Zone1 The Real Race Card

Because, again, 400 years of institutionalized racism. And when they are successful, white people tried to destroy them, from burning down Tulsa in 1921 to framing Michael Jackson.

American Negroes are more affluent than Negroes in Africa and the Caribbean. That is because they have enjoyed the benefits of white civilization.

They tend to be less affluent than whites and Orientals in the United States because human evolution has not prepared most of them for the intellectual and social demands of civilization.

What happened in Tulsa happened a long time ago. Currently successful Negroes are celebrated by whites.
Do you know when I stopped being Republican? It was when I realized that my lesbian Hispanic coworker was really in the same boat I'm in.
Of all the bizarre things you've written, this might be the topper. Would you care to explain why you feel you were in "the same boat" as a lesbian Hispanic and why that compelled you to stop being a Republican Joe?
Except it wasn't an "enormous" amount of money; it was less than 2% of GDP. 500 billion a year in a 26 TRILLION dollar economy is a joke.
Texas Public Policy Foundation

Nationally, about $25 trillion (adjusted for inflation) have been spent to combat poverty since 1964 when President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty engendered the Great Society. However, the country’s poverty rate was declining before 1964 but remained virtually unchanged since then, suggesting a failure of these redistributionist measures.

Why can't they do that in Europe? Oh, that's right, because supposedly Civilized White Christian Europeans tried to turn them into lampshades and bars of soap.

The heaviest blow that struck Christianity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew.

- Adolf Hitler, from Hitler's Table Talk 1941 - 1944: His Private Conversations


"I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization...

- Winston Churchill, in a speech before the House of Commons, June 18, 1940
Again, WHY do they choose to live next to that? I have a very simple solution to the problem. Let's give them Wyoming as the Jewish Homeland. It would be cheaper than spending hundreds of billions yearly playing hall monitors in the Middle East.
Anyone who has read the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, as I have in eight English translations, knows that for the Jews possession of the Land of Israel is as important as personal salvation is for Christians.
Then you clearly weren't around back then, when the Zionists clearly cast their conflict with the PLO within the framework of the Cold War.
You said that Zionists called Palestinians "goodless Communists." Quote a Zionist making that claim.
No one does... you're a cockroach.
CondescendingSmile 5.jpg

It would be redundant for me to say what you are. Your comments condemn you.
1) don't believe you're that old, little boy.
2) If Ronald Reagan used race to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests, shame on them, really

There sure were a lot of white racists back then. There still are a lot of white racists.
Anyone who has read the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, as I have in eight English translations, knows that for the Jews possession of the Land of Israel is as important as personal salvation is for Christians.

Then they are both stupid. As stupid as a Muslim blowing himself up to get 76 Virgins. Religion is a scourge.

You said that Zionists called Palestinians "goodless Communists." Quote a Zionist making that claim.
They conflated their struggle with Palestine and the Arabs with our struggle with the USSR, always happy to point out that they carried Russian AKs.

Again, I realize you aren't old enough to remember that.

American Negroes are more affluent than Negroes in Africa and the Caribbean. That is because they have enjoyed the benefits of white civilization.
No, it just means they didn't get victimized in the same way by Colonial abuse. I guess Africans consider themselves lucky compared to Native Americans, Indians, or Aboriginees.. as their contact with white people was short.
They tend to be less affluent than whites and Orientals in the United States because human evolution has not prepared most of them for the intellectual and social demands of civilization.
You obviously don't understand how evolution works, buddy. If any race is likely to face "Natural Selection" in the future, it's going to be white folks. We aren't even reproducing at replacement rates.

What happened in Tulsa happened a long time ago. Currently successful Negroes are celebrated by whites.
Are they though> I watched white people completely lose their shit because a black man became president.
Nationally, about $25 trillion (adjusted for inflation) have been spent to combat poverty since 1964 when President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty engendered the Great Society. However, the country’s poverty rate was declining before 1964 but remained virtually unchanged since then, suggesting a failure of these redistributionist measures.
Oh, wait, it's 25 Trillion now and not 50 trillion?

It isn't just the poor who have failed to make progress since 1964, it's white middle class people who are falling behind. I would love to have my Dad's life. Good union job, protections at work, enough money to raise five kids and afford vacation property.

Now, in many ways, that was an artificial situation created by the fact the US was the only country to come out of WWII relatively unscathed.

When other countries started to catch back up, we were screwed.
There sure were a lot of white racists back then. There still are a lot of white racists.
Yes, but thankfully you are a dying breed, Cockroach.

