Zone1 The Real Race Card

Me too. But I really wish he would be stronger, and tell Iran that if they don’t instruct HAMAS to release all hostages that we will take out one of his oil refineries.
If I was president I would make it clear that my support for Israel is unconditional, that my admiration for Jews is unbounded, and that I feel no sympathy for the Palestinians at all.
Charles Murray is not a crank because you say he is. His articles have been published in The Wall Street Journal, National Review, The New Republic, Commentary, and Atlantic, among others.
None of which would touch him with a ten-foot pole today.

He has been denounced and occasionally silenced, but never disproved. He explains the failure of The War on Poverty, Head Start, and No Child Left Behind. All you and those of your persuasion have to say about the ongoing race gap is that we have not spent enough money on those costly mistakes.

Those things failed because they were never tried. Republicans keep cutting these programs to give tax breaks to rich people, and then wonder why the problems don't get any better.

You are hardly worth responding to. Your comments reveal no learning, and little intelligence, just arrogance and hostility.

Yes, I'm very hostile to racists.... I think you need serious 're-education".

I should put you on ignore. I prefer to watch others here shower you with the contempt you deserve.

Oh, I don't care, I'll keep making fun of you. The thing is, everyone else is largely ignoring you. Being a sad little man with no friends, you need to troll to get attention. YOu just don't like people who slap back.
The three fifths compromise was progress. Before it, slaves didn’t count. The compromise was to recognizes them, even as just a percentage. It was as a stepping stone to equality.
It was also a ploy to reduce the power the former slave holding states would gain if slaves were counted as full-blown persons and citizens. Don't forget, we had just come out of a war that forced the southern states to remain in the union. If they suddenly gained a lot of power, they could accomplish by legal means what they had attempted through violence.
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If I was president I would make it clear that my support for Israel is unconditional, that my admiration for Jews is unbounded, and that I feel no sympathy for the Palestinians at all.

Good thing you aren't president, then.

We are screwing ourselves with our support of the Zionist Entity. Most of the Islamic World hates us and makes us pay at the pump for it.
It's funny how oblivious so many people are. There is a card in America that is more valuable than the Visa Platinum card. It's the white card and the white card was officially created in America as a nation starting with this:

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of this land.Included in the constitution is the three-fifths compromise. The Three- Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. It says: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Stories tell us how the so-called founders struggled for several years to figure out how much of a person blacks would count as a human. Starting in 1783, our wise and omniscient founders began to try figuring out how to count enslaved people as a population for representation. By1787, they figured it out. This ridiculous “conclusion” allowed humans to count as three-fifths of a person because they were slaves. Whites still counted as whole people.

So in 1787 the white card was created and it is now 236 years old..
Are you trying to claim that law is still in effect, that I cannot produce a law changing that?

Don't forget you've argued that Jim Crow was no different from slavery, which means that you're arguing black Americans were not fully human until the 1960's. Unless, of course, you're willing to admit Jim Crow and slavery were in fact not equal. As bad as Jim Crow was, it was NOT slavery.
Good thing you aren't president, then.

We are screwing ourselves with our support of the Zionist Entity. Most of the Islamic World hates us and makes us pay at the pump for it.
The fact that many leftists in the West support the Palestinians over Israel needs to be understood psychologically, because it does not make sense rationally. I am confident that the vast majority of pro-Palestine leftists would rather live in Israel than in any Muslim country.

In Muslim countries homosexuals are killed. Girls and women who are raped are often punished more severely than those who rape them. Women are often forbidden to leave their homes unless they are accompanied by their husbands, or a male relative. Sometimes these male relatives rape them and kill them if they get pregnant. High percentages of Muslims in come countries think those who leave the Muslim faith should be executed.
Good thing you aren't president, then.

We are screwing ourselves with our support of the Zionist Entity. Most of the Islamic World hates us and makes us pay at the pump for it.
The Islamic world has hated the west as long as there has been an Islamic World. OPEC is more than the Middle East and just uses the price of oil to enrich itself like any cartel.
Those things failed because they were never tried. Republicans keep cutting these programs to give tax breaks to rich people, and then wonder why the problems don't get any better.

