Zone1 The Real Race Card

I think IM2 is black. That does not make his comments any less pathetic. He is a black man blaming whites for the problems in his life, and for the fact that so many blacks are in prison and in slums.

A high percentage of blacks are in prison because blacks have sky high crime rates. A high percentage of blacks live in slums because blacks have sagging IQ averages. When affirmative action in employment comes to an end, and as our economy requires more intelligence to earn a good income, the poverty of blacks will increase. It will be necessary to subdue that race with a much harsher criminal justice system.
IM2 should be ashamed of himself for wailing about how awful racism is while we have Americans celebrating the torture and slaughter of innocent Jews, are marching en masse shouting “Kill the Jews!,” and are so threatening Jews to such an extent that they, the Jews, are locked in a library for their own safety while the mob of Jew-haters pound on the doors.
IM2 should be ashamed of himself for wailing about how awful racism is while we have Americans celebrating the torture and slaughter of innocent Jews, are marching en masse shouting “Kill the Jews!,” and are so threatening Jews to such an extent that they, the Jews, are locked in a library for their own safety while the mob of Jew-haters pound on the doors.
Those who hate blacks hate them because of the high black crime rate, and because they do not want their tax money to support illegitimate black children on welfare.

Those who hate Jews hate them because they resent Jewish intelligence, success, and prosperity. I admire Jews for those reasons, and for additional reasons.


ABCNews, October 24, 2023

What Americans think about the war in Israel-Gaza​

And most Americans side with Israel in the conflict, according to the polls. The exact numbers vary widely, but across five recent polls, between three and five times as many Americans said they sympathized with Israelis than said they sympathized with Palestinians.

Those who hate blacks hate them because of the high black crime rate, and because they do not want their tax money to support illegitimate black children on welfare.

Those who hate Jews hate them because they resent Jewish intelligence, success, and prosperity. I admire Jews for those reasons, and for additional reasons.


ABCNews, October 24, 2023

What Americans think about the war in Israel-Gaza​

And most Americans side with Israel in the conflict, according to the polls. The exact numbers vary widely, but across five recent polls, between three and five times as many Americans said they sympathized with Israelis than said they sympathized with Palestinians.

The problem is that with the young group - 18 to 24 year olds - about half say the barbaric slaughter of Jews by HAMAS terrorists was justified. We have an entire generation who think it’s OK to kill Jews.
The problem is that with the young group - 18 to 24 year olds - about half say the barbaric slaughter of Jews by HAMAS terrorists was justified. We have an entire generation who think it’s OK to kill Jews.
Can you post a poll that shows that half of people from 18 to 24 think the Hamas attack was justified?

When emotions are high facts are important.
Lisa, it is ironic that leftists in the West are sympathetic for Muslims. Everything the Left hates about the religious right is far more true of Muslims.


"Reputation is Everything": Honor Killing Among the Palestinians​

by James Emery

In the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, women are executed in their homes, in open fields, and occasionally in public, sometimes before crowds of cheering onlookers. Honor killings account for virtually all of the murders of Palestinian women in these areas...

"A woman shamed is like rotting flesh," a Palestinian merchant tells me. "If it is not cut away, it will consume the body. What I mean is the whole family will be tainted if she is not killed."...

Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are blamed on the woman. Men are presumed innocent; the woman must have tempted him into raping her or enticed him into having an affair. A woman is expected to protect her honor, even at the cost of her own life. If she survives a violent rape, she is condemned for her "mistake" and may be killed by her family...

Some Palestinian women, facing a loss of honor and certain death, have been offered a chance "to die with dignity" by strapping on explosives and killing Israelis...

In some areas, a Palestinian woman is required to have a male relative accompany her whenever she leaves the home. Unfortunately, her male "guardian" -- father, brother, uncle, or cousin -- may be a sexual predator who rapes her. Should she become pregnant, he will publicly condemn her for dishonoring the family after killing both her and their unborn child...

A sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl became pregnant after being raped by her younger brother. Once her condition became known, her family encouraged her older brother to kill her to remove the blemish from their honor. Her brothers, the rapist and the murderer, were exonerated. The girl was blamed. "She made a mistake," said one of her male cousins. "She had to pay for it."

