The real Jesus

is there a fake jesus?

Yes there is--- The real Jesus= John 20:17, Revelation 3:12--Jesus has a God- his Father. It takes believing Jesus, Few will.
believe what?? '''god'' was human??
it's just a belief

Just a belief? HA. Belief is very powerful.

If you "just believed" that a three in one God diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father who pissed everyone off, partied like it was 1975, said things that no one understood, hosted a magical fish sandwich party in the middle of the desert, submitted to torture and crucifixion because he loved the romans so much only to rise from the dead and float up into the sky where he waits to return ANY MINUTE and throw unbelievers into hell and take all believers up into the sky where they will rule the earth forever as if they could take the place of God, you too could completely lose your mind, act like an idiot, say and do things that injure yourself and the people that you love while gibbering incoherently for the rest of your life, pretending to be saved.

Your choice!
just a belief.....
people believed in hitler, Jim Jones, Pol Pot, etc


When people throw their minds in the trash and adopt irrational beliefs, bad things happen every time.

Once a person loses their mind to irrational beliefs, with what can they get it back?

Hence the wisdom of God in giving the law that teaches people to stand guard over the purity of their own minds by distinguishing between clean and unclean, right and wrong, true and false, good and evil, life and death....
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Yes there is--- The real Jesus= John 20:17, Revelation 3:12--Jesus has a God- his Father. It takes believing Jesus, Few will.
believe what?? '''god'' was human??
it's just a belief

Just a belief? HA. Belief is very powerful.

If you "just believed" that a three in one God diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father who pissed everyone off, partied like it was 1975, said things that no one understood, hosted a magical fish sandwich party in the middle of the desert, submitted to torture and crucifixion because he loved the romans so much only to rise from the dead and float up into the sky where he waits to return ANY MINUTE and throw unbelievers into hell and take all believers up into the sky where they will rule the earth forever as if they could take the place of God, you too could completely lose your mind, act like an idiot, say and do things that injure yourself and the people that you love while gibbering incoherently for the rest of your life, pretending to be saved.

Your choice!
just a belief.....
people believed in hitler, Jim Jones, Pol Pot, etc


When people throw their minds in the trash and adopt irrational beliefs, bad things happen every time.
Like 9/11?


Just like people electing a despicable person or people to lead them believing something good will happen.

And then refusing to acknowledge or correct the mistake, confusing obstinate stupidity with faith all the way to the grave.

Some people would rather see the world destroyed than to admit they fucked up, repent, clean up their acts, do the right thing, and redeem themselves.
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But absolutely nowhere in Daniel does it mention Jesus. They change wording like tabloid news does in changing tenses to create new narratives.
They also change meaning of words to place him there & by confusing dates which become more problematic to the fact they have at least 3 christs combined in their character ranging from
100bc to 45 ad thus making the years calculations in Daniel comically inaccurate to those christ figures. Daniel doesn't discuss the fallen false & imposter messiah, Ezekiel 28 does.
John of Patmos accounts the anti christ(anointed) as existing in his era, describing Romes hills and treasure and colors rich people wore and having the blood on their hands killing the revolutionaries (martyrs). Rome was anti the Temple priests thus anti anointed (antichrist).
Daniels Moshiach is blatantly clear as he names the first name openly, given nickname that only makes sense to those who know the legend of the City of Shalem becoming Shalom, and even gives the last name of Moshiach in the same verses but they become hidden by English translation of the Hebrew name. None of these match Jesus nor any of the many christs used to create his accounts. Daniel speaks of the first fallen failed messiah Jesus 0 times.

What are you babbling about? Why would Daniel mention Jesus when he wasn't even born and wouldn't be for hundreds of years? This is why one has to put it together with the other OT chapters to come up with the Messiah and thus the reward..
I am arguing against their place in tactics which Ironically is admitted to in Luke asking to place him into old texts to make him out to be the one.
ONCE AGAIN Daniel literally names Moshiach first last and secreted name, only the person whose name it is would know this.

Yes, Daniel does prophecize the Messiah, but you got the dates wrong.

