounds like Russia did Americans a huge favour.


Exactly. I though the left loved whistle-blowers?

Why the sudden change of heart?
Why are Trumpians so quick to praise Russia? Why the sudden shift from patriots to traitors?

You folks have been gaslighted! Your loyalty to Trump has made you disloyal to America!
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.
Read about it here:
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

So, just to be clear ... Mueller alleges that Russian agents released secret emails that showed then candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC engaged in corrupt and illegal practices?

Were the emails fake?

Is anyone denying what was in the emails was untrue?

If people had voted for Hillary without knowing the facts in these emails, would that have been honest?

Sounds like Russia did Americans a huge favour.

the Eussians stole the analytics of the SNC. With that information in hand, they offered it to the Trump campaign. Several instances of Trump campaign officials contacting the Russians made it easy for the transfer to happen.

Now, analytics. This information details the campaign strategy. So the Trump campaign knew when, where and how campaign money was to be spent. How the campaign was to work on influencing voters and where. It's like taking a test with the answer key on your desk.

Analytics are valuable pieces of information. Stealing them accomplished exactly what the Watergate burglars were trying to do in 1972.

Did the Committee to Re-elect the President do us any favors? How on earth could the Russians be praised for breaking into the DNC database? Is it praiseworthy for a foreign government to interfere with our democratic electoral process? Only if you're pro-Russian and anti-American! Siding with Russia is treason. And when the president,stands on foreign soil and sides with Russia, should we forget exactly what treason means?

The DNC policy was going for big rallies in states she already had and alienating the middle of the country (who voted against her) by labeling them 'Fly overs' and 'Deplorables'.

Hillary Clinton is a life-long politician. If a bunch of Russian hackers know better than her how our electoral system works that makes me more sad than anything else.
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

So, just to be clear ... Mueller alleges that Russian agents released secret emails that showed then candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC engaged in corrupt and illegal practices?

Were the emails fake?

Is anyone denying what was in the emails was untrue?

If people had voted for Hillary without knowing the facts in these emails, would that have been honest?

Sounds like Russia did Americans a huge favour.


Exactly. I though the left loved whistle-blowers?

Why the sudden change of heart?
Why are Trumpians so quick to praise Russia? Why the sudden shift from patriots to traitors?

You folks have been gaslighted! Your loyalty to Trump has made you disloyal to America!

You want me to hate Russia just because you do? I'm not a hater, I'm a lover.

If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.
Read about it here:
If you don't know what the Russians did yet-

Explain it then, please.

How did the Russians get President Trump elected? How is it they succeeded where Obama, the DNC, Hollywood, the entire US Media, and life-long political warrior Hillary Clinton failed?

I'm really curious to learn how they pulled this off.

So, just to be clear ... Mueller alleges that Russian agents released secret emails that showed then candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC engaged in corrupt and illegal practices?

Were the emails fake?

Is anyone denying what was in the emails was untrue?

If people had voted for Hillary without knowing the facts in these emails, would that have been honest?

Sounds like Russia did Americans a huge favour.

the Eussians stole the analytics of the SNC. With that information in hand, they offered it to the Trump campaign. Several instances of Trump campaign officials contacting the Russians made it easy for the transfer to happen.

Now, analytics. This information details the campaign strategy. So the Trump campaign knew when, where and how campaign money was to be spent. How the campaign was to work on influencing voters and where. It's like taking a test with the answer key on your desk.

Analytics are valuable pieces of information. Stealing them accomplished exactly what the Watergate burglars were trying to do in 1972.

Did the Committee to Re-elect the President do us any favors? How on earth could the Russians be praised for breaking into the DNC database? Is it praiseworthy for a foreign government to interfere with our democratic electoral process? Only if you're pro-Russian and anti-American! Siding with Russia is treason. And when the president,stands on foreign soil and sides with Russia, should we forget exactly what treason means?

The DNC policy was going for big rallies in states she already had and alienating the middle of the country (who voted against her) by labeling them 'Fly overs' and 'Deplorables'.

Hillary Clinton is a life-long politician. If a bunch of Russian hackers know better than her how our electoral system works that makes me more sad than anything else.
And yet the Russians are doing the same thing during this year's mid-terms. Instead of sad, why wouldn't the appropriate emotion be anger? Fear? Disgust? And a healthy dose of distrust for the current administration for dragging their heels in the face of the evidence?

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