Can you post a poll that shows that half of people from 18 to 24 think the Hamas attack was justified?

When emotions are high facts are important.
Here it is. Half of the young adults in America polled believed the barbaric torture and murder of 1400 innocent Jews - including little children and babies - was justified.

And 61% of those polled say it was a genocide. So the majority acknowledge that the Islamic terrorists’ hunting down and murder of Jews was indeed a genocide, but still 51% think it’s justified!

Jews are in deep trouble when liberal universities have brainwashed their students into thinking it’s OK to genocide Jews.

Lisa, it is ironic that leftists in the West are sympathetic for Muslims. Everything the Left hates about the religious right is far more true of Muslims.


"Reputation is Everything": Honor Killing Among the Palestinians​

by James Emery

In the Palestinian communities of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel, and Jordan, women are executed in their homes, in open fields, and occasionally in public, sometimes before crowds of cheering onlookers. Honor killings account for virtually all of the murders of Palestinian women in these areas...

"A woman shamed is like rotting flesh," a Palestinian merchant tells me. "If it is not cut away, it will consume the body. What I mean is the whole family will be tainted if she is not killed."...

Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are blamed on the woman. Men are presumed innocent; the woman must have tempted him into raping her or enticed him into having an affair. A woman is expected to protect her honor, even at the cost of her own life. If she survives a violent rape, she is condemned for her "mistake" and may be killed by her family...

Some Palestinian women, facing a loss of honor and certain death, have been offered a chance "to die with dignity" by strapping on explosives and killing Israelis...

In some areas, a Palestinian woman is required to have a male relative accompany her whenever she leaves the home. Unfortunately, her male "guardian" -- father, brother, uncle, or cousin -- may be a sexual predator who rapes her. Should she become pregnant, he will publicly condemn her for dishonoring the family after killing both her and their unborn child...

A sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl became pregnant after being raped by her younger brother. Once her condition became known, her family encouraged her older brother to kill her to remove the blemish from their honor. Her brothers, the rapist and the murderer, were exonerated. The girl was blamed. "She made a mistake," said one of her male cousins. "She had to pay for it."

These are savage people. I wish Biden would stop painting them as innocent and good.
Here it is. Half of the young adults in America polled believed the barbaric torture and murder of 1400 innocent Jews - including little children and babies - was justified.

And 61% of those polled say it was a genocide. So the majority acknowledge that the Islamic terrorists’ hunting down and murder of Jews was indeed a genocide, but still 51% think it’s justified!

Jews are in deep trouble when liberal universities have brainwashed their students into thinking it’s OK to genocide Jews.

That is really revolting.
I appreciate the fact that President Biden is helping Israel against Hamas.
Me too. But I really wish he would be stronger, and tell Iran that if they don’t instruct HAMAS to release all hostages that we will take out one of his oil refineries.
Here we have 2 posts from people playing the white card while trying to say there isn't one.

Cognitive dissonance.
We find that among white Americans, more than a quarter express traditional racist attitudes, whereas more than half endorse more contemporary and implicit forms of racist ideology.

Racism can be defined as the ways in which individuals are privileged or disadvantaged, overtly and covertly, on a macro and micro level, based on perceived biological and cultural differences between groups, most often relative to skin color. Based on this definition, racism can result from the actions of individuals or institutions and can unfold in ways that are both intentional and unintentional. These distinctions may seem unnecessarily precise, but they have enormous implications for the promotion of health equity. Although many Americans still envision racism as individual prejudice, reminiscent of the Jim Crow era, racism has evolved to take on many different forms, some of which may be barely recognizable as racism. Each form has critical implications for understanding and addressing public health challenges such as COVID-19.

Sociologists have developed various theories of racism that seek to explain how and why whites have continued to preserve their power.3–10 These studies have helped to explain the shift from old-fashioned Jim Crow era biological explanations of racial inferiority to modern justifications for blacks' subservient group position. In addition, they have contributed to developing a better understanding of the harms of contemporary racial ideology that downplays the existence of racism at all.