Decree to rebuild Jerusalem - 457 BC
1 day = 1 year. 7 weeks = 49 days. Thus, it takes 49 years.
Jerusalem rebuilt - 408 BC
Next we have 62 weeks = 434 days. It means 434 years.
49 years + 434 years = 483 years.
Thus, 'Anointed' Ruler arrived in 27 AD.
What big Biblical event happened in 27 AD?
From 27 AD, we have 1 week = 7 days. It means 7 years
3.5 days or 3.5 years from 27 AD brings us to the middle of 30 AD. What big Biblical event happened in 30 AD?
From 30 AD, the abomination of desolation begins.
If the Bible reader can answer my questions, then they would know who the Messiah is and how Daniel's prophecy was fulfilled. Each of dates I listed fulfills a prophecy like Jerusalem being rebuilt. However, many people during that time got it wrong. Is that what you're getting at?

IIIRC the events in the first 6 chapters of Daniel, the stories of the Heroes, have been dated by some scholars as having taken place around 606 B.C. when he was captured. The 'Lion's Den' section would have been around 539 B.C. The apocalypses in chapters 7 to 12 indicate a timeline running up to the the Maccabees, , Antiochus IV, circa 167 B.C.-164 B.C. This era coincides with an increase in apocalyptic literature, and 'Hellenization' among Hebrew scholars, the rise of the Pharisees sect, itself big on apocalypse lit.

We as always can ignore Hashish Muncher's rubbish. Neither he nor Rosie know anything but garbage from their favorite crank websites. Didn't read their garbage, but I just assume everything they claim isn't true is hand waved away as 'something or other Constantine rewrote' ... lol

Did you look up when the decree was made to rebuild Jerusalem?
believe what?? '''god'' was human??
it's just a belief

Just a belief? HA. Belief is very powerful.

If you "just believed" that a three in one God diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father who pissed everyone off, partied like it was 1975, said things that no one understood, hosted a magical fish sandwich party in the middle of the desert, submitted to torture and crucifixion because he loved the romans so much only to rise from the dead and float up into the sky where he waits to return ANY MINUTE and throw unbelievers into hell and take all believers up into the sky where they will rule the earth forever as if they could take the place of God, you too could completely lose your mind, act like an idiot, say and do things that injure yourself and the people that you love while gibbering incoherently for the rest of your life, pretending to be saved.

Your choice!
just a belief.....
people believed in hitler, Jim Jones, Pol Pot, etc


When people throw their minds in the trash and adopt irrational beliefs, bad things happen every time.
Like 9/11?


Just like people electing a despicable person or people to lead them believing something good will happen.

And then refusing to acknowledge or correct the mistake, confusing obstinate stupidity with faith all the way to the grave.

Some people would rather see the world destroyed than to admit they fucked up, repent, clean up their acts, do the right thing, and redeem themselves.
no--it's nothing like that
Just a belief? HA. Belief is very powerful.

If you "just believed" that a three in one God diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father who pissed everyone off, partied like it was 1975, said things that no one understood, hosted a magical fish sandwich party in the middle of the desert, submitted to torture and crucifixion because he loved the romans so much only to rise from the dead and float up into the sky where he waits to return ANY MINUTE and throw unbelievers into hell and take all believers up into the sky where they will rule the earth forever as if they could take the place of God, you too could completely lose your mind, act like an idiot, say and do things that injure yourself and the people that you love while gibbering incoherently for the rest of your life, pretending to be saved.

Your choice!
just a belief.....
people believed in hitler, Jim Jones, Pol Pot, etc


When people throw their minds in the trash and adopt irrational beliefs, bad things happen every time.
Like 9/11?


Just like people electing a despicable person or people to lead them believing something good will happen.

And then refusing to acknowledge or correct the mistake, confusing obstinate stupidity with faith all the way to the grave.

Some people would rather see the world destroyed than to admit they fucked up, repent, clean up their acts, do the right thing, and redeem themselves.
no--it's nothing like that

What is nothing like what?

Don't you think that the republican party and their supporters have lost their minds to irrational sanctimonious beliefs like any other victim of mind control or cultic indoctrination?

Have you not seen trump supporters at his pep rallies being fired up to do say and stupid things as if they have gone completely mad without even noticing or caring about what a degenerate he is or that they are themselves degenerating into a mindless mob?