The heaviest blow that struck Christianity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew.

- Adolf Hitler, from Hitler's Table Talk 1941 - 1944: His Private Conversations
That book was proven to be a fraud. Hitler was totally on board with Christianity. He loved him some Jesus.
Of all the bizarre things you've written, this might be the topper. Would you care to explain why you feel you were in "the same boat" as a lesbian Hispanic and why that compelled you to stop being a Republican Joe?

I've told this story many times.

But the short version. I was a Republican up until 2008. Then I had medical issues and my boss decided to "quiet fire" me by putting me in a position that had little to do with my job specialty. When I pointed out I had been with the company longer than anyone else, put THEM in the bullshit position, his response was "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

Now, one of my dearest friends is a Hispanic Lesbian. She got fired from a previous job because the boss found out she was gay.

In a Democrat world, neither one of us would have been fired, because there would be protection for workers.

All this bullshit about race, religion, and sexuality is how they keep us all fighting against the real enemy.
Texas Public Policy Foundation

Nationally, about $25 trillion (adjusted for inflation) have been spent to combat poverty since 1964 when President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty engendered the Great Society. However, the country’s poverty rate was declining before 1964 but remained virtually unchanged since then, suggesting a failure of these redistributionist measures.

The "War On Poverty" has been as spectacular a failure as the "War On Drugs".
JoeB131 thinks the War on Poverty failed because we did not spend enough money on it.

Part of the reason. The other part of it that it gave no incentive to improve your situation.

One of my resume clients is a white guy on a disability. He's getting Section 8 housing and monthly disability checks. But he has to limit how much he can work because all those benefits vanish if he hits a certain dollar amount.

There should be incentives to transition people from welfare to work, but that is failing in some ways.

But we spend five times as much on Middle Class Entitlements than we do on Welfare.
[Hitler's Table Talk] was proven to be a fraud. Hitler was totally on board with Christianity. He loved him some Jesus.

Albert Speer, who was the Minister of Armaments for Germany, confirmed the authenticity of Picker's German edition in his Spandau diaries.[16] Speer stated that Hitler often spoke at length about his favorite subjects while dinner guests were reduced to silent listeners. In the presence of his "superiors by birth and education" Hitler made a sincere effort to "present his thoughts in as impressive manner as possible".[16] Speer noted that "we must remember that this collection includes only those passages in Hitler's monologues—they took up one to two hours every day—which struck Picker as significant.

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Albert Speer, who was the Minister of Armaments for Germany, confirmed the authenticity of Picker's German edition in his Spandau diaries.[16] Speer stated that Hitler often spoke at length about his favorite subjects while dinner guests were reduced to silent listeners.
Um, Speer was a convicted Nazi War Criminal, I wouldn't take anything he had to say at face value.

I know you get upset when people criticize your hero Adolf.
Um, Speer was a convicted Nazi War Criminal, I wouldn't take anything he had to say at face value.

I know you get upset when people criticize your hero Adolf.
That is a small matter. You refuse to accept facts you do not want to believe.

I read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine. Hitler had good insight into social psychology and political propaganda.

In Mein Kampf Hitler claimed that Jews were intelligent and evil. I agree that Jews are intelligent. I disagree that they are evil.

Your excuse for disliking Jews is that you say they claim to be God's chosen people. I have never heard or read a Jew making that claim. I make that claim for them.

God gifted his Chosen with the superior intelligence that has enabled them to be the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population.
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That is a small matter. You refuse to accept facts you do not want to believe.

I read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine. Hitler had good insight into social psychology and political propaganda.

No, he really didn't. He dragged his country into a war they couldn't possibly win, and inflicted untold misery on the world.

Your excuse for disliking Jews is that you say they claim to be God's chosen people. I have never heard or read a Jew making that claim. I make that claim for them.
No, they just act that way... and then wonder why they wear out their welcome.

God gifted his Chosen with the superior intelligence that has enabled them to be the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population.
Then why did he let half of them get turned into lampshades and bars of soap? That doesn't sound very smart to me.

The sooner humanity disabuses itself of the notion of "God", the better off it will be.
No, he really didn't. He dragged his country into a war they couldn't possibly win, and inflicted untold misery on the world.

No, they just act that way... and then wonder why they wear out their welcome.

Then why did he let half of them get turned into lampshades and bars of soap? That doesn't sound very smart to me.

The sooner humanity disabuses itself of the notion of "God", the better off it will be.

The Jews are humble about their obvious superiority. Many even pretend to disagree with Charles Murray and Professor J. Philippe Rushton.

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