Zone1 The Real Race Card

Good one Votar

a grand argument for the end of hyphenated-Americans.....

Like Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Polish-Americans? Or is hyphenation only a problem when it's African American.

White is a race, and the white card has come with advantages no one else has EVER got.
No one should be bowing to two masters IM2....~S~
Again, does this apply to Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Polish-Americans, etc.?
Again, does this apply to Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Polish-Americans, etc.?
It should apply to any hyphenated American IM2, and you may want to add Jewish-American as well as Palestinian-American to your list!

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It should apply to any hyphenated American IM2, and you may want to add Jewish-American as well as Palestinian-American to your list!

Ok. But the problem with the video is the fact that whites havee played the race card in America.
Sure they have IM2

But it's not exclusive to whites, which is the vid's point....

Actually it is and the video was posted as if whites don't create the card. Because non whiites are told they are playing a race card for opposing whites using the race card to deny non whites from the same things whites get. That video was disingenuous and it's really time some white people stopped this ----
In the presidential election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln won 39.8% of the vote. In a two way race that is considered to be losing by a landslide.

1860 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

Few people in the free states wanted to free the slaves in slave states. They wanted to keep slavery our of their states because they wanted to keep blacks out of their states. For that same reason they opposed abolition in slave states. If slavery was outlawed in slave states free blacks would move north.

Abolitionists were unpopular in the free states and often faced persecution. If cooler heads had prevailed in the South there would have been no secession, no abolition, and no civil war.

Actually, Slavery would have been unstainable in the long run because the rest of the world had pretty much abolished it. The last holdout was Brazil in 1871.

I agree, if the South hadn't overreacted to Lincoln's election, the Civil War could have been avoided, but Slavery would have been on its way out, regardless.

I'm sorry that you didn't get to Own Jamal, but Jamal certainly owned you when he stuffed you in that locker.
Like Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Polish-Americans? Or is hyphenation only a problem when it's African American.

Actually, hyphenation was a problem when it was white people. As Teddy Roosevelt said, "


Which is why I don't call myself a German-American. I'm not German. No one in my family has spoken German in 40 years.
I'm sorry that you didn't get to Own Jamal, but Jamal certainly owned you when he stuffed you in that locker.
That stupid lie is your only response to facts like these:

blackonwhitecrime 4.png



I have never known anyone named Jamal. He is your obsession. What did he do to you?
Your racist charts mean nothing to me.

Look, man, I'm sorry Jamal stole your girl and stuffed you into a locker, but you need to get over it, man.
My racist charts show truths you refuse to acknowledge, even though you know that they are true. Everyone else knows they are true too.

Insults, name calling, lies, and suppression are all those of your persuasion have. What you pretend to believe cannot survive a rational evaluation. The facts are on my side. Everybody knows it. :cool:
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Actually, Slavery would have been unstainable in the long run because the rest of the world had pretty much abolished it. The last holdout was Brazil in 1871.

I agree, if the South hadn't overreacted to Lincoln's election, the Civil War could have been avoided, but Slavery would have been on its way out, regardless.

I'm sorry that you didn't get to Own Jamal, but Jamal certainly owned you when he stuffed you in that locker.
Do you have to be a jerk all the time? Your first two sentences are correct, but the insult was unnecessary.
Now, this thread is not about anything hector or the other usual suspects are talking about. It is about whites using race to their advantage and using race to disadvantage others. That is the white card. The original real race card.
Your charts are bullshit.
You do not prove that by asserting it. Present contrary evidence. The evidence would need to consists of credible data that blacks and whites have comparable degrees of average intelligence, as well as rates of crime and illegitimacy
Actually it is and the video was posted as if whites don't create the card. Because non whiites are told they are playing a race card for opposing whites using the race card to deny non whites from the same things whites get. That video was disingenuous and it's really time some white people stopped this ----
When do you quit your trolling and do something to stop this ----?

My racist charts show truths you refuse to acknowledge, even though you know that they are true. Everyone else knows they are true too.

Your racist charts are garbage prepared by racists, and don't take into account 400 years of systematic racism.

Insults, name calling, lies, and suppression are all those of your persuasion have. What you pretend to believe cannot survive a rational evaluation. The facts are on my side. Everybody knows it.

You work on the assumption your social darwinist garbage that was rejected by the scientific community 50 years ago has merit because you keep reposting it. Tell me, does ONE major university support your Data? Just one. We are waiting.

Do you have to be a jerk all the time? Your first two sentences are correct, but the insult was unnecessary.
Naw, you see, I am trying to get to whatever deep-seated awful thing a black person did to Hector where he feels the need to constantly repost debunked and discredited racial theories to feel better about himself. I imagine it involved a great deal of humiliation.

I mean it must have been pretty awful. It's all he really talks about here, and he manages to bring every discussion around to his racist views.

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