Moscow must have dirt on every last trump supporter in the house and senate.

Why else would they be openly betraying the people, their sworn oaths to God, and giving support, comfort, and aid to a godless enemy that has openly committed an act of war against their own country?
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What are you babbling about? Why would Daniel mention Jesus when he wasn't even born and wouldn't be for hundreds of years? .

lol yes. Such is the level of this clown's and Rosie's 'Scholarship' on anything. They're just trolling bigots, is all.
Did you look up when the decree was made to rebuild Jerusalem?

Didn't need to, I know which century it was in. First part of Daniel pre-dates it, and yes, the Dead Sea Scrolls pre-date Jesus ministry; I'm referring to Hashish Muncher's and Rosie's ignorance of that fact. They do it constantly, conflating dates and trying to distort others' posts, because they know they have no real rebuttals nor do they know the books or the timelines or anything else. Both they and the so-called 'Gnostics' have an interest in trying to discredit the most credible books of the bible, the NT; they think if they can do that they can then make up whatever rubbish they want or something, typical pseudo-intellectual fallacies. If you need a great source of secular knowledge on Jerusalem during Jesus time get Joachim Jeremia's Jerusalem In The Time Of Jesus; it makes it clear there are no fictions or anachronisms in the NT and all of the writings in it are indeed contemporary, including Jewish culture and society, places, names, etc. Nobody in the 4th Century could have 'forged' anything in it, much less a Roman who had never been there. Only idiots would even try to spread that sort of nonsense.
just a belief.....
people believed in hitler, Jim Jones, Pol Pot, etc


When people throw their minds in the trash and adopt irrational beliefs, bad things happen every time.
Like 9/11?


Just like people electing a despicable person or people to lead them believing something good will happen.

And then refusing to acknowledge or correct the mistake, confusing obstinate stupidity with faith all the way to the grave.

Some people would rather see the world destroyed than to admit they fucked up, repent, clean up their acts, do the right thing, and redeem themselves.
no--it's nothing like that

What is nothing like what?

Don't you think that the republican party and their supporters have lost their minds to irrational sanctimonious beliefs like any other victim of mind control or cultic indoctrination?

Have you not seen trump supporters at his pep rallies being fired up to do say and stupid things as if they have gone completely mad without even noticing or caring about what a degenerate he is or that they are themselves degenerating into a mindless mob?

Moscow must have dirt on every last trump supporter in the house and senate.

Why else would they be openly betraying the people, their sworn oaths to God, and giving support, comfort, and aid to a godless enemy that has openly committed an act of war against their own country?
But the only other choice was Hillary. :ack-1:

When people throw their minds in the trash and adopt irrational beliefs, bad things happen every time.
Like 9/11?


Just like people electing a despicable person or people to lead them believing something good will happen.

And then refusing to acknowledge or correct the mistake, confusing obstinate stupidity with faith all the way to the grave.

Some people would rather see the world destroyed than to admit they fucked up, repent, clean up their acts, do the right thing, and redeem themselves.
no--it's nothing like that

What is nothing like what?

Don't you think that the republican party and their supporters have lost their minds to irrational sanctimonious beliefs like any other victim of mind control or cultic indoctrination?

Have you not seen trump supporters at his pep rallies being fired up to do say and stupid things as if they have gone completely mad without even noticing or caring about what a degenerate he is or that they are themselves degenerating into a mindless mob?

Moscow must have dirt on every last trump supporter in the house and senate.

Why else would they be openly betraying the people, their sworn oaths to God, and giving support, comfort, and aid to a godless enemy that has openly committed an act of war against their own country?
But the only other choice was Hillary. :ack-1:

Yeah, so?

She would have never in a million years betrayed the trust of the people and sold her soul to the enemy.
Like 9/11?


Just like people electing a despicable person or people to lead them believing something good will happen.

And then refusing to acknowledge or correct the mistake, confusing obstinate stupidity with faith all the way to the grave.

Some people would rather see the world destroyed than to admit they fucked up, repent, clean up their acts, do the right thing, and redeem themselves.
no--it's nothing like that

What is nothing like what?