The War on Poverty After 50 Years​

In his January 1964 State of the Union address, President Lyndon Johnson proclaimed, “This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America.” In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution. Yet progress against poverty, as measured by the U.S. Census Bureau, has been minimal, and in terms of President Johnson’s main goal of reducing the “causes” rather than the mere “consequences” of poverty, the War on Poverty has failed completely. In fact, a significant portion of the population is now less capable of self-sufficiency than it was when the War on Poverty began.

President Biden signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, into law on December 29, 2022. The funding level for programs under the Head Start Act (the Act) is $11,996,820,000, an increase of $960 million over fiscal year (FY) 2022. This increase includes $596 million to provide all Head Start, Early Head Start, and Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnership grant recipients a 5.6% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), $262 million for quality improvement, and $100 million for expansion of Head Start, Early Head Start, and EHS-CC Partnership programs. The total appropriation also includes $8 million for Tribal College and University Head Start (TCU-HS) Partnership programs, of which $2 million is an increase over the FY 2022 funding level.
Oh, I don't care, I'll keep making fun of you. The thing is, everyone else is largely ignoring you. Being a sad little man with no friends, you need to troll to get attention. YOu just don't like people who slap back.

I have been here since February 28, 2023. During this time I have submitted 4,480 comments, and received 2,297 up votes. That is about half as many up votes as comments.

You have been here since July 11, 2011. During this time you have submitted 160,270 comments, and received 27,402 up votes. You have received less than one fifth as many up votes as comments.

Your specialty is insults. I prefer to prove that your comments are not true.

You are beneath my attention. Nevertheless I remember the saying:

When the lunatic raved in the public square no one responded, proving that the lunatic's case was irrefutable.
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The fact that many leftists in the West support the Palestinians over Israel needs to be understood psychologically, because it does not make sense rationally. I am confident that the vast majority of pro-Palestine leftists would rather live in Israel than in any Muslim country.

Actually, it makes PERFECT sense.

If you are pro-Peace, then supporting the country that causes 90% of the wars in the Middle East is stupid.

If you are anti-Colonialist, as any sensible person should be today, Supporting the last Colonial nation is foolish.

Actually, there's no other nation I'd rather live in, than the US, even Canada or the UK.

In Muslim countries homosexuals are killed. Girls and women who are raped are often punished more severely than those who rape them. Women are often forbidden to leave their homes unless they are accompanied by their husbands, or a male relative. Sometimes these male relatives rape them and kill them if they get pregnant. High percentages of Muslims in come countries think those who leave the Muslim faith should be executed.
Are there any other tired Islamophobic tirades you want to trot out? Saying which God-botherers are worse when they get their way is a pointless argument. You can't have a rational discussion with ANYONE who thinks God endorses his actions. It's why the eradication of religion would be a net positive for humanity.

You see, I'm old enough when the Zionists convinced Americans that the Palestinians were all GODLESS COMMIES who loved Russia!!! Today they are all fanatic Muslims who love Iran! Anything but addressing what they actually are, an indigenous people who have been exploited by colonizers.

I have been here since February 28, 2023. During this time I have submitted 4,480 comments, and received 2,297 up votes.
This is how I can tell you are a millennial. Adults don't care about likes or upvotes.

(The main reason why I don't get upvotes is I don't give them. It's a waste of time.)

Your specialty is insults. I prefer to prove that your comments are not true.

By repeating outdated debunked social Darwinism. Tell you what, when a real university starts studying your stuff and does a peer reviewed paper on it, let me know.

You are beneath my attention. Nevertheless I remember the saying:

When the lunatic raved in the public square no one responded, proving that the lunatic's case was irrefutable.
Tell you what, Buddy, let's go into the public square, and watch which one of us gets tarred and feathered by an angry crowd first.

The War on Poverty After 50 Years​

In his January 1964 State of the Union address, President Lyndon Johnson proclaimed, “This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America.” In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution. Yet progress against poverty, as measured by the U.S. Census Bureau, has been minimal, and in terms of President Johnson’s main goal of reducing the “causes” rather than the mere “consequences” of poverty, the War on Poverty has failed completely. In fact, a significant portion of the population is now less capable of self-sufficiency than it was when the War on Poverty began.

