The Real President Trump Will Now Emerge

Kennedy burned. Reagan learned. I suggest Don to be really really really careful.
He's a cocky MOFO but he earned it and has every right to be.
The Rats in Congress are shell-shocked...vowing revenge now on Mueller and next weekend, they'll have realized it's over....over and OUT.
No worries, they will certainly not lose sight of their target.

Lose sight of their target? their target? and that would be the Russians who interfered in our election? Do you even have to wonder why the FBI never even took a look at the DNC servers which were hacked?
The Democrats could care less or give a shit about Russian interference as long as they win. Their target is Trump, not the ensuring the security or sanctity of the United States and it's people.
Nonsense. The FBI was provided exact duplicates of the DNC's servers. And their goal is the same as the Republicans who went after Bill Clinton. Karma sucks at times.

Ya got a link, slick? Similar to this one? Dumbass.
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

"The DNC coordinated with the FBI and federal intelligence agencies and provided everything they requested, including copies of DNC servers," Watson said. She added that the copy contains the same information as the physical server.

Trump wrong on Podesta and DNC server

Great, you site a link saying, basically, that Podesta didn't have any control over DNC servers....kinda missed the point there sparky.
Riiiiight .... Comey was so tied to Hillary, that must be why he broke FBI protocol and publicly reopened the investigation about her emails after early voting had begun.


Comey had no choice but to reopen it because the NY office was going to if he didn't....He had to settle for a few agents racing through thousands of emails on Carlos Danger's laptop using "key words" instead of reading them which would have been impossible with the time constraints.
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.

Oh the poor thing. You’re right he looks so sad. The big white snowflakes right under his eyes. That must be why he looks so sad. Snowflakes.
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.


"I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world."


what do you expect to happen?

what needs to be done to make America "THE GREATEST COUNTRY in the history of the world"?

Is this just a platitude or do you have an actual plan/idea?
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Oh the poor thing. You’re right he looks so sad. The big white snowflakes right under his eyes. That must be why he looks so sad. Snowflakes.

Sad? Like Bannon said, now he's coming at your criminal fucking traitors, "full animal"....You struck at the King but did not kill some Emerson and you'll know what happens next.
"I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world."


what do you expect to happen?

what needs to be done to make America "THE GREATEST COUNTRY in the history of the world"?

Is this just a platitude or do you have an actual plan/idea?

Read the's all been said already
Oh the poor thing. You’re right he looks so sad. The big white snowflakes right under his eyes. That must be why he looks so sad. Snowflakes.

Sad? Like Bannon said, now he's coming at your criminal fucking traitors, "full animal"....You struck at the King but did not kill some Emerson and you'll know what happens next.

So what happens next?

trump is NOT king

he is merely a representative for ALL of the people.

He is bound by law, too

I don't imagine there is much he can do .
Oh the poor thing. You’re right he looks so sad. The big white snowflakes right under his eyes. That must be why he looks so sad. Snowflakes.

Sad? Like Bannon said, now he's coming at your criminal fucking traitors, "full animal"....You struck at the King but did not kill some Emerson and you'll know what happens next.

Yes, it will be his ultimate destruction. This is NOT what the American people want to see. This will be his self-centred narcisscism and self-destructive bitterness on full display. The American people want a government to work on THEIR behalf. The hired Trump to do a job, not lash out at his enemies.

Break out the popcorn, the fun is beginning.
Yes, it will be his ultimate destruction. This is NOT what the American people want to see. This will be his self-centred narcisscism and self-destructive bitterness on full display. The American people want a government to work on THEIR behalf. The hired Trump to do a job, not lash out at his enemies.

Break out the popcorn, the fun is beginning.

We hired the man to cripple and destroy the deep state and the swamp and that's what he's doing . They took their shot and they find out what it's like to fuck with a bare-knuckles casino tycoon in the White House.....Indeed, this is when the fun begins. :badgrin:
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.

Kim and Putin for WH visits
Riiiiight .... Comey was so tied to Hillary, that must be why he broke FBI protocol and publicly reopened the investigation about her emails after early voting had begun.


Comey had no choice but to reopen it because the NY office was going to if he didn't....He had to settle for a few agents racing through thousands of emails on Carlos Danger's laptop using "key words" instead of reading them which would have been impossible with the time constraints.
Numbnuts, I never said Comey shouldn’t have reopened the investigation. I said he broke Department protocol which doesn’t allow for such public announcements on a candidate for office so close to an election. He shouldn’t have told the public about it until after the election.

Can’t you freaks read?
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Yes, it will be his ultimate destruction. This is NOT what the American people want to see. This will be his self-centred narcisscism and self-destructive bitterness on full display. The American people want a government to work on THEIR behalf. The hired Trump to do a job, not lash out at his enemies.

Break out the popcorn, the fun is beginning.

We hired the man to cripple and destroy the deep state and the swamp and that's what he's doing . They took their shot and they find out what it's like to fuck with a bare-knuckles casino tycoon in the White House.....Indeed, this is when the fun begins. :badgrin:

There is no "Deep State", and as for the Swamp, this is the swampiest administration in history. More members of the Trump staff and cabinet have been fired and are under investigation for misuse of public funds, inappropriate favours from lobbyists and other matters related to character and corruption, than any administration in history.

Trump is a coward. A snivelling coward. He didn't go to visit the troops in war zones for nearly two years, because he was afraid. Trump has never been in a real fight in his life. He certainly no "bare knuckles casino tycoon". He's the only person in business history to go bankrupt 4 times with a gambling license.

And just for the record - using the federal judiciary to go after his "enemies", is an impeechable offense". Just ask Richard Nixon.
Numbnuts, I never said Comey shouldn’t have reopened the investigation. I said he broke Department protocol which doesn’t allow for such public announcements on a candidate for office so close to an election. He shouldn’t have told the public about it until after the election.

"numbnuts"? Hey mean the way Mewler didn't end his hoax before the 2016 midterms? You lied and I caught you....Comey had no choice and no chance to hide what Huma sent to Carlos Danger's laptop....the NY FBI office found those emails and were going to the press...Comey did a duck and cover....simple as that.
Numbnuts, I never said Comey shouldn’t have reopened the investigation. I said he broke Department protocol which doesn’t allow for such public announcements on a candidate for office so close to an election. He shouldn’t have told the public about it until after the election.

"numbnuts"? Hey mean the way Mewler didn't end his hoax before the 2016 midterms? You lied and I caught you....Comey had no choice and no chance to hide what Huma sent to Carlos Danger's laptop....the NY FBI office found those emails and were going to the press...Comey did a duck and cover....simple as that.
You’re a fucking retard. That’s on you. Comey did not have to tell the public he was reopening the investigation.
You’re a fucking retard. That’s on you. Comey did not have to tell the public he was reopening the investigation.

Off course he did, ya halfwit dork. Comey is all about Comey....a showboat jackass, who tried to play both sides of the fence. The entire NY office knew about was a matter of hours before the press got it. You're not bright enough for politics....go away.
You’re a fucking retard. That’s on you. Comey did not have to tell the public he was reopening the investigation.

Off course he did, ya halfwit dork. Comey is all about Comey....a showboat jackass, who tried to play both sides of the fence. The entire NY office knew about was a matter of hours before the press got it. You're not bright enough for politics....go away.

You’re getting increasingly ignorant. Not only did Comey not have to publicly announce the investigation, doing so violated Department policy.
HURD: Director Rogers, did the NSA ever get access to the DNC hardware?

ROGERS: The NSA didn't ask for access. That's not in our job...

HURD: Good copy. So director FBI notified the DNC early, before any information was put on Wikileaks and when -- you have still been -- never been given access to any of the technical or the physical machines that were -- that were hacked by the Russians.

COMEY: That's correct although we got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this -- my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute.

The "pros" at CrowdStrike, a DNC connected, private contractor to "hip" the alphabet agencies to this alleged "hack"?? The "Washington Compost"??????????? Why not a link from the "DailyKos", lil faun????

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Poor, delusional dale, how do my ankles taste?

The Washington Post link I provided is a transcript of Comey's testimony. You lose because you can't attack his testimony so you attack the source that printed his testimony.


ROTFLMAO!!! Comey? Connected to the Hildebeast and the Clinton Foundation at the hips? That signed off on an exoneration letter (after Lynch told him to back off) before her "off the record" interview ever took place???? THAT James Comey????????

BTW, your piss poor attempt to stop me from the continuation of your ass kicking is lamer than watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.

Poor, delusional dale. As batshit crazy as ever. :cuckoo:

Riiiiight .... Comey was so tied to Hillary, that must be why he broke FBI protocol and publicly reopened the investigation about her emails after early voting had begun.


View attachment 252282

My new favorite;

Rachel Maddow Fights Back Tears After The Mueller Dud | Sparta Report
The fascist democrats have no intention of letting up. Just because the Inquisition failed doesn't mean that the vile filth of the DNC will stop their witch hunt.
So why did Mueller say he could not exonerate Trump on obstruction? That is the remaining question. Along with what about his campaign finance felony with stormy payoff? You know, what Cohen went to prison for?

Torquemada did not say any such thing. He stated that the law precluded his determination of obstruction and the ONLY the DOJ could pursue such a charge. He also said that his investigation revealed nothing to indicate obstruction.

This isn't a situation where you lost some and won some, you got the floor mopped with you. You sleazy Marxists are utterly humiliated, even if drones like you lack the awareness to grasp it.

What happened is obvious. Trump fired Rosenstein. Technically Sessions, but Rosenstein was acting AG and part of the Clinton deep state cabal. The MINUTE Barr took the post, it was all over. Two years of legally questionable acts by the Grand Inquisition Mewler-Torquemada started worrying about keeping HIMSELF out of prison. Barr obviously made it clear that anything in the report better have a SOLID legal foundation and supporting evidence, which Mewler NEVER had. So Torquemada was forced to exonerate the president.

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