Don't you think that the republican party and their supporters have lost their minds to irrational sanctimonious beliefs like any other victim of mind control or cultic indoctrination?

Have you not seen trump supporters at his pep rallies being fired up to do say and stupid things as if they have gone completely mad without even noticing or caring about what a degenerate he is or that they are themselves degenerating into a mindless mob?

Moscow must have dirt on every last trump supporter in the house and senate.

Why else would they be openly betraying the people, their sworn oaths to God, and giving support, comfort, and aid to a godless enemy that has openly committed an act of war against their own country?
But the only other choice was Hillary. :ack-1:

Yeah, so?

She would have never in a million years betrayed the trust of the people and sold her soul to the enemy.
Ya, like we all need to be run like she runs Bill. :biggrin:

Just like people electing a despicable person or people to lead them believing something good will happen.

And then refusing to acknowledge or correct the mistake, confusing obstinate stupidity with faith all the way to the grave.

Some people would rather see the world destroyed than to admit they fucked up, repent, clean up their acts, do the right thing, and redeem themselves.
no--it's nothing like that

What is nothing like what?

Don't you think that the republican party and their supporters have lost their minds to irrational sanctimonious beliefs like any other victim of mind control or cultic indoctrination?

Have you not seen trump supporters at his pep rallies being fired up to do say and stupid things as if they have gone completely mad without even noticing or caring about what a degenerate he is or that they are themselves degenerating into a mindless mob?

Moscow must have dirt on every last trump supporter in the house and senate.

Why else would they be openly betraying the people, their sworn oaths to God, and giving support, comfort, and aid to a godless enemy that has openly committed an act of war against their own country?
But the only other choice was Hillary. :ack-1:

Yeah, so?

She would have never in a million years betrayed the trust of the people and sold her soul to the enemy.
Ya, like we all need to be run like she runs Bill. :biggrin:

Yeah well we all know now which one was worse.
no--it's nothing like that

What is nothing like what?

Don't you think that the republican party and their supporters have lost their minds to irrational sanctimonious beliefs like any other victim of mind control or cultic indoctrination?

Have you not seen trump supporters at his pep rallies being fired up to do say and stupid things as if they have gone completely mad without even noticing or caring about what a degenerate he is or that they are themselves degenerating into a mindless mob?

Moscow must have dirt on every last trump supporter in the house and senate.

Why else would they be openly betraying the people, their sworn oaths to God, and giving support, comfort, and aid to a godless enemy that has openly committed an act of war against their own country?
But the only other choice was Hillary. :ack-1:

Yeah, so?

She would have never in a million years betrayed the trust of the people and sold her soul to the enemy.
Ya, like we all need to be run like she runs Bill. :biggrin:

Yeah well we all know now which one was worse.
Trump at least is entertaining. I have to say that Obama did virtually nothing the whole time, and Hillary would have have been even duller.
What is nothing like what?

Don't you think that the republican party and their supporters have lost their minds to irrational sanctimonious beliefs like any other victim of mind control or cultic indoctrination?

Have you not seen trump supporters at his pep rallies being fired up to do say and stupid things as if they have gone completely mad without even noticing or caring about what a degenerate he is or that they are themselves degenerating into a mindless mob?

Moscow must have dirt on every last trump supporter in the house and senate.

Why else would they be openly betraying the people, their sworn oaths to God, and giving support, comfort, and aid to a godless enemy that has openly committed an act of war against their own country?
But the only other choice was Hillary. :ack-1:

Yeah, so?

She would have never in a million years betrayed the trust of the people and sold her soul to the enemy.
Ya, like we all need to be run like she runs Bill. :biggrin:

Yeah well we all know now which one was worse.
Trump at least is entertaining. I have to say that Obama did virtually nothing the whole time, and Hillary would have have been even duller.

I see, you are one of those guys who gets off by watching the carnage of a train wreck..

like you are safe or something..

But the only other choice was Hillary. :ack-1:

Yeah, so?

She would have never in a million years betrayed the trust of the people and sold her soul to the enemy.
Ya, like we all need to be run like she runs Bill. :biggrin:

Yeah well we all know now which one was worse.
Trump at least is entertaining. I have to say that Obama did virtually nothing the whole time, and Hillary would have have been even duller.