Building on these theories, Adrienne Milner developed an operational typology of white racial ideology that encompasses old-fashioned racism—characterized by the belief that blacks are inherently inferior to whites; institutional/systemic racism—inequities rooted in the practice of social and political institutions; symbolic racism—the belief that black people are responsible for their disadvantaged social position; laissez-faire racism—the notion that blacks' cultural inferiority is to blame for racial inequality; and color-blind racism—the belief that racism and discrimination are no longer a problem and that equal opportunity exists.

The majority of white Americans possess more racist than less racist attitudes (Table 1). Although only roughly 25% of the sample expressed more old-fashioned racist attitudes, for all other types of racism, more than half of the respondents had scores representing racist attitudes. We found that white Americans were most likely to hold racial attitudes aligned with contemporary theories of racism such as symbolic racism (67.9% of the sample), followed by color-blind racism (64% of the sample), and laissez-faire racism (63.2% of the sample).

This profile highlights that those holding old-fashioned racist attitudes on average have a lower socioeconomic status in terms of education and household income than those exhibiting other types of racist attitudes. Conversely, those adopting color-blind racist attitudes tend to have a higher socioeconomic status than those who exhibit other types of racist attitudes. Across all types of racism, self-identified Republicans are much more likely to hold more racist attitudes than Democrats, with independents falling in the middle. Republicans are nearly three times as likely to adopt institutional racist attitudes, and more than two times likely to adopt symbolic and color-blind racist attitudes than their Democrat counterparts.



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Here we have 2 posts from people playing the white card while trying to say there isn't one.

Cognitive dissonance.
My white privilege consists of the fact that when I enter a store the sales clerks do not nervously watch my every movement. When I get on an elevator the women do not get off. People do not cross the street to avoid my approach. People who do not know me assume that I am reasonably intelligent.

My white privilege has been collectively earned. most whites are intelligent and law abiding.
Racism can be defined as the ways in which individuals are privileged or disadvantaged, overtly and covertly, on a macro and micro level, based on perceived biological and cultural differences between groups, most often relative to skin color.
As the term "racism" is currently used "racism" can be defined as the recognition that most Negroes are less intelligent and sexually responsible than most whites and Orientals, and that many blacks are dangerous and criminal.
Here we have 2 posts from people playing the white card while trying to say there isn't one.

Cognitive dissonance.
And here we have a post from a black racist who talks as if bigotry against blacks is the worst thing ever while refusing to acknowledge that the targeting and torturing of 1400 innocent Jews was such a revolting display of bigotry that the murderers could barely be considered human. He calls it playing the Jew card, or not real antisemitism, or whatever.
And scary if you’re Jewish.

I think it’s even worse in England. I have plans to go there next year, and I will leave my Star of David necklace at home - assuming I don’t cancel the trip completely.
Hate crimes against Muslims and Negroes have gone up too. Whites are responsible for most of the hate crimes.

A young black man committed a hate crime against me. No, it was not JoeB131's friend Jamal. No girl or woman I have ever dated would accept a date with ghetto garbage like Jamal.
That is really revolting.

Here it is. Half of the young adults in America polled believed the barbaric torture and murder of 1400 innocent Jews - including little children and babies - was justified.

And 61% of those polled say it was a genocide. So the majority acknowledge that the Islamic terrorists’ hunting down and murder of Jews was indeed a genocide, but still 51% think it’s justified!

Jews are in deep trouble when liberal universities have brainwashed their students into thinking it’s OK to genocide Jews.

It is demented that so many young people hate the most accomplished 0.2% percent of the human population, while so many young people - usually the same bunch - idealize a race with low average intelligence and high rates of crime and illegitimacy.
It is demented that so many young people hate the most accomplished 0.2% percent of the human population, while so many young people - usually the same bunch - idealize a race with low average intelligence and high rates of crime and illegitimacy.
I hate to say it, because you’re a liberal and won’t like it, but it’s because liberals* divide people into “oppressors” and “oppressed.” They hold in contempt successful, hard-working, motivated people by seeing them as oppressors, and the lowlife failures as oppressed.

* You will note that the worst of this is coming from liberal schools.

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