That's the point. We didn't fight the war on poverty. 22 Trillion over 50 years is less than 500 billion a year. Ending poverty was never the goal. Quick, let's yank that food out of the poor kid's mouth, we have Dressage Horses for the rich to buy!

Reality, the majority of poor people in this country are WHITE.
That's the point. We didn't fight the war on poverty. 22 Trillion over 50 years is less than 500 billion a year. Ending poverty was never the goal. Quick, let's yank that food out of the poor kid's mouth, we have Dressage Horses for the rich to buy!

Reality, the majority of poor people in this country are WHITE.
Your response demonstrates how impossible it is to try to reason with you. Ronald Reagan put it well when he said, "We fought poverty and we lost."

Blacks are disproportionately poor. What matters is that the War on Poverty has spend an enormous amount of money on poor blacks without the kinds of social changes that would have made welfare politically sustaining. All we have bought for our money and with our generosity is a huge and parasitical underclass that supports itself with welfare checks and the gains of criminal activity.
Actually, it makes PERFECT sense.

If you are pro-Peace, then supporting the country that causes 90% of the wars in the Middle East is stupid.
The Arabs cause the wars. All Israel wants to do is to survive and thrive at the oasis in the middle of a vast desert of primitive and horrifying barbarism.
Are there any other tired Islamophobic tirades you want to trot out? Saying which God-botherers are worse when they get their way is a pointless argument. You can't have a rational discussion with ANYONE who thinks God endorses his actions. It's why the eradication of religion would be a net positive for humanity.
This is what Israel has to live next to:


"Reputation is Everything": Honor Killing Among the Palestinians​

by James Emery

In the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, women are executed in their homes, in open fields, and occasionally in public, sometimes before crowds of cheering onlookers.

Some Palestinian women, facing a loss of honor and certain death, have been offered a chance "to die with dignity" by strapping on explosives and killing Israelis.

In some areas, a Palestinian woman is required to have a male relative accompany her whenever she leaves the home. Unfortunately, her male "guardian" -- father, brother, uncle, or cousin -- may be a sexual predator who rapes her. Should she become pregnant, he will publicly condemn her for dishonoring the family after killing both her and their unborn child. Last year, seventeen-year-old Afaf Younes was killed by her father, who had allegedly been sexually molesting her. Afaf had tried to escape his sexual abuse by running away, but she was caught and returned to her father. He then shot her in the name of honor.

A sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl became pregnant after being raped by her younger brother. Once her condition became known, her family encouraged her older brother to kill her to remove the blemish from their honor. Her brothers, the rapist and the murderer, were exonerated. The girl was blamed. "She made a mistake," said one of her male cousins. "She had to pay for it."


Christians and Jews do not behave that way, JoeB131. Muslims, especially Palestinians, frequently do. Stop asserting moral equivalence where it does not exist.
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You see, I'm old enough when the Zionists convinced Americans that the Palestinians were all GODLESS COMMIES who loved Russia!!! Today they are all fanatic Muslims who love Iran! Anything but addressing what they actually are, an indigenous people who have been exploited by colonizers.
I was alive back then too. I do not remember a single Zionist who said that Palestinians were atheistic Communists.
This is how I can tell you are a millennial. Adults don't care about likes or upvotes.

(The main reason why I don't get upvotes is I don't give them. It's a waste of time.)
You said no one here likes me. I proved you wrong. You are always making bases assertions like that.
By repeating outdated debunked social Darwinism. Tell you what, when a real university starts studying your stuff and does a peer reviewed paper on it, let me know.
You still have not showed evidence that any books Steven J. Gould wrote were peer reviewed. Gould has been condemned for falsifying evidence that when whites and Negroes are the same size whites tend to have larger brains. In the nineteenth century Samuel Morton used led shot to demonstrate that blacks tended to have smaller brains than whites.

Contemporary scientists have used lead shot, and more advanced methods to demonstrate that it really is true that when blacks and whites are the same size, whites tend to have larger brains.