I see, you are one of those guys who gets off by watching the carnage of a train wreck..

like you are safe or something..

I'm a Libertarian, not a Republican, so either way I lose BIG! :biggrin:
Yeah, so?

She would have never in a million years betrayed the trust of the people and sold her soul to the enemy.
Ya, like we all need to be run like she runs Bill. :biggrin:

Yeah well we all know now which one was worse.
Trump at least is entertaining. I have to say that Obama did virtually nothing the whole time, and Hillary would have have been even duller.

I see, you are one of those guys who gets off by watching the carnage of a train wreck..

like you are safe or something..

I'm a Libertarian, not a Republican, so either way I lose BIG! :biggrin:

Good for you.

There may be some hope for you after all.

"So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.

And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression"
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Ya, like we all need to be run like she runs Bill. :biggrin:

Yeah well we all know now which one was worse.
Trump at least is entertaining. I have to say that Obama did virtually nothing the whole time, and Hillary would have have been even duller.

I see, you are one of those guys who gets off by watching the carnage of a train wreck..

like you are safe or something..

I'm a Libertarian, not a Republican, so either way I lose BIG! :biggrin:

Good for you.

There may be some hope for you after all.

"So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.

And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression"
So is that quote real or is that a metaphor for something else?
Yeah well we all know now which one was worse.
Trump at least is entertaining. I have to say that Obama did virtually nothing the whole time, and Hillary would have have been even duller.

I see, you are one of those guys who gets off by watching the carnage of a train wreck..

like you are safe or something..

I'm a Libertarian, not a Republican, so either way I lose BIG! :biggrin:

Good for you.

There may be some hope for you after all.

"So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.

And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression"
So is that quote real or is that a metaphor for something else?

lets wait to talk about that...

You have been carefully examined and chosen to have a corrective lens implanted deep inside your brain.

So don't be alarmed when you wake up one day with a little butt hurt after having had strange dreams of being probed by aliens.

Then, in that day, you will have your answer and I won't have to teach you your A, B, C's.
Rev 6 = 1914-- The war in heaven, Michael rides the white horse and battles satan and his angels, defeats them and casts them out of heaven forever to the earth. ww1--Peace was taken from the earth. Millions slaughtered. After ww1 millions upon millions died from the filth of the slaughters, starvation, diseases, etc( other 3 riders)- all still ride. The white horse still rides-perse- He receives his crown--Jesus gets the crown, yet Michael is getting it= Michael is the one who came to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal.( Daniel 12:1) He speaks at proverbs 8.
When satan came down the bible says--he comes as a devouring lion, angry, knowing his time is short.
All have watched rev 13 occurring for years as well, but they cannot see it This is why--2Corinthians 4:4-- The image of the beast has been made to look good to the mortal heart( 2Cor 11:12-15)

Without an accurate understanding of the symbolisms and to what they are referring, all you have is incoherence.

You like the book of revelation?

Until Christ comes again and breaks the seals that have prevented everyone from seeing what was written inside the holy scroll no one else in heaven or on the earth or under the earth can reveal, much less comprehend, what was hidden inside.

Not you, not your so called teachers, not angels, not demons, not anyone. (Revelation 5:1-3)

"I will give you treasures from dark vaults, hoarded in secret places, that you may know that I am the Lord,"

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, so now many nations recoil at sight of him. And kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

It has already been revealed, through Jesus' real teachers.

Really? Its already been revealed by Jesus' real teachers? Before Jesus even arrived and revealed it? lol.....

Then what are the seven seals placed on scripture that keep people from seeing whats written inside?

Whats been kept from comprehension from everyone, in heaven , on the earth, and under the earth for the past 2000 years?

Jesus received his crown at Revelation 6-the presence. He appointed his teachers on earth here in these last days( Matthew 24:45) through them, this became a reality( Daniel 12:4)-- rejected by those clinging to old darkness.
I didn't ask you about any crown..Pay attention.

What are the seven seals placed on scripture that keep people from seeing whats written inside?

Whats been kept from comprehension from everyone, in heaven , on the earth, and under the earth for the past 2000 years?

Truths that God hid-Daniel 12:4, and revelation revealed.

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