Zone1 The Real Race Card

Some people may ask about the types of racist acts I commit. For example: I have a black neighbor. We are friends which is in and of itself racist. Well what I do is every time he has a job interview for a job paying more than minimum wage, I tie his shoe strings together, he walks so goofy, they don’t want to hire him. Once he competed in a car show and I painted a penis on the hood of his car. Judges at the car show didn’t know what to do. Of course he lost. Every time my black neighbor tries to succeed at anything I make sure he is stopped. It just really makes my life better when Black people fail and white people succeed. So I take every chance I can to do racist things. I know I shouldn’t but I can’t stop. It’s an obsession.
It's funny how oblivious so many people are. There is a card in America that is more valuable than the Visa Platinum card. It's the white card and the white card was officially created in America as a nation starting with this:

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of this land.Included in the constitution is the three-fifths compromise. The Three- Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. It says: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Stories tell us how the so-called founders struggled for several years to figure out how much of a person blacks would count as a human. Starting in 1783, our wise and omniscient founders began to try figuring out how to count enslaved people as a population for representation. By1787, they figured it out. This ridiculous “conclusion” allowed humans to count as three-fifths of a person because they were slaves. Whites still counted as whole people.

So in 1787 the white card was created and it is now 236 years old..
The historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University estimate that 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. The sad truth is that without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred.
Historians from Africa like Walter Rodney say this:

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions!
Walter Rodney

Things were not as simple as your comments make them. For example, Africans would enslave criminals as punishment for crime. Or they were war captives. And you have the introduction of guns by whites who would arm tribes in return for captives. In some cases when tribal members refused to sell the slaves, they would get killed. And yes there were a few sellouts who made agreements, specifically the Kingdom of Dahomey, but that really was not the norm. So things just are not so simple as many of the comments made by members here.

And then you have this.

“According to database-backed estimates by David Eltis and David Richardson, only about 389,000 kidnapped Africans were disembarked in the ports of the present-day United States, the majority of them before independence.”“By 1860, those few hundred thousand Africans had given way to four million African Americans.”
Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry

According to this information , 389,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860, there were four million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860, the number of slaves increased by at least one thousand percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them.

The white controlled slave breeding "industry" IN AMERICA created 10 times more blacks than the number that came from Africans who "sold other Africans".

So you guys really need to stop the gaslighting.
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Historians from Africa like Walter Rodney say this:

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions!
Walter Rodney

Things were not as simple as your comments make them. For example, Africans would enslave criminals as punishment for crime. Or they were war captives. And you have the introduction of guns by whites who would arm tribes in return for captives. In some cases when tribal members refused to sell the slaves, they would get killed. And yes there were a few sellouts who made agreements, specifically the Kingdom of Dahomey, but that really was not the norm. So things just are not so simple as many of the comments made by members here.

And then you have this.

“According to database-backed estimates by David Eltis and DavidRichardson, only about 389,000 kidnapped Africans were disembarked in the ports of the present-day United States, the majority of them before independence.”“By 1860, those few hundred thousand Africans had givenway to four million African Americans.”
Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry

According to this information , 389,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860, there were four million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860, the number of slaves increased by at least one thousand percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them.

The white controlled slave breeding "industry" IN AMERICA created 10 times more blacks than the number that came from Africans who "sold other Africans".

So you guys really need to stop the gaslighting.
I think Whites outbred black slaves by a significant margin. The increase in the population of black slaves indicates that births outnumbered deaths by a large margin.
Historians from Africa like Walter Rodney say this:

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions!
Walter Rodney

Things were not as simple as your comments make them. For example, Africans would enslave criminals as punishment for crime. Or they were war captives. And you have the introduction of guns by whites who would arm tribes in return for captives. In some cases when tribal members refused to sell the slaves, they would get killed. And yes there were a few sellouts who made agreements, specifically the Kingdom of Dahomey, but that really was not the norm. So things just are not so simple as many of the comments made by members here.

And then you have this.

“According to database-backed estimates by David Eltis and David Richardson, only about 389,000 kidnapped Africans were disembarked in the ports of the present-day United States, the majority of them before independence.”“By 1860, those few hundred thousand Africans had given way to four million African Americans.”
Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry

According to this information , 389,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860, there were four million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860, the number of slaves increased by at least one thousand percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for approximately 389 thousand slaves. What about the 3.1-4 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them.

The white controlled slave breeding "industry" IN AMERICA created 10 times more blacks than the number that came from Africans who "sold other Africans".

So you guys really need to stop the gaslighting.
It's funny how oblivious so many people are. There is a card in America that is more valuable than the Visa Platinum card. It's the white card and the white card was officially created in America as a nation starting with this:

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of this land.Included in the constitution is the three-fifths compromise. The Three- Fifths Compromise is found in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. It says: “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Stories tell us how the so-called founders struggled for several years to figure out how much of a person blacks would count as a human. Starting in 1783, our wise and omniscient founders began to try figuring out how to count enslaved people as a population for representation. By1787, they figured it out. This ridiculous “conclusion” allowed humans to count as three-fifths of a person because they were slaves. Whites still counted as whole people.

So in 1787 the white card was created and it is now 236 years old..
Thank you. Well said.
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Thank you. Well said.
No it’s not well said. The Southern states wanted their property (slaves) counted the same as whites for only the purposes of the census. In every other way they wanted them counted as animals, not people. The Northern states didn’t want slaves counted at all since they were property. Due to the numerical advantage, the slave states got more than half of what they wanted and that gave them control of the federal government until the eighteen fifties.
No it’s not well said. The Southern states wanted their property (slaves) counted the same as whites for only the purposes of the census. In every other way they wanted them counted as animals, not people. The Northern states didn’t want slaves counted at all since they were property. Due to the numerical advantage, the slave states got more than half of what they wanted and that gave them control of the federal government until the eighteen fifties.
That's why Abraham Lincoln knew he had to teach those Southerners a lesson.
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And the excuses flow. Blacks were whole human beings and the fact whites did what they did was based on race and that's playing the race card according to all of you. Whites invented the race card and have consistently played it during the entirety of the history of this country.
And the excuses flow. Blacks were whole human beings and the fact whites did what they did was based on race and that's playing the race card according to all of you. Whites invented the race card and have consistently played it during the entirety of the history of this country.
Yes, they have. They have always played the race card, and now they don't want their grandchildren to know the true history of this country. That's why they hate the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory.
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Yes, they have. They have always played the race card, and now they don't want their grandchildren to know the true history of this country. That's why they hate the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory.
Exactly. The Great American Lie will be exposed to their children and their children will be mad at them because they created the anger their children are facing.
That's why Abraham Lincoln knew he had to teach those Southerners a lesson.
By the time of the ACW, the slave states had lost control of the federal government, that is why they seceded. They lost the game so they took their ball and ran home crying.
And the excuses flow. Blacks were whole human beings and the fact whites did what they did was based on race and that's playing the race card according to all of you. Whites invented the race card and have consistently played it during the entirety of the history of this country.
You really love to distort everything. Nothing I said had anything to do with the humanity of slaves. Legally, in the slave states, they were property just like a horse or cow. The slave states wanted them counted in the census for political power, they got three fifths of what they wanted.
By the time of the ACW, the slave states had lost control of the federal government, that is why they seceded. They lost the game so they took their ball and ran home crying.
In the presidential election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln won 39.8% of the vote. In a two way race that is considered to be losing by a landslide.

1860 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

Few people in the free states wanted to free the slaves in slave states. They wanted to keep slavery our of their states because they wanted to keep blacks out of their states. For that same reason they opposed abolition in slave states. If slavery was outlawed in slave states free blacks would move north.

Abolitionists were unpopular in the free states and often faced persecution. If cooler heads had prevailed in the South there would have been no secession, no abolition, and no civil war.

Playing the Black Card​

In America, there's a card more valuable than any card from Visa or American Express. What is it? How can you get one? Candace Owens, Communications Director for Turning Point USA, answers these questions.

Comment: Owens hits a home run in this video

Good one Votar

a grand argument for the end of hyphenated-Americans.....


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