I have demonstrated on several occasions right here on the U.S. Message Board that whites tend to perform better on intelligence tests than blacks, even when blacks come from more affluent families.
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Tell you what, Buddy, let's go into the public square, and watch which one of us gets tarred and feathered by an angry crowd first.
You have admitted that Ronald Reagan - who I voted against, by the way - owed his popularity largely to white racism. There are plenty of areas in the United States where, if you and I had a public debate about black social pathology, I might need to call the police to keep you from being killed.
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Your response demonstrates how impossible it is to try to reason with you. Ronald Reagan put it well when he said, "We fought poverty and we lost."
Do you mean the Ronald Reagan who stripped social programs, gave tax breaks to billionaires and squandered hundreds of billions on weapons that didn't work?

Good presidents buy houses; bad presidents buy bombs.

Blacks are disproportionately poor.
Because, again, 400 years of institutionalized racism. And when they are successful, white people tried to destroy them, from burning down Tulsa in 1921 to framing Michael Jackson.

What matters is that the War on Poverty has spend an enormous amount of money on poor blacks without the kinds of social changes that would have made welfare politically sustaining. All we have bought for our money and with our generosity is a huge and parasitical underclass that supports itself with welfare checks and the gains of criminal activity.

Except it wasn't an "enormous" amount of money; it was less than 2% of GDP. 500 billion a year in a 26 TRILLION dollar economy is a joke.

The Arabs cause the wars. All Israel wants to do is to survive and thrive at the oasis in the middle of a vast desert of primitive and horrifying barbarism.

Why can't they do that in Europe? Oh, that's right, because supposedly Civilized White Christian Europeans tried to turn them into lampshades and bars of soap.

This is what Israel has to live next to:

Again, WHY do they choose to live next to that? I have a very simple solution to the problem. Let's give them Wyoming as the Jewish Homeland. It would be cheaper than spending hundreds of billions yearly playing hall monitors in the Middle East.

On the other point, where you whine about "honor killings" (which don't really happen that often, and are often punished when they do.) You are the one who gets on here day after fucking day complaining about "Illegitimacy" being "proof" of non-white inferiority. Yet here are a non-white people using a rather drastic measure to prevent it, and you are upset about that, too.

You seem to have some serious sexual hangups, dude. Makes me wonder if you are one of those watching those TradWives videos.

Christians and Jews do not behave that way, JoeB131. Muslims, especially Palestinians, frequently do. Stop asserting moral equivalence where it does not exist.

No, Christians engage in colonialism, genocide, and imperialism. Once again, the Jews had no interest in moving back to Palestine until Hitler tried to eradicate them (with all of Europe cheering him on.)

I was alive back then too. I do not remember a single Zionist who said that Palestinians were atheistic Communists.
Then you clearly weren't around back then, when the Zionists clearly cast their conflict with the PLO within the framework of the Cold War. This is when the US went from being largely neutral in the conflict (Truman reluctantly recognizing Israel, Ike snapping back Israel during the Suez Crisis, the US staying out of the Six-Day war, and the USS Liberty getting bombed for our troubles.) to being full on supporters of Israel in the Yom Kippur War, where Jew Kissinger decided to send arms to save them.
You said no one here likes me.
No one does... you're a cockroach.
You still have not showed evidence that any books Steven J. Gould wrote were peer reviewed.
yes, I did. His university is glad to claim him, while no one wants to be caught having a beer with Murray or Jensen.
I have demonstrated on several occasions right here on the U.S. Message Board that whites tend to perform better on intelligence tests than blacks, even when blacks come from more affluent families.
From some shit you dug up on a racist website. We've already established those tests are racially biased, it's why 80% of universities no longer require them.
You have admitted that Ronald Reagan - who I voted against, by the way - owed his popularity largely to white racism.
Yes, the problem is only one of us sees that as a bad thing. We live in a country that was built on slavery, genocide and systematic racism. We should be embarrassed by that and try to fix it.

So Reagan played on the racism of the white working class and then fucked them over by busting unions, signing bad trade deals, and dismantling programs, including middle class entitlements.

Do you know when I stopped being Republican? It was when I realized that my lesbian Hispanic coworker was really in the same boat I'm in.

There are plenty of areas in the United States where, if you and I had a public debate about black social pathology, I might need to call the police to keep you from being killed.

Um, yeah, but those are places where people's family trees don't fork.
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Do you mean the Ronald Reagan who stripped social programs, gave tax breaks to billionaires and squandered hundreds of billions on weapons that didn't work?
Yes, I mean that Ronald Reagan, who I voted against in 1980 and 1984,

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