The Real President Trump Will Now Emerge

Delusional dale, you’re a fucking imbecile. :eusa_doh: See if you can pay attention.... though I highly doubt it.... I never said it wasn’t significant... nor did I deny Comey shouldn’t have reopened the investigation.

See how English works now when you stretch your intellect beyond its limits in an effort to try and absorb content?

Wow, you are just bubbling over with hate and vitriol. Still suffering from losing the election, then all the other great things that have happened over the past two+ years and then, this, a REALLY, REALLY bad week.

Poor baby!
Look at how the GOP scumbags and you dupes carried on the whole Obama Administration... And you did not get cheated.

Yeah, the way the press lied about Queer Barry every day, the way the NSA spied on him, the way the FBI tried to rig an election, the way the DOJ staged an attempted coup, the way the opposition party put in a fake Inquisition based on a fake dossier they bought from Russia.

Oh wait, that's how you evil fucks have acted since you lost the election and REFUSED TO ACCEPT THE RESULTS.

everything you mention is fake news propaganda about Obama and he wasn't gay, brainwashed functional moron. And the FBI and the doj absolute conspiracy Nut Job talk. No evidence all investigated total garbage super duper. The Russians wrecked the election and the trumps acted very suspiciously. I'm glad they didn't do anything conspiracy wise but why would the Russians bother why would any of them bother to have a conspiracy? It worked great thanks to a ridiculous nonstop talk fest on cable.


What a fucking moron.

I don't really care that Obama is queer - but only a total fucking retard isn't aware that he is. David Bowie, Freddy Mercury, Liberace, and Elton John are all queer too.

As far as you other retardation and lies...

NSA documents: Trump under surveillance for years - WND - WND
Obama FBI's handling of Trump dossier is 'scandal of the decade': Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton - Judicial Watch
McCabe's shocking claims prove the bloodless coup rolls on

You really are fucking stupid.
Something my Progressive good friends are trying to ignore. Metaphorically speaking, (I have to include that or the Progressives heads will explode. It's that or wrap their heads in duct tape.) they tried to kill President Donald Trump and failed. Does anyone think he's not going to have you on his list?

Actually we wanted to get to the truth. And so did everyone else about how far the Russians went in Wrecking our election and whether trumpers helped. It could not have been more suspicious.... Luckily mobbed-up New York City real-estate failures are great at barely staying not guilty.... I certainly don't hate him, I just wish he would do the right thing instead of just parroting propaganda and giving himself tax breaks and business opportunities.
So why do we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility and benefits of any modern country, and are the only country ever to not have a tax system that is progressive at this point. great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you...


Fucking liar

You really are stupid.
Tell me one lie I just told, super duper. You do realize that 95% of the world thinks you are a totally misinformed ignoramus. If they have figured out yet that you people are brainwashed with garbage....

You lied that you "just wanted the truth?"

Fucking liar.

You DEMANDED that Trump "colluded" (whatever the fuck you think that means) with the Russians. You WANT to make it sound like "Conspiracy."

You know I can point to all your demented posts, right you raving fucking lunatic?
Poor, delusional dale, how do my ankles taste?

The Washington Post link I provided is a transcript of Comey's testimony. You lose because you can't attack his testimony so you attack the source that printed his testimony.


ROTFLMAO!!! Comey? Connected to the Hildebeast and the Clinton Foundation at the hips? That signed off on an exoneration letter (after Lynch told him to back off) before her "off the record" interview ever took place???? THAT James Comey????????

BTW, your piss poor attempt to stop me from the continuation of your ass kicking is lamer than watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.

Poor, delusional dale. As batshit crazy as ever. :cuckoo:

Riiiiight .... Comey was so tied to Hillary, that must be why he broke FBI protocol and publicly reopened the investigation about her emails after early voting had begun.


View attachment 252282

My new favorite;
View attachment 252436

Rachel Maddow Fights Back Tears After The Mueller Dud | Sparta Report

That did not happen.


Fucking liar.
Bob Mueller took the job knowing their was no collusion. how pathetic. this was not investigation, this was a coup, an attempted to find a crime, and they weren't able to!
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.


Sniff..sniff...I can hear the dulcet tones of America the Beautiful meandering through the balmy summer night....That was so eloquent Will. No seriously, it was....sniff..sniff
Sniff..sniff...I can hear the dulcet tones of America the Beautiful meandering through the balmy summer night....That was so eloquent Will. No seriously, it was....sniff..sniff

Sorry I made you cry, snowflake..."dulcet tones"? :lol:
Since he took the oath of office he's been under the most vile and vicious attacks the commiecrats and their enabling fake news merchants could muster. They've insulted and threatened his children, mocked his wife, belittled his successes and accomplishments both in business and the White House. He's been accused of molesting his daughter much lower does it get than that? And through it all he's had to deal with Putin, with China, with Iran, N.Korea, winning the war against ISIS and telling NATO to pay their bills, cleaning up NAFTA and pushing our oil and gas industry production to become world-leader. He's opened the factories closed by the cancerous "new world order" and given us our confidence back in America. All under the cloud of suspicion that he could be brought down by the coup coming from the FBI and DOJ. Now that coup has failed...the "resistance" will continue but they can't bring him down now. And now he'll be able to operate without having to watch every word he says, both eyes and his mind solely on doing his job as President. I believe we're seeing a new day in America with this President finally able, once again, to fulfill our destiny as the greatest country in the history of the world.


Sniff..sniff...I can hear the dulcet tones of America the Beautiful meandering through the balmy summer night....That was so eloquent Will. No seriously, it was....sniff..sniff

And whenever you post, I hear "The International" wafting through the cold Moscow